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Here it is! The final ad for the 9/11 global campaign!

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posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 05:23 AM

Originally posted by Alfie1
In fact, that WTC 7 was not hit by a plane is pretty cogent evidence that it was not a CD. It seems to be agreed on both sides that if the building was rigged for CD it must have been before 9/11. The idea that it could have been done in hours with the building on fire appears generally accepted to be ridiculous.

So, if WTC 7 was pre-rigged with explosives what were the wiley perps going to do to cover that CD ? The Towers had planes flown into them and they collapsed from the impact points so what was the plan for WTC 7 ? The fact that WTC 7 was hit by falling debris and fires were started was pure chance. No-one could have banked on it in pre-planning. So what was the plan ? Just to blow it up in broad daylight as it stood ? Seem likely ?

Cracking post! Starred.

Here's video evidence of the damage to WTC7.

edit on 4/6/13 by Sankari because: added url...

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 05:29 AM
"Physicist Steven Jones - one of the scientists who found thermite
in the World Trade Center dust discusses in depth his process of discovery
using the scientific method. Chain of custody of the WTC dust and nanothermite are discussed in depth."


His peer reviewed paper on the discovery of thermite:
edit on 4-6-2013 by peashooter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Wonder if there was not supposed to be a 3rd plane crashing into Tower 7? The plane that went down in the field was headed toward the White House, it was presumed but maybe it was headed for Tower 7 to make it look as if it fell because a plane hit it?

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 06:14 AM
reply to post by newcovenant

I always thought that the third plane that crashed was destined for Building Number 7, but something went wrong along the way yet they still pulled the plug. It is said (I can't prove it) that there was a large amount of gold stolen from WTC7 and it also held some important documents pertaining to the trllions of dollars which went missing that Rumsfeld announced just before the attacks (once again I cannot prove this).

I will have to look into these claims in more detail even though they supposedly have been debunked but I certainly have not seen anything that confirms or denies these claims so I do not believe they have officially been debunked regardless what the die hard skeptics say. A lot of the time they are worse than the "conspiracy theorists" they love to ridicule.

Nothing entertains me more than a "debunker" busting into a thread with a snopes article as their evidence that allegedly shatters the theory

All I know is that there were a lot of unexplainable events that day and WTC7 is one of them.

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 06:19 AM
Easily the most compelling thing I have seen is the family guy episode where lois becomes mayor and in the debate against mayor west to win the croud all she keeps saying is 911.

Great thread.

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 06:42 AM
I got news for ya...we lost our protections from illegal searches and seizures long before 9/11. The IRS can seize anything and everything you own without due process and has been able to do this for a very very long time.

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 06:43 AM

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by newcovenant
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Wonder if there was not supposed to be a 3rd plane crashing into Tower 7? The plane that went down in the field was headed toward the White House, it was presumed but maybe it was headed for Tower 7 to make it look as if it fell because a plane hit it?

There are various problems with supposing UA 93 was intended for WTC 7.

After the hi-jacking and turnaround the plane was on a steady course for Washington until it became erratic at the time of the passenger revolt as evidenced by the flight data recorder and cockpit voice recorder.

The hi-jackers dialled up the VOR navigational aid for Reagan National Airport to help them get to Washington.

You might also consider how easy it would have been to hit WTC 7 with a large plane while the Towers stood.

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 07:26 AM
I hope more and more people will wake up to the fact that 9/11 was an inside job and tweak to the notion that America is being run by zombie werewolves who are going to kill everybody but the Igors of the world, who sweep up in the lab for them, but I don't think so.

Not even movies by people like Oliver Stone can get Americans to do anything.

I don't think even Roger Corman could get America to wake up, or George Romero, although to be fair to Romero, American politics since JFK's assassination has been one long "night of the living dead" stalking of the American people by zombified oligarchs, lurching closer and closer, mumbling,

"I'm still going to kill you all even if you continue to commit electoral suicide on my behalf."

The American response to this is uniquely American.

Collective action on the part of the American people as a whole would be socialism and that's not allowed in America.

Americans privatize resistance so that when the oligarchy comes to strangle them individually, one by one, they put up a great, American style struggle, good for some newspaper coverage and a few threads on ATS, until the disturbance dies down . . . and the zombies start lurching toward someone else.

Am I overreacting and overstating everything? Of course, but don't you think the situation calls for it? Rock on Alex Jones!

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by peashooter
His peer reviewed paper on the discovery of thermite:
edit on 4-6-2013 by peashooter because: (no reason given)

As posted in another thread, that paper was not peer reviewed, it was posted on a pay to publish site....

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by hellobruce

Originally posted by peashooter
His peer reviewed paper on the discovery of thermite:
edit on 4-6-2013 by peashooter because: (no reason given)

As posted in another thread, that paper was not peer reviewed, it was posted on a pay to publish site....

Could you link to the post in that thread that explains what you claim please?

Please highlight which portion of that post backs up these claims as well.


edit on 6/4/2013 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

I've had the same idea on the third plane. I bet it was meant for building 7 but something went wrong mid flight that caused them to change the target last minute.

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed
Could you link to the post in that thread that explains what you claim please?

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 08:04 AM
I am sorry to say no matter how many times threads like this go up, the majority will always allow cognitive dissonance to rule out that anyone in the US government played any part in such an event!
Though I realize fully that there are so many unanswered questions and many truths being concealed but to
continue to dwell on this is not going to change anything!
I believe there are much more pressing problems in the present and think we may be on the verge of great changes for the American empire and the world! There are many truths that need to be told and though 911 is one of them it is a symptom of a much larger problem!

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 08:32 AM
Same old thing. Never any details, motive or opportunity.


posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Has it occur to anyone that 9/11 was legitimate terrorist attack that was allowed as a cover for the destruction of building 7?

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 09:14 AM
We can all argue the details of 9/11 but building 7 is an Enigma that is avoided by the media like the plague and that is extremely telling!

I hope this goes somewhere and more people are made aware of what is really going on...

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by wmd_2008

It wasn't hit by a plane but it was hit by falling debris and had a 20 floor gash in the building and structural damage to one corner and fires that burned for several hours.

There was no 20 story gash, that is all myth. Also, NIST said that WTC7 fell from fires alone, not from any external damage, and any external damage was no where near the Column 79, which is the column that NIST said failed and caused a global collapse.

If there was a 20 story gash, and that was a contributing factor, then you would see an asymmetrical collapse, but it was pretty much symmetrical.

So that leaves the fires, which were nowhere near where column 79 was, just small pockets of fires that only affected small areas of WTC7.

One column cannot cause a global simultaneous collapse, and the fire was not hot enough to cause all the steel to fail.

If you are so sure that fire caused column 79 to fail, and cause a global collapse, can you please provide us with some photos of column 79, so we can see this mysterious fire damage that supposedly caused a global collapse from just one column?

I expect you will not be able to provide this hard evidence, until you can, your argument has no basis.

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by wmd_2008

Originally posted by sheepslayer247
Very smart move on their part to concentrate on building 7.

That's because THEY got WTC 1&2 so wrong , what makes you think things are any different with WTC 7 , people with NO!!!!!!!!!! construction experience ,that don't look at all the fact's and jump to conclusions based on what is said by conspiracy sites!

It's got nothing to do with conspiracy sites! It's got everything to do with what actually happened.

You are on a conspiracy site, so anything you say is null and void if we go by your logic.

WTC7 was not repeatedly shown on TV, but if it gets the exposure it deserves then people will start to think. If you blindly believe in the official story, and do not question it, then why are you hanging around 9/11 threads? Surely you have no reason to be here, especially if you have that opinion of conspiracy forums.

It seems like you have a hidden agenda..

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 10:06 AM
Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

More and more people are beginning to question the events of 9/11.

2 planes, 3 buidlings do the math people!!!

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