posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 01:46 PM
I'm from Belgium
and for all other Europeans out here, in your local libraries there is a book called "chatter" (I don't remember who wrote it and it dates from
around 2003 or 2004 I think)
anyway, the book explains and gives details about American espionage in the EU and in the EU headquarter in Brussels. It explains about how a big spy
network was found years before and how, ever since then those buildings are swept through every single day!
what they are claiming now about the NSA spying in those buildings is nearly impossible. They expect espionage, ppl try every single day...You have no
idea how thoroughly they search the place, constantly!
Wake up! they are playing you and entire of Europe!
You think this crisis in Europe is nearly over? lol, it hasn't even begun! If you allow them to poison your mind and turn against America we will be
in much bigger s*** , Europe needs those trade deals, it needs a good alliance with America! But instead I hear politicians everywhere yelling to stop
the deals.
I'm not saying that Snowden is a hoax, but they are using the situation 'against' the EU now.
pls look into it more deeply before making judgment.