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The UFO Threat

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posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 04:07 PM
I've always viewed the UFO phenomenon as a "threat"; however, the nature of threat is, at present, without conclusion. Whether the UFOs and related phenomena pose a threat to our very physical well-being, or merely to our understanding of consciousness and/or reality remains to be seen. That being said, I take immense issue with the supposition that the phenomenon has its origins in outer space; despite that being the predominant theory posited in regards to the subject.

There are some serious flaws in the ET assumption. If we are to step away from the minutia of the details, a picture emerges. In order to address the issue, we have to, for the sake of intellectual curiosity, assume a certain legitimacy to the reported experiences and encounters.

Firstly, whatever the alleged "visitors" are, certain things remain true, regardless of whether you believe in the objective reality of the subject or not. If we accept that there *IS* some tangibility to the reported encounters, and I feel that there is, there are problems with it.

1) The phenomenon exhibits traits that are both physical and incorporeal.

" humanoids and UFOs alike bespeak a parallel 'reality' that for some reason manifests itself to some of us for very limited periods? But what would this reality be?....Its appearance of operating outside the established laws of physics, and its peculiar preferences for certain situations....exhibiting at times near-zero inertial mass yet able to leave physical traces of their presence, is surely a phenomena beyond the pale of mid-twentieth century physics..."

- J. Allen Hynek

"The phenomena to be explained include not only strange flying devices
that are described as physical craft by the witnesses but also objects and
beings that exhibit the ability to appear and disappear very suddenly, to
change their apparent shapes in continuous fashion and to merge with other
physical objects. Such reports seem absurd in terms of ordinary physics
because they suggest a mastery of time and space that our own physical
research cannot duplicate today."

- J. Vallee

2) These reported entities are highly ambiguous in their demeanor and elusive in their objective. Are they running science experiments? Why, after almost 70 years (the modern era), have these experiments continued unabated? No open communication has overtly occurred, yet, sightings of mysterious aerial objects continue.

3) The phenomenon, and the entities engaged in it, almost universally, under a cloak of darkness. Very infrequently are there reports of daylight abductions. Why? Is it because the mind is more susceptible to altered states of consciousness in the evening hours? If so, is someone, or something, taking advantage of this human trait?

"Primitive conceptions concerning the warfare between the principles of Good and Evil were often based upon the alternations of day and night. During the Middle Ages, the practices of black magic were confined to the nocturnal hours; and those who served the Spirit of Evil were called black magicians, while those who served the Spirit of Good were called white magicians. Black and white were associated respectively with night and day, and the endless conflict of light and shadow is alluded to many times in the mythologies of various people"

- Manly P. Hall

“The inspiration for the book came after a visitation from a spiritual being that materialized before me on two consecutive nights. Although I crumpled into unconsciousness at the outset of each encounter and consciously remembered hearing only an initial word or two from the entity, I awakened on the dawn after the second visit with the ideas for The Divine Fire bubbling in my brain.”

- Brad Steiger

4) The reported entities make predictions. Predictions, which ultimately fail to manifest. Why even bother?

The world is getting ready for something spectacular in 2012. According to researchers, the Federation of the Universe representing all the 88 star constellations will officially visit earth in 2012 and reveal themselves. It will bring an end to all UFO cover-ups in various countries.

5) There is a parallel with "New Age" philosophy and Eastern Mysticism. Why would technologically advanced beings fly 8 trillion light years from Polysorbate-60, to preach saucer-sermons about impersonal space-gurus, and basically regurgitate the same patchouli-scented bullchip one might get from hanging out with Shirley MacLaine? Crystal healing? Channeling Ashtar? Seriously!?!?!?

"The Ashtar Command is a community of higher-dimensional star beings whose present service is to assist humanity and Mother Earth at this period of spiritual transition into love and light."

6) There is a coincidence with other paranormal phenomena; UFO witnesses experiencing poltergeists, encountering strange, black-clad gibbering men, etc.

“…after the Hills’ close encounter on a lonely New Hampshire road, they began to experience poltergeist phenomena in their home. Betty would find her coats unaccountably dumped on the living room floor, even though she had left them in the closet. Clocks would stop and start mysteriously, or their time settings would change. Water faucets [taps] would turn on when nobody was there, and electrical appliances would break down and then work perfectly without repair. On a more prosaic level, Betty Hill also reported that after her UFO experience she was repeatedly followed, her apartment was broken into, and her phone was tapped.”

- Richard Thompson

7) There is speculation, on some level, that the phenomenon is directly related to the animal mutilation problem. After decades of study, no smoking scalpel has been presented to implicate government agency participation, nor have the alleged Satanic cults been caught, well, red-handed either. In my own discussions with Ranchers, no way could the mutilations be the result of "Coyotes" or other common predation. One rancher I spoke with made mention that, "If a coyote could do that, I might have to worry about them sumb_____s hotwiring my truck next".

"Investigators from Arkansas pointed out that they have examined 28 cases of cattle mutilations and it is their conclusion that all cases were the work of intentional mutilators and not of predators. The examination of carcasses submitted by their investiagtors have been done by the Oklahoma State University Forensic Lab."

8) The phenomenon has, over the years, taken a keen interest in nuclear technology, and weapons capability.

"...three missile maintenance technicians have agreed to speak to him on the condition of anonymity, revealing the military has kept UFO sightings that occurred during the power outage under wraps.
The witnesses, he said, reported sightings of 'a large cigar-shaped object high above the missile field'.

There's no shortage of mystery to the phenomenon, and, at times, it appears both ominous and WHOLLY inexplicable. All that can be stated definitively is we, ultimately, don't have a clue what's going on. And that, in itself, is threatening.
edit on 9-7-2013 by AllenBishop because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 04:31 PM
I'm under the impression that they're demonic.

Their clandestine way of remaining hidden is tragic. They're not benevolent and a benevolent force would not hide itself. That's where my sig comes from 'truth keeps no secrets'.

I've seen one of these 'demons' and I can tell you first hand, they are horrible. It did NOT feel good to be in it's presence and the way it moved, wobbled on it's axis' suggested it wasn't in this dimension, or at least was having trouble staying here.

I'm 100% convinced these are demons.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by Joneselius
I'm under the impression that they're demonic.

Their clandestine way of remaining hidden is tragic. They're not benevolent and a benevolent force would not hide itself.

I've stated, time and time again, that "goodness" doesn't operate under cloak of darkness. It has no reason to.

The very fact that the phenomenon has remained in the shadows, to me, is indicative that, whatever is ultimately at work, doesn't have collective humanity's best interest at heart.

IF, the alleged beings behind the phenomenon really had any concern for our "spiritual progress", as has been reported, the continued clandestine nature of their behavior belies their cover story.

While I won't outright draw definitive conclusions, I feel that the phenomenon, at its core, is occult in nature.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by AllenBishop

This is the conclusion I have come to myself.

Though I'm willing, from experience, to outright call it demonic. Honestly, dude, you probably haven't stood right in front of one like I did. The feelings these things put out are powerful. It pushed me immediately into new age philosophy to try and fill the void my church should have filled.

I then went to Eastern Mysticism hoping for some closure. Then the night terrors started and I developed severe OCD as well as panic attacks.... Yada yada....... I blame that massive black pyramid for all of it. ALL OF IT.

I'm now a die hard Christian, I went full circle in my desperation. Now I finally feel safe from these things. Though I never before. There is safety in Christ, at least for me anyway. I wont force it down your throat.
edit on 11/10/2012 by Joneselius because: (no reason given)

edit on 11/10/2012 by Joneselius because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by Joneselius
I'm under the impression that they're demonic.

Their clandestine way of remaining hidden is tragic. They're not benevolent and a benevolent force would not hide itself. That's where my sig comes from 'truth keeps no secrets'.

I've seen one of these 'demons' and I can tell you first hand, they are horrible. It did NOT feel good to be in it's presence and the way it moved, wobbled on it's axis' suggested it wasn't in this dimension, or at least was having trouble staying here.

I'm 100% convinced these are demons.

I can't stand being in the presence of most people I meet, but have been conditioned to tolerate it in my life...only to have experience remind me time and time again that most people are full of evil and should be avoided.

Wobbling? How can you let wobbling be a factor on your judgment?

If you let wobbling be a factor, then I say it's safer for me to conclude that you're not carefully weighing things out.

I don't always have the same continuous opinion, because I think very much on this and those thoughts are very complex... too complex to even begin putting them in one post... but I always reach a very similar conclusion and part of that conclusion is that they do calculate odds...and some of those odds can be seen in numerous small details, yet the large and disastrous conclusions are the ones we all want to avoid. To give a piece of that information beforehand paves a path that will allow it to be avoided, because to sit in silence with that info would be a sin. What one person says is a prediction may be no less a potential threat that is being warned... in order to be avoided? What other point would there be for making that prediction, but to avoid it? I believe one of the things they know about the future is the outcome of what will take place if they reveal themselves at this point in time... and it is exactly what this thread tries to accomplish, so that is somewhat confirmed and not too hard to figure out, is it?

Do not complain about them being demons if you want them to show themselves because that's counter intuitive..
If you do not want them to show themselves, do not complain about them not showing themselves to YOU. That's common sense.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

When I say wobbling, I mean it was wobbling all around, like it was covered in water, and it kept shifting, is a better word to use, on it's axis, up down left right. It could NOT stay perfectly still. It looked almost like a static.

I do NOT want them to show themselves, NOT EVER. I want them to bloody leave, and leave now. I don't want anyone to go through what I did. Not one single person.... Ever.

I didn't once complain about them being hidden. I said it was tragic. You could of asked me what I meant you know. It's tragic because it mystifies people, and they start chasing after them, they then lose sight of the world around them and that's dangerous. These things should just go back to whence they came. They're friggin evil.

The complete last thing I want is for them to be revealed. As when they are, I fear the end begins.
edit on 11/10/2012 by Joneselius because: (no reason given)

edit on 11/10/2012 by Joneselius because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 04:56 PM
Like an out of focus hologram?

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 04:56 PM
What threat? IF we are being visited and they wanted to destroy us they could and would have.
Maybe the reason they do not want to be known is because people still have backward thinking that they are demons. Would you want to make contact If a good portion of people will try to send them back to an imaginary hell? I wouldn't.
Also maybe they have a star trek type mantra where they will only make contact If we pass a certain level in technology.
But please stop this demon talk It is embarrassing to all human kind.
Oh and Aliens If you read this thread forgive them because they are brainwashed but don't worry many here on earth have passed this backward way of thinking and will accept you all as fellow universe dwellers.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by AllenBishop
IF, the alleged beings behind the phenomenon really had any concern for our "spiritual progress", as has been reported, the continued clandestine nature of their behavior belies their cover story.

From what I've read and researched, there are more than one type of alien species. There are some who have purposely restricted their means of spiritual progress and want to prevent this very same progress in humans. It's a very complex scenario.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by AllenBishop

Originally posted by Joneselius
I'm under the impression that they're demonic.

Their clandestine way of remaining hidden is tragic. They're not benevolent and a benevolent force would not hide itself.

I've stated, time and time again, that "goodness" doesn't operate under cloak of darkness. It has no reason to.

The very fact that the phenomenon has remained in the shadows, to me, is indicative that, whatever is ultimately at work, doesn't have collective humanity's best interest at heart.

IF, the alleged beings behind the phenomenon really had any concern for our "spiritual progress", as has been reported, the continued clandestine nature of their behavior belies their cover story.

While I won't outright draw definitive conclusions, I feel that the phenomenon, at its core, is occult in nature.

when you work and get your paycheck, do you give it all to charity for the good of humanity?... or do you use it for yourself?

why should an entity come and try to help a species that it knows is going to turn it into some demonic icon rather than allowing it to live it's life? If you want to look at it that way... mankind is a menace to this planet. There's no way around that realization, but no one is campaigning for annihilation of humankind, now are they?

If you do not like extraterrestrials...fine. they probably don't like you, but are they campaigning against you? Do they threaten you? Do they say bad things on their facebook page about you? Are they going around starting rumors about you?

When it comes to dirty deeds, who is responsible for the dirty deed of today that we can all see with our own eyes?

The one who condemns any chance of peaceful contact between us and our visitors based on heresay.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by cavtrooper7

Not out of focus, it was clearly visible. Plus why would a hologram be set up in a village at around 3am in the morning?

It looked like as I said there was a sheet of static in front of it. Not because it obscured the visual but because it constantly flitted about, minutely. It had to keep readjusting itself on it's own footprint. Like it was being shaken violently by some invisible force. But at times it could stop dead still (it was a tumbling pyramid to start) and when it did this static would still remain. At one point it lit up down it's sides and the colour could go anywhere it wanted on the craft, even the colour 'wobbled' with it. It honestly looked as though it was IN another dimension, one I couldn't quite focus on properly. I couldn't make it still as it were.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

Spoken like someone who has never had an experience with these 'visitors'.

I'm telling you RIGHT NOW, and listen to me. What I saw was EVIL. It didn't feel good, it felt oppressive. It gave off horrendous vibes and did nothing other than ruin my life. If they don't care about me good. They could at least give us the courtsey of buggering off to their own space.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by Joneselius
reply to post by NotAnAspie

When I say wobbling, I mean it was wobbling all around, like it was covered in water, and it kept shifting, is a better word to use, on it's axis, up down left right. It could NOT stay perfectly still. It looked almost like a static.

I do NOT want them to show themselves, NOT EVER. I want them to bloody leave, and leave now. I don't want anyone to go through what I did. Not one single person.... Ever.

I didn't once complain about them being hidden. I said it was tragic. You could of asked me what I meant you know. It's tragic because it mystifies people, and they start chasing after them, they then lose sight of the world around them and that's dangerous. These things should just go back to whence they came. They're friggin evil.

The complete last thing I want is for them to be revealed. As when they are, I fear the end begins.
edit on 11/10/2012 by Joneselius because: (no reason given)

edit on 11/10/2012 by Joneselius because: (no reason given)

Extraterrestrials are not bothering you.

If you think extraterrestrials are bothering you, then maybe it is you who has lost touch with the world around you and have lost sight. Perhaps it is you who carries an unhealthy mindset and have taken your fears to a dangerous level.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by boymonkey74

I'm sorry I'm embarrassing you, but I was THERE. I felt what this thing was. I was right in front of the bloody thing. Literally. I'm not lying to you.

It wasn't nice, it just wasn't. The only word I have to describe the feeling is pure evil. That's all I have. The reason I went on my spiritual 'journey' was to try and fit that 'feeling' into my worldview. But I couldn't, it always came back to pure evil. Sorry if that's embarrassing to you.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

Why are you continuing to demean me as a crazy person, does that make you feel better?

I know what I saw, and I know what it felt like. They don't 'bother me' at all. I just wish they'd leave so no one has the same experience I did. That's all. Other than that, it's simply my telling of the one I saw.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by Joneselius

Why does your Demon have to be an Alien , why couldn't it just be a Demon (not that I believe in Demons) , why can't Aliens just be Aliens , why tar them with your religious beliefs ?

Just asking because it baffles me .

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by Joneselius

Can you describe the appearance of this being for us? For starters was it physical or ethereal in nature?

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by Joneselius
reply to post by NotAnAspie

Spoken like someone who has never had an experience with these 'visitors'.

I'm telling you RIGHT NOW, and listen to me. What I saw was EVIL. It didn't feel good, it felt oppressive. It gave off horrendous vibes and did nothing other than ruin my life. If they don't care about me good. They could at least give us the courtesy of buggering off to their own space.

Now who's talking like they know something they don't. I have been visited by a grey in the flesh at the age of 5 and have had multiple experiences, including seeing a star gate and also seeing a very terrifying hologram in my early 20s. Do not tell me what i have not experienced. I have experienced many other things but these things were the most pronounced and unexpected. I have been afraid as well but not anymore because I know the world is begging to be cleansed and they could probably facilitate that if they were not very patient... they know it's best for mankind to make changes on it's own.

some of us realize that we are always... forever caught in the middle of this dilemma and some people in control of our world is trespassing on the sovereign will of others on this planet, controlling their lives as well as keeping this contact from happening.

that's what this campaign is about. as soon as that scale tips and people awaken to this realization.... there are a few people who will have to face a new brand of justice... and it just so happens that it's influential people I'm talking about.

We see how things have unfolded along the time line concerning this campaign and we know it's just a matter of time and circumstance to ripen.
edit on 9-7-2013 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by Joneselius
reply to post by NotAnAspie

Why are you continuing to demean me as a crazy person, does that make you feel better?

I know what I saw, and I know what it felt like. They don't 'bother me' at all. I just wish they'd leave so no one has the same experience I did. That's all. Other than that, it's simply my telling of the one I saw.

so they don't bother you, yet you call them demons.

so what do you call those who take young people into war to kill other innocent people?

How do you even compare the two?

I'll tell you how, because you are not operating from a well rounded sense of reality.
You can't be... or you would understand the difference between a very REAL threat in our world that never stops murdering...and your self induced terror because of something you saw that you also say "is not bothering you"

You can't even seem to make up your own mind.
edit on 9-7-2013 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-7-2013 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by gortex

What? It wasn't an alien, that's what I'm saying.

It was demonic. I can say that because of what I sensed from the thing itself. It could do unbelievable things, for NO reason. It didn't seem to have an objective. It was just there, and I happened to see it. It was close (real close) and enormous. My 'demon' is a demon because that's all that fits.

Why would an alien, one that doesn't care at that, perform all these Ariel maneuvers just to impress me? Or light up and spin, then stop dead? What's that for? Why couldn't it seem to steady itself on it's axis? It didn't look like it was from our dimension to me. It just didn't. Why would it emanate negative energy to me? And believe me it did. I felt sick to my stomach and I was not nervous to start with. In fact when I clocked it I was amazed, then things took a turn for the worse. It's stopped firing a green beam into our park and folded over to where I was, then performed a load of ariel maneuvers that are LITERALLY impossible (like a flying pyramid isn't?) and then to top it off, it shot off straight up into the air, without making a sound. Which is another reason I think it's demonic, there was NO NOISE. Not even a hiss or buzz, nothing....

I'm not going for fame, I'm just trying to tell you what happened.

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