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Good to see Europe standing up to America now.

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posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 09:54 AM
My grandad always use to say that maybe not in his time, but maybe in mine we would all see Britain & Europe splitting away from America>>>> well it's been a long time coming, but today Europe are saying that yes the time has now come to say bye to the USA and get closer ties with Russia, all this is because the way America has been treating Europe the last few years. They have poisoned our water, food, animals, our people with these stupid things like GM products, simply so they can rip us off, they have sold us War Planes that are out dated 20 years before we get use of them, they have done the UK & Europe little good, but the final straw for europe today is the USA spying game on us all, that is as far as Europe will put up with America.
Well done Europe, pity we didn't do it 10 years ago when the USA kept getting us into there stupid silly wars with the Sunni Muslim brothers.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 09:58 AM
Arn't the EU and the USA signing a huge trade deal soon?? If anything, the EU and USA are getting closer together, and further from Russia, as either side are going to be funding/arming different sides of the war in Syria.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by Alternative4u

Oh cry me a river. The United Kingdom has just been such a victim in all this, surely, they are dying to break away from their evil masters in Washington. Oh indeed.. London is just full of peasants under the thumb of American control. No doubt. Wait... whats this I see?

Report: U.K. spies hacked foreign diplomats

Ministers to reveal British link to US data spying scandal

Over 200 fibre-optic cables tapped by GCHQ

It's just an American problem tho...right? Getting rid of the NSA and CIA will make all right with the world again...won't it? We forget where the O.S.S. turned to be trained in matters of Intelligence for World War II. It sure wasn't made up as they went along for the basics. The OSS, which started the entire modern U.S. Intelligence Community was a product of British influence and training. Imagine that.....the source of it all.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by Alternative4u

I wish! Our economies are so intertwined that if one collapses the other is sure to follow.

Between the tyrannical police-state in the US and the hyper-surveillance in the UK I think our only option left is to hope for a zombie apocalypse or an alien invasion!

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 10:10 AM
Any evidence to back up your claim that Europe is distancing itself from America? Or are you just making it up?

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 10:14 AM
This link sums Europes feelings towars America, they have all had enough of them.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Alternative4u
My grandad always use to say that maybe not in his time, but maybe in mine we would all see Britain & Europe splitting away from America>>>> well it's been a long time coming, but today Europe are saying that yes the time has now come to say bye to the USA and get closer ties with Russia, all this is because the way America has been treating Europe the last few years. They have poisoned our water, food, animals, our people with these stupid things like GM products, simply so they can rip us off, they have sold us War Planes that are out dated 20 years before we get use of them, they have done the UK & Europe little good, but the final straw for europe today is the USA spying game on us all, that is as far as Europe will put up with America.
Well done Europe, pity we didn't do it 10 years ago when the USA kept getting us into there stupid silly wars with the Sunni Muslim brothers.

How are Europe and Britain standing up to America?

By signing the biggest ever trade agreement with the US?
Or by saying 'well that's not nice' about PRISM and then go on to concentrate on the British Tempora instead?

Most European papers have already lost interest for the PRISM story and never really cared about GMO, and the Eurofighter is the war plane scandal of choice.

No one is standing up to the US. If anything, we are sort of losing interest in the US as North America (not so) slowly becomes less of an economic factor in the world. Forecasts now puts US economy behind even India in twenty years, and the world - including Europe - is adapting to that. But that is not really a confrontational standing up, is it?

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by Alternative4u

I see..... The Kremlin's own personal broadcast station is your source of solid information for who hates the United States now?

Tell me... Should Russian Citizens stay glued to Voice of America to learn the status and respect of Russia within the world? It's the exact same thing by using that source on this type of topic.

RT is great on some areas...just as is good in some areas. Reporting on their own adversaries though? Oh, I can think about about a hundred reasons why that just doesn't work for even approaching unbiased or genuine for motivation to accurately report. Just my two cents.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 10:36 AM
To be honest i see it more likely to be the UK distancing itself from Europe. The last poll I saw on the likely result of a UK EU in/out referendum had it too close to call.

I dont see the bloated EU winning over the UK public any time soon. Especially once the Euro goes into the next phase of its meltdown (when France admits it needs a bail out due to its insolvent banks). I also don't see the main parties being able to prevent giving the people a choice on the issue for much longer.

The issues at hand about the level of state intrusion into the private lives of citizens, and the related topics of the the level of corporate control of government are issues for the entirety of the western world. Trying to make it an issue about the 'evil US' is unhelpful. The suggestion that aligning with Russia is the solution is comedy.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by Alternative4u

Why have you allowed the U.S. to do this to you? The answer is either 1.) you were powerless to stop it, or 2.) there was some benefit worth permitting the U.S. to ruin the U.K.

Twenty years from now you'll be on here crying a river about how India screwed you over or how Russia drags you into their meaningless wars. Man-up and accept some agency in your own plight.

Oh, and you lot have a really nice track record of responsible partnerships with other countries...seeing how you never #ed over India, China or South Africa or anything.
edit on 30-6-2013 by FatherStacks because: (no reasongiven)

edit on 30-6-2013 by FatherStacks because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 10:39 AM
The Government of the USA fails to realize, we are not a country of new people, many of our ancestors came from Europe. The people in Europe do not want their kin poisoned, they do not like the actions of our government. I do not want the British people to be poisoned, I am friends with a lot of people with British ancestry. I do not want the German people to be poisoned, Some of my best friends are part German and my cousins are half German. I do not want Scandinavian people to be poisoned, I am a Laplander. I have known Russian immigrants and I am proud to call them friends.

I am glad that the Europeans have chose to examine the food on their own. I'm glad that they are shunning the USA's risky food system of allowing altered food chemistry without proper and thorough research on all side effects. This policy of allowing changes in foods without researching all impacts just to promote consumerism at big corporate levels to profit is ridiculous. I study food chemistry alot. I know there is a lot of deception in what is going on. I understand that every culture needs different foods based on their ancestors eating habits. I do not understand why our government is trying to dope up people so much that they start getting sick. This is by no means genocide, they are not picking on one particular group, they have allowed food chemistry to make everyone sick. This shows me that the ones running the food protection are ignorant of the consequences and are believing the deceit of the chemical companies. It shows me that the Big food corporations are being buffaloed into putting chemicals that aren't properly tested into our food supply, thinking they are protecting the people when in fact they are hurting us. These salesmen for the chemical and pharmacutical industries are tricking the big food companies and doctors. Ask any doctor, when we eat the wrong foods for long enough, it makes us get diseases. That is a slow poisoning. When we lower our bodies energy level it cannot fight parasites, no if and or buts about it.

I do a major part of my research with WHO, Mayo Clinic, College research, and also on research articles from all countries and not the interpretations of the research. I compare this stuff against interpretations made of the research by our FDA and food chemistry interpretations in America. Most times the testing parameters here in America are flawed, they exclude a lot of necessary testing and comparisons against possible side effects. The Europeans learned not to trust our interpretations, good for them. Maybe I should think of moving back to Europe. I would like to compare my research with someone from WHO. Maybe we could help each other, I look at some pretty weird ways that stuff can effect people, especially in the psychoactive activities of foods.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by Alternative4u

What kinda blind world do you live in? You really think that your government isn't working with the US government for a common goal. YOUR government wants the same thing and is the one causing YOUR problems.

Stop using the USA as an excuse for YOUR sh### government. Oh and you got paid for all those planes so stop complaining about a business transaction that your government signed.

Take responsibility for your government like so many Europeans preach and stop blaming the US for you problems. Not to mention cutting ties with the USA would be retarded and economic suicide. and Russia will take advantage of your lil island without the USA as a buffer.


posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by FatherStacks

Thats the funny thing about it. The US and UK governments are both working together and I'm sure the UK taught the US government some tricks on how to manipulate the world on a global scale.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by JDmOKI
reply to post by Alternative4u

Oh and you got paid for all those planes so stop complaining about a business transaction that your government signed.

I think i've already established that I disagree with the OP in pretty much everything. However I want to take issue with the above. What are you referring to?

The UK pays its way and gets no US foreign aid in weapons. You give huge amounts of free and subsidised weapons to Israel and smaller amounts to other nations. None to the UK, the UK pays in full.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 11:58 AM
I am like so not holding my breath! Our European politicians are just making the noises they feel are currently expected of them. As soon as the next celebrity sex tape goes viral and the nerxt big sports event takes place the sheeple will be too distracted to bother their rulers. Oh hello Tour de Doping/Doping de France...

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by justwokeup

I have no knowledge of the subject. just making a statement based on the OPs comments.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 12:15 PM

Good to see Europe standing up to America now.

Too bad no one 'stood up' to the ee-vile old USofA in 1917 and then in 1941... Americans just ruined both wars for Europe, huh?

We should have stayed home in both cases... there would be no griping today, right?

edit on 30-6-2013 by redoubt because: typo

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by Trolloks
Arn't the EU and the USA signing a huge trade deal soon?? If anything, the EU and USA are getting closer together, and further from Russia, as either side are going to be funding/arming different sides of the war in Syria.

Well some political figures saying they should stop with talks about that trade deal.

They are clueless (our political ''leaders''), they especially my country would do anything for the US (like some doggy).
The EU gave the US insight in all transactions going in Europe without questions years ago, so clueless they are.

I Always said this whole economic crisis in Europe is for a big part of the US, spying everything, especially Germany, can't be because of terrorists, it's about economic matters, only there Europe got stuff they want to know about. Be sure the US is power hungry and money = power.
edit on 30-6-2013 by Plugin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by Alternative4u

Right,cause France and Germany have been such GOOD friends right?
This sounds more like a "What have you done for me lately" deal however I am going all Mia Culpa as to my country's idiocy. You'll get over it and yes my son your grandfather was mistaken in believing the US and UK will separate. The illuminuati wouldn't have it and your people still eat fried foods and want more.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 12:48 PM
Don't let the door smack ya in the"arse"on your way out.We should have let Hitler kick your pompous asses and kept our money,arms,soldiers,sailors.You've been nothing but a weight around our necks ever since.Good Riddance

edit on 30-6-2013 by TDawg61 because: (no reason given)

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