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Military Coup Underway In Egypt...

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posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by MrPlow

You seem to believe that the


"Democratic" = democracy.

What's the name of North Korea? How much of a democracy is that hell-hole?

We are a Republic--however, even the degree of democracy we claim has been made a laughing stock by the PTB manipulators and mass brainwashers in the MSM the last 60 years.

Morsi shredded whatever democratic foundations he initially claimed. He was no more democratic than the Muslim Brotherhood was.

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

John McCain, Barrack Obama, John Kerry were all very vocal MB supporters. In fact John McCain crossed the turkish-syrian border to visit MB during his last visit.

edit on 4/7/13 by EarthCitizen07 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by intrptr
reply to post by burntheships

Whats at stake is nothing less than the Suez Canal. Like that other one half a world away... in Panama. Anytime anything threatens control of those two vital shipping transits, you can bet US will defend its "vital interests".

Which, of course, is why Carter and uhhhh Bill . . . insured that China has military bases on both ends of the Panama Canal and effective control of the former Long Beach Naval Station. /sarc

I don't disagree that the PTB are likely very much still in control in Egypt.

What they will now do with the new situation remains to be seen.

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

I barely consider McCain human, much less American regardless of his POW days. He's long been a stoolie of the PTB puppet masters, globalist traitors.

They all march to the drums of hell.

Not surprised they've been kissing the Muslim Brotherhood's rears. They'd likely sign up to be bunk buddies if the PTB told them to.

I wonder what they really think of this turn of events . . . though maybe they were briefed by the PTB beforehand.

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Indeed. Thats why I provided a picture, just in case some disbeliefing toms called me out lol.

The dude is a traitor just like john kerry.

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

We are a Republic--however, even the degree of democracy we claim has been made a laughing stock by the PTB manipulators and mass brainwashers in the MSM the last 60 years.

Morsi shredded whatever democratic foundations he initially claimed. He was no more democratic than the Muslim Brotherhood was.

Interesting quote:

"Freedom is dear and it is preferable for you to avoid your nation's anger and riots. It cannot be imagined that any people will remain under subjugation and repression after hearing and witnessing surrounding nations achieve their freedom and dignity...A nation's power is derived not from material power, but from the entire citizenry's liberty, the people's trust in the government, and the government's trust in the people."

That was probably as well said as anyone here could have done. Who said it? The Muslim Brotherhood's Supreme Guide Mohamed Abul Nasr in an open letter to President Mubarak.

Have their goals and ideology changed so radically, or could it be that they've been infiltrated by outsiders. Or maybe we've just been led down the garden path again? Oh, but THAT certainly has never happened before.

Oh, here's the link to the whole article debunking three myths about the Brotherhood.

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07

Originally posted by NotAnAspie

Morsi wasn't considered a Muslim extremist, he was considered a western follower.


We know this...old news. No need to bark about spin doctoring or how the West is using false flag and misconceptions to weave it's web.

Try to keep an eye on what is attempting to be accomplished here and that is *clarity*.so therefore it shouldn't be a stretch for you to understand what I'm saying when I say he wasn't considered an extremist.

I'm talking about the opinion of the general public, not the "black is white, white is black" conspiracies thinkers.
We think of Ahmadinejad as somewhat of an extremist but that is a western definition, not one of the people of Iran. Sure, that's a given that the definition is dicey all depending on who is using it... but since we popularized it is very clear what I'm saying when you compare it to how the protesters speak of a western follower. So if we think of Ahmadinejad as an extremist even though most muslims do not and they think of Morsi as a western follower, it's clear that it means these two people are very different in the public eye no matter how many times they've held talks. We don't know what was said or what is decides and that is the big mystery but if was deep down a type of hard line muslim leader like Ahmadinejad, then that is not the impression the people had...and that is what I'm trying to make clear. It is pretty clear that they did not oust him for being that kind of Leader who is devout against the west and that is what people over here call an extremist... because they are extremely muslim, extremely against Zion and extremely against he west. It can't be both unless one is a disguise. You can't have an extreme muslim western supporter, it just doesn't work that way and protester clearly said that they felt he was following the US.

yes, i realize how important that reversal of thought is because now the west are thought to be the real terrorist... I get it, It's old news but. I'm not coming down on thinking on the reverse or outside the box but what I meant should be clear by the word "considered".... not by "against the grain" theorists, but by most.,, by the public. His public image with the protesters was of a western puppet, not a Muslim extremist. What I'm saying is simple, please don't over think it.

To sum up what I'm seeing in this thread is many attempts to vilify what has happened in bitterness...which makes my suspicions all the more valid, not only coinciding with what is being said about this.

Basically, the fearful are spinning this in fear of radical Islam. Villainizing it no matter what the consensus turns out to be, which makes me think only of how Israeli leadership must be feeling right now. Frustrated and bitter and needing to spin spin spin in an attempt to turn this into something else... something they twist and use in their favor... something to demonize so someone will come help them.

No one has even done anything yet but lock some people up and already they act as though a toy, a comfort blanket has been stolen from them. imagine how the people being invaded feel every day of their lives.

people should have thought of that before we went over and killed a bunch of people...even though it has been going on since before many of us were born. I know I wish i had realized it much sooner.. just how much of a long term plot this has been.

Britain has realized the importance of Egypt in gaining regional control since at least as long as British trade has been trying to overtake Asian trade,,,since before the 1900s. The English invested in America & eventually lost world currency status, but that was Ok so long as their American dog still had it's teeth sunk in. Then enter the US dollar as world reserve currency so Zionism & control of Egypt becomes a job for the US... as well as a lot of other NWO endeavors and always with the influence of our old frenemies across the pond.

And look, they're still in bed together even at this hour.

I don't understand how anyone who is still hoping that the West is able to keep the ball would be so bitter about this unless it were true that Egypt may have just broken the chains. It only serves to confirm it in my opinion.

The reactions are important and no one seems to really know how to act except "concerned"... in the West that is, while the East seems very optimistic about this.

time will tell.

If the efforts to make a strong hold in Egypt for that ongoing toppling western oil war that all these US politicians writing bad checks want to fund with money they don't have just got pulled out from underneath their feet, then yeah... I think the reactions are going to be interestingly befuddled.

We need to make a thread of reactions to the coup from our well known world wide representatives.

Just the reactions... it would make for an interesting thread

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by burntheships

Originally posted by Rodinus

Welcomes help from the Muslim brotherhood????? How can he do that when they are arresting them all???

Very good question. Odd things going on - this too. Zawahiri had been arrested and was being interrogated—only to be ordered released by a presidential order.

Hours before Egyptian President Muhammad Morsi was sidelined by the military council, Muhammad al-Zawahiri, Egypt's al-Qaeda leader, declared that the terrorist organization would wage a jihad to save Morsi and his Islamist agenda for Egypt..... hours before this information was ascertained, Zawahiri had been arrested and was being interrogated—only to be ordered released by a presidential order.

al Zawahiri has since fled to the Sinai (al-Qaeda is station) where thousands of foreign jihadis were
summoned by Morsi, also it is thought that Muhammad Zawahiri's brother, Ayman Zawahiri—al-Qaeda's supreme leader is there also.

I smell a bird getting fueled up...oh wait that's my slightly
overfilled Zippo.
I think for any jihad jammies to fly in the face of this purge and follow through
with ANY hanky panky would be a post-arrogant move.
What we've got is another executive level bird cage liner changeover, and
the people in charge of putting the Judge in at the top aren't likely to be
the military. I'm glad Morsi's effectively gone by miles of relief... but there's
more going on here than a purge.
Besides the al Zawahiri brothers have already used up their cover from too
soon ago, and everybody would smell a NATO rat if they act up now.

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by ShadellacZumbrum

What are the chances they have been arrested for their Own Protection?

I dont think thats far out there, indeed this seems likely, even to the point
of they are being arrested to be relocated.

Derfreebie has expounded upon this thought.

Originally posted by derfreebie

Originally posted by burntheships

Zawahiri had been arrested and was being interrogated—only to be ordered released by a presidential order.

Hours before Egyptian President Muhammad Morsi was sidelined by the military council, Muhammad al-Zawahiri, Egypt's al-Qaeda leader, declared that the terrorist organization would wage a jihad to save Morsi and his Islamist agenda for Egypt..... hours before this information was ascertained, Zawahiri had been arrested and was being interrogated—only to be ordered released by a presidential order.

al Zawahiri has since fled to the Sinai (al-Qaeda is station) where thousands of foreign jihadis were
summoned by Morsi, also it is thought that Muhammad Zawahiri's brother, Ayman Zawahiri—al-Qaeda's supreme leader is there also.

What we've got is another executive level bird cage liner changeover,

Indeed, I would agree. I like the way you phrased that!
"executive level bird cage liner changeover"

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by intrptr


Well, looks as if the MB is promising some more fireworks tomorrow.

Egypt is braced for further dramatic events on Friday as the vanquished Muslim Brotherhood called for a "day of rejection" following a widespread crackdown on its leadership ....... We are holding a mass rally after Friday prayers to take all peaceful steps necessary to bring down this coup."

Will be interesting to see the developments.
As always, appreciate your comments much!

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 10:18 PM
So there goes the CIAs experiment animals.

The funny thing about it is these Jihadist have completely forgotten what jihad is.

Are we actually supposed to believe that Jihad is sticking their necks out to go against the overwhelming will of the people to bail out the sell out? A politician.

"oh yeah guys... we gotta go bail out our guy in the suit and tie because he cares about us"

Not knocking many people in suit and ties but a jihadist is not gonna do this.
We are supposed to believe these are rebels? What kind of rebels would possibly think that they have nothing to lose now and need to make every effort to go save that politicians position who isn't doing doodly squat for the people and isn't doing doodly squat for jihad? If they were real Jihadists they'd be teasing Netanyahu right now.

The CIA have completely lost their minds.

The more Al Qaeda backs this guy up, the more I know he's a western puppet and that the US didn't want this coup. I'm going to keep looking and tossing around ideas but my gut tells me they weren't suspecting this and Kerry's on his yacht hiding down in a bottle of scotch or something, dialing up his counter-coup friends.

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by burntheships

Well, looks as if the MB is promising some more fireworks tomorrow.

My guess is it won't amount to much. Their leadership has been "sequestered" so they can't incite more trouble. Morsi is thru. The people have spoken.

That part is beautiful. The people have spoken.

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by intrptr
Their leadership has been "sequestered"

Good choice of words there, maybe that extra money that was being funneled
by Obama and the other MB in the admin got the cut.

Morsi is thru.

Yes, and the MB knows this too.

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
reply to post by MrPlow

You seem to believe that the


"Democratic" = democracy.

What's the name of North Korea? How much of a democracy is that hell-hole?

We are a Republic--however, even the degree of democracy we claim has been made a laughing stock by the PTB manipulators and mass brainwashers in the MSM the last 60 years.

Morsi shredded whatever democratic foundations he initially claimed. He was no more democratic than the Muslim Brotherhood was.

I may have to double check but I'm pretty sure I never used the word "democratic" nor is Egypt called the Democratic whatever of Egypt so I don't know what your point is.

MY point, however, is that the Egyptian people have themselves shredded their infant democracy and are now back under a dictatorship, yielding to the will of the army.

You can spin in twelve ways to Sunday, but amount of fairy tales in your mind will ever change that fact.
edit on 4-7-2013 by MrPlow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2013 @ 02:27 AM
More news for you folks :

At least one Egyptian Army soldier has been killed when Islamist gunmen launched four coordinated attacks on El Arish airport and three military checkpoints in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, state television reported.

The attackers reportedly fired rocket-propelled grenades at the army checkpoints outside the airport, which is close to the border with the Gaza Strip and Israel.

It was not immediately clear whether this latest attack in Egypt’s troubled region was in response to President Morsi’s ouster by the military on Wednesday

I guess that this was expected and may even escalate after todays MB protest after the Friday prayer?

Kindest respects


posted on Jul, 5 2013 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by Rodinus

As I mentioned in your thread, in its early stage, once Morsi is out, the "hunt" for his supporters will begin and they will run like rats abandoning a sinking ship.

Here it is. I feel almost sorry for these sharia suckers as the enraged people of Egypt have now started hunting down every MB follower they can lay their eyes on.


posted on Jul, 5 2013 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by Rodinus

It is very disturbing to hear of violence in Egypt.Violence has a tendency to spiral out of control(like throwing gas onto a fire). The whole situation leaves me with a bad feeling that I can't ignore.

posted on Jul, 5 2013 @ 04:05 AM

Originally posted by johncarter
reply to post by Rodinus

As I mentioned in your thread, in its early stage, once Morsi is out, the "hunt" for his supporters will begin and they will run like rats abandoning a sinking ship.

Here it is. I feel almost sorry for these sharia suckers as the enraged people of Egypt have now started hunting down every MB follower they can lay their eyes on.


Thanks John,

Feel sorry for those Sharia suckers... NOT ME!... let the Egyptian people hunt them down like the escaping vermin cowards that they are and make them suffer a thousand times the punishments that they have forced on others because of extremist beliefs... 72 virgins or not.... what a pisser when they "realise" that death means its over... Nada.... Finito...

I normally condone ALL acts of violence but this type of disgusting scum NEEDS to be wiped of the face of our planet!

Kindest respects


posted on Jul, 5 2013 @ 04:08 AM

Originally posted by TheWetCoast
reply to post by Rodinus

It is very disturbing to hear of violence in Egypt.Violence has a tendency to spiral out of control(like throwing gas onto a fire). The whole situation leaves me with a bad feeling that I can't ignore.

Agreed TWC,

I personally believe that this is just the beginning of an extremely bloody series of events!

Just watch what will happen after the last prayer today!

Kindest respects

edit on 5-7-2013 by Rodinus because: Word added

posted on Jul, 5 2013 @ 04:20 AM
reply to post by Rodinus

I would tend to agree.It seems that a storm is brewing in Egypt;one that could spread though the whole region and affect the whole world in the weeks and month ahead. I don't follow any organized religion but the thought of the Nile running red seems a bit too biblical to me.

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