posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 03:34 PM
Failed prediction after failed prediction everywhere I know.
On top of that the Bible says no man knows the day nor hour right?
The Mayans Knew.
TPTB know.
They just don't want US to know.
But the Mayans were wrong you say.
No, the Date TPTB gave us to be their date was wrong.
Let's just keep in mind a few things.
The Mayans kept track of time on a 20 (and then 200 and 400) year scale.
Why? Coincides with that great Chronos in our sky:
Which has a Great Conjunction with Jupiter every
20 years
The Jews worship the Sabbath on Saturday because that's Saturn.
The Lord of the Rings when the next age begins=Saturn
Saturn's important
As is the solstice, when the Earth and the sun are aligned with galactic center every year on December 21st.
The next Great Alignment? The only one to ever occur on the solstice.
December 21st 2020
Kronos is already starting to awaken with his polar vortices and is getting a head start with his historical battle with Jupiter as evidenced with the
once prominent cloud band that has already disappeared from his nemesis, Jupiter.
That is also when our current Earth cycle ends and the next Jupiter/Saturn Air cycle starts:
Dec 21, 2020 - Apr 07, 2199 (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius)
2 more opening posts to follow.