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The Names We Do Not Speak: The FEMALE Illuminati!

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posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

That is what I mean, there is an on going debate about the power that woman truly hold, not by those in the know, but those NOT in the know.

There is no logical way that woman are not to be held in higher regard. It seems in more "recent" history that this was forgotten. Woman are being oppressed not from high paying jobs, or not to be used as objects. Woman are being oppressed from their true ruling nature.

Some facts are hide to find, because well... its supposed to be hidden. Besides woman being the ones who bear children, they are also the original teachers. How is it that with all that has happened on this planet, that woman seem to be the only ones that their status hasnt changed since biblical time.

Dont get me wrong not all cultures treat woman this way, there are still cultures where woman have multiple husbands.

I am looking for it now, but one of the most hush hush theories regarding woman is from the biblical story of the angels who fell from heaven and had children. There is a claim that the woman were the angels who fell and bred with men, and that is why they were able to bear children that were giants.

That there was NO way that regular woman could have given birth to children that would eventually become giants.

Ill be back with some more in a minute, btw thanks all for the exchange back and forth, I was hoping this would be a cvil conversation, and ATS did not disappoint

Peace, NRE.

Read my other two replies, regarding to this,

Ok pure misogynist bunk. Sorry but, yea it's pure misogyny, one you lump all females into this one animal, which is ridiculous. To say the least. Women oppress other women, and Men oppress other men, and Men oppress women, and sometimes women oppress other men...

As for the whole angel fallen angel Nephalim and all that, well one None of us were like there, so uh, yea there's a Million ways Those stories could be construed AND they are often USED as sick justifications to Demonize a group of people therefore hey, it's ok to Genocide them, Yay! Yea, right...

Like that whole Cain and Abel seed nonsense...for all we know, the aliens or Nephalim or what have you, could have artificially inseminated women...and it was Beautiful women, or I believe they saw the daughter of men beautiful, the whole sons of god, etc (Genesis) WE don't know of that term God was a Ruler, or what...see I think it gets kind of dangerous whe. We revert to old tales, true or not, and attempt to define Truth out of them,

That's just as lunatic as the Power zealots that feast on children...a tad nuts. Just More EXCUSES to demonize and oppress,

Oh yes women are evil because of Eve, so ya Know men are justified, what a load of kaka. Sure takes away Personal Accountability now doesn't it?!!

Just a nice summing up, to justify the most horrendous EVIL behaviors we see today, and ya knw something, they didn't wash...male, female, transgender, don't matter...they simply don't wash.

People, male or female, are Evil because they CHOOSE TO BE, pure and simple. Don't care if a million green frog men empregnated women at one time, WE still. Kw right from wrong, well at least I hope, yea we DO because IF we didn't we wouldn't have Religions and Despots Rehashing texts of old to drag up the good grief knows when SPECULATIONS to Justify the brutality so many do today and have always done. Women oppressed because of some evil etc.,

Why not save your breath and just say, Hey! Women are Satan! Yay,

Sorry, but it's a load of misogyny garbage...and I suppose men are the innocent Victims of female power???

Plaleese, no, I'll make it simple for you, ok common sense...those women, well take all that whole media image depictions of blood gore, etc, occult, are nothing more than your Higher economic classes and TOO MUCH TIME ON THEIR HANDS cuzz they didn't do Real physical work, and so in their Contempt of us lower slave classes, they Delude themselves into thinking they are some mystical dark power god or something, and maybe they DO carry some dark energy from evil murders, etc., like a secret gang getting off on the secrecy and abuse of power, and for SHOCK VALUE they do all these public image things and well hey, they work, many actually either fear them or spend mega amount of tooooo much time obsessing over these Human Beings who through psychological GAMES and terror, control people,

When Really the REAL POWER goes to the average Jo and Susy working the fields making sure you and I have food to eat, etc., those you Never see, Many of them those EVIL WOMEN who without, well we'd be picking our own fields AND that goes for CHILDREN picking cotton,

Yea They are the real power, and they are NOT EVIL.

What you seek, eye, you see, seek justifying hate of females, you'll find it. Simple

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 04:51 PM
I am trying to get this in a PDF form as its an interesting read nonetheless.

When God Was a Woman

Here, archaeologically documented, is the story of the religion of the Goddess. Known by many names--Astarte, Isis, Ishtar, among others--she reigned supreme in the Near and Middle East. Beyond being worshipped for fertility, she was revered as the wise creator and the one source of universal order. Under her, women's roles differed markedly from those in patriarchal Judeo-Christian cultures. Women bought and sold property and traded in the marketplace, and the inheritance of title and property was passed from mother to daughter. How did the change come about? By documenting the wholesale rewriting of myth and religious dogmas, Merlin Stone details a most ancient conspiracey: the patriarchal reimaging of the Goddess as a wanton, depraved figure. This portrait that laid the foundation for one of culture's greatest shams--the legend of Adam and fallen Eve.

If this is in fact the reality of things and the true stories have been suppressed, it would raise the question on how would woman NOT keep their presence a secret? Those who know these things would have to work in the shadows, where goddess worship, and the origins of both the creation, and the story of how woman are at fault for the ills of the world would use what would be considered the weakness' of man against them.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver
I am trying to get this in a PDF form as its an interesting read nonetheless.

When God Was a Woman

Here, archaeologically documented, is the story of the religion of the Goddess. Known by many names--Astarte, Isis, Ishtar, among others--she reigned supreme in the Near and Middle East. Beyond being worshipped for fertility, she was revered as the wise creator and the one source of universal order. Under her, women's roles differed markedly from those in patriarchal Judeo-Christian cultures. Women bought and sold property and traded in the marketplace, and the inheritance of title and property was passed from mother to daughter. How did the change come about? By documenting the wholesale rewriting of myth and religious dogmas, Merlin Stone details a most ancient conspiracey: the patriarchal reimaging of the Goddess as a wanton, depraved figure. This portrait that laid the foundation for one of culture's greatest shams--the legend of Adam and fallen Eve.

If this is in fact the reality of things and the true stories have been suppressed, it would raise the question on how would woman NOT keep their presence a secret? Those who know these things would have to work in the shadows, where goddess worship, and the origins of both the creation, and the story of how woman are at fault for the ills of the world would use what would be considered the weakness' of man against them.

Peace, NRE.

maybe because IN that time frame, the RULERS, what is termed as gods and goddesses, though Personally I doubt they ever were, more like deified dead rulers, IMO, but, like still today, Power corrupts, absolutely,

Be it male or female.

I think, again, we get into problems when we look on these old dead Images, of clay mind you, marble, gold leafed, and assume all these things, when in fact thee are thousands of Graves of,

Bones that have been Proven were slaves, many of then Miners, many of them Children therefore proving there was enslaved classes, of whole people and I would highly suspect that the rise of Patriarchy in its earlier beginnings Probably had something to do with the anger and hate towards despotic rulers, many of which were Female. We Know there was massive sex slavery, Contrary to the glorified MYTHS many spew today in hopes to bring back that type of world, god forbid.

As a Feminist/women's human rights advocate, sorry but I just don't get the whole goddess glorification nonsense, no more than the worship if despotic make thugs. Little clues, when you see images of so called goddesses with Chained animals, that's kid of proof right there that these were not goddesses or gods, as IF they were, the Animals would just Gladly go to them and stay on their shoulder, no harness chain leash needed. I'm referring to one image of Ishtar with the leashed owl, which, uh, NO,

If you have to leash an animal then you ant no goddess, a ruler maybe with a fetish for Dominating wildlife, but no magical powers...

And I notice that about a lot of ancient images, like this over compensation with the whole hey Look at us, WE can dominate big animals why Wes so tough...fear us,

Yea, great psychological warfare, for sure. I find it amusing how people today still defer to these "images" as proof of god powers, etc., when they are hardly proof of anything. Yep I'm a cynic, or maybe Skeptical,

It's like the whole occult/religion garbage my family was in, they didn't have any Powers, DELUSIONS maybe but Powers, NO,

ONLY the POWER to DECEIVE...and ABUSE. But Real life power, a changing force? No, nada,

Like the whole thing with the witch hunts and obsession with a crazed church. OK so these witches have powers, well then ya think those ole powers would have warned them years prior and they would have up and left those villages en mass,

I mean, it's Ludacracy! really I think what it was, was ole Rome wanting a Monopoly on the herbs and spices aka medicinal uses, as hey more Control that way...can't have people getting Healed now, can we? And lose those gold coins to the churches for prayers for the sick??? :0. Na, can't have that...

We do know, in all ancients, there was water pitchers buried, among the lesser classes, funny, that to me is Real power, hundreds of illiterates, Females, yet the LIFE SOURCE for those communities was those Women At the



Not some mega naked owl totin woman or girl, no

But all the Invisible water carriers, who had to walk those miles, getting that water And in those Desert regions like the Bushman of Africa, had to KNOW where that Water was, not like there was Spickets back then,



Yet, you don't see their images daunting all over the place.

Kind of like Mother Earth, giving LIFE and WATER,

Without a sound or trumpet Blaring her Almighty POWER.

Because She and He never Needed too.

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 05:34 PM
link is a bit about the Ancient Woman Warriors.

I like the last part of this, as amazingly there isnt nearly enough to cover all that remains secret till this day.

Throughout history, women warriors have fought and led troops into battle. This partial list of warrior queens and other women warriors runs from the legendary Amazons -- who may have been real warriors from the Steppes -- to the Syrian queen of Palmyra, Zenobia. Sadly, we know too little about most of these brave warrior women who stood up to the powerful male leaders of their day because history is written by the victors.

Peace, NRE.
edit on 18-6-2013 by NoRegretsEver because: add

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 06:01 PM
If people want to join a gang and act like they're superior to others, let them pretend.

As for the women thinking they're "enlightened" in this thread by looking up to other "enlightened" people who are really just power-hungry dimwits... that's pretty low.

Not all men want to build bigger things and blow each other up, just like not all women seek to manipulate and bite the heads off their victims after they get what they want.

These are extreme variations within our species, which are being glorified out of sheer ignorance.
edit on 18-6-2013 by wehavenoclue because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 06:06 PM
Some may be confused about the purpose of this thread, and I am not surprised. Just thinking in this way is a shock to some, and thats ok There is no reason to feel guilt about thinking about both sexes in the same manner. Woman are nurturing, and so are men

Yet there is a disillusion that woman cannot do the same as man, by not always being the people that we are taught to believe. There is a reason why woman are brought up this way, and why after hundreds of thousands of years woman still have to work harder than men, but it is (IMHO) because of the amount of power that women have, not just in intelligence, business, home life, but naturally.

When we think of either good or bad, the illuminati, or freemasons, their is a set core belief that is followed, and not recognizing woman in this is preposterous. There are good woman, and bad woman. This is a FACT! Damage is done by those that are not seen.

Apparently in order to discuss evil, men have to be solely involved. By doing this what we are doing is setting back not just the natural bad nature of a woman, but the good as well. Many of the major religions secretly worship woman, and its ignorant to ignore their roles on this planet.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 06:19 PM
Here is a controversal book written in 1890 by Victoria Claflin Woodhull.
The Garden of Eden; or The Paradise Lost & Found

Victoria Claflin Woodhull was a 19th century feminist, spiritualist, and advocate for free love. She was the first woman to run for president (in 1872), the first woman stockbroker, and published the first American edition of the Communist Manifesto. Her view that women should be free to marry and take lovers based on conscience, not compulsion, set her at odds with other feminists. She was convicted of sending obscenity through the mails when her newspaper ran an exposé of a sex scandal involving two prominent preachers. In her later years Woodhull moved to England, married a respectable banker, and spent a lot of effort attempting to backtrack over her radical past.

Like other 19th century feminists, Woodhull saw the dominant religion as one of the sources of women's oppression and made a rationalist critique of the Bible part of her intellectual armament. This pamphlet is a version of a lecture which she gave numerous times on the subject of the Garden of Eden, which she felt was an intricate symbol of the human body, rather than an actual historical location. While a few of the opinions in this essay are firmly planted in 19th century pseudo-science, (e.g., eugenics), her thesis that the kingdom of god is literally within us, and nothing pertaining to the body is obscene, still seems fresh and relevant today.

By Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the Revising Committee

The Woman's Bible, written by famous 19th Century feminist Elizabeth Cady Stanton and a "Revising Committee", is one of the first attempts by women to evaluate the Judeo-Christian legacy and its impact on women through history. Stanton concluded that 'the Bible in its teachings degrades Women from Genesis to Revelation'. However she and the other contributors found much to admire in the Bible, particularly some of the Old Testament women. While many of her views are still controversial, time and advances in womens' rights have lessened some of the shock value of this book. Stanton doesn't go as far as some modern feminist theologians and proclaim 'God is a woman', but there are several contributions which discuss the gender of the 'Elohim' and the female aspects of the Kabbalah.

The book is very readable and entertaining, despite occasional references to now-moot 19th Century political issues (such as temperance and bimetallism).

Peace, NRE.

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver
Out minds cannot fathom what it is for a woman to have a hidden agenda

Would you mind expanding on this?

I actually find it interesting. I have never met a male who cant fathom this. Ever. Never ever. Quite the opposite actually.

That said, I find many women who do feel this way. In fact, I have met many women that think every single one of the worlds problems would be solved if everything was run by women and that every single issue that is present is perpetrated by men. Edit: This seems to be the vein of the thread, but its just one tidbit I am having trouble clarifying.

Are you insinuating that this is part of an active effort in achieving such domination, where the general population of women take part both consciously and unconsciously?

I find the difference in perspective extremely interesting and am wondering if that is what you were pointing towards. It just seems you included men in the statement, but "our" might have just meant women?
edit on 18-6-2013 by Serdgiam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by Serdgiam

I am trying to generalize as I dont want anyone to think that I am trying to downgrade women, even though there are few out there that will see what they want.

The point of the thread was really to open the eyes, and maybe even broaden the scope of women all together. Not just the good, but the bad as well. If you dismiss one, then IMHO you dismiss the other, and women and the definition of women is something that isnt really discussed.

I am fully aware of how some men see women, it wouldnt take long to visit BTS and see some interesting threads, but this wasnt about that. Woman are part of more then one category, as a matter of fact there are many that are over-looked because we think of woman in one sense.

We make assumptions that woman have no real control, I want to say, thats not true.

Peace, NRE.

I actually find it interesting. I have never met a male who cant fathom this. Ever. Never ever. Quite the opposite actually.

Would you mind expanding on that?

edit on 18-6-2013 by NoRegretsEver because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver
We make assumptions that woman have no real control, I want to say, thats not true.

First, I hope I am not catching you in the middle of an edit, I waited a bit to make sure!

The above statement is well said. To clarify again though, when you say "we" are you referring to all of us (male and female), or just women?

I actually find it interesting. I have never met a male who cant fathom this. Ever. Never ever. Quite the opposite actually.

Would you mind expanding on that?

Again, I hope you are asking me and not just in the middle of an edit!

But, there are quite a few sayings that pertain to this. Such as; "The man may be the head of the household. But the woman is the neck, and she can turn the head whichever way she pleases." I could go an find every one, but that would take a very, very, very long time, haha.

To be clear, I wasnt saying all men think this way, just every single one that I have had a conversation with on the differences of perspective between men and women. I have never even considered that anyone thought a women wasnt capable of having a hidden agenda. Or a man, for that matter.

Heck, its even joked about with high school kids. Males tend to fight and then get over it, but females will store it all away and slowly work towards a goal of "revenge." In high school, this was just accepted as the obvious, but maybe thats where I grew up? (US) It is a generalization, therefore flawed, but the idea that someone cant even fathom it is completely new to me in every way.

It feels like when I found out that not all people were double jointed in kindergarten! Its one of the best feelings in the world, to me.. that of the unknown, and an opportunity to learn..
edit on 18-6-2013 by Serdgiam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 06:53 PM
You know this thread had me thinking of the film Mars needs moms I think it was, the females were in power while the males hugged, danced and pretty much done what we do today on a bro level.

Interesting to say the least, what got me thinking as well was if anyone has read the Hopi Prophesy says that the fifth world will be dominated and run by woman, just instantly came to mind when I watched the videos.

The good and evil could explain a lot I'm not saying aliens are visiting for that I'm unsure but for topics sake lets say that they have came here and they did mess with our DNA, the inhumanity that a majority of the world holds in nothing short of what they were speaking about when he said there was a white dragon and a black dragon, look at how the world is just now and if anyone can say that its fine then they have dilluded themselfs to this evil because the worlds just gone bat sh*t crazy and females have more power than males in society, we dumb beasts are easily controlled lol

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by Serdgiam

I meant both male and female. Females also have a tendency to get caught up in the stereotype.

"The man may be the head of the household. But the woman is the neck, and she can turn the head whichever way she pleases."

I love that quote actually. A female "agenda" of course varies, some think of it as childish things, like shoes, or men with money, etc,. But there is an entire hidden story of women and their capabilities all together, that I think should be discussed.

When you think about it, most men that have this animosity towards women, was due to the amount of control that women had in the first place.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
If only people really understand. They chase after rabbits all the time, they look at the many trails and the thousands of codes.

If you only knew what the dark hat mismanagers of the world has hidden, its very simple answers, for advancement and progression of souls, and then hijacked and divided into tiny little pieces here and there, and then on top of that, they put big scarey monsters, snakes and dragons, gargoyles and demons as gate keepers so the average folk who accidentally discovers Genesis 32 30 mentions pineal, and starts to notice things, will look at the gate keeper and run in fear.

They're not nice guys.

We're here to work on our flaws and improve ourselves or grow our consciousness souls and some come in over and over again and reincarnate, others at different times, and not just earth. This is just one school, and we're not glued to it.

So the basic reality as above, so below, Men and Women, Father and Mother, the ideal male energy, the ideal female energies, unity, peace, love, wedding, union. What is the ideal male energy? Its NOT WAR AND DOMINATION! What is the ideal female energy? Its NOT MATERIALISM OR SHOPPING!

A terrific Dad is Kind and Understanding, a Great Leader/Teacher. Serve and Protect. Freedom!!!! Creator/Creative/Inventor! Hugs his kids alot and gives them many choices, free will! And respects their choices.

A terrific Mom empowers her children, works on their self esteem. Goes the extra mile to reach those who have fallen into bad things, who have become bad guys. EQUALITY. Work of equal value. All live equally. No Slavery. Opposite Dog Eat Dog Commercialism or Forced Employment. Forgiveness, Compassion, Intuitive, Wise.

The two are wedded fundamentally, in the world we would have heaven on earth.

But, this means, right and left hemisphere, pineal and pituatary waking up the Son of God/Thalamus/Third Eye. The outer consciousness, dumbed down and seeing the material world, in allignment with positive thoughts one with the Subconscious so that co-creation, positivity and abundance flow around us. We can bring heaven to earth.

And in this , the hidden female illuminati symbolism, what do ya think they're coding?

The simple way back home, Mother's energy. They're saying Give Give Give, to receive. Be Kind, Forgive, and Equality.

And do they ever suppress females on teh surface. Burqa's and veils. Second class citizenship. Don't listen to women, they talk emotional gobbly gook. We need to do satanic ritual sacrifices and portal demons and listen to them to make us wise.

They may even believe their coding by now!

But its so simply.

All that is hidden: Meditate, the waters of baptism, Give to others, STO, balance the Freedom and Equality, and the ideal energies of Mom and Dad, and you connect to Source which is Love and Higher Self, and awaken, and become superman in the system and help bring heaven to earth, plus progress.

That is the whole sum of the mysteries and all that they have buried in thousands of codes.


Very nice addition sister, I appreciate what you have said here

@ OP - very interesting thread, those types thata make people think about things a little more.

Thank you both

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver
I love that quote actually. A female "agenda" of course varies, some think of it as childish things, like shoes, or men with money, etc,. But there is an entire hidden story of women and their capabilities all together, that I think should be discussed.

What parts of it are hidden? I know you went into this with a lot of your posts, but let me clarify. Maybe it was the way I was raised, but I have always known that both men and women have accomplished some truly great things. They have also both perpetrated some great evils..

When you think about it, most men that have this animosity towards women, was due to the amount of control that women had in the first place.

Thats interesting... and its actually somewhat similar to what a female family member told me. Most men I know, myself included, have no animosity towards anyone based on gender. There are, of course, exceptions.. but it still seems to be a minority.

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 07:05 PM

edit on 18-6-2013 by superluminal11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by superluminal11

It say the video doesnt exist.

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 07:37 PM

Evil woman in history. Yes hate to break anyones feel good ideas about maternal instincts of love but woman are capable of evil.
edit on 18-6-2013 by AthlonSavage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by AthlonSavage
woman are capable of evil.

It is truly mind boggling to me that some dont agree with this. That said, after reading this thread, and thinking more about some exchanges with family members, it is becoming clear that that is the case.

All of them have been female, and if this thread is to be taken in the way I understand it, that is predicted. I am not sure that is the case (either being relegated to gender, or correct perception of the thread), but the words, phrases, and concepts are shockingly similar in retrospect.

Perhaps there is a much more hidden agenda than I ever realized. Maybe not though

Thanks for the thread NRE.

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by Serdgiam

Anytime, but be sure to stick around its not over just yet

Peace, NRE.

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver
reply to post by Serdgiam

Anytime, but be sure to stick around its not over just yet

Peace, NRE.

I most certainly will!

I still have so many unanswered questions about it, but Ill sit back and observe for a while. Just one question though, are you suggesting that the concept "if women ruled the world there would be no problems whatsoever for eternity" (literal quote from a family member, btw), is actually a hidden and cohesive idealogy?

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