reply to post by Initiate
Hello Initiate.
In your first post, you mention credentials, claiming none. Fair enough.
You claim "a responsibility" in this life to divulge hidden things and the "nature of our reality".
You believe most are mislead and you desire to fix that.
You claim "a position" from which to judge Illuminati stuff.
You tell us the purpose of all is one and the same but you'll explain it some other time.
Let me clarify. I ask respectful and honest questions. An advanced being will sense the truth of that so you will not flame me off like you did to
another guy who asked a question you did not like. Do you follow the humble and respectful policy of most teachers that "There are no stupid
1)You call yourself "Initiate". Do you claim Initiate status as in the Alice Bailey model? If you claim to be an Initiate, then say so. Correct me
if wrong, an actual Initiate would not pussy-foot around about it. If it's time to come out of the closet, then do so. If not, then enough with the
head fakes.
2)You imply someone gave you said "responsibility". Who?
3)How did you come to know the "nature of reality"? Do you leave your body and cruise the spirit world like Robert Monroe and Kurt Leland? Do you
have an earth graduate (resurrected) teacher? Other?
4)What makes you think others here or myself are any more misled than you?
5)What puts you "in a position" to judge Illuminati stuff? Honest feedback: You often do this -- you give allusions to higher knowledge but then
fail to follow up and leave your statement dangling. Is this a purposeful technique? If so, what purpose? From our view, we like straight answers.
Simply tell it like it is and don't ply open ended splinter implications leaving us to speculate what the heck you just said.
You tell us the purpose of all is "one and the same" but then you decline to state that purpose inviting us to dialog with you about it later. I
notice a pattern in this post as well as in all your other posts: You explain something by throwing out an unexplained idea but then inform us you'll
explain that idea later, after we ask you about it. We could legitimately refer to this technique as either the "cliffhanger" method or the "wild
goose chase" method. It frustrates us by 1)not actually answering the question we asked and 2)forcing us to fish elsewhere to correlate what you
maybe said. May we ask that you define terms as you go instead of this fractured cliffhanger method? Being absolutely honest and respectful, and
realizing you said you are very busy, we, as regular folk, don't really have extra time to jump around several posts just to find out we must now
jump exponentially to even more posts if we ever hope to track down your original definition. Please sir, respect our time by defining your use of
terms as you go.
You specialize in a particular branch of "esoterics". Which?
You inform us you have a specific goal in mind for posting here. But then you frustrate us again failing to identify that goal. If you don't plan to
share it, why mention it? Do you plan a follow up for this titillation?
At this juncture, let me point out I follow your rules, questioning your subject matter and not your sincerity.
You claim to "rival" the Illuminati. Exactly what does that mean (please define terms as you go)?
Finally, I do not care about Icke nor aliens.
Thank you in advance for your respectful answers.