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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by The GUT

A relevant quote...

"At the Berkley Radiation Laboratory, Bohm began what was to become his landmark work on plasmas. A plasma is a gas containing a high density of electrons and positive ions...To his amazement he found that once they were in a plasma, they were part of a larger and interconnected whole. Although their individual movements appeared random, vast numbers of electrons were able to produce effects that were surprisingly well-organized. Like some amoeboid creature, the plasma constantly regenerated itself and enclosed impurities in a wall in the same way that a biological organism might encase a foreign substance in a cyst.(4) So struck was Bohm by these organic qualities that he later remarked he'd frequently had the impression the electron sea was "alive." (5) - The Holographic Universe, Talbot, page 38.

4. Hilly & Peat, Quantum, p.3;
5. John P. Briggs and F. David Peat, Looking Glass Universe, pg. 96)

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by AboveBoard

More on self-organizing cell like structures in a plasma medium:

A phenomenological model of self-organization explaining the emergence of a complexity with features that apparently satisfy the specific criteria usually required for recognizing the appearance of life in laboratory is presented. The described phenomenology, justified by laboratory experiments, is essentially based on local
self-enhancement and long-range inhibition. The complexity represents a primitive organism self-assembled in a gaseous medium revealing, immediately after its “birth“, many of the prerequisite features that attribute them the quality to evolve, under suitable conditions, into a living cell.

It's a dense read, but worthwhile. Essentially, when a charge is introduced into a plasma medium, it instigates the formation of cellular structures, complete with a nucleus and a membranous boundary. The authors go so far as to attribute phenomena such as ball lightning to this process.

And here's the go-to guy for more info on plasma-based lifeforms, Dr. Jay Alfred:

The entities that we have loosely identified as ghosts, angels, jinns, demons, deities (for example the Marian apparitions in the atmosphere), aliens, biological UFOs, fairies and sightings of the recently deceased (on the surface of the Earth) are characteristic of these predicted exotic plasma life forms from interpenetrating dark plasmaspheres or counterpart Earths. They constitute an ecology of plasma life forms that evolved throughout Earth's history and sometimes formed symbiotic relationships with the carbon-based life forms that we are more familiar with. Homo sapiens evolved carbon-based bodies that formed symbiotic relationships with some of these plasma life forms (indicating a type of symbio-genesis). When the carbon-based bodies died, the bioplasma bodies (resulting from the symbiosis) continue their existence in the counterpart Earths.

Fun stuff.

edit on 25-8-2013 by Eidolon23 because: Doctor!

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 09:38 PM
I "decided" last night to back off this thread, and now I simply cannot. Thanks, Brotherman, for some fascinating, scintillating information about Dr. Manguno, which has now sucked me thoroughly back into this thread. And the morem I read and connect together his specific arreas of study, the more the FL group seems illuminated, but on a level way beyond in a scientific sense than has previously been discussed in this thread.

First, his specialization in lithography would most likey be along these specific lines:

The word lithography also denotes photolithography, a microfabrication technique used in the microelectronics industry to make integrated circuits and microelectromechanical systems.

Next, spectography: Source

A spectrograph is an instrument that separates an incoming wave into a frequency spectrum. There are several kinds of machines referred to as spectrographs, depending on the precise nature of the waves. The first spectrographs used photographic paper as the detector. The star spectral classification and discovery of the main sequence, Hubble's law and the Hubble sequence were all made with spectrographs that used photographic paper. The plant pigment phytochrome was discovered using a spectrograph that used living plants as the detector. More recent spectrographs use electronic detectors, such as CCDs which can be used for both visible and UV light. The exact choice of detector depends on the wavelengths of light to be recorded.

And third, pulled from the top source, concerning " microelectrmechanical systems:"

Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) (also written as micro-electro-mechanical, MicroElectroMechanical or microelectronic and microelectromechanical systems) is the technology of very small devices; it merges at the nano-scale into nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) and nanotechnology. MEMS are also referred to as micromachines (in Japan), or micro systems technology – MST (in Europe).
MEMS are separate and distinct from the hypothetical vision of molecular nanotechnology or molecular electronics. MEMS are made up of components between 1 to 100 micrometres in size (i.e. 0.001 to 0.1 mm), and MEMS devices generally range in size from 20 micrometres (20 millionths of a metre) to a millimetre (i.e. 0.02 to 1.0 mm). They usually consist of a central unit that processes data (the microprocessor) and several components that interact with the surroundings such as microsensors.[1] At these size scales, the standard constructs of classical physics are not always useful. Because of the large surface area to volume ratio of MEMS, surface effects such as electrostatics and wetting dominate over volume effects such as inertia or thermal mass.
The potential of very small machines was appreciated before the technology existed that could make them—see, for example, Richard Feynman's famous 1959 lecture There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom. MEMS became practical once they could be fabricated using modified semiconductor device fabrication technologies, normally used to make electronics. These include molding and plating, wet etching (KOH, TMAH) and dry etching (RIE and DRIE), electro discharge machining (EDM), and other technologies capable of manufacturing small devices. An early example of a MEMS device is the resonistor – an electromechanical monolithic resonator.[2][3]

This would seem to be, among other things, to bring the plasma into it as an example, a way to make an artificial cell that can then be made to behave as a very real one......and this is just looking at it in the simplest of terms. Of course, these things combined, mean far more than that and tying in with FL and what Eidolon23 as added above: either a way to systematically create a new universe, divert energy to manifest it, and create ways and physical life forms for what isn't able to manifest in this dimension to take shape and form, and this diversion of energy and ways of making and controlling it would be, indeed, a holographic universe, but creating more control over what is seen and manifested, and what life or energy imbues it.....
Perhaps this is already the nature of what we live within already, but this is the science and way of controlling and diverting energy. It could also easily become vampiric in nature as it would be taking energy from one form of life to give another life, a form it didn't have already......

edit on 25-8-2013 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-8-2013 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by tetra50

glad you found interest in that, there is so so soooo much more information to be discussed in so many fields and disciplines that could or should be presented if we wanted to discuss FL's interests. I still maintain lots of reading in regards to communication anything else for me is usually off topic for me. Hunting primary sources can be a bit of a pain but hey what the hell.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 09:51 PM
Okay, this is all starting to make a little more sense--I think--to me now that I'm digging into the website a little deeper.

Here's a couple of thoughts that are forming:

Why many of the direct quotations of sources are in english: Because the "anti-language," or "code," might not be robust enough, as of yet, to fully delineate the expressed meaning and as academics/scholars there would be a natural aversion to mutilate someone else's work and/or intended meaning.

Why does FL use "anti-language": Maybe one unstated reason is that they are interested in subject matter that wouldn't be accepted in so-called 'peer-reviewed' journals, and their esoteric interests could also cause them headaches if they teach at university or hold research positions.

While the group probably does have cult potential, and some of their hoped-for techs would obviously hold potential for misuse, I'm starting to feel that while they all share some of the same interests, they may not all be concerned with one specific goal.

Probably more harmless than they have seemed at times as we've gleaned the FL fields. Although I personally believe that some of them might be getting deeper into their heads, or the Aether, than might be healthy for them.

Here's a few more interesting topics:

Technosignatures: Assesing long-term impact of Class-IV encounters

"The fear to really contemplate the terrestrial consequences of a confrontation with extraterrestrials"

"Radical fear is based on several anthropocentric pre-assumptions, the key one being this: they are strangers, hence, they are dangerous"

"Not only has Earth initially provided an environment for life to develop, but also the resulting living organisms have subsequently shaped the planet. But... whose planet is it, anyway?"

"Contact between a Type-I civilization and a Type-II civilization can only be made in the Type-II's home stellar system. Otherwise, the encounter will likely imply the total collapse of Type-I civilization."

"Contact with Earth's civilization is bound to be asymmetrical. Wanted or not, this will be psychologically devastating for them."

Ecological Linguistics:
Countering the new world dharma

"what is needed is fact a new form of language—not a new tongue or lingua franca, but a mode of expressing language using vivid signifiers."

Responding to steady quality of living diminishments within the environmental mandala in which individual lives are constructed, and in acknowledgement of the accrued ancestral wisdom of cultures around the world—of unvarnished ‘global’ human culture—this version of language, or literary discourse, must also certainly encompass a hybridized form of thought, a type of multiculturally-attuned, ecological linguistics.

If globalization therefore is to be more than a relentless series of cultural upheavals during the coming century, it must succeed in overcoming a barrage of regressive cultural and perceptual barriers. This will require new thinking concerning the nature of humanity’s own meaning and purpose in a geopolitically and spiritually uncertain era

Interspecies Underwater Communications
Obfuscating USO-Signals within Biosignals

On the other hand, we have modeled analytically the behavior (in terms of percentage of lost packets and average RTT) of the EM electromagnetic signals in freshwater when we transmit information between two wireless sensor nodes. Both the percentage of lost packets and the average RTT value, in ms, can be represented by a polynomial expression of degree 6. These equations let us predict the percentage of lost packets and the average RTT value that we will have in a real underwater wireless sensor network.

edit on 25-8-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 10:09 PM
Also: They're conspiracy theorists in their own right, too, I do believe!

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by The GUT

what you quote here only serves to strengthen my perception that this is DARPA funded and supports a one world globalization effort. Certainly, it has been rumored (perhaps I can even find sources to back it up, but I doubt it) that the NSA, in conjunction with DARPA and the military) has already "wired" the world with sensors.....and Dr. Mangano, who Brotherman has introduced into the thread, is also a specialist in sensors and the EM field.
Combining nano tech with "micro tech, seems to just really be skipping a step here that was less feasible than creating micro thin, tiny machine tech, in other words arriving at nanotechnology through a slightly different methodology, though it seems it's still being studied how to utilize chemistry in this application, as well, which is more along the lines of classic nanotechnology.

The reason FL would have been funded in this effort is what you seem to have quoted here, Gut. If communication is what creates, in large part, a culture, these cultures must also be broken down and substituted with one sounds like a recipe for breaking it down, while controlling that breakdown (the last quoted paragraph about packets lost) via the fear of extraterrestrial encounters forcing a one world unity, if you will, and a way of rapid changing of communication to rebuild it, perhpas, through the use of fear and the "Responding to steady quality of living diminishments within the environmental mandala in which individual lives are constructed," giving a nod to how exploitive a pattern of life is seen in nature as well as human. Perhaps this is being done on purpose; certainly if these scientific approaches are already in play, it is quite possible. Between the microchipping of various species of animals in the interests of "research" and the mention of sensors and packets being lost, implying some kind of computer interface, combined with manipulatiof of the EM field, all these things are possible, and are being used to drive this future into a reality.

I guess the question is: Will you be able to choose whether you see faeries or monsters? A vivid thought process of sacrificial energy, such as the name of the group implies, and the videos describe in graphic, vivid detail, a I've read them described, as a means and justification for the "diversion" of energy, using a mandala like format---as mentioned here a dog chasing its tail, the mandala being a snake eating his.......

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by tetra50
The reason FL would have been funded in this effort is what you seem to have quoted here, Gut. If communication is what creates, in large part, a culture, these cultures must also be broken down and substituted with one culture....

A "uptopian" vision of globalization is one reason why certain folk are attracted to the idea. It sounds good on paper. It feels right. It's also part and parcel of many esoteric belief systems. Heck, I'd go for it if I didn't understand humankind and history better.

What the reality will probably turn out to be is the collective one-world hive, with the queen bee as focal point--the Queen metaphorically in my example being an unethical globalist elite--needs "idealistic" worker bees that "support" the system.

So, yeah, that's a danger I see here. Possibly unwitting and "patriotic" "soldiers" ripe for misuse by those who are seeking control rather than Utopia. Those type will preach Utopia as if they really mean it, however, and thereby dupe the gentle philosopher.

That's where a DARPA could/would step in. Or an alphabet start-up in the first place that is recruiting the unwitting and decent-hearted intelligentsia (ala Vallee's assertion about CIA cult-building.)

Has THAT happened? I can't go there as of now. You know me though: I would in a heartbeat!

Another interesting thought has hit me when pondering the "copyright" aspect in association with the coded anti-language: If the research papers can't be read by anyone but the members, then the material is "new" to the rest of the world, and someone could eventually publish the "best of" and probably make a good buck.

I mean, the artwork is already done and copyrighted, and the pain-in-tha-butt bibliographies are print ready. Just some more guesserology, but it's kind of sticking with me so far as a concept.

ETA: I'm DEFINITELY with ya on electromagnetics as key to what some nefarious folk are up to, though! Every dark corner I poke into, the subject rears its head. It's key, I believe, to whatever gamechanger is about to happen to us.

edit on 25-8-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 12:24 AM

The secret languages of China: From tradesmen’s jargon to anti-languages

There is a puzzle associated with the existence of Faho. The ordinary local speech of Sìbǎo — not Faho — is notorious across the whole of Liánchéng county because everyone claims to find it incomprehensible. Why would people whose neighbors already cannot understand them need an extra layer of secrecy in the form of a secret language?

Now FL knows how we feel.

forgott enlanguages

edit on 26-8-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 07:11 AM
The return of the 'Shining Ones"....?

Floater Structures in Ancient Mesopotamia

However, the review of mythical and spiritual visual arts from former and non-Western cultures discloses abstract symbols that resemble the typical structures of shining structure floaters (cf. Tausin 2012a). This suggests that floaters have been widely interpreted as a mythical or spiritual phenomenon; and that there might be a perceptual dimension of floaters that is hardly known to modern man.

Seeing and experiencing shining structure floaters opens the way to an entoptic explanation of such associations: Floaters are threads filled with isolated or complete rows of spheres. Most are curved like branches; a few are straight like a pillar or a trunk. They are “celestial bodies” or deities insofar as they can be seen as bright lights at the sky. Finally, they appear or intensify in the shamans’ or seers’ central visual field during energetic states of consciousness, i.e. states of awe and wonder which contribute to the feeling of “sacredness” vis-à-vis the perceived. It is reasonable, then, to consider that the tree and the pillar have been inspired by floaters which were experienced as “sacred” and as the “world’s center” by those seeing them.

A closer look at the Mesopotamian notions of the organization of the world and the cosmos reveals patterns similar to the concentric circles of floaters. Like other ancient and shamanic cultures (Eliade 1957), the people of Mesopotamia imagined a cosmos that is divided into three parts: Heavenly spheres, earth and underworld

groups of entoptic circles or spheres – like the shining structure floaters – might have been understood as the epiphany, or divine appearance, of Igigi dwelling in the highest heavenly spheres

Or maybe they never left...?

Thought for the day, what's a Giselian...?

during the interrogation of a Giselian prisioner? All those techniques will render useless, because the psychophysiology of an EBO is simply different

Lessons learnt from Giselian prisoners.
edit on 26-8-2013 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 07:25 AM

example of an engineered language they refer to as Cassini Diskus, they publish articles written in this on their website, without translation.

Cassini Diskus

Connecting to the picture like you would a remote viewing target, a wave formed and rippled across it from top left to bottom right, then a scientist guy moved into the window and looked out at me! (it was pretty fuzzy) but that was enough for me to disconnect straight away. Is this what they call a 'magic window' ? Is this language a type of quantum interface? the odd thing was that he was in a different time zone (as in future based) to my current time position. Weirdest thing I've come across for a long time. Are we sending ourselves a message from the future?

On a purely intuitive note I feel the videos were released as 'they don't know what they are' and have received them some way and it was put out into the public domain so they might gather ideas.

Not sure how I feel about all this, think I'll sit this one out and watch from the side lines. . .

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by oxford

example of an engineered language they refer to as Cassini Diskus, they publish articles written in this on their website, without translation.

Cassini Diskus

Connecting to the picture like you would a remote viewing target, a wave formed and rippled across it from top left to bottom right, then a scientist guy moved into the window and looked out at me! (it was pretty fuzzy) but that was enough for me to disconnect straight away. Is this what they call a 'magic window' ? Is this language a type of quantum interface? the odd thing was that he was in a different time zone (as in future based) to my current time position. Weirdest thing I've come across for a long time. Are we sending ourselves a message from the future?

On a purely intuitive note I feel the videos were released as 'they don't know what they are' and have received them some way and it was put out into the public domain so they might gather ideas.

Not sure how I feel about all this, think I'll sit this one out and watch from the side lines. . .

As I understand what you are saying here, it is what you experienced when focusing on this image....if that's what happened to you, don't blame you for wanting to "sit this one out" as I did for many, many pages, and just read. And have chosen not to watch the videos, nor focus much on that pic of Cassini Diskus.

Somewhere buried in here Ayndril (or someone on the FL site), wrote and was quoted here by The gut not too many posts above yours, that a new culture would need a style of communication that had as much to do with thought forms, as the writing of it. And Kantzveldt, I believe, among others, posed that what FL was partly about was bringing presences which cannot manifest in our plane of existence into said plane, manifesting just as we do, in human form......

How that may fit into a one world globalization effort is what is, at least to some, frightening, especially if we're talking about demonic entities. Or is that another layer to stave off too much interest, or to attract interest from a particular subset of people with certain beliefs?

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 10:58 AM
The metaphysics here are dense... almost as dense as me before my coffee. So, as I can't add much besides short synopsis, dense questions and unintentional affronts (sorry beverage... truly) I must express surprise that we have mentioned balls of plasma being used by us (and a them) as exotic communication devices and had an rv'r get popped out of his timeline and into the view of a "scientist" when targeting FL (or was it the C-D language?). Some specificity about that instance would be lovely because I'll take somewhat unproven psychic watching over nothing any day.

And "Giselian prisoner" brought nada except a super-model's s&m adventures, Kandzt... so at least some of us are happily chasing our tails and crashing our browsers with Scribd downloads and NSA tracing cookies while the pros throw us scraps... thanks for the scraps, Pros... yummy.

And Gut, someday we're gunna have to have some sort of world gov... one that hopefully doesn't homogenize people more than they already are for selfish reasons of having somewhere exotic to travel to... but you're entirely correct in your caveats and worldview... and I wonder what timeline such a gov is predicted with internet connectedness and environmental memes, etc. and which think tank's done the predicting.

And those pesky demons, Tetra, can't stop us from looking in on their domain occasionally, and we should buck up and acknowledge the bad, the good and the indifferent while also knowing that there are undoubtedly realms beyond our ability to understand but we'll only understand by blundering into them... and I hope the folks doing the blundering are savanty artist types rather than cold, science types of the kind that once set off an explosion in the stratosphere that had a (slim) chance of burning the atmosphere and they did it anyway 'cause they could.

edit- And Brotherman, that reference sailed way, way (86% anyway) over my head and any explanation (like you are typing to a retarded spaniel) or reference would be greatly appreciated... I'll happily do my own reading once I know what book to pull!
edit on 8/26/2013 by Baddogma because: (no reason given)

edit on 8/26/2013 by Baddogma because: so to do

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by Baddogma

I wasn't sure what they mean by an EBO, could be an effects based operation;

EBO has been an emerging concept, with multiple views on what it meant and how it could be implemented. Most notably, military scientists at the Air Force Research Lab, the Army Research Lab and DARPA engaged in research to develop automated tools to annotate options and recommend courses of action.


But sounds more like an extra terrestrial biological organism in their contextual usage, all that seems certain however is that if you meet an EBO Giselian you should take it prisoner and begin interrogation.

They need to issue a citizens advice pamphlet on this or something as that might only count if you meet one, but what happens if you come across a gazillion Giselians...?
edit on 26-8-2013 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 12:21 PM

The sleep of reason produces monsters

“Imagination abandoned by reason produces impossible monsters; united with her, she is the mother of the arts and source of their wonders.”

edit on 26-8-2013 by Eucarpo because: No link to the photo

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by Kantzveldt
Reading your very interesting post and seeing the Christmas tree pic, brought to mind a couple of things.

One of those being that after seeing my own pulsating, brilliant orb , and after following ufology for many years, I have started to wonder if the so-called "Chinese lanterns" were initially used as an homage to something truly anomalous that more ancient folk, like me in the present, had witnessed. Mini-tributes if you will.

The other thought that came to mind was Phd Michael Heiser's paper on the "shining ones."

...The reason why Eve wasn’t shocked that a snake was talking to her is because she wasn’t talking to a snake. She was talking to a luminous divine being and not an animal of any kind. That being may have had some sort of serpentine appearance, but he was not a snake from the animal kingdom. To make my case to you we’ll need to do two things: (1) look at Genesis 3, Ezekiel 28, and Isaiah 14 very closely; and (2) examine the ancient backdrop for the descriptions of the garden of Eden. We’ll tackle the second one of these first since it’s critical to understanding what’s going on in Genesis 3. Turns out that Eden was the place where the divine council held its meetings.

In the broader non-biblical worldview of people in the ancient Mediterranean and Middle East, the divine council was said to hold its meetings on a “cosmic mountain." This is one of the reasons why certain mountains were considered sacred ground. The cosmic mountain or garden was that location where the gods lived and met, so to speak, where heaven and earth intersected, where divine decrees were given and kingship was exercised. The cosmic mountain was not only described as a mountain, but was also a well-watered place, a garden. In biblical terms, this supernatural meeting place was the headquarters or nerve center from which Yahweh administered the earth through his divine council.

…Hebrew word translated “serpent” or “snake” in Genesis 3 is nachash (pronounced, nakash). More specifically, the word is ha-nachash. The prefixed “ha” is the way Hebrew denotes a definite article (the word for “the”). So ha-nachash may be said to mean “the nachash.”

…the adjectival meaning of nachash—is the solution to the contradiction problem. When nachash serves as an adjective, it’s meaning is “shining bronze” or “polished” (as in “shiny”). By adding the article to the word, ha-nachash would then quite easily mean “the shining one.” Angelic or divine beings are elsewhere described in the Bible as “shining” or luminous, at times with this very word,

We often don’t think about how common this vocabulary of “shining brilliance” is for angels and other divine beings. The Bible abounds with descriptions of such beings as “flashing” or “as lightning,” or uses the brilliance of jewels to describe the blazing appearance of such beings. This has important ramifications for solving the “snake” problem…

If a life-form was plasma-based and connected to EM, then they would, when showing themselves to us at least, be "shining ones, eh?

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by oxford

Cassini Diskus has been explained early on in this thread, it has everything to do with being heard not read.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by tetra50

Originally posted by tetra50 The reason FL would have been funded in this effort is what you seem to have quoted here, Gut. If communication is what creates, in large part, a culture, these cultures must also be broken down and substituted with one culture....

Communication does not create in large part culture. Language whether verbal, written, or kinesics, is only a limited window into an observer ('s) take on reality. Culture is formed through many different things such as location, lifestyle, etc etc. A language is a reflection of this but limited as words are not enough to explain exactly what it is someone is trying to say. Words are very limited in a way, consider you go to the home depot and ask for red paint, how many kinds of red paint do you think they have? Imagine if you could just look at my mind and know exactly what I see, feel, remember, and understand, at that point the idea of have to speak or write it down becomes an obsolete technology as you can experience my reality exact with out cookie cutter words. This is the basis of what they are doing at FL on the surface, I suggest digging up links I posted early on to understand wholly what it is I mean and apologize in advance if my explanation is to general as I can try and elaborate further if what I am trying to say is not good enough, it is a tricky aspect.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by Kantzveldt
Thought for the day, what's a Giselian...?

Gisel is an old Saxon word for 'hostage'...which works in context with the article, also origin of the French name 'Giselle'.

They're a pretentious lot, those FL types, I'll say that for 'em

The suffix '-ian' is misused, and really, in conjunction with 'prisoner'...kind of over stating their point for the sake of airs and graces.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by Kantzveldt
reply to post by Baddogma

I wasn't sure what they mean by an EBO, could be an effects based operation;

Could as likely mean, Experiment Based Observation...given the over all context.

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