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Healing with hands.

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posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by Wertdagf
reply to post by FreeFalling

Trying to heal someone or something with your mind instead of getting to a vet or hospital is a dangerous idea.

You should never gamble with something you cannot replace.

I agree that the dog needs to see the vet but at that time we could not get in to see the vet.
Tomorrow we hope to get him in. He is walking now but walking sideways like me and he
Still is confused. My sister has him away from me right now because of my state of being.

We love him terribly and he will get the care he needs.
But love and consoling and touch has helped so much .
Thanks for your reply

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 01:29 AM
Do you think the is a practical application of belief? If observance indeed does effect changes at the quantum level I would guess this would be a sign of such a system.
I'll shoot out a prayer for the little guy
edit on 13-7-2013 by cavtrooper7 because: f

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by PtolemyII
reply to post by FreeFalling

You can also move it out of your body ,but you need to be familiar with finding qi. It feels like a ball of energy in some part of your body .
You can sit quietly with your eyes shut ,and try to pin point where the energy is sort of rumbling the strongest .
If you find it. Move it with your mind.
You can do this. Will it into an arm,and down into your hand ,and imagine it flowing out of your hand ,out of your body .

I use my hands in motion tugging and pulling then as a fluttering birdwing movement (its very fast) can feel the energy ball/form, jello like, thick definitly tangible and push move it out off of my fingertips into the ether by pushing it away. The negative wont stick because the barrier Ive built with the hand movement encapsulating the energy is controlled. Its as if Ive built a charge of positive that wont let the negative invade, but I can cast it off without harming myself. Dont you just love being an empath?

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 01:49 AM

Originally posted by cavtrooper7
Do you think the is a practical application of belief? If observance indeed does effect changes at the quantum level I would guess this would be a sign of such a system.
I'll shoot out a prayer for the little guy
edit on 13-7-2013 by cavtrooper7 because: f

If you for some reason had a notion albeit a strange one, "I can Help This Creature" in the meantime would you not act upon it immediately because Logic hopefully would fail you so you try something outside your normal reasonable thinking. I have a sister that has the ability to talk to hooved animals. She sees it as a curse at times, (Dr. Doolittle). Take it and run with the enlightenment not that anyone would believe you had that kind of ability in the first place. Im saying you may have and if curious have to start somewhere to proove it to yourself that you may be able to hands on heal. Its a fact its reality.

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 01:56 AM

Originally posted by cavtrooper7
Do you think the is a practical application of belief? If observance indeed does effect changes at the quantum level I would guess this would be a sign of such a system.
I'll shoot out a prayer for the little guy
edit on 13-7-2013 by cavtrooper7 because: f

After today I can truly say that intent with love has positive affects.
My body is still reeling from this event.
Thanks for the prayers cavtrooper

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 01:58 AM
Running water is the key for me whenever I do things along those lines. We don't have a creek or anything like that nearby, so I just use the water from the tap.

The water flowing over my hands washes the negative energies away, it seems.

By the way, don't let anyone tell you that you did wrong. You helped another creature, whether human or not, through its moment of pain and disease, and that is something you can bet will help you, yourself.

Granted, I don't think that healing hands is a total replacement for modern medicine, but it DOES help, and it CAN save a life, when used properly. Imagine the situation of someone having a heart attack... while 911 is on their way, CPR and laying of hands can and does save a life.

I know from experience that there is more to life than what we perceive, and there IS a scientific explanation to these things. It's not as "woo-woo" as people try to make it all out to be.

Anyhow... yes... as a couple others here have said... water is definitely a key to negating any effects you might end up with via the connection you make with someone else.

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by vethumanbeing

Originally posted by cavtrooper7
Do you think the is a practical application of belief? If observance indeed does effect changes at the quantum level I would guess this would be a sign of such a system.
I'll shoot out a prayer for the little guy
edit on 13-7-2013 by cavtrooper7 because: f

If you for some reason had a notion albeit a strange one, "I can Help This Creature" in the meantime would you not act upon it immediately because Logic hopefully would fail you so you try something outside your normal reasonable thinking. I have a sister that has the ability to talk to hooved animals. She sees it as a curse at times, (Dr. Doolittle). Take it and run with the enlightenment not that anyone would believe you had that kind of ability in the first place. Im saying you may have and if curious have to start somewhere to proove it to yourself that you may be able to hands on heal. Its a fact its reality.

You nailed it!

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by silo13

Roses and running water. Similar experence working in a vineyard, touch the vines weed the area surround then wash the hands. The grapes were so abundant I had to prop up the vines with 'crutches' so as not lie on the ground and rot. It was outstanding. Well water though not a running stream an aquafer pocket, the next year I moved on (new owners) and the grapevines, mature at 25 years died. There is something to human energy when attached is remarkable as to how it can affect plants. I still think about them.

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by Jomina
Running water is the key for me whenever I do things along those lines. We don't have a creek or anything like that nearby, so I just use the water from the tap.

The water flowing over my hands washes the negative energies away, it seems.

By the way, don't let anyone tell you that you did wrong. You helped another creature, whether human or not, through its moment of pain and disease, and that is something you can bet will help you, yourself.

Granted, I don't think that healing hands is a total replacement for modern medicine, but it DOES help, and it CAN save a life, when used properly. Imagine the situation of someone having a heart attack... while 911 is on their way, CPR and laying of hands can and does save a life.

I know from experience that there is more to life than what we perceive, and there IS a scientific explanation to these things. It's not as "woo-woo" as people try to make it all out to be.

Anyhow... yes... as a couple others here have said... water is definitely a key to negating any effects you might end up with via the connection you make with someone else.

I was not able to get to the creek at the time it was suggested but I did turn on the water and let it flow
It felt so freeing and it did feel like it cleansed something inside.
I appreciate your words of encouragement
Thank you jomina

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by vethumanbeing

Originally posted by PtolemyII
reply to post by FreeFalling

You can also move it out of your body ,but you need to be familiar with finding qi. It feels like a ball of energy in some part of your body .
You can sit quietly with your eyes shut ,and try to pin point where the energy is sort of rumbling the strongest .
If you find it. Move it with your mind.
You can do this. Will it into an arm,and down into your hand ,and imagine it flowing out of your hand ,out of your body .

I use my hands in motion tugging and pulling then as a fluttering birdwing movement (its very fast) can feel the energy ball/form, jello like, thick definitly tangible and push move it out off of my fingertips into the ether by pushing it away. The negative wont stick because the barrier Ive built with the hand movement encapsulating the energy is controlled. Its as if Ive built a charge of positive that wont let the negative invade, but I can cast it off without harming myself. Dont you just love being an empath?

I can see there are two sides to this coin
It's to be taken seriously and I have much to learn
from this new development.
I'm seeing life in a whole new light!
Thanks vet-You lead me through a part of the veil

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by Wertdagf
reply to post by FreeFalling

Trying to heal someone or something with your mind instead of getting to a vet or hospital is a dangerous idea.

You should never gamble with something you cannot replace.

Do both

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 09:15 AM
Sending healing is not a substitute for medical attention, and no one ever suggested it was.

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 10:40 AM
Some people have all the luck...I wish I could channel my qi in such a productive manner...

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

We all have our paths to walk.I didn't learn how to heal I went the other way to defend.

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
Some people have all the luck...I wish I could channel my qi in such a productive manner...

Keep trying, there is a reason for your being aware of it in the first place, probably will accidentalily happen in a most unexpected and profound way.

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by cavtrooper7
reply to post by AfterInfinity

We all have our paths to walk.I didn't learn how to heal I went the other way to defend.

How so you have my interest; I can throw objects and hit ridiculously small targets from long distances (would that qualify as defending).

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
Sending healing is not a substitute for medical attention, and no one ever suggested it was.

Thousands of years ago before there were Allopaths how did the human heal itself, or are you suggesting they didnt? Buddist tradition says there is a plant existing on this planet for each and every illness the human sucumes to. Those not including the diseases of manmade origin. They are great herbologists, and for whatever reason do not share this knowledge with the western world.
edit on 13-7-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by FreeFalling

I had previously taken part in a "healing" for a woman suffering from severe varicose veins, for the next 24 hours following I experienced the most aggravating aching in both of my legs.

I believe in healing and have always felt "plugged" into those I had prayed for, it was difficult to shake sometimes especially when there was any type of oppression or depression. Nevertheless, I've found it simply does pass. The information from the other poster regarding living water, is really interesting and I truly hope it helps you!

Good luck to you and your little doggy friend, I suspect you two will have a special relationship.

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by shell69
reply to post by FreeFalling

I had previously taken part in a "healing" for a woman suffering from severe varicose veins, for the next 24 hours following I experienced the most aggravating aching in both of my legs.

I believe in healing and have always felt "plugged" into those I had prayed for, it was difficult to shake sometimes especially when there was any type of oppression or depression. Nevertheless, I've found it simply does pass. The information from the other poster regarding living water, is really interesting and I truly hope it helps you!

Good luck to you and your little doggy friend, I suspect you two will have a special relationship.

Thank you shell69
And an update for all.

This morning the doggy was doing better.
He was shaky and his body quivery and he was just outta sync and Seemed lost. To be expected considering the vicious attack. Sister kept asking me to hold him again and try: since the vet appointment was scheduled for a few hours later I told her I would.

I worked with him for a little bit and amazingly he even got better. His head stopped jerking and he actually started walking straight . He even started drinking water and in a while he was hungry and ate.
When taken to the vet we were told that he would recover and they didn't even do anything or prescribe anything.
Ointment was put on the bite marks.

Me and him are snuggled in right now. I have seen him jump off the bed and he acted better than before the attack.

I am so thankful to the ATS members who chimed in with advice And guidance last night.
I read and researched and accepted what happened to him and me.
It's a whole new world and I thanked Source for the blessing that was layed upon me.
It has been a very humbling day filled with more new experiences .
I'm just stunned and trying to let it all sink in!
There is so much to learn and so much to be thankful for. I am in awe, nothing has ever moved me like this experience. I am still wrapping my head around it and connecting the dots.

Me and Poo are just chillin--lol
Y'all are the best ATS!

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by FreeFalling

Well,you may want to learn cranio sacral therapy . People do it as a profession ,but you can do it just for personal things.
A doctor named Upledger developed it.
It's a hands on,non invasive healing technique ,using image ability to move energy of living beings.
Body energy is essentially what qi is.
Qi can also be spelled chi .
You can google it ,to get some articles about it under your belt.
The upledger insitute is in Florida ,but they so seminars all over the country .
There are levels of training of course ,but even a basic seminar teaches us tons of stuff.
Upledger says its movement of the spinal fluids through the spine and cranial bones ,that make it work ,but it feels like qi to me when I do it.
You would probably be good at it.
Let me find you some links.

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