posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 03:05 AM
Hello westcoast,
I read your book and loved it. I had a hard time putting it down. You kept me courious. Bravo!
Great work!
With that said, maybe your next book should include the sights many are experiencing,
like in your pics.
Back on subject:
I am quite the sky watcher, both day and night and have seen more sun-dogs in the last year &1/2,
than I've seen in the 7 yrs before that.
I am surrounded by forest so rainbow is scarce.My distance view is mostly up.
I've seen quit a few moon-bows too, now tha I think about it.
I have had friends and family comment about rainbows,sun-dogs and moon -bows
more than I can ever remember.
I do tend to think it has to do with the methane overload in the air. With credit given to the rapid
melt of the Arctic ice releasing more methane than ever recorded.
edit on 14-6-2013 by azureskys because: corrections
edit on
14-6-2013 by azureskys because: corrections
edit on 14-6-2013 by azureskys because: (no reason given)