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How many of you are really prepared for the Dog Eat Dog society you relish and preach on this site?

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posted on May, 30 2013 @ 01:42 PM
Well since this has turned into a redistribute the wealth / social programs thread how about this, go after the 0.01% of those who have all the cash. I find people like me, the middle class, get screwed in these spread the wealth schemes.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by DZAG Wright

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by crazyewok

Homeschool appears to be working well with the beezzer family.

Are you qualified to homeschool your family in a profession that will enable them to prosper in the 21st century?

Are you qualified to ask?

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by supremecommander
I want to see some evidence of these people on welfare who walk around in jordans, have flat screens, expensive cars, and lobster dinners when the monthly payments depending on family size will not cover any of that.

I sense a lot of conjecture, and very little factual evidence from the folks that are spewing this stuff.

You're more than welcome to come to my street and look at my neighbors stuff. I'm sure they'd have no problem showing you all those things as they love to brag about it. You say the checks don't cover things like that but you're not seeing the fact that they pay no rent, they pay no food bills and when they're getting over $500 a month just in food stamps, both of them get like $600 a month EACH! That's $1200 just in cash every month that they can just blow because the only bill they have is their home phone bill and the Dish bill. So don't sit there and try to come off as the moochers can't buy things like that because I watch them do it every single month. The value of our town home has dropped because the owners of the other units rent them out and started accepting HUD and now I'm surrounded by these bums! So you want facts? Come see it for yourself.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by DZAG Wright

Originally posted by NavyDoc

Originally posted by DZAG Wright

Originally posted by jonnywhite
reply to post by DZAG Wright

When you depend on someone else, you lose your freedoms.

If we have a society where people aren't expected to handle things themselves then we will live in a society without freedoms. Instead we'll be robots sanctioned by our country's experts.

Remain sitting and feel tyranny, get up (and act) and feel freedom.

If you don't do things yourself, others will do it for you. You may not like what they do.
edit on 29-5-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

We all depend on each other...that's the elephant in the room no one wants to admit.

"Depending on each other" is a tad bit different than one totally depending on others. My neighbors and I help each other out: we laon ech other things, we feed each other if someone is having a hard time, one guy with a snowplow might do all off the driveways on the street one winter and the other guy with the riding lawnmower will mow his lawn in the summer. This is a mutal giving and taking with everybody pitching in because that is what neighbors do.

This is radically different from someone doing nothing and expecting everyone else to take care of him and empowering a third party (government) to force it.

If they do nothing it's because our society is set up that way. Rather than villianize them we should have come up with a simple solution such as people on welfare can beautify the city they live in. Simple solution, the question is why hasn't it happened?

Notice how lovely, new section 8 housing is trashed and destroyed in a few years? That is because these people do not care and do not have the initiative to take care of their own homes. If they did, they wouldn't be on the dole for very long. Pride and independant spirit has been slowly destroyed in our society thanks to the likes of FDR and LBJ.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by Simon_Boudreaux

Originally posted by supremecommander
I want to see some evidence of these people on welfare who walk around in jordans, have flat screens, expensive cars, and lobster dinners when the monthly payments depending on family size will not cover any of that.

I sense a lot of conjecture, and very little factual evidence from the folks that are spewing this stuff.

You're more than welcome to come to my street and look at my neighbors stuff. I'm sure they'd have no problem showing you all those things as they love to brag about it. You say the checks don't cover things like that but you're not seeing the fact that they pay no rent, they pay no food bills and when they're getting over $500 a month just in food stamps, both of them get like $600 a month EACH! That's $1200 just in cash every month that they can just blow because the only bill they have is their home phone bill and the Dish bill. So don't sit there and try to come off as the moochers can't buy things like that because I watch them do it every single month. The value of our town home has dropped because the owners of the other units rent them out and started accepting HUD and now I'm surrounded by these bums! So you want facts? Come see it for yourself.

$1200 in cash a month is a lot of money? That wouldn't even cover my housing costs. And last time i checked, HUD isn't free. But, answer me this:

Do they work? I mean, tell me more about these people.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by macman

Originally posted by supremecommander

Originally posted by macman

Originally posted by crazyewok
So if you are poor and born with nothing though?

That is such a cowardly cop-out There are hundreds of people that are wealthy and successful that grew up poor. See, I believe in people, you don't .

Bollocks. The chances of someone growing up dirt poor becoming rich and wealthy are slim to none. Where are you pulling this stuff from?
clearly not from reality.

And I agree with you on the flat tax. I just don't mind contributing my fair share to the overall good of this society that I have benefited from. It's hard for selfish people to understand that.

Go do a simple search of this.
You are flat our wrong.
Not being from here, I don't hold it against you, as I am sure it is never shown to others.
People do it every day here in the US.

You missed the word "slim" in my statement.

It happens, but the %'s, at least in my country (the USA), are so small it's a laughable assumption. I'm not doing a simple search when you are just going from your own point of view instead of facts.

edit on 30-5-2013 by supremecommander because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by Simon_Boudreaux

Originally posted by supremecommander
I want to see some evidence of these people on welfare who walk around in jordans, have flat screens, expensive cars, and lobster dinners when the monthly payments depending on family size will not cover any of that.

I sense a lot of conjecture, and very little factual evidence from the folks that are spewing this stuff.

You're more than welcome to come to my street and look at my neighbors stuff. I'm sure they'd have no problem showing you all those things as they love to brag about it. You say the checks don't cover things like that but you're not seeing the fact that they pay no rent, they pay no food bills and when they're getting over $500 a month just in food stamps, both of them get like $600 a month EACH! That's $1200 just in cash every month that they can just blow because the only bill they have is their home phone bill and the Dish bill. So don't sit there and try to come off as the moochers can't buy things like that because I watch them do it every single month. The value of our town home has dropped because the owners of the other units rent them out and started accepting HUD and now I'm surrounded by these bums! So you want facts? Come see it for yourself.

Your story is a problem... But in my experience, I have not come across these kinds of folks in my travels, maybe you should turn them in???

I run a group with people who have suffered traumatic brain injury, 17 people who range from semi functional, to drooling. All 17 collect benefits from the government and all of them would not survive in world that did not provide these extensive considerations/benefits/MONEY. The best haul we have gotten from charity was $3,800 over the course of a year, which represented the work of over 150 people and seven different events, donations from churches, businesses and individuals. So in some ways it really pisses me off when people argue that there is a viable alternative to welfare, charity, which is the field I am in, does not come close to meeting the need and the volume that is out there. That kind of assumption is made by sheltered people or people who don't actually want to mix reality and their opinion, which can be very out of sync.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by Simon_Boudreaux

Originally posted by supremecommander
I want to see some evidence of these people on welfare who walk around in jordans, have flat screens, expensive cars, and lobster dinners when the monthly payments depending on family size will not cover any of that.

I sense a lot of conjecture, and very little factual evidence from the folks that are spewing this stuff.

You're more than welcome to come to my street and look at my neighbors stuff. I'm sure they'd have no problem showing you all those things as they love to brag about it. You say the checks don't cover things like that but you're not seeing the fact that they pay no rent, they pay no food bills and when they're getting over $500 a month just in food stamps, both of them get like $600 a month EACH! That's $1200 just in cash every month that they can just blow because the only bill they have is their home phone bill and the Dish bill. So don't sit there and try to come off as the moochers can't buy things like that because I watch them do it every single month. The value of our town home has dropped because the owners of the other units rent them out and started accepting HUD and now I'm surrounded by these bums! So you want facts? Come see it for yourself.

See people like you have poisoned the minds of many Americans...

I can speak on the subject because I've worked in the field for the last 9 years...

Welfare (TANF as it's called now) only pays one household a certain amount dependent upon the number of children. For instance, a household of 4 receives a maximum of $303 per month. Does that sound as though they are just living it up?

Along with TANF a household can get foodstamps. Notice I said, household. The current rate is $200 per month, per person.

Many poor people have HUD, but the catch with HUD is they have to have access to your EVERYTHING! They come and inspect your housing, monitor your checking and savings accounts. It's really quite invasive. If they find out you have a boy/girlfriend staying with you they kick you off. If they see a new tv or computer, they ask you how you obtained it and where did you get the money.

Does it sound like poor people on assistance are living it up I ask again? I know I couldn't live off $303 per month even if my mortgage was paid and I got food assistance. I'm accustomed to more freedom. My kids require more than $303 dollars per month!

No one is getting $1200 per month unless they have 25 kids or they live in a state such as California where the cost of living is extremely high so it would balance out.

I'm sick of people on the outside looking in, poisoning the minds of American's and making the middle class despise the poor. It's because of lies like this. So what you see a mother on welfare driving a it her's or her boyfriends?

Did you also know that welfare isn't just given now? A person has to donate 30-40 hours per week to community service? That's been in affect since Clinton.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by supremecommander

Originally posted by Simon_Boudreaux

Originally posted by supremecommander
I want to see some evidence of these people on welfare who walk around in jordans, have flat screens, expensive cars, and lobster dinners when the monthly payments depending on family size will not cover any of that.

I sense a lot of conjecture, and very little factual evidence from the folks that are spewing this stuff.

You're more than welcome to come to my street and look at my neighbors stuff. I'm sure they'd have no problem showing you all those things as they love to brag about it. You say the checks don't cover things like that but you're not seeing the fact that they pay no rent, they pay no food bills and when they're getting over $500 a month just in food stamps, both of them get like $600 a month EACH! That's $1200 just in cash every month that they can just blow because the only bill they have is their home phone bill and the Dish bill. So don't sit there and try to come off as the moochers can't buy things like that because I watch them do it every single month. The value of our town home has dropped because the owners of the other units rent them out and started accepting HUD and now I'm surrounded by these bums! So you want facts? Come see it for yourself.

$1200 in cash a month is a lot of money? That wouldn't even cover my housing costs. And last time i checked, HUD isn't free. But, answer me this:

Do they work? I mean, tell me more about these people.

Please read my response to this person before you digest this, and I work in the industry.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by supremecommander

You missed the word "slim" in my statement.

It happens, but the %'s, at least in my country (the USA), are so small it's a laughable assumption. I'm not doing a simple search when you are just going from your own point of view instead of facts.

Suck it!!

There are more success stories today from people without college or from the "poor" side of things.

edit on 30-5-2013 by macman because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-5-2013 by macman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by beezzer

Originally posted by DZAG Wright

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by crazyewok

Homeschool appears to be working well with the beezzer family.

Are you qualified to homeschool your family in a profession that will enable them to prosper in the 21st century?

Are you qualified to ask?

Apparently, the sillyewok just doesn't want to realize the fact that people can, and do flourish on their own, with no government 'education'.
The study states, "Even with a conservative analysis of the data, the achievement levels of the homeschool students in the study were exceptional. Within each grade level and each skill area, the median scores for homeschool students fell between the 70th and 80th percentile of students nationwide and between the 60th and 70th percentile of Catholic/Private school students. For younger students, this is a one year lead. By the time homeschool students are in 8th grade, they are four years ahead of their public/private school counterparts."

Read more on FamilyEducation:
Five areas of academic pursuit were measured. In reading, the average home-schooler scored at the 89th percentile; language, 84th percentile; math, 84th percentile; science, 86th percentile; and social studies, 84th percentile. In the core studies (reading, language and math), the average home-schooler scored at the 88th percentile.

The average public school student taking these standardized tests scored at the 50th percentile in each subject area.

Read more:
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by NavyDoc

Originally posted by DZAG Wright

Originally posted by NavyDoc

Originally posted by DZAG Wright

Originally posted by jonnywhite
reply to post by DZAG Wright

When you depend on someone else, you lose your freedoms.

If we have a society where people aren't expected to handle things themselves then we will live in a society without freedoms. Instead we'll be robots sanctioned by our country's experts.

Remain sitting and feel tyranny, get up (and act) and feel freedom.

If you don't do things yourself, others will do it for you. You may not like what they do.
edit on 29-5-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

We all depend on each other...that's the elephant in the room no one wants to admit.

"Depending on each other" is a tad bit different than one totally depending on others. My neighbors and I help each other out: we laon ech other things, we feed each other if someone is having a hard time, one guy with a snowplow might do all off the driveways on the street one winter and the other guy with the riding lawnmower will mow his lawn in the summer. This is a mutal giving and taking with everybody pitching in because that is what neighbors do.

This is radically different from someone doing nothing and expecting everyone else to take care of him and empowering a third party (government) to force it.

If they do nothing it's because our society is set up that way. Rather than villianize them we should have come up with a simple solution such as people on welfare can beautify the city they live in. Simple solution, the question is why hasn't it happened?

Notice how lovely, new section 8 housing is trashed and destroyed in a few years? That is because these people do not care and do not have the initiative to take care of their own homes. If they did, they wouldn't be on the dole for very long. Pride and independant spirit has been slowly destroyed in our society thanks to the likes of FDR and LBJ.

You must not think very highly of humanity, based upon your posts, it appears as if you ignore the vast majority of people who work hard decade after decade...

FDRs policies were a reaction to a government who looked the other way while millions of Americans starved.
Furthermore, my grandparents and their generation were the first beneficiaries of FRDs policies and I'll bet they could all out work you. Second, those same people did not make enough money to save (like a DOCTOR might be able to) and those hard working people were able to retire and survive THANKS TO FDR AND LBJs policies.

I work with section 8 people professionally, MR and TBI patients amongst others, and I do not see the destruction you assign to them.

Finally, you do not seem to grasp poverty or you simply wouldn't ride in on your high horse and assign laziness and all the rest to people who are not lazy. What you are engaging in, is called prejudice, and as it is with black people, jews and even poor people, blanket statements are not indicative of the whole. The real problem is that your spirit is small, also, if your read your posts objectively, it appears that you are envious of these people.

If you are so proud and independent, why would you be envious of people who are crippled and downtrodden?

edit on 30-5-2013 by Idonttouchmethere because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by macman

Originally posted by supremecommander

You missed the word "slim" in my statement.

It happens, but the %'s, at least in my country (the USA), are so small it's a laughable assumption. I'm not doing a simple search when you are just going from your own point of view instead of facts.

Suck it!!

Maybe your country just sucks. Just an idea.

There are more success stories today from people without college or from the "poor" side of things.

edit on 30-5-2013 by macman because: (no reason given)

That's just a small % of people who have succeeded without college degrees, and it doesn't even begin to explain how and where they started their life. Did they start off poor and broke in a horrible environment? How was their childhood education? Nutrition? Single or two parent household? Welfare? Abuse? Drug or liquor problems in the family?

You've said utterly nothing, and you may have intellectual issues if you truly believe that those stories are proof that the poor have an easy path to success.

And the fact that your response was so poorly thought out, packaged with two backhanded insults, says to me that my words of truth are stinging your fragile ego. You aren't built for dog eat dog if something so small as having your opinion challenged makes you lose your cool. I was correct to assume that you'd be one of the first to be bleed out.
edit on 30-5-2013 by supremecommander because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by Zngland
reply to post by crazyewok

After taxes some people choose to pay for education privately and you begrudge their freedom
of choice.

Where's that f****££g 100th monkey i'm getting desperate.

edit on 30-5-2013 by Zngland because: monkey

And what about some that cant afford to pay for that education?

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by supremecommander

That's just a small % of people who have succeeded without college degrees, and it doesn't even begin to explain how and where they started their life. Did they start off poor and broke in a horrible environment? How was their childhood education? Nutrition? Single or two parent household? Welfare? Abuse? Drug or liquor problems in the family?

Oh, so who said becoming wealthy was easy??? Guess the poor are just to stupid to do it??? Man you are about a full of crap as they come.
As for background??Oh, I get it. You are for the social justice group think.
While you make excuses for people to fail or never try, because you think they will fail, I will go forth and succeed, like many others.
I wonder, how can you even put your pants on in the morning with Govt doing it for you, or helping you out just a bit.

Originally posted by supremecommander
You've said utterly nothing, and you may have intellectual issues if you truly believe that those stories are proof that the poor have an easy path to success.

Yeah, okay then. Stay ignorant I guess.
You were proven wrong, and want to fall back onto the Progressive mindset that success only comes from Govt handouts.
Doesn't surprised me.

Originally posted by supremecommander
And the fact that your response was so poorly thought out, packaged with two backhanded insults, says to me that my words of truth are stinging your fragile ego. You aren't built for dog eat dog if something so small as having your opinion challenged makes you lose your cool. I was correct to assume that you'd be one of the first to be bleed out.

Yeah, ah-ha.
I guess you can't take it. Oh well.

Is there a Govt program to help me deal with that??? Or maybe one for you as well?
Oh woes me, when will the Govt come help me.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by DZAG Wright

Originally posted by Simon_Boudreaux

Originally posted by supremecommander
I want to see some evidence of these people on welfare who walk around in jordans, have flat screens, expensive cars, and lobster dinners when the monthly payments depending on family size will not cover any of that.

I sense a lot of conjecture, and very little factual evidence from the folks that are spewing this stuff.

You're more than welcome to come to my street and look at my neighbors stuff. I'm sure they'd have no problem showing you all those things as they love to brag about it. You say the checks don't cover things like that but you're not seeing the fact that they pay no rent, they pay no food bills and when they're getting over $500 a month just in food stamps, both of them get like $600 a month EACH! That's $1200 just in cash every month that they can just blow because the only bill they have is their home phone bill and the Dish bill. So don't sit there and try to come off as the moochers can't buy things like that because I watch them do it every single month. The value of our town home has dropped because the owners of the other units rent them out and started accepting HUD and now I'm surrounded by these bums! So you want facts? Come see it for yourself.

See people like you have poisoned the minds of many Americans...

I can speak on the subject because I've worked in the field for the last 9 years...

Welfare (TANF as it's called now) only pays one household a certain amount dependent upon the number of children. For instance, a household of 4 receives a maximum of $303 per month. Does that sound as though they are just living it up?

Along with TANF a household can get foodstamps. Notice I said, household. The current rate is $200 per month, per person.

Many poor people have HUD, but the catch with HUD is they have to have access to your EVERYTHING! They come and inspect your housing, monitor your checking and savings accounts. It's really quite invasive. If they find out you have a boy/girlfriend staying with you they kick you off. If they see a new tv or computer, they ask you how you obtained it and where did you get the money.

Does it sound like poor people on assistance are living it up I ask again? I know I couldn't live off $303 per month even if my mortgage was paid and I got food assistance. I'm accustomed to more freedom. My kids require more than $303 dollars per month!

No one is getting $1200 per month unless they have 25 kids or they live in a state such as California where the cost of living is extremely high so it would balance out.

I'm sick of people on the outside looking in, poisoning the minds of American's and making the middle class despise the poor. It's because of lies like this. So what you see a mother on welfare driving a it her's or her boyfriends?

Did you also know that welfare isn't just given now? A person has to donate 30-40 hours per week to community service? That's been in affect since Clinton.

I was going to respond with the actual numbers, but I was going to continue to let that poster put his foot in his mouth.

These people are sad because they are falling into the divide and conquer trap of being upset at the wrong people. The last people who are harming America are the poor, they are nothing but the bi product of this sick corporatist system that has transferred all of the wealth to a select few, while slowly dragging the dagger across the stomachs of the middle class. But, like masters of chess, the real culprits have the eyes of the ignorant focused on people who have no power at all, and are barely getting by.

People like the above poster would spit on a homeless man, and bow down and lick the boots of the rich man that has bribed his congressman into sending american jobs overseas.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by crazyewok

Originally posted by Zngland
reply to post by crazyewok

After taxes some people choose to pay for education privately and you begrudge their freedom
of choice.

Where's that f****££g 100th monkey i'm getting desperate.

edit on 30-5-2013 by Zngland because: monkey

And what about some that cant afford to pay for that education?

Education is not a right. It is a privilege.
At least not here in the US.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by crazyewok

Originally posted by Zngland
reply to post by crazyewok

After taxes some people choose to pay for education privately and you begrudge their freedom
of choice.

Where's that f****££g 100th monkey i'm getting desperate.

edit on 30-5-2013 by Zngland because: monkey

And what about some that cant afford to pay for that education?

Are you really that ignorant? Or just lazy.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by Idonttouchmethere

Originally posted by NavyDoc

Originally posted by DZAG Wright

Originally posted by NavyDoc

Originally posted by DZAG Wright

Originally posted by jonnywhite
reply to post by DZAG Wright

When you depend on someone else, you lose your freedoms.

If we have a society where people aren't expected to handle things themselves then we will live in a society without freedoms. Instead we'll be robots sanctioned by our country's experts.

Remain sitting and feel tyranny, get up (and act) and feel freedom.

If you don't do things yourself, others will do it for you. You may not like what they do.
edit on 29-5-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

We all depend on each other...that's the elephant in the room no one wants to admit.

"Depending on each other" is a tad bit different than one totally depending on others. My neighbors and I help each other out: we laon ech other things, we feed each other if someone is having a hard time, one guy with a snowplow might do all off the driveways on the street one winter and the other guy with the riding lawnmower will mow his lawn in the summer. This is a mutal giving and taking with everybody pitching in because that is what neighbors do.

This is radically different from someone doing nothing and expecting everyone else to take care of him and empowering a third party (government) to force it.

If they do nothing it's because our society is set up that way. Rather than villianize them we should have come up with a simple solution such as people on welfare can beautify the city they live in. Simple solution, the question is why hasn't it happened?

Notice how lovely, new section 8 housing is trashed and destroyed in a few years? That is because these people do not care and do not have the initiative to take care of their own homes. If they did, they wouldn't be on the dole for very long. Pride and independant spirit has been slowly destroyed in our society thanks to the likes of FDR and LBJ.

You must not think very highly of humanity, based upon your posts, it appears as if you ignore the vast majority of people who work hard decade after decade...

FDRs policies were a reaction to a government who looked the other way while millions of Americans starved.
Furthermore, my grandparents and their generation were the first beneficiaries of FRDs policies and I'll bet they could all out work you. Second, those same people did not make enough money to save (like a DOCTOR might be able to) and those hard working people were able to retire and survive THANKS TO FDR AND LBJs policies.

I work with section 8 people professionally, MR and TBI patients amongst others, and I do not see the destruction you assign to them.

Finally, you do not seem to grasp poverty or you simply wouldn't ride in on your high horse and assign laziness and all the rest to people who are not lazy. What you are engaging in, is called prejudice, and as it is with black people, jews and even poor people, blanket statements are not indicative of the whole. The real problem is that your spirit is small, also, if your read your posts objectively, it appears that you are envious of these people.

If you are so proud and independent, why would you be envious of people who are crippled and downtrodden?

edit on 30-5-2013 by Idonttouchmethere because: (no reason given)

Bull#. I rose up from poverty and know it quite well from the inside. I know what people are capable of achieving through hard work and dedication and I also know many people who simply do not care.

It has nothing to do with being "envious" and everything to do with being tired of footing the bills for everyone.
edit on 30-5-2013 by NavyDoc because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by macman

Originally posted by supremecommander

That's just a small % of people who have succeeded without college degrees, and it doesn't even begin to explain how and where they started their life. Did they start off poor and broke in a horrible environment? How was their childhood education? Nutrition? Single or two parent household? Welfare? Abuse? Drug or liquor problems in the family?

Oh, so who said becoming wealthy was easy??? Guess the poor are just to stupid to do it??? Man you are about a full of crap as they come.
As for background??Oh, I get it. You are for the social justice group think.
While you make excuses for people to fail or never try, because you think they will fail, I will go forth and succeed, like many others.
I wonder, how can you even put your pants on in the morning with Govt doing it for you, or helping you out just a bit.

Originally posted by supremecommander
You've said utterly nothing, and you may have intellectual issues if you truly believe that those stories are proof that the poor have an easy path to success.

Yeah, okay then. Stay ignorant I guess.
You were proven wrong, and want to fall back onto the Progressive mindset that success only comes from Govt handouts.
Doesn't surprised me.

Originally posted by supremecommander
And the fact that your response was so poorly thought out, packaged with two backhanded insults, says to me that my words of truth are stinging your fragile ego. You aren't built for dog eat dog if something so small as having your opinion challenged makes you lose your cool. I was correct to assume that you'd be one of the first to be bleed out.

Yeah, ah-ha.
I guess you can't take it. Oh well.

Is there a Govt program to help me deal with that??? Or maybe one for you as well?
Oh woes me, when will the Govt come help me.

The fact that you can't even discuss this in a civilized manner continues to prove my point.

And for the record: I don't ask the government for anything, well, other than to lower my taxes as I am self employed. I need not, want not, and ask for not. I just don't have an irrational hatred for people less fortunate than I am, but I may not have the same psychological issues that plague your mind and have put you onto the path of ignorance.

Good day, sir.

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