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Rare Optical Displays in the Skies Harbinger Of Changes Within the Earth?

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posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by westcoast
Changing course here, a lot, yet on the Topic-
With SOOO many of these "Orbs" showing up, and more heinous (bleep) coming down on all who talk about "them"

Perhaps we are being prepared for some of the Divine Immortals again coming down to Earth; to walk among us, show the their true forms, and of course impregnate some of the best looking women to restart the age of Demi-gods, as is tradition.

Perhaps the Earth Goddess is using beautiful rainbows to draw kind peoples eyes to the sky and rekindle the wonder of Nature so murderous suppressed by the monotheistic religions. They/ We must go slowly so as not to anger said religious fanatics less they go even more nuts and try to eliminate all the "blaspheemers" guilty of learning about the World as it really is- aka The Apocalypse, or as we call it 'The Battle of Armagordon' ha, you would expect a Divine Immortal to make really deep jokes right? ( if you ever get the pleasure of reading my books which of course we can not mention here lest I make any money at all you will see how this is so funny it hurts, ahem, where were we?)

We have "thrown down the gauntlet" and challenged this "God", and his Son, to come down here and visit, lay some teaching on us, reveal the Truth - and what could be more important? Sure He is busy yet He could literally make time. Just a short visit? Were we told rainbows in the sky were the sign we were being protected and watched over, were we not? Yet with the number of floods every where i go - I have more than a few doubts these Gods are anything like what the ads tell us.
Signed- Hymn

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by Gordonthegood9


posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by Gordonthegood9

Check this post by Westcoast for an example of what you are talking about, i.e. "orbs"
wc orb post

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 02:08 PM


posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by westcoast
but this does not mean I am stupid.

Absolutely nowhere did I say you were. And you are accusing me of twisting your words

Originally posted by westcoast

originally posted by fireballstorm
The same to you, but please do not fall into the trap of having so much of an open mind that your brain falls out, and above all, try to stay objective about what you see. Then perhaps your theories will be taken seriously by serious people as opposed to conspiracy theorists on a forum where the majority (though not all) are willing to believe almost anything if it sounds semi-plausible even though there is no real evidence to support the "theory". you are being rude to rest of the posters on this thread, and I take more offense to that. Please be considerate. This IS a conspiracy website BTW, and a great place to post just such theories were you can discuss various possibilities and stretch your imagination a little bit. It's not like I tried to pass this as fact or even a provable theory...just in idea. I can see that you consider yourself a bit of an expert on the subject and feel a need to correct what you see as falsehoods...but while I appreciate your input, it would be great if it were given in a more collaborative nature; such is the nature of the ATS we all like

No, not being rude at all - just telling it like it is.

Again twisting my words I see - where did I say "the rest of the posters on this thread" (implying everyone apart from you)?

So you believe every crack-pot you hear spouting nonsense on ATS??

Judging by your reply to Gordonthegood9 , you don't. Kind of hypocritical don't you think?

Either way, don't bother to reply. I'm done going round in circles with you, and being accused of saying things I did not say.
edit on 23-6-2013 by FireballStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by FireballStorm

Sorry you feel that way.

I always appreciate input, especially from anyone who knows more on a subject than myself. I just think it can be done without being hyper-critical.

Let's just agree to disagree and move on.

ETA: to post a little something on-topic: The suggestion I read by a post that reduced air pollution might in fact increase visibility of rainbows/halos, etc. is very interesting and something I could definitely see as a connection too. I would also like to try and find any comments or articles/research from perhaps a weather site in regards to if these are occurring more or not.
edit on 23-6-2013 by westcoast because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by westcoast

I stumbled upon your thread whilst myself observing the beauty of the sky this evening - dark navy clouds drifting against layered blues, pinks, and oranges, with an indescribable feeling in the air, the cool breeze - you know, it gives you goosebumps, but not because you are cold... To see your photographs at this time, amazing.

I recently moved, it was difficult, completely worth it though. I can observe the weather, the sun, moon, stars. Not like when I lived in a city (concrete jungle, or prison should I say). A couple of days after moving in, I went out for a long walk. On my way home, I saw the most incredibly vibrant double rainbow over the sea - I won't forget it. It was as if it were a sign (who knows). Stunning.

Thank you for your beautiful photographs, and the link with all the rainbows, which I sent onto my grandmother because she will love those!


posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by rainbowmoonstone

Glad you enjoyed the pictures!

Sounds like you live in a beautiful place. I can relate to your description of how it feels to be observing something so beautiful. Kinda puts us in our place.

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by westcoast

Thank you so much for your efforts,can't say much,or use any other description of the beauty of nature. Lets' hope that is all it Is,just nature at its' best showing off!

posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 03:11 AM
reply to post by westcoast

In the pic with the upside down rainbow, did you notice the funnel-looking shape below it? That seems very interesting to me as well!

You have some gorgeous pictures. Not sure what to make of all this, though the weather does seem quite odd lately. No matter what, though, the photos are beautiful. I like sky pictures myself, and acan appreciate these!

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

Thank you!!

And yes, I've always wondered what caused it. I figured either a plane, or perhaps just the wind currents. But interesting!

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by westcoast
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

Thank you!!

And yes, I've always wondered what caused it. I figured either a plane, or perhaps just the wind currents. But interesting!

Sometimes, mundane things can cause very unusual effects, but sometimes, it is something out of the ordinary. In any case, GREAT pics. Keeping an open eye isn't ever a bad thing, either!

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