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Has your conspiracy, alternative, or paranormal lifestyle ever cost you friends?

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posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by nosacrificenofreedom

You said it so much better than me! Thanks for your concise words.


Originally posted by sdrawkcabII
That makes it extremely difficult to share all of myself with people.

That's how I feel as well. I feel like I have to censor and hide part of myself just to fit in with most situations. I really wish people could be more open about themselves without fear of being judged and rejected. I have always been an advocate of tolerance, but I suppose these social boundaries serve their purpose as well.

edit on 16-6-2013 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by sdrawkcabII

It's sad that some of us feel so unable to speak our truth with potential friends and friends/family. I have a few folks I'm friends (not really close) with that I can talk about some spiritual/metaphysical things with, some I can talk about the "ghostly" type of stuff with, some where organic food, alt health is okay to talk about...but no one but ATS when it comes to the state of the world, lies we are told, things like my concerns about vaccines, fluoride, economic collapse possibilities, time skips, and erosion of our rights....etc. Not a one.

As for dating - I don't even know if I could date someone or get serious with anyone that I couldn't share my true thoughts with. I'd love nothing more than to have a deep thinking guy who is open-minded, questions things, has a spiritual depth (not a religious bent), who likes to read, learn, think, dream...maybe has an interest in off the grid, eco-friendly lifestyle someday (with a little planning for TSHTF just in case), who enjoys nature, animals...

Okay, you get the picture. I just couldn't fake it at this point (my identity I'm talking about
Where does one meet a like-minded person in the "real world" when the majority will look at you like you're crazy.

I have trouble sometimes being a vegetarian - in this day and age, for example, people at work will give me a hard time and look at me like I'm weird. I don't "flaunt" it, I don't try to "convert" others to it, I just want to eat my own way.

I did lose a friend I believe over "ghostly" stuff. She and I talked all the time about metaphysical topics, books, law of attraction, Seth books, all sorts of fringe, new-agey stuff, but when I had very scary "ghost" things happening in my home at one point (shadow people, toys moving, doors slamming, cats scared out of their minds and not wanting to come in, etc.), and I was looking for some moral support, she sort of disappeared out of my life. I was there for her when her cat died, when her dad died, when her sister "disowned" her, when she broke her ankle and needed a ride to and from work for weeks on end -- I thought we were "sisters" on a path - and whoops, she was gone. That really did hurt and left me very shy about talking to anyone about anything that isn't "mainstream."

edit on 16-6-2013 by Galadriel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by Galadriel

I have tried to be vegetarian twice in my life. Longest I lasted was 6 months. Everybody around me kept goading me and tempting me to stray from my goal..even though I asked for their support. I used to get weird looks and snarky comments at work when I'd eat vegetarian.

I'm very sorry for your loss. I know how difficult it can be to find a friend that close..I know, because I'm still looking for one myself.

I agree with you, we should be able to share personal truths with each other without the stigmas.

edit on 16-6-2013 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 11:24 PM
My conspiracy theorizing itself?

Its driven a few friends and myself mad, but didn't entirely drive them off.

But my disposition regarding the conspiracies?

Most definitely.

I believe people who sit around and take up space, whining and judging those of us who actually ARE out there in the good fight, are pathetic. If you're not out doing something, you are the problem.

And this is where my friends had conflict.

They didn't want to do anything about it.

They wanted to wallow in their selfishness and their sin, cowering behind the establishment out of fear and anxiousness rather than taking a stand and getting upset.

ALL my friends want this, to wallow in their own lives and pretend the world doesn't exist.


I believe its selfish to do such a thing. Its selfish to hide, because weather you like it or not, anyone born in this world with any kind of cognitive ability and any slight knowledge of the darkest parts of the world, have an innate responsibility to do something about it. You are obliged to stand and deliver.

That belief has driven lots of friends away, and thank God.

I miss them a little bit, but I'm better off without them.

They were whiny, bratty, self-indulgent, perverted human shells with little to no moral code outside of their family-defending cult. They loved to defend each other from anyone outside of their cult.

Know why? Because the cult they created for themselves justified their screwed up ways. Of course they'll defend it to their last breath. As long as they're around each other, poisoning each other with the love of lust and whorish lifestyles, their worship of stupid idols like Justin Beiber, etc etc.

Sorry, my reply became a rant.

Yes, its lost me some less-than-worthwhile friends. Good for me.

But its also beginning to convert some of my other friends and bring them into "the fight."

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 06:24 AM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

As we age (or perhaps grow wiser?), our priorities change and we might make certain decisions about those we choose to share our lives or time with. I'm not one to burn bridges and my friends are for life.. unless their lifestyle is something that might involve a complete clash with my principles/values. So no, I haven't lost any friends for the reasons that you expressed, but I have lost a couple friends, and I have grown apart from some others over the years. I can't say that I have many real (true) friends other than one life-long friend, and of course the one I live with. We agree on most things though, so it's pretty easy and effortless being BFFs with him

So....maybe I'm just lazy ? Or maybe I'm smart? Either way, it's all good.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 08:25 AM
First of all, I am both a Christian, and a person who respects genuine scientific efforts to understand the universe. For example, I do not believe that creationism and evolution theory are as mutually exclusive as some would have you believe. What the hell God meant when recounting the story of the creation of the universe, to his idiot mortal scribes, is, I believe, beyond direct and complete comprehension by human beings, so the gestation period of seven days for the entire universe could mean anything. We are talking about a being which existed before time here, so anything is possible.

In any case, I deeply respect science, because apart from the fact that it helps human beings do cool stuff, like visit space, cure diseases, and so on, it also allows people like me, who both respect science and have faith, to view the wonder of creation in more ways than just with our eyes. We can now comprehend concepts regarding the physical reality of the universe, that we could never have dreamed of even one hundred years ago. The glory of creation, in my view is something which transcends through all levels of awareness, but to see an age where I can look at a genuine picture of a hydrogen atom, for example (which has been recently achieved), or watch a movie where carbon atoms are the pixels in a stop motion animation (IBM are some clever b-tards), is frankly inspiring.

What I am trying to get across to you, OP, is that your friend who decided to make a rampant arse of himself over evolution probably wasnt worth the effort in the first place. His faith must be very weak to have such a problem with the begining of one of the greatest movies ever made. So, yeah, crap friend, God awful Christian. Double botch, epic fail.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 10:27 AM
I can't think of any time it has cost me friends. I don't discuss these topics until I'm sure the person has an interest in it. Otherwise, we simply don't talk about the subject. That's really just courtesy. Another friend won't try to engage me in a sports competition outside of the local teams, just because they know it would bore me to tears.

In fact, I can think of when having the conspiracy thing in common has HELPED me gain friends. My cop buddy is a good example. He is (in my opinion) taken in by a lot more of the "out there" alien stuff than me, but I think that is mostly because he's still new to the subject. The more he learns about it, the more he'll be able to see who may be sincere.

You just have to pick and choose who you discuss the topics with, not just for the sake of a friendship, but also just to keep their likes and dislikes in mind.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

A few. I'm not one of those "Everything is a Conspiracy" people, but I will give every angle some thought, shouldn't we all? The most recent was the last girlfriend I had. She was a sweet girl, but wouldn't question anything. If she saw something on the news, then it was fact to her. I ended up breaking up with her due to her closed mindedness. I can't stand people who refuse to think for themselves.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

A few. I'm not one of those "Everything is a Conspiracy" people, but I will give every angle some thought, shouldn't we all? The most recent was the last girlfriend I had. She was a sweet girl, but wouldn't question anything. If she saw something on the news, then it was fact to her. I ended up breaking up with her due to her closed mindedness. I can't stand people who refuse to think for themselves.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 04:36 PM
I have always known its not cool to entertain such things among the sheeple of the current age we live in so I keep my mouth shut on these subjects, to be frank I'm not sure I would like a friend who was into this stuff too, conversation would be too deep...prefer simple chat and a beer

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by TrueBrit
So, yeah, crap friend

Honestly, I think he was acting like that to appease some woman. That friend was someone I grew up with and knew most of my life and I've NEVER heard him talk that way. Not until he got a Christian girlfriend so...I'm just not sure why he had such a mission when all I wanted to do was chill out with a movie and a pizza.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
I don't discuss these topics until I'm sure the person has an interest in it. Otherwise, we simply don't talk about the subject.

Yes, that's my strategy as well.

But some people are not content to be that courteous. In the situations I have listed in my OP, it was the other person who confronted me.

Thanks, Gazrok. I always look forward to your responses

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 08:38 PM
i've led a mostly punk-rock lifestyle, playing in bands and partying, and i'll be 42 next month, so most of my friends are 10 years younger than me or more. i've always had a side that is extremely sensitive to people and situations, to an almost psychic level, which i tried to smash with the partying, but usually just resulted in freakouts...with the exception of an interest in UFOs and ghosts, which most of my friends share.
as i've been "waking up" the past few years (really just coming to understand the actual science behind things like crystals and what audio frequencies do to you) most of my friends are a bit surprised, and none of us know how to deal with the fact that we're growing apart and that i don't have time for bands that are going nowhere anymore. they don't respect my boundaries and drop by while i'm trying to do yoga or meditate and look at me like a hurt puppy because i don't want to waste time drinking and jamming like a 15-year old. but i've never really wanted to do that, i just didn't have anything better to do.
i had an internal job interview today at work and told my boss about the kind of shop/center i'm opening, and he was like "cool, ever go to the sensory depravation tanks? I go at least once a week." (i have.) then we talked about audio therapy and King Spa for 20 minutes (look it up, it's a chain and it's cool).
the point is, i keep finding more and more like-minded people, the interview thing would be unheard of 20 years ago, i would have NEVER brought that up, not even in a BAR, let alone a job interview!
and i know i live in Chicago, not everyone has that big of a pool to find friends and associates in, but they're out there, and you will find each other.
love and light folks, on and up
edit on 17-6-2013 by KAOStheory because: sp

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

I treat conspiracy theories as I do religion and politics. I do not discuss my beliefs in any of it publicly in my daily life.

I will online since I'm safely semi-anonymous on message boards and won't have to deal with anybody I argue with here on a face-to-face basis.

As a result I have yet to lose any friends over my unpopular opinions. I'm not saying it will never happen. Just that it hasn't happened yet.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 10:35 PM
Yes, i brought uo UFOs at a party on time cost me a few friends, i just said that i thought that the were inter-dimensional beings probably not something from our own universe becasuye of the VAST distances needed to be traveled.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 10:44 PM
Nah, it hasn't cost me any friends. I seem to have more to talk to them about now though, everyone I know seems to think that the Economy is going to bust. Most everyone I know has experienced at least one paranormal event or has witnessed something that spooked them a bit. Everyone knows that the people running this country can't understand the true meaning of the word budget. There is not really any conspiracies, there are just different ways of interpreting what is happening.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

That's messed up ! You're doing something for you,and the earth ,and your friends try to get you to slip up ?
I hate to say it,but those are not friends ,and they sound very immature .

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by PtolemyII
and your friends try to get you to slip up ?

That was mostly my family. I told them I wanted to stop eating meat, and asked for their support, and explicitly asked them not to cook, buy, or offer me meat.

At family dinners and stuff they would look at me like I had two heads and give me problems about it. I had a cousin who also tried to go vegetarian after she dissected a pig in school. They tried knocking her off kilter as well.

I gotta get out of here

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

If the dude turned himself into a butthead just so he could get some Christian lass to dance the horizontal rumba with him, then its even worse.

Bro's before... well... you know, that other thing.

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 10:40 AM

I treat conspiracy theories as I do religion and politics. I do not discuss my beliefs in any of it publicly in my daily life.

Add in any other kind of lifestyle outside the norm, like if you are an uber geek and like to dress up in costumes for certain events or if you have any kind of different sexual lifestyle. It's hard to know where another's stance is on these subjects until you get to know them, so always a good idea to play it safe and not scare away the normies...

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