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Originally posted by cayrichard
reply to post by covertpanther
Snowden, is like a trial balloon and serves several purposes:
- Any American with an IQ higher than a table top knows that NSA is spying on them. The Bluffdale Utah facility is public knowledge. In reality Snowden did not tell us anything we did not already know.
Originally posted by cayrichard
- The public is distracted by the debate about whether Snowden is a traitor or a patriot and forgets to ask if this incident is important enough to merit this shallow debate.
Originally posted by cayrichardIf giving half the gov't security clearances out like prizes in a box of cracker jack didn't stop whistle blowers work what then would work. The assaults on Assange, Pte Manning, Gary McKinnon and finally Snowden is a message loud and clear that whistleblowing will get you in a world of trouble and the gov't will come down hard. So #1 objective of zero tolerance for whistle blowers has been achieved.
Originally posted by cayrichard
- Whistleblowers now know that Orwellian doublespeak will be used to vilify them and there will be no public blowback to support their courage and bravery. Susan Lindauer, Sibel Edmonds, Manning, Assange and Snowden all found out. The message is "You are alone and you will have no public or government support. There is no upside but there is a huge downside to your actions. You will be neither a hero or martyr.
Originally posted by cayrichard
- The Snowden incident sends the message that the individual has no power to make change.
Originally posted by cayrichard
Whistle blowing in the future will only make you a lightening rod for ridicule and attack. Snowden makes this loud and clear.
Originally posted by cayrichard
- The Snowden incident sends the message that the individual has no power to make change. If Snowden did not punctuate this point, then the Michael Hastings death will. Piss off the criminal Cabal that governs the US and you will enjoy the same fate.
Originally posted by cayrichard
- The Snowden incident drives home the point that you might be awake but your neighbors aren't. They are in cognitive dissonance and do not want to be reminded how dire the situation is. They just want to be left alone. Want to be critical of the gov't; "don't even think about it."
Originally posted by cayrichard
- In the 2010 census the gov't took the GPS co-ordinates of your front door. A recent poll said most Americans felt safer with drones patrolling the skies. Remember, these can legally be used to take out dissident Americans.
Originally posted by cayrichard
- The Snowden incident now tells the gov't that the public will buy any version of the spin, as long as it is pitched on MSM. The Snowden incident has proved to the gov't that the public is gullible enough to accept any version of events anything without offering resistance.
Originally posted by cayrichard
They can now advance the Fabian Socialist agenda one more notch. To keep the lid on society, you only need to give them bread and circuses.
Originally posted by cayrichard
Snowden could, for all we know be a gov't agent. He leaks a news story that is not news but only confirms what we already know. It is designed to charge America's emotions, polarize them, and monitor the reaction. They now have their answer. The Snowden story will be forgotten in two weeks,lost in the short memory of the typical citizen. The gov't, knowing that it need not be concerned with whistle blowers and assured that it has full control of the media, can step on the throttle, knowing there will be no blowback. Once again the government has outsmarted a gullible, dumbed down public.
Snowden is not the story. The surveillance is the story, the secret courts are the story, the private security contractors are the story. The knowledge is out there and regardless of what happens to Snowden or Manning or Assange or any of them, that will never, ever change. You don't seem to understand, it's too late for it to be put back in the bottle, it can only be managed. More courageous whistleblowers will stand up and do the right thing in years to come, more corruption will be exposed. More and more people are turning to alternative news sources for news. They have broken free of the hold of the MSM and are thinking for themselves. The government has control of nothing and it scares the crap out of them. Open your eyes.
Originally posted by Aazadan
Originally posted by muzzleflash
Why do I always say "IF Snowden even exists"?
Is it because I think I am clever and want to make sure the NSA spies know that I know?
Is it because I actually don't know and do not trust the media and so therefore remain open to the possibility this is all a huge hoax to propel a desire for world govt or to collapse the USA?
Yes certainly.
Snowden exists and his information is real. I can prove it to you right now.
William Binney
Thomas Drake
J. Kirk Wiebe
Russel Tice
Look them up and interviews with them, they all say the exact same things Snowden has said. Some of them were prosecuted under the espionage act and did time in jail. Infact, they say even more than Snowden has said. Russel Tice for example has said he personally investigated members of government for dirt on them. I think it was William Binney (it all runs together) who detailed the shell game they play to remove all congressional oversight by making the program both defense and intelligence and shifting things around to prevent oversight committees from seeing anything.
Everything Snowden said is real, and has happened before. Snowdens contribution to all this is that he leaked actual documents that confirm lots of what previous whistleblowers have said rather than just throwing out allegations.
Originally posted by Archie
This is what the people think of the MSM. This is the Twitter response to the smears against Glenn Greenwald in the US papers today. This is now a world wide trend #ggscandals.
And there are literally THOUSANDS more and it's not letting up.
And here it is on the list of world wide Twitter trends:
Originally posted by muzzleflash
Thank you for the keywords/names. That is a huge help, I wonder why that information isn't posted all over the place?
The Snowden incident has shown us that we all have the power to expose corruption in power and it's up to us to do it.