A lot of people have heard about creating reality or manifesting. Some members on ATS know it as well and use it. Look at the long thread by Majic for
example, in which he used a form a magick with unpleasant results.
IMHO there is hardly any religion that has never used any form of magick in anyway. Christians pray and sing in the church, in the catholic division
of the christian religion (which I grew up in and still respect) they drink wine, use holy water and eat hosties (the small cookie), muslims pray,
jewish pray, wiccans, buddhist, vodun and santeria practicioners, ancient European, African, American, Asian and Polynesian religions...They all use
or have used magick in some form.
Magick follows one simple formula
Link to target
(T) + Link to desired result
(R) + Energy
(E) = Magick
Look in every religion and you'll probably find this formula there. Note I'm not bashing any religion here.
Christians will pray for something good too happen
(=R) to themselves or others
(=T). They might sing and dance in the church to feel the
holy sprit
(=E). Catholic christians eat a hostie
(=E) right before they go to pray. Lighting a candle during prayer
Chanting, singing, pranic breathing, meditation, (years ago using a sacrifice), candles, orgasms (yes I'm serious
) are all ways to raise energy;
so they are all
E Strong feeling and emotion (doesn't matter if it's negative or positive) is also a good form to create big amounts of
It goes even further...
Mere visualizing/imagining a person or yourself is already
T. Talking about something, yourself and/or someone is also already
Looking at someone is also
T. You know the feeling when you're being watch and you turn around to look right in the eyes of someone who was
staring at you. That's because they had a link to the target which was you
T. There was an article posted here on ATS recently about a
scientific study which suggest that the feeling of being watched is a true phenomenon.
All of the other religions and practises also have such ways. Sometimes they use a lock of hair or a personal object belonging of the target
But as I said before, with visualizing somebody, or something you actually have a structural link to it or the person.So that means that every time
you even think about something, you're already doing magick in a way.
Structural link to the target:
When you pray for something or do some sort of operation (depending on your religion) for something to happen to yourself, anyone or anything... The
moment you are doing it you're using
R. Even when you think about something or someone you always have some variations of
R. In our
pessimism and negative oriented society
R is most often not a link to a desire, but a link to the lack of that desire or to the opposite of
that desire. (if you're angry because you're not living in a safe enviroment, you hate your job, you complain about your husband, wife, children too
much work, overly focusing on a problem and not the solution, focusing on or complaining about your disease etc...). The desire is there, --(you want
to live in a safe enviroment, you want a nice and/or job, you want your wife, husband, children to behave good, focusing more on the solution of a
problem and finding it, focusing on being, living or getting healthy)-- but the link
R is on the opposite of the desire.
The formula is simple...
The more value T and R and E have, which means the longer the links to T and R remain in place and the more E is added, the faster M will come.
For the average person with a undisciplined mind, like myself, it's very difficult for T and R to remain in place for a long time. Let me give you an
example. Try to visualize a pencil in detail for longer than ten seconds without having any other thoughts interferring with you visualizing the
pencil. It hardly works. Most people can't even hold the pencil in their imagination for two seconds. Some other thoughts will pass by and try to
keep the person occupied. That's because especially in the western society we're raised/trained to be like that. Having a millions thoughts a second
(which are usually worries) passing by in our minds. (Think on the constant flashin and changing images on the t.v. that are constantly direct your
mind on something else every second). No.... relax....
It's been shown that it's easier to have that focus, to keep those
T and
R in place, by lowering the brainwave activity down to alpha
or theta phases.... That's why lots of people practise meditation and hypnosis. The random thoughts, the chatter in your head gets a lot less when
you go in to a deeper state of mind. But of course.. The average person in the modern world nowadays has no ideas of this.
This is where helpful tools such as radionics step in...
Apparently radionics keep the
T and
R in place long after you have stopped meditating on, or thinking about the operation. That's all.
I've just described the whole workings of radionics hardware and software in that last sentence. That's why they work. They're just a vehicle, but
not the means. A person with a focused enough mind does not need radionics and psionics machines. But I'm that kind of person right now.
And of course for the magick to come faster you also need energy, aka orgone, aka chi, aka prana, aka manna, aka holy spirit...
This is were helpful tools such as a tree, the sun, high emotion, singing, dancing, laughing, chanting, fire, candles, praying together with a group,
eating a hostie, holy water, orgasm (yes I said that again...
) come in the picture. Which includes chi generators. The more powerful your chi
generator, the more
E you have for your magick operation and the faster your results come.
As simple as that...
T +
R +
E =
I've just described an important part of human history IMO. Perhaps the most important part of human history ever.
Another thing that is important when you do a magick operation of any sort is that you forget about it a soon as you finish. This is to avoid yourself
from undermining or boycotting the operation by asking yourself if it's really working, or doubting that it's working... in short... disbelief and
doubt. Those can undermine any operation as soon as they pop up in your mind. That's why people use banishing spells or do something totally
different as soon as they've finished doing the magick (such as cleaning the house, laughing, playing video games, watching tv, seeing a movie
etc..). Anything to keep their mind off of it. And the results often come at a time when you'd never expect for it to come.. (Like me going to the
atm to take out some money, expecting to see nothing but my normal salary on the Atm receipt). When you plant a seed, you will never dig it up every
hour to see if the plant has started to grow out of it.... Then it will never grow.
So the main and most important thing is still your mind and whatsoever you have the habit of focusing your attention on. Because that is always what
you get eventually.
[edit on 9-11-2004 by TheBandit795]