posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by Kashai
Ok, I wasn't thinking all that deeply on the subject to be fair. But here's my take on things.
Transplants are a bit of a perfect storm sort of thing. You need to have an extreme set of circumstances to pull it off I'd imagine.
Obviously the donor body (my view only) should be from a major head trauma, causing complete catastrophic brain death. I would not consider someone
mentally retarded ever being used. Then you need the head, being kept alive kept alive by medicine perhaps.. Perhaps they are an extreme crush
victim that when freed would bleed out...? Would they bargain for their life in such a circumstance? No doubt.
Would they be able to live with an alien body to them down the road...? That's a hard one to answer and would vary upon individual.
For me, I would say yes.
Am I qualified to make such a statement? I would also say yes because I've been wheelchair bound now for the last 10 years or so and would literally
cut off my ENTIRE body to have a chance to go hiking again with my kids.
Does the cashier become relevant? Nope, that cashier might seem like an unaccomplished loser to you or me, but perhaps to his son he is the greatest
dad who always has the right answers.
So, I think that in an extreme case of a devastating accident, that once un-extraordinary cashier would then become an extraordinary example of human
intellect and skill.
Should it be done?? (insert deity of choice) knows!