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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by Doodle19815
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

And look at that links vids, you have sometimes two or more opposing things being translated, the visuals say one thing the audio another,

Maybe that is the point..... To see how much our language directs us. If we visually see something, but hear communication that differs, what do we as humans do?

You fill in the gaps, that's all language is. Filling in the gaps in both understanding and perspectives, experiences, and what not, its quite on quite not quite factual or real, its approximate. In visualization you fill in the gaps in the things you may have missed or were to fast for the naked eye to grasp, in thought it is the same process going on in your head. Language just follows that train and all its baggage, tacking on and bending to suit a medium. For you see one must not be able to understand one another, one must merely be able to assume or accept or believe that they understand one another, to come to an understanding of each other.

Presumptions are presuming. But that's all language is, merely a place to meet in the middle a median its an expanding and constantly contrasting process. Language is a constantly moving river, and if it leads to an ocean. Well who can say?

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by Brotherman

Wow there dude. I would like to say that I aint reading all that #, it may be interesting but really you may have the time for all that. However I do not. Besides I am to lazy to be reading all that stuff, even all the links on that site srry but if they cant cram all of that in a few sentences I aint going to bother. Much less all the different languages they use to say the same thing, its cool, may be there hobby or something. But I do find it kind of redundant, and the average person not into linguistics and all that is not going to be spending any time going through it. That would only lead to there interpretations of what they wrote, which is just leads to interpreting there interpretations.

I can almost promise you will begin to see what these people are really talking about and doing, it is a mockery to them and their research with this vampyr non-sense, it really is.

Expressing one self by such means is nothing new, its cliche in fact. Somebody must have a vampire fetish or at least be into the myth's surrounding the vampyr. But another terms for vampyr is lechers and moochers, merely nonsense. But certain people do prescribe to such, and it is in certain natures in fact in all of human nature in one way or one capacity or another. I think there just cross reverencing, its old habits to look to the sky and aether and see gods and demons. The mind of humanity is steeped in such things part of the programing languages, and all created to escape something much more frightening. Actual real and in your face present reality.

Over generations certain types subscribe to certain mythos and so have ingrained themeselfs as that, no different then how over time certain families have become porters, or smiths, or thatchers, ascribing something to a certain lifestyle or believe or mythos. In many ways its kind of how one kid would like spiderman and another would like batman while another will like superman. All dandy indeed. But as everybody knows the ultimate superhero is superspiderbatman, the dude has the powers of all those deities with none of the weaknesses.

I have no need or reason to fully elaborate and explain the intrinsic and often times hard to follow concepts to those that chose not to look for themselves as that would be insulting to their intelligence.

By all means insult there intelligence. Somebody has got to do it, I would do it but I am busy with important stuff and things.

I am not trying to be rude but it is apparent other members agree I present "bated" and unreasonable arguments, so I will just contribute the relevant research I have been doing almost non stop around the clock. B-man

Hey I think what you contributed is pretty cool. And hey if you get any more videos from these weirdos post them up, even the wanna be creepy ones. I would say there alright some of them are even pretty interesting, the one with the golden eye girl I would give a 8.5 out of ten the others meh. And The only link I read was the one on synesthesia , and even that I skimmed. All's I can say is. WTF how is Monday and January red? That is some major crosswiring if January comes out to be red, I would think it would be beige or white or even blue, but red. That is a negative. I mean can we get a different opinion from other synthesis people? Or was the dude merely extrapolating his explanations.

The link you linked.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by Direne

Greetings Direne. I have no questions, but its good to see and get a more direct locality into this whole thing. To which hopefully you at least will be informing and indulging us about. Some of the people here minds tend to turn into the really far and out outrageously so when not anchored to any solidity. Some even seemed to think that you all were not just some people who got together for whatever reason with the tie of common interests. Bizarre I know! But there it is.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

I was never into linguistics until like a few days ago or so when this thread first popped up was just trying to give the info. You wrote a bible I will have to read that again to make sure I cover everything lol there is a lot there you wrote.

synesthesia is an interesting anomoly from what I have been reading the idea that color matches a recognized pattern the research points to cross connections in your minds biology you should read the whole transcript you will probably find it interesting as it is alot more complex then that I tried to keep this short so you stay interested
and I do not have all the answers as I am rabidly absorbing all of the information I can, I am even trying to apply the little I learned to practice in terms of other language as well just as a test to see if i understand things correctly
edit on 16-7-2013 by Brotherman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by Direne

You are trying to cause the emergence of Tlön, aren't you?


edit on 16-7-2013 by Bybyots because: .

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by Bybyots

No. Actually, we are dismantling Tlön. Too many "experts" ruling is what we call "anarchy".

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by Direne

We are all happy that you have joined this forum so many of us are interested in your work! At some point do you think it would be possible to break down Lexical representation experiments? I have been dredging through lots of literature and to be honest I do not know or understand some of the jargon and cannot find sourced information to support the study ( I do not claim is bunk or anything some people still use books) some things just fleet my mind in such a way, it doesnt have to be soon =D you have lots of info people are asking from you as it is. Thank you again for joining us!
edit on 16-7-2013 by Brotherman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by abeverage

If you recall in the past there were code talkers, people who used obscure languages as a means of secret communication during wartime. Obviously, those 'obscure languages' are not 'obscure', 'satanic', 'creepy', or 'sacred' They are natural languages much as English is. Navajo speakers were at a time used for that. So, in essence, the idea of using a natural language to obfuscate communications is not at all new.

The problem is that because those languages can be learnt, commsec is compromised (even when the Navajo speakers were already transmitting via radio encoded and ciphered messages). So yes, using and invented language is a better and cheaper solution if what you want is to prevent others to understand what you are communicating. Additionally, coming with a synthetic language of your own takes just one afternoon these days. There is no way to decode it, for nothing is encoded. No ciphers, for nothing is ciphered. And no way for the others to decipher the language, because there is no Rosetta Stone to help.

You can even go further, if you wish. You can hide your text inside text (using a technique called natural language injection). You can have a look here: This is a powerful technique for you end up reading a text without noticing there is a text hidden within. Or you can use text watermarking techniques, which simply encodes information in a very clever way by modifying an existing text in such a way that goes unnoticed to the casual reader (by encoding information using the separation between words, or even in typos).

Cassini Diskus is not a language. It is a device to encode information using sound and images and transforming that encoded information into a signal, that is then transmitted at a frequency 27 Hz and/or 12.704 GHz.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 03:28 AM
So I have to ask why the hostility towards the indo-europeans? Also the history cited is rather outdated

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 03:33 AM
reply to post by Direne

Direne, I sent you a U2U message this is like a semi private message you can retrieve on the show ribbon and then message bar you will find on the bottom right it will be a yellow link to use to get to this feature, I think I figured out how to read your natural language injections and I discuss it there

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by Brotherman

You have some bibliography here: Of it, I found interesting these:

Baayen, R.H. (2005). Data mining at the intersection of psychology and linguistics. In A. Cutler (Ed.), Twenty-first century psycholinguistics: Four cornerstones (pp. 69-83). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Rastle, K., Davis, M.H., & New, B. (2004). The broth in my brother's brothel: Morphoorthographic segmentation in visual word recognition. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 11, 1090-1098.

Wurm, L.H. (2000). Auditory processing of polymorphemic pseudowords. Journal of Memory and Language, 42, 255-271.

Wurm work is quite interesting, so anything you can find will be helpful. All of the papers cited in the bibliography section here are extremely interesting, more specifically:

Lau, E., Rozanova, K., & Phillips, C. (2007). Syntactic Prediction and Lexical Surface Frequency Effects in Sentence Processing, University of Maryland Working Papers in Linguistics.

Lau, E., Stroud, C., Plesch, S., & Phillips, C. (2006). The role of structural prediction in rapid syntactic analysis. Brain and Language, 98(1), 74-88.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 03:39 AM
reply to post by Direne

Yes these links are helpful to an extent Ayndryl has referred me to such it created a chasm in my learning curve, I went to find answers some of which requires the eye of a trained and educated person that delves in these things for explination in some instances simply because when searching for answers context and experimental jargon gets in the way, a google search for jargon is a craps shoot, I have been searching your whole sites bibliographies even in the posted content regarding meta material and super conductivity

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 03:41 AM
reply to post by Noinden

Earlier in the thread suppositions were made regarding negative sentiment on Indo Europeans.

Mayhaps a question to be reserved for the one who made the comment in the first place?

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 03:48 AM
reply to post by Bugeisha

Second post in was a quoted article "those stupid indo-europeans" from this site ( ... its full of discounted and out dated history. Hence my question. I've got an interest in indo-european and proto IE language and history.

Also said article is basically insult calling, and baiting. Hence I ask, in an Indo-European language no less, why the hostility?

edit on 16-7-2013 by Noinden because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by Noinden

Hello Noinden. I went back to the original post in FL that you refer to to reread it. No, you took it the wrong way (obviously it's not your fault, for you cannot understand the language in which the post is written). Basically, what we were discussing there is one of the main ideas in archaeology that presents IE guys as wary tribes wandering across steppes, taking with them seeds of wheat, riding on horses and using chariots.

The story goes that these IE guys were more inteligent than the poor non-IE tribes they found in their migrations.

Thus, what some archaeologists seem to imply is that being wary, having the knowledge of agriculture, riding on horses, and having invented the wheel makes you 'better' or 'better fitted' than the non-IE guys they found. Actually, what that image shows is a rather stupid guy: having invented agriculture, he involves himself in extermination wars, instead of taking the time to invent music, or study maths. Our view is that this is quite a simplistic scenario. That's all. The bibliography shows precisely what you noticed: most of the advocats of this "wheat-axe-horse = IE" equation are using old concepts that do not match what we currently know about human groups.

The title of the post should then be read as "Are really the old Indo-Europeans those stupid war-loving riders that some archaeologists tell us they were?"

Hope now is clear.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 04:32 AM
reply to post by Brotherman

Hello again. The system returned this message when I try to reply: YOU CAN ONLY REPLY TO ATS STAFF. Anyway, here is the translation you asked for:

The angels took Enoch and placed him in the east at the sun's gates.

THOSE men bore me away to the east, and placed me at the sun's gates,
where the sun goes forth according to the regulation of the seasons and
the circuit of the months of the whole year, and the number of the hours
day and night,

2 And I saw six gates open, each gate having sixty-one stadia and a
quarter of one stadium, and I measured them truly, and understood their
size to be so much, through which the sun goes forth, and goes to the
west, and is made even, and rises throughout all the months, and turns
back again from the six gates according to the succession of the
seasons; thus the period of the whole year is finished after the returns
of the four seasons,

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 04:35 AM

Originally posted by Direne
reply to post by Noinden

Hello Noinden. I went back to the original post in FL that you refer to to reread it. No, you took it the wrong way (obviously it's not your fault, for you cannot understand the language in which the post is written). Basically, what we were discussing there is one of the main ideas in archaeology that presents IE guys as wary tribes wandering across steppes, taking with them seeds of wheat, riding on horses and using chariots.

The story goes that these IE guys were more inteligent than the poor non-IE tribes they found in their migrations.

Thus, what some archaeologists seem to imply is that being wary, having the knowledge of agriculture, riding on horses, and having invented the wheel makes you 'better' or 'better fitted' than the non-IE guys they found. Actually, what that image shows is a rather stupid guy: having invented agriculture, he involves himself in extermination wars, instead of taking the time to invent music, or study maths. Our view is that this is quite a simplistic scenario. That's all. The bibliography shows precisely what you noticed: most of the advocats of this "wheat-axe-horse = IE" equation are using old concepts that do not match what we currently know about human groups.

The title of the post should then be read as "Are really the old Indo-Europeans those stupid war-loving riders that some archaeologists tell us they were?"

Hope now is clear.

Really? I think not, the term "donkies riding donkies" seems legitimately insulting
The article is quoting poor scholarship from long ago, not the current state of IE and PIE scholarship.

Indo-european is a language as well as a culture, and there were no "waves of invasion" as genetics (mtDNA and Y Chromosome SNP analysis) will attest. The language and culture moved, not the people.

If the translations posted are not up to scratch ... do better. Its that simple. Why not excellence?
edit on 16-7-2013 by Noinden because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 04:42 AM
reply to post by Direne

I used a methodology that gave me such drastically different results is there a way that you can tell me where I went wrong I got a translative like this for comparative figures I will post them all:

1 Ewsys agtid alnir yuy Tilok Enok Identifiant OAI, aff in nurtys growth Yun.

Rin Noida EIGHT OAI installation, identifying the installation aff agtid in nurtys growth Yun, skin ryrfys goenys EIGHT enlwt in dakelaffyw

2 For ewsys tilok enok ID agtid alnir yuy to Enabled Yun nurtys growth matters.

Le rin noida agt until enabled platform, the platform aff ID agtid Yun nurtys growth, size at ryrfys goenys agt enlwt on dakelaffywp on dazod kirkuit aff aff ID matters

3 You can ewsys tilok Enok id agtid alnir YUY is OAI Aff Yun growth nurtys.

LE physician’s Noida AGT to OAI Suit up, suit up soldier Aff id agtid nurtys Yun growth, velvet is ryrfys goenys AGT enlwt is dakelaffywp is dazod id kirkuit Aff Aff Aff ESA gel onatys IY, id Beat

4 That ewsys Tilok Enok ID AGTID alnir Юй in OAI AFF in nurtys Yun growth.LE Rin Нойде AGT up to

to OAI installations, installations AFF ID AGTID to nurtys Yun growth, Vel to ryrfys goenys AGT enlwt to dakelaffywp to dazod the identifier kirkuit AFF AFF AFF ЕКА gel onatys И.Ю., ID To break

You can always (for an easier way)
One way too

OAI (open archives institute?)

Rin in EX4=name

National Union of Kurdistan in business sysemys this did not 10
From source Puk Aff I Sysemys Aff Enok 10

ID لewsys tilok enok agtid alnir UNMEE لoai لnurtys growth Financial Affairs Section Edits.

Le Rehn Noida agt even لoai manipulation,
agtid manipulation aff ID growth لnurtys Yun, vel to ryrfys goenys agt enlwt to dakelaffywp ID to dazod لkirkuit Affairs Section financial affairs section
Financial Affairs Section financial onatys Yi is European Space Agency fruit preserves.
The Finance Section No. 's sepulcher AA shank akt ID,

The Operations department the Affairs the financial growth du ل NURTYS du ل OAI l'alnir UNMEE d'agtid d'enok the tilok du ل EWSYS d'identification. \N\n\n\nManipulatie du ل OAI the even du noida AGT Le Rehn\nagtid the manipulation the ATTACKING du ل NURTYS growth d'identification,
Bon des goenys enlwt AGT ryrfys the thé où le financial the département du ل KIRKUIT the dazod the thé d'identification the dakelaffywp affairs le département\ nconfiture de glace the YI European Space Agency d'onatys financial the département the Affairs the financial.\ nLe département aucune 'acte-
Identification the shank la sépulture aa S,

Figure 2 daeg dakys truly nurtys onindu eek dwdfwd enweg dakaiy Oni aienloud No. ud firdul aff ud aienloum, ID really y adusy im trulwg,
ID unduraylod infrared grotet sesame sprigs gigyr y Ika, durg uire ryrfys goenys fagt, ID goenys sesame I ymwd, ID Ed systi gwdlo, ID upkomnyffys durket y hope Yi is onatys,
ID cykymdud Paka nomymys logyd I dakys nurtys enlwt I cyukdasywp aff I dazod; lerfag I nirywi aff I ESA fruit preserves Ed Enid after pakorid aff I yiw dazod ivir.

2 figure truly daeg dakys nurtys onindu EEK dwdfwd enweg dakaiy united aienloud No UD UD firdul AFF aienloum view there really adusy im trulwg,
Infrared view unduraylod grotet Sim Sim public gigyr there IKA durg uire ryrfys goenys fagt, myself have seen goenys Sim Sim ymwd view ed systi gwdlo view upkomnyffys durket there AMAH IY onatys,
View cykymdud typhoon nomymys logyd I myself dakys nurtys enlwt cyukdasywp AFF dazod myself and myself lerfag nirywi AFF Ana ESA sprayed ed انيد .

2 Digit really DAEG dakys nurtys onindu EEK dwdfwd enweg dakaiy aienloud united No UD UD firdul AFF aienloum view there really is no adusy im trulwg, Infrared
view unduraylod grotet Sim Sim gigyr us public IKA Durg Jiro ryrfys goenys fagt.
Same i saw goenys Sim Sim view ymwd ndr systi gwdlo view upkomnyffys durket li Amah onatys IY,
Displays cykymdud typhoon nomymys logyd i dakys nurtys enlwt cyukdasywp AFF me and myself lerfag nirywi AFF Ana ESA dazod sprayed ndr انيد after me pakorid AFF YIW dazod IViR.

Aienloum dakaiy or ud or Aff or firdul or ud, identity or aienloud or Oni or enweg or dwdfwd two or trace really Daeg or dakys or nurtys EEK or onindu, trulwg im grotet adusy really unduraylod IR identification or

I added numbers as this is from my note book, I have been trying to understand this language, I have been able to source so much things in your site to old encyclopedias (without the internet) I find it odd when you convert one language to another through historical lines for example if you take a selection from source A which would break into 3 sub categories SA1, SA2, SA3, with translation free ware it may say 250 character limit there is the threshold you take a selection move it from detect language say afrikaan and convert to dutch or a combintation of welsh and afrikaan convert to french and then into english (or other order and language)

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 04:46 AM
reply to post by Direne

Now just for honesty the same phrase is repeated at least 4 times in the first 250 character threshold I was talking about earlier and the latter is repeated in different translation methods but all seem to have a similar theme how is it that my english translation differs so much from this translation you put out? Why make it so difficult to present literary arts, i can appreciate it needing to be spoken and read in its cultural tongues but I am dumbfounded how I have fell so far away from the tree

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 04:50 AM
reply to post by Direne

My last question was geared towards proto languages and whether or not you had found any evidence for an earlier civilization using any form of cassini or a similar systems to communicate.

My question now is geared more towards language ( communication) as a natural process and how the natural progression of a universal language or antilanguage if you will, would proceed after it had reached its desired status.

.It would seem by the examples you provided that language or phonemes is a natural process that humans and most other complex organism express. There are other examples that don't require sound such as ants using pheromones and flowers expressing in different light spectrums to convey messages to insects. All these communications can be broke down in to frequencies. And you mentioned that you transmit (cassini) at 27 Hz and or 12.704 GHz. I understand the concept of your end goal, however my question is do you think that it is possible your work could be used or evolve ( in the far future) to eventually cross all barriers.. ?

I understand we could use your work to communicate with other advanced beings. What I am referring to is for example dolphins, do you believe an anti language or god language as it was dubbed earlier in this thread by a poster could be powerful enough to convey a message to another possibly sentient creature (dolphins)? Or transmit a message or frequency to a flower to alter its behavior instead of altering the plants dna....?

I'm hinting at something here.... but am curious as to what your response will be.
Sorry I asked such a complex question, if it seems silly or ludicrous or completely bonkers then my alternate question is why do you transmit in those specific frequencies?

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