posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 11:31 PM
There are 7 - 8 people in my family on one side alone that have same issue. It is autoimmune, but why the sudden outbreak and not in previous
generations is something I am curious about. Was it in previous generations, but they didn't know what it was or didn't know how to test for it, or
is it something that is just now showing up in people?
Docs seem to think the only test for Hashimoto's is the TSH and T4 Uptake. However, I have seen TPO and Thyroglobulin antibodies that are elevated
when Hashimoto's first hits. It can take years for the T4 to become abnormal, but all the while, the metabolism stinks! Weight gain is rampant.
Doesn't matter what kind of exercise or diet you are on, you still gain weight! And the doctors seem to think that you can just exercise all this
weight away, which is NOT true!!
With any machine, it only works as good as the weakest part in it. When that part goes, it either ceases to run or it runs poorly. Over time, it
will eventually quit working at all. Well, our thyroid keeps our metabolism functioning, which keeps the weight down. But when the thyroid isnt'
working so well, we gain weight. Eventually the thyroid stops working altogether (Hypothyroidism), and that is when usually medical intervention
happens. However, they need to find a way to help the thyroid in the interim BEFORE it decides to quit working altogether!! Maybe if they did,
people would not gain so much weight and the health problems wouldn't accumulate!