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Healing with hands.

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posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 10:43 PM
Today my sisters chihuahua was attacked by a huge dog. We couldn't get into a vets office.
The dog was shaking very bad. His eyes were jerking vertically but not in unison.
His head was also jerking and Doddling . The big dog stepped on his back.
We assumed he was in shock and possibly had nerve damage.

I felt so bad for him. I rubbed my hands briskly together and put them on each side of his head.
Then I tried to project healing thoughts and love to him. I held him and tried calm the jerking.

It has seemed to work BUT now I seem to have some of the dogs problems.
My head is dizzy and jerking like his and my vision is off .
I don't know what I've done but I need some guidance on how to release this put of me .

If anyone can help, PLEASE respond.
edit on 12/7/13 by JAK because:
Mod edit: Caps removed. Please see The use of All Caps Thank you - Jak

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by FreeFalling

I stayed with my Aunt each summer for many years. My Aunt ‘Happy’ was a practicing Empath and Healer. And yes she was really called Aunt Happy.

Aunt Happy also grew prize winning roses as her profession and I can remember so many people in and out of the house for roses and her ‘special help’.

After every session she had with people? She would immediately go outside to her roses. I thought it was because they calmed her and helped her relax, something like that - at that age I was a little confused about the whole situation but after a bit I put two and tow together - it wasn't her roses but the water.

After each session she would wash her hands in the crick behind her home. That’s the key.

Running water.

Find ‘live’ water (not from a spigot) and let all the negativity you accumulated ‘go’ in the running water.

I also suggest you do all in your power to explore your gift. It would be a shame to let it go to waste.

I hope this helps.


Edit to Add: Sorry, I forgot to add I hope the wee little dog is feeling better. You too!

edit on 12-7-2013 by silo13 because: see above

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by silo13

Oh my goodness , thank you for a prompt and informative response.
I feel very ill at this moment and need relief. I will try to get to nearest water.
Also I have been picking up emotions and odd feelings that are not mine.
So yes I will try to read on Empaths.
Thank You so Much

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by FreeFalling

When you try to "heal" the karmic suffering of another you end up taking that karma into yourself unless you are very careful and have solved the underlying cause of the karma.

It is best to not interfere with others, especially without their permission.

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by FreeFalling

That's classic transferance .
You put good energy into the dog,and the bad energy of his,went into you .
People who do cranio sacral therapy have this happen to them all the time .
If you do cranio ,you have to go get cranio treatments ,or qi gong .
You can retain the bad energy ,and manifest symptoms for a while.
A lot of negative energy can eventually affect your health . This is a single session,so you should be ok ,but it may last a few days .
I did a cranio treatment on a really sick Lyme disease patient one time ,and I'm aware of bad energy .
We learn to release it ,but it was so bad,it snuck up on me.
I was sick ,with all her symptoms ,for three days . I was afraid to touch her for a while after that .

And yes,you do seem to have the gift of healing. You can learn to channel it with some training .
edit on 7/12/13 by PtolemyII because: (no reason given)

edit on 7/12/13 by PtolemyII because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by FreeFalling

You can also move it out of your body ,but you need to be familiar with finding qi. It feels like a ball of energy in some part of your body .
You can sit quietly with your eyes shut ,and try to pin point where the energy is sort of rumbling the strongest .
If you find it. Move it with your mind.
You can do this. Will it into an arm,and down into your hand ,and imagine it flowing out of your hand ,out of your body .

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by silo13

Yes the dog is better and actually walking now.
I'm amazed and still wiggly inside. This is all BAM- new to me.
Thank you

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by PtolemyII

Thank you. WoW.
What is qi.
I just tried to will it out. I put my hands on my head just like
I did the dogs head and imagined a ball of grey negative junk
And told it to surface to my hands and I threw it away.
I do feel like its easing some.

If you have any guidance , I truly appreciate it, friend.
It seems like you are gifted to me.

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by FreeFalling

find a big rock, preferably something with any kind of crystals in it, and lay your hands on the rock. put the energy into the rock.

It should make you feel better after a minute. You have the event bottled up inside of you, it is making your nerves jumpy. It is your belief that will put the feeling into the rock.

Oh, I see you used another way, there are many ways to skin a cat.
edit on 12-7-2013 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by Metallicus
reply to post by FreeFalling

When you try to "heal" the karmic suffering of another you end up taking that karma into yourself unless you are very careful and have solved the underlying cause of the karma.

It is best to not interfere with others, especially without their permission.

I truly didn't think I was interfering with the dog . I was only
trying to comfort him.

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by FreeFalling

An injured animal welcomes comfort and healing. You weren't interfering

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by rickymouse
reply to post by FreeFalling

find a big rock, preferably something with any kind of crystals in it, and lay your hands on the rock. put the energy into the rock.

It should make you feel better after a minute. You have the event bottled up inside of you, it is making your nerves jumpy. It is your belief that will put the feeling into the rock.

Oh, I see you used another way, there are many ways to skin a cat.
edit on 12-7-2013 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

Thanks Rickymouse
Yes my nerves are jumpy .
But yes thanks to ATS I am feeling better.
Y'all rock!

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by PtolemyII
reply to post by FreeFalling

An injured animal welcomes comfort and healing. You weren't interfering

That's how I felt. The dog was terrified and needed loving hands was how I felt.
I'm happy I helped him, surprised also that it worked like it did.
Thank you for your kindness Ptolemy

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by PtolemyII
reply to post by FreeFalling

That's classic transferance .
You put good energy into the dog,and the bad energy of his,went into you .
People who do cranio sacral therapy have this happen to them all the time .
If you do cranio ,you have to go get cranio treatments ,or qi gong .
You can retain the bad energy ,and manifest symptoms for a while.
A lot of negative energy can eventually affect your health . This is a single session,so you should be ok ,but it may last a few days .
I did a cranio treatment on a really sick Lyme disease patient one time ,and I'm aware of bad energy .
We learn to release it ,but it was so bad,it snuck up on me.
I was sick ,with all her symptoms ,for three days . I was afraid to touch her for a while after that .


And yes,you do seem to have the gift of healing. You can learn to channel it with some training .
edit on 7/12/13 by PtolemyII because: (no reason given)

edit on 7/12/13 by PtolemyII because: (no reason given)

Do you have suggestions where I could learn more about all this,,,,like reputable sites.
You have helped so much and have opened my eyes.
I have a feeling my life has changed today.
I feel electrified lol
Peace to you

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 11:57 PM
Running water is important. And also seeing the energy cloud, going away not in you.

Sword Fingers with Chunyi Lin - An Energy Healing Technique for Helping Others

This shows pictures of chi and imaging the chi leaving, but what it also shows is how to see the cloud of dark smoke/disease leaving and dissipating.

Shaking the hands often, and then putting them under running water, and the rock is also good too.

There is no karmic thing about helping others. That is a masonic dark side idea, and it turns my stomach to even hear anyone espousing such nonsense. Love and always let that guide you. Don't know if masonic is the word I'm looking for, many masons may be quick to help another in need. I mean those who believe dark gnostic or occult ideas, and are very karmic oriented. They've lost their salt as the bible says and common sense. The 2 witnesses, Love and Wisdom.
edit on 13-7-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 12:10 AM
Regarding healing and karma, is it the same as healing with chi?
Chi masters who heal people, do they need to somehow direct the negative karma elsewhere?

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
Running water is important. And also seeing the energy cloud, going away not in you.

Sword Fingers with Chunyi Lin - An Energy Healing Technique for Helping Others

This shows pictures of chi and imaging the chi leaving, but what it also shows is how to see the cloud of dark smoke/disease leaving and dissipating.

Shaking the hands often, and then putting them under running water, and the rock is also good too.

There is no karmic thing about helping others. That is a masonic dark side idea, and it turns my stomach to even hear anyone espousing such nonsense. Love and always let that guide you. Don't know if masonic is the word I'm looking for, many masons may be quick to help another in need. I mean those who believe dark gnostic or occult ideas, and are very karmic oriented. They've lost their salt as the bible says and common sense. The 2 witnesses
, Love and Wisdom.
edit on 13-7-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

Thank you for your reply and guidance
And I wasn't worried about the karma at the time
I was full of love and trying to let the dog feel that
I will always lead with love and good intent,,,it's in my heart and soul!
Will watch the video now.
Bless you

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by peashooter

I was referring more to the concept of not helping someone, an animal, a person, when you can, or try to, due to a perceived idea that they are meant to suffer karmically. This is a very strong belief amongst dark hats. Its so sickening, goes against common sense altogether, and makes the person losing their love, their salt, apathetic, not normal.

I recall long conversations that worried me, from someone who was very caring and had profound ideas, yet was trying to share the concept of many who would say you would not assist a child, running down the road, chased by a knife wielding suspect, because this was their fate, in a sense, and you would be interferring as if it was wrong. WRONG? It goes the other way and very very much so! PERIOD.
edit on 13-7-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 12:37 AM
When laying on hands or attempting healing, you may also just find your hands burn, sting, and become really prickly, especially on certain areas. It can be useful the energy in the auric field above the body, to sense how far out you can experience the static or auric fields, and to smooth, the energy. To shake your hands often and use running water at times.

But also, to say, I am filled with radiant health and energy. I have healing hands. Thank Source, Creator, Higher Self, Love and Goodness. Having gratitude is good. And faith in the right timing. Say, I always turn all energies to positive, and nothing but health can stay with me. I am completely well, wellness radiates from every part of me.

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by FreeFalling

Trying to heal someone or something with your mind instead of getting to a vet or hospital is a dangerous idea.

You should never gamble with something you cannot replace.

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