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In 2009, Ed Snowden said leakers "should be shot." Then he became one

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posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 04:42 AM
reply to post by neo96

Seems legit

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 04:45 AM

Originally posted by coolcatt
reply to post by neo96

This is all getting a little bit silly now. I mean are you forgetting what he gave us.

So what he said that maybe just maybe he was saying that so he wouldn't look a treat to his superiors.

And then he could collect information without looking over his shoulder

OP has been against Snowden from day one. look up his posts.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 05:54 AM
I just ran through the phony hit piece on ES via the ARS slime piece. Looks like ARS took its lessons well from the likes of Cass Sunstein et al. What a load of crap. I guess when the bastards come after me people like the OP and the author of the hit piece on ES will dredge up all of my Internet musings, ramblings, rants, psychotic meanderings, arguments, phantasies, and bannings as proof of a bad or ill formed character etc., and use them to vilify me too - huh? The article is pure garbage. Nobody here has anything on ES.

edit on 27-6-2013 by Guadeloupe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 06:03 AM
reply to post by neo96

Well done, you're supporting the effort to discredit a hero. I guess the spyop is working on some, but thankfully millions more have already made up their minds and see Snowden as the hero he actually is.

The effort to discredit is too little, and it's too late.

It also doesn't change the facts of the story one bit - your government is out of control.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 06:13 AM
whistleblower not leaker, the nsa should be ashamed of themselves spyin on the very people they serve and government agencies should realise they are servants not masters they need reminding ¨¨ the tree of liberty blah blah

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 06:18 AM
"if Hitler Capable as NSA, not a Single Jew Escapes Alive"

Amen to that - dangerous times


posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 06:31 AM
The OP has been seen numerous time trying to shill for the pro government spin of this story. Deny ignorance indeed.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 06:33 AM
reply to post by neo96

Ah Yes, my buddy Neo...

I don`t care if he wears Women`s Underwear, Picks his Nose, and is in the Justin Bieber Fan Club.

The REAL story is the Information he Leaked.

As Usual Neo, you talk about the Colour of the Curtains in the Room, Ignoring the Two Ton Elephant.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by neo96

Perhaps back in 2009, Snowden didn't have access to the programmes that would ultimately open his eyes to the full treasonous road his employers were engaged in travelling.

It's easy to be perched atop an ivory tower when you're ignorant of the levels of perversion of the constitution and of the rights of ordinary citizens...add a dash of idealism, a pinch of gratitude for landing a job with '007' kudos, and a very slight inclination to KBB (kiss bosses backside) with an eye on the next rung of the ladder.

I've said many things years ago, that now with hindsight and experience makes me cringe at the thought of people associating the 'me of today', with 'me of yester-year'..i've done it, you've probably done it, we all say things that we occasionally come to regret when we're less ignorant about a subject or incident.

Snowden is no different. He probably meant it at the time too, and now, is probably shaking his head at not only the irony, but more of how unbelievably gullible and naive he was before he woke up and realised what was being done to America..what he was involved in doing to America.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 06:46 AM

Originally posted by neo96
I love how people are making excuses for Snowden.

He said what he said.

I love how you're making excuses for the government.

The government did what it did.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 07:14 AM

"Snowden was confirmed to have once got in a fight with a bully at school when he was 10, this goes some way to prove that he is considered a coward and all that he says can be discredited due to this event"

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by Kali74

Originally posted by neo96
I love how people are making excuses for Snowden.

He said what he said.

I love how you're making excuses for the government.

The government did what it did.

makes me laugh the focus is on Snowden and what he "did" rather than what the government has been doing and is still doing,... laughable,... just highlights what kind of a sick world we all live in...

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by pigsy2400

"Snowden was confirmed to have once got in a fight with a bully at school when he was 10, this goes some way to prove that he is considered a coward and all that he says can be discredited due to this event"


posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 07:24 AM
Just to set the record straight: The title of the thread is a misrepresentation and a misquote. It gives a false impression and I think intentionally so. ES never stated that he wanted all leakers - as individual persons - shot as in ASSASSINATED etc............The correct phrasing is ---> "In 2009, the tech geek declared on a Web forum that groups (as opposed to individuals) such as WikiLeaks and The New York Times, which publish sensitive government information, “should be shot in the balls.”

For further clarification and vindication regarding ES's remarks - the key word here is CLASSIFIED: The confusion over Snowden's next moves that were reported by Ars Technica showed some chat conversations from 2009 in which ES expressed contempt for anyone who leaked classifiedinformation. In the quote getting the most play, he wrote (under the handle TheTrueHOOHA) that the anonymous sources who fed the New York Times information for a story about Iran "should be shot in the balls." As for the newspaper, “They’re reporting classified s---” Snowden wrote. “You don’t put that s--- in the NEWSPAPER.”

It (the issue of classified info) has always been a key point of ES's ethic as reported by Glenn Greenwald as well. This is a subject that I posted on earlier in these forums. I will dig it out now..........

To shoot someone (or something) in the balls is a mere figure of speech as in "hey man f*** with me an you just might get "shot in the balls."

edit on 27-6-2013 by Guadeloupe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 08:05 AM
the conversations seem pretty immature and naive.

it seems since then the guy obviously looked into a lot of things and educated himself.

this is the massive problem security is facing around the world. how can you keep a secret anymore. not possible.

get young guys in, train them up, treat them well and they absorb and believe anything you tell them.

problem is humans are growing all the time. learning. the internet is spreading information and changing the way we learn in ways and speeds we don't even realize. the genie really is out of the bottle.

right now there are so many people sitting at desks seeing what whistle-blowers are doing. they know so much of what they are doing at work is wrong and are now in a daily struggle trying to determine should they too start to tell people the truth. whistle-blowing could very soon become an absolute epidemic for governments around the world.

the only way to keep people silent and help those in power keep their secrets is too have some 'dirt' on them, something u can blackmail them with. that is why everything u do or say is being recorded. everywhere u turn now there is a camera looking at you. streets, shops. public transport. u car reg plate is been tracked by cameras.your phone is nothing more than a tracking devices that they can connect with anytime. there is nowhere to hide. 'they' are watching and listening to everything. some people actually think they are doing the watching and listening and don't realize someone else is watching them. its all about control.

the thing is people don't care anymore. they are not afraid anymore. they are not scared.

there is a tsunami of revelations coming sparked by the likes of assange, wikileaks, snowden etc that will most likely bring massive unrest and change the world and its path completely. it cannot be stopped.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by mykingdomforthetruth
whistleblower not leaker, the nsa should be ashamed of themselves spyin on the very people they serve and government agencies should realise they are servants not masters they need reminding ¨¨ the tree of liberty blah blah

that's what i cant figure out?

how did we get to this stage? when did people we elected decide it was ok to hide information? when did the humans who got elected who are the exact same humans as you and me, decide that we can only be told certain things? that they must keep secrets. do people who get elected or who run these organisations somehow think they have super powers? that they are different to everyone else? special?

they are not.

what has been created here, is a 'system' that is totally out of control. at this point i don't exactly blame the people involved. they are only tools in the system. we do this too ourselves.

its a system that is insane.its out of control and makes no sense. its been completely created out of FEAR. its foreign to the human being.

i think we are seeing an awakening to this and will hopeful and most likely see an end to it soon. it will not be easy but its for the best.

(if we can get through this kind of awakening , maybe it will bring about a change to our own human condition. we have the ability to hide stuff from each other. if we did not need this , or did not have this ability it would be a very different planet. would you be happy to give up this ability? it is truly a burden if we examine it properly )

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by neo96

I thought that he said TRAITORS should be shot?? I have read conflicting stories. Anyway, people change their mind on issues all the time. For example, I used to think that gay people were not born gay. I no longer think that way because of science and common sense. Perhaps when Snowden said that he didn't have view of the big picture.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by neo96

You seem to pick up the disinfo very fast about this guy Neo. Before you start throwing stones at him perhaps you should ponder how the NSA team, ordered to come up with every possible way to make him look bad, would act.

Would spreading this kind of propaganda to the MSM be one way? Ummmm...nahh..not possible...our guys are the good guys...its the ruuskiies fault...damn commies..ugh neo capitalists..ugh whatever...(picks up knuckles from ground and walks home).
edit on 27-6-2013 by johncarter because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-6-2013 by johncarter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 08:28 AM
Ed Snowden is a hero.

He saw something and said something.

In this instance, he reported the suspicious activity of the government to the proper authorities, the people of the United States.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by Tw0Sides
reply to post by neo96

Ah Yes, my buddy Neo...

I don`t care if he wears Women`s Underwear, Picks his Nose, and is in the Justin Bieber Fan Club.

The REAL story is the Information he Leaked.

As Usual Neo, you talk about the Colour of the Curtains in the Room, Ignoring the Two Ton Elephant.

Neo gets it right most times, but sometimes I think that mask he wears makes him see crazy things. He is in need of some fresh air to get a fresh perspective on reality as it is and not as Warbama-prpaganda team/NSA wants him to view it.

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