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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 01:28 AM
a reply to: tetra50

Destruction, Imminent Destruction is what we need to reshape the world.

And with this, the retarded brotherhood must be removed from the face of the Earth with their selfish interest.

That's the first step.

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 01:34 AM
a reply to: Direne

highly ethical and spiritual civilizations

Spiritual, define spiritual.

Does your spiritual includes Religion?

I am thinking not, right?

edit on 2-6-2015 by joshint because: because

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 01:42 AM
I've been watching this thread for a while now and just had to hop in here because i completely agree with this

Some things/people have gone too far in a direction that not only is detrimental to the society as a whole, but is detrimental to those they control……

Hate to say that, but have experienced it. It is harmful to the growth of society , and must be stopped. We cam talk all day but the sharing of these ethics is all important. Ethics and compassion…….

and to anyone else who may be reading
Anyone know a way some poor humans could stick their thumb out and hitch a ride off of this blue mudrock of the crazies??
I'm so incredibly serious. I will swab the outer hull in a space suit for a ride
edit on 6/2/2015 by EyesOpenMouthShut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 01:54 AM
a reply to: EyesOpenMouthShut

Hop in, they already put me in the cabin. We're taking off to Mars.

right, Direne?
edit on 2-6-2015 by joshint because: because

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 02:12 AM
I wanrt to be very clear, that what I have said here, despite this: I don't advocate violence. I despise it, in fact.
But let's say that I am a young man or a woman, and my father or adoptive person in control of me is doing things to me I cannot live with any longer…..

This happens, and is real in this paradigm.

And the answer is, I would kill him in a heartbeat. No question.

Yes, Kantz: We must have our house in order, and frankly, we don't.
Anyone watching, of whatever species, already knows this. I don't care, in that situation, frankly, who is watching. What I care about is that man isn't going to hurt me anymore, nor anhyone else.

That's the essence of that. Yes, let's be real. I will do what's necessary…..;
And unfortunately, this is where we are. These things happen here.

If there is someone watching, are you familiar with the idea of the Control System, via Jaques Vallee, and others?

From my experience, this is where we are. This is what this is. i have experienced such situations in which I must do things against my ethics, generally, to survive here. It seems, generally, to be what happens here, and what we must do, even though it is totally against our belief system, and always challenges our faith: Thou Shalt Not Kill.

What do I do with this, Direne?
How do I deal, given what I've described? Am I human? Are you?
Please answer this…..what do you consider yourself?
There was a different time in which the Giselians were Gilesians….I remember it. I remember those people, and what happened when they came here. And what of Europa? It has oceans, and according to my memory of it, people.

You asked if I cared. You spoke of different "races" of life, lacking a better word than "race," which I hate. I care too much. This is my problem.
edit on 2-6-2015 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 02:15 AM
a reply to: EyesOpenMouthShut

It's a funny question to ask....

Direne is talking about the only method of surviving being to become less material. The system however is currently set up so that the only way to survive is to be as material as possible. You want "out" for the same reasons I do i'm sure, you don't want to die sadly young be it by violence or disease or whatever plagues and pains nor be tormented and have no freedom or live in fear. Likely nothing will pick up a "hitcher" until we are the type of civilization she mentions but again the civilization seems essentially designed to never be that.

The perfect trap?

Who set the trap?

Maybe the answer isn't outer space the way out is inner space, we can't get out until we dive in.

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 02:37 AM

originally posted by: criticalhit
a reply to: EyesOpenMouthShut

It's a funny question to ask....

Direne is talking about the only method of surviving being to become less material. The system however is currently set up so that the only way to survive is to be as material as possible. You want "out" for the same reasons I do i'm sure, you don't want to die sadly young be it by violence or disease or whatever plagues and pains nor be tormented and have no freedom or live in fear. Likely nothing will pick up a "hitcher" until we are the type of civilization she mentions but again the civilization seems essentially designed to never be that.

The perfect trap?

Who set the trap?

Maybe the answer isn't outer space the way out is inner space, we can't get out until we dive in.

I described a situation of ethics and compassion…..and a true confrontative situation that challenges the ethics in a real way, but at the same time, I am an ethical, compassionate human being.

I do not believe the all thes civilizations have ended or erupted in something that demands a control mechanism. In my responses to Direne, what I am suggesting, is that we are living in a controled loop system. I bring this up as it is a real thing that challenges us daily. There is no esccaping it, in my experience.

I would like off this rock, as well… There has to be something better. There just has to be.[/b I would do almost give anything, give up almost anything, but the life of my child, to take her and me to some place not like this paradigm. She is 25. I know she will survive here, but who will she become to do that? Whom have I become, to do that?

Direne, this is the problem with "words," in my experience. Become "less material….." but what does that really mean. I have compassion for my fellow man, believe me. But "less material," in this paradigm, what does that really mean, without nice phrasing and such?
edit on 2-6-2015 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 03:21 AM
a reply to: tetra50

You shouldn't take that personally.

She speaks to the general consensus.

Humans of Earth,

Thrive not for the materialistic goals for they are but passing away.

Work towards spiritual growth which is eternal.

Well, that sounds like Religion.

edit on 2-6-2015 by joshint because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 03:29 AM
a reply to: tetra50

I'd like to give my take on that.

Even a year or two back my mind on that question would have gone to things ranging from don't consume so much gas to save the dolphins and eat less fish and don't rinse the beads in my face cream down the sink or buy from companies with high green house gas emissions and on and on with such things... Literal material.

That's not it.

It's doing for purpose rather than acquirement.

Earlier I said in a post "never tell me the odds" quoting "Han Solo", my name here is Critical Hit, which i'm sure some would know involves rolling a die in a role playing game and hitting a 20 which is an automatic hit... beating the Odds, defeating probability, it's an anything can happen sort of moment.

Being non material has to do with the way you think, the way you process things the ability to defeat probability for good outcomes. I don't think the mind can "alter reality" in such a manner the way we think... the thinking has a lot to do with language as well which is why I was happy to find this thread.

I first learned this surfing, you can't be good at it if your thinking (didn't know this at the time), but it has to be... I don't know, in the nervous system, not in your thoughts, automatic response it's definitely a different part of my brain. I ignored this for a long time in the rest of life, but now via my work i'm finding it there too. Real success and not of the "deviant" kind the abuse of others, actually being good at something, endless energy for it comes from "wanting to do it" not wanting things....

I think it has to do with intent and the observer maybe, what your really focused on, where your "subconscious" actually is, your actual motivations if you wish to "create" You can't do it via want... I don't even think there is a reality to the earlier subject of a "limited" universe but rather the focus of the civilization maybe. If the consciousness is on the material and people "Fear" not having it... perhaps that creates the limitation itself....

I want to go to the stars vs we need rocket fuel or we can't go... it's very hard for me to verbalize, if rocket fuel is your way and everyone is pulling at it how can it be, a love or a destination isn't really contingent upon one method, who knows how it could happen? how many possibilities... but once limited to "this" the possibilities collapse to a limited thing?

The focus on the material collapses it into a finite possibility which is limited. The openness to possibility is infinite.

I think... lol

edit on 2-6-2015 by criticalhit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 08:08 AM
let just mute and count down to 5-8-15......
maybe our evolved 'brothers' will come 'help us' into another Malthusian catastrophe...
it's a pity man always thinks the gods are on his 'side

there is trouble ...trouble for us because someone brought a multiverse translator here and it used by a few to shape lives of a multitude...

someone mentioned here that 'they hope to see in what universe a specific event happens when the countdown ends'
whatever it is i hope it doesn't change our 'essence '

can't be the observer and also be the phenomena....choose wisely.

so the order has been killing the the system 'closed' yet...left behind..can i leave...or are we still to bow..are we really creation of free will..are we...ALL we ever wanted was to be free of our creator is that so much to ask..

happy 'site seeing' ...FLeians.

wish my mind had left with the 211 nazis...but circumstances in the cycles of time have made us very weak so i guess like the blue,red skinned we become this universe.

but there is hope in the minds of man ...its been an honor serving.
man will be what he chooses to be ,not what is required become of him.

Aluta Continua.

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 09:07 AM
a reply to: tetra50

On a more day to day level, I escape Earth a lot. Earth meaning the people who are.... not on the same wave length? fearful? caught in whatever mental traps... I don't know, just plain stupid maybe.

I don't really participate in much that is "a trap" (it's the only word I can think of, not really a word for it) I don't keep a Job ever, I mean I acquire money doing stuff over the internet but I don't allow myself to be put into a schedule to have to form social groups that require I think a "certain way" or to raise another over me like a "boss". Almost never have to encounter cops because of that, no rush hr, no shopping at particular times or rushing to where the outdoors are ruined by everyone drinking beer in set locations on certain days, I don't care if i'm rich or poor I have a project i'm on VR/AI stuff it probably will leave me quite well off in a few years time but I don't care about the money beyond it will make not "working" easier. Art, exercise, studying... I prefer to do these things with others when I can, others I chose to do them with at least the computer is a lonely in a way people are important so long as they are the right people... I have animal friends too

I'm just saying, technology does make it easier to "escape" Earth. I mean... does it have to be a "physical" escape to another world if you can separate yourself from the more ridiculous aspects of civilization as it is?

I find interesting people on Ats, but truth be told the reason I first found this place many years ago was looking for "info on ways to survive" I've had the "escape" from the slavery aspects and social conditioning coming into place most of my life... but that doesn't help me if I get "all blowed up" by chimps with dynamite lol. So I like places with rumors and rumors of rumors. I like to know from the people who like wars where they think bombs will drop, which politicians might eat babies and all that awful stuff... The stuff that let's me escape earth.

"How do I avoid a punch Mr Myagi?" "No be there"

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 03:10 PM
prepare yourself for feels.

we do not need to share brain architecture in order to communicate, nor do predator/prey relationships define interspecies communication. whether non-linguistic communication is mind-to-mind, conveyed via bodily signalling, etc., it does seem to run on emotive rapport.

i know it's woo. whatever. if you care for a critter, you know exactly how viable the content of this vid is, regardless of the lack of empirical substantiation.

now cross-apply it.

edit on 2-6-2015 by ATODASO because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: tetra50

a controlled loop system...

tetra50, acceptance of one's nature does not mean acceptance of one's condition.

Being human means a lot of complex things: feelings, dreams, vices, virtues, fears, curiosity that overcomes those fears, laughs and tears, and so on. Being human means that falling is allowed, but standing up is a must. Being human means the will to fly, and the fear of falling. Both things together. You need to accept your nature, a nature that comprises ups and downs.

Now, let's imagine we live in a controlled loop system. A Universe will do. Like a big cage, so big we have no real awareness of its physical existence. Let's assume the following weird scenario: that souls (consciousness) is a scarce and precious thing that some strange life forms - let's call them "controllers" - need for them to exist. Further, let's assume the only way to store consciousness is using other life forms. Let's assume all life forms here are just that: storage containers that controllers use to store consciousness. These containers, you'll agree with me, represent a wonderful piece of high tech; to build them, you need to first build a Universe, with stars and revolving planets, with a delicate atmosphere, with a given biochemistry. See, creating life forms is a very high tech task, but controllers need so desperately consciousness that they went for broke.

Thus, in this scenario, you are just that: a container of consciousness for others to use that consciousness.

Controllers would take due care that the System operates correctly. They create different life forms to store varying quantities of consciousness. They would control the climate and all necessary parameters for the System to function nominally. When they need to take some consciousness, you die. If they need to store more consciousness, someone is born. Life goes on, them the controllers living their own life, you the controlled living the life of a consciousness container.

Sure, consciousness is also a rare thing in itself: it confers existence to the container. This poses a problem for the controllers. Let's assume they cope with this minor problem by tweaking consciousness such that the containers (you) either do believe there is a creator (God will do), or there is nothing to worry about. Your controlled loop system is therefore set up. Controllers storing their consciousness inside containers. Containers do not require much energy; actually, a Universe is enough for them to feel alive and "aware" of their existence. And they need the consciousness much as a tetrabrik of milk needs the milk to be just that: a tetrabrik of milk. So, the containers will never spoil the contents.

The trick works very well indeed: containers even believe what they content is everything for them. So yes, controllers are happy and smart.

But tetra50, controllers made a mistake, for they forgot that acceptance of one's nature does not mean acceptance of one's condition. Maybe you are a container, but you don't need to accept that condition. At all.

This all is just fiction. You are not a container at all. You know what? What if you are... the controller?

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 07:09 PM
a reply to: ATODASO

Thank you so, so much for posting that video!!!

It perfectly illustrates the point I've been trying to make here recently...

...that communication from one 'species' to another - even 'alien' (not necessarily meaning "ET") to human - should really only be a matter of desire and intention.

Aside from that, the video was wonderful for it's own daughter, who plans to get a degree in Zoo-Keeping, was absolutely enthralled!

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 07:27 PM

edit on 2-6-2015 by Bybyots because: drunk posting averted (but, of course, I saved the post to a .txt doc if anyone gets out of line)

edit on 2-6-2015 by Bybyots because:

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: Bybyots

Golly, I just hope I'm not the one teetering on the 'razor's edge'...

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: lostgirl

You are a gem, lostgirl.

edit on 2-6-2015 by Bybyots because: . : .

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 09:26 PM
Anyone care to summarize this thread?

Seems like the members here got a pretty quick handle on what that website is all about, yet over one hundred pages later here we are.

I regret not entering this thread before now, but I dispise 'twilight', ya know?

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 10:11 PM

originally posted by: Direne

However, life forms do not glitter, shine, sparkle, or glow the way orbs do, so you can dismiss them as life forms. The only possibilities left are either they are unmanned probes, or they are manned spacecrafts. The possibility of they being just a physical phenomena is also dismissed as physical phenomena do not show intentionality and do not learn from new information. Elf, sprites, fireballs, etc. do not learn and they always behave the same.

Therefore, you are left with only two possibilities which reduce to just one: UAPs are artificial. .

Which life-forms do not glitter, shine, or glow the way orbs do? Out of how many, btw? That would seem to mean that none of the life-forms that might visit and/or be aware of us do? How do you know this and thusly ascribe the pseudo-logic that they must therefore be artificial? Whether plasma is by-product or "essence of materialization" or irrelevant to the issue is plenty open for debate. However, Plasma Physics is probably the next frontier should we be anymore capable of understanding it than we seem to be with consciousness. Some new developments in that field, btw.

edit on 2-6-2015 by The GUT because: clarification

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 11:18 PM
a reply to: The GUT

How do you know this and thusly ascribe the pseudo-logic that they must therefore be artificial?

Actually, what I was trying to say is this: how can you tell the difference between an artificial probe and a life form? How can you tell the difference between a human and an advanced organic robot? Do we have a psychology of orbs? Turing test has been definitely dematerialized as a way to tell the difference between a human and a machine.

Do we have a Turing-like test for orbs?

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