posted on Jun, 19 2013 @ 09:28 AM
Brazilian vice president was in a state visit to Israel and has cancelled his scheduled and is returning to Brazil. He's saying it's in solidarity
with the protesters (lol no one buys that he's more corrupt than corruption!). He's the vice president but his party PMDB is what gives majority power
to PT and current President Dilma who is just a puppet for the ex-President Lula. So behind the curtains the VP has more power than President Dilma.
The only statement Dilma has made so far is that the people have the right to protest, the police to intervene and the government to take measures
(crazy statement!).
She 's definitely lost and she's waiting the vice-President to arrive so that the VP and Lula can decide what to do. Basically Lula the populist can't
open his mouth if he does the people will get even more enraged if he doesn't things will fall apart for them so this guy the VP is the practical
terms who will decide what to do!
VP returns to
Braziledit on 19-6-2013 by Zedux because: (no reason given)