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My "Dad" got lung cancer.

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posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 07:48 PM
My sister broke the news to us a year ago that she had uterine cancer that had metastasized. We were all very heartbroken. After our father died from aggressive chemo treatments, she swore she would never take chemo if she was faced with cancer, then there she was in his shoes.

The oncologist told her it was aggressive and that they needed to start treatments right away. She went home that night and decided that she was going to take a different route than what our father did. I went to the store with her that very evening and she picked up apricots and a coffee bean grinder. She ground up her own apricot seeds and began her regimen that night. The next day she got flaxseeds and ground those up fresh and put them into pure organic yogurt. Now, she did all of this each day as she pondered traditional treatment and was going back and forth a lot on what she should do. I sat and listened to her talk it out with me about what she should do. I told her, to do what she wanted and that I would support her choices.

Each day she kept up with her regimens and after 7 days the onco nurse called from the office asking about her and wanting to set up her appointments. My sister said she'd call back.

Another week went by while keeping up her regimen, and she told me "i feel different inside, i feel very different" and I asked if she could please have the doctor check her over. She said it was a "different kind of good".
She convinced the onco to do another scan and to his total shock he came back in two days and told her that the lymph nodes were normal sized and that the spots had become smaller.

She kept with her regimen and decided to give up eating sugary snacks and added in a lot of greens. She does not like to juice but she got a juicer anyway and juiced a lot of things while still taking in some regular meals.

After two months the cancer was gone. It has not returned and her last reports were clean. The onco has no idea what to tell her. I went with her in the last appt and he just sat there staring at the floor, then stared at her. She told him what she was doing, and he just shook his head and said "but that would not cure an aggressive cancer like this".

Well it did and I have my sister with me now. No one can explain it but this is what helped her. I should also add that she took in blackstrap molasses too because she said it "gave her energy".

I cry as I write this out because I wish we did this for our dad. We miss him every day. I'm not here to say traditional treatment is evil and that no one should go for it.... it's a personal choice when you are facing this battle how you want to go to battle and what your weapons will be.

As for Steve Jobs, he DID go with traditional treatments first, but when he was too weakened to continue and it was not working, he switched to natural alternatives, and sometimes when you destroy your body with chemo it cannot respond to natural things and come back from it. I know that this will garner some anger but in my research that has been true for many people. Dr Budwig did save a lot of people though, whose doctors sent them home to die.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
I'm just posting to reinforce that you DO NOT want to get medical advice from strangers on the Internet. Most of the alternative medicine so-called cures are scams to empty peoples wallets. Medical advice needs to come from qualified professionals and nowhere else.

All my prayers your way.

I agree that medical advice should come from professionals but there is no money to be had or wallets to empty with ingesting apricot, flaxseeds and yogurt, vitamin c, a healthy clean diet of greens, etc. Just saying...

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by Aliquandro

Thank you for bringing up Budwig's protocol. I know it saved my sister. That and her apricot seeds. I want to say though, before taking up anything natural it's important to understand that ingesting apricot seeds can lower the blood pressure. It's very important to know what natural remedies can do as well.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by Johnkie

Johnkie listen to this very carefully, I have found the golden egg for the cancer cure.
The first thing to do is, Do Your Research. Don't take anybody's word without doing your own study's.
Here is What I found.
Pure 100% Maple Syrup and Baking Soda.
Take 3 parts Maple Syrup and 1 part Baking Soda.
Put it in a pan and simmer for 5 mins to mix the baking soda into the Maple Syrup.
Keep it sired the whole time. DO NOT BRING TO A BOIL. After 5 mins or so, let it cool a little and put it in a mason jar and refrigerate after. Take 1 tablespoon 3 to 5 times a day. gab it out over the day. do this for 7 to 14 days, Then go get checked for growth or shrinkage. then see what you think about it.
Now how do I know this, I did my research because my mother-in-law has the same thing he has also on her neck and behind her ear. I started her on it as soon as we found out.
7 days later she went back to the doctor and all of it has shrunk by HALF!!!! 14 days and the size of a pea.
(It was a grapefruit). We have had many cure for cancer but guess what, That's not were the money is at.
Makes me sick to see all doctors are into it for their profits and kickbacks.
Do Not do cemo or rad. it will kill him. do your study...
Also look into pure hemp oil as a cure all.
The Baking soda and maple syrup gives the torgen horse effect, cancer eats sugar with sodium bicarbonate in it. then more or less explodes the cancer cell because it is hid in the syrup. All I can say is I hope it helps him.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by Johnkie
Thank you all for your replys and stories. Im sorry for your losses.
I will most definetly check out CyperKnife, hopefully his insurance can cover.
But does anyone know if hemp oil is a viable treatment? or just were i could buy it on the internet. Im considering going all out, getting as much "cures" as i can. And see if it helps over a span of month's.

Thanks again for your replies!

If you're interested by hemp oil treatments, please do some research on Rick Simpson, he's been tracked by RCMP on various charges of drug reselling although he used to give the oil away for free. Google is your friend, Rick Simpsons hemp oil are the keywords, there's also a 2 hour video I have which describes how to make the oil and testimonies from people that used the treatment.

Please send me a private message if you can't find the video online and would like a copy.

Rick Simpson's website:
edit on 17-6-2013 by MrMaybeNot because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by Skjord

Whatever you do don't do chemo.

This advice could cause someone to die.

The perfect example of things NOT to follow online.

edit on 17-6-2013 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by Dwalton

Makes me sick to see all doctors are into it for their profits and kickbacks.
Do Not do cemo or rad. it will kill him. do your study...
Makes me angry when people accuse the doctor who saved my life of being in it for nothing but the profit. You have no idea what you are talking about. You have no idea of the relationship between me and my doctor.

I had both radiation and chemotherapy. It saved my life. Last treatment was 26 years ago.

The Baking soda and maple syrup gives the torgen horse effect,

What's a torgen horse?
edit on 6/17/2013 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by Johnkie

whatever you do, ALWAYS consult the best doctor available to you...they are the highly trained professionals

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by Johnkie

I'd probably have more compassion for you if you referred to him as Dad and not in the brackets. How do you think he'd feel if he saw this post with you referring to him as that?

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by Dwalton

You and Johnkie are the same person- what is your motivation?

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by Johnkie

I am very sorry for your Dad and his ordeal with cancer, is nothing I can add that you probably have no research already on it.

but please if you chose alternative medicine lets us know what type of alternative treatment you follow for your Dad and the success rate

You and your Dad will be in my prayers.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by Johnkie

Nikolaj, first and foremost let me tell you how sorry I am to hear your father has the lung cancer. By now you should be well aware of the fact that a person does NOT have to smoke to get lung cancer. All they have to do is spend an inordinate amount of time with people who DO SMOKE. For example, at a pub, at work, at a sports event etc. It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that second hand smoke is actually worse than the ingested smoke by the smoker.

You are getting some information from the horse's mouth now. I was told I had stage IV squamous cell carcinoma of the throat 5 years, 4months and 6 days ago. I have NEVER SMOKED, NEVER DRANK but I was a rascal of sorts. I ended up with head and neck cancer of a sort that is rapidly becoming more prevalent than cancer of smoking and drinking. If you want to read my whole story you can read it at

I am telling you this because I have overcome the cancer. I took the regular radiation and chemical treatments. My other option was to die within a year. Sounded logical to me. So, I agreed to take it. While taking it I researched all I could on throat cancer. I found out that since I never smoked or drank, the only way I could have gotten it was from an HPV. This proved to be the case. However, the radiation nearly killed me and the chemo just about put the nails in the lid. Both are extremely detrimental to the human body. Chemo is a poison. THey mix it up, according to your weight and type of cancer, to be just two shakes short of being a deadly mix. Of course you end up with times when you wish it would go on and kill you.

At three years, I said to them, no more. I was going home and either die from stubborness or survive from it. I obviously survived it. The end result was, I lost my voice (laryngectomy) and sense of taste and smell. (Radiation) My neck is a piece of wood. I am unable to eat anything. Everything I ingest is with a feed tube through my stomach. Beats a stick in the eye!

I give the credit of my being here now to my wife who, saw that my diet (although liquid at all times) was proper and puree'd! I have no idea what she liquified but I know it was all stuff she researched to have cancer fighting capabilities. (Augmented with Ensure) I wish I could tell you your father coould be cleared of his conditions. I can't and won't but I can tell you his chances could be improved if you get the right foods into him. If he is able to chew and swallow, then he is way ahead of me on that count. Google the cancer fighting foods and make them available for him. Lots of vegetables and fruits and nuts. Blueberries are a biggy.

Give it a try because it is well worth it. Let us know, via ATS, how it goes. PLLO, bob

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by Darkblade71

The problem with chemo is that it should be the last resource if you are to go with alternative medicine first, due to the fact that Chemo will kill the cancer cells with the good cells leaving the person with a weakened immune system, alternative medicine relies on a fairly good immune system in order to work.

I will never dismiss chemo if I get cancer but I will try alternative medicine before chemo.

Occurs that is a choice.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by marg6043

I will never dismiss chemo if I get cancer but I will try alternative medicine before chemo.

For how long?

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by Phage

For as long as I chose as that will be my choice and nobody else, but that is my opinion and what I already have told my family if I ever find myself with such devastating disease.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by marg6043

Well, without the chemo my mom would of died, of that I am certain.
I have no problem with people looking into alternatives if they have the time, but when people claim chemo will kill you and not the cancer, they are wrong. When they advise not to do chemo at all, they are wrong.

This is the problem I am having.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by samuel1990
reply to post by Dwalton

You and Johnkie are the same person- what is your motivation?

Are you on meds?
Why not debate the facts, not a misspelled word or person.
All ways trying to turn the subject.
Stick to the subject or go to bed and grow up and come back when you understand.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by marg6043

It is your choice of course.
Should it happen to you, don't wait too long. If you do it could well be that nothing will be able to help you.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by Darkblade71

Chemo has a 10% success rate. Then you have to deal with radiation which can start the cancer again.

You have no idea what your talking about. But eating apricot kernels? Yeah, that's incredibly dangerous.

Your ignorance disgusts me.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 11:04 PM
Do not let him go on chemo, HE WILL DIE! Try hemp oil first, there's plenty of videos on how to make it (very simple as well.)

Doesn't matter if he smoked or not, most oxygen we breath is already contaminated with dozens of chemicals and such. All the foods we eat are in some way carcinogenic too. A lot of corporations pay to hide these facts and governments are helpless since they are on the same side.

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