posted on May, 24 2013 @ 02:32 AM
How about this, OP? There never was a cat? At least that wasn't created, for your perception?
I am replying partially, because of poor spelling and seems I try over and over on this site to rectify this, and yet, it eludes me,
posting the original errors. Perhaps, this, in itself, is a lesson? And this is what I mean by our perception and conception of Schroedinger's
what if that cat was never there.....this would change the universal perspective of what was possible completely.....just by the metaphor.
My point is this: we live in times, and in a world, where everything seems to come down to pairing and describing things, in order to achieve a
desired outcome, that do not belong together, or may not even be true, or have ever been at all.
One thing that esoteric or hidden groups know and utilize constantly is the idea of symbolization.....and that if you can make people perceive
something a certain way, truth be damned, if the symbols all add up overwhelmingly, there is no choice but acceptance, and then you sell them on the
idea that it's just bigger than all of us, what we can survive, fight against or even know, for sure......
I have an inherent distrust and kneejerk reaction to question the information I am given, even especially scientifically, in this light. And this is
the light, IMHO, the lord intended us to have, use, illuminate and protect us from a contrived atmosphere.
Perhaps one of the answers to your OP, and it's raising of the primordial stew and the elements of creation being present is that old concept, since
discounted, called Aeither......because aether is politically a dangerous and inherently questionable concept i n that it implies creative design,
which at the very least, points to a definitive God like creator, or creators......
I don't know. I am posing questions, is all. Questions I think we should all, laymen and scientists and the faithful should all be concerned with,
because these are times, obviously, of lies,and the revealing of a paradigm we have lived by (the Christian text, primarily) that may NOT be what we
were led by faith to believe in, while this very text cautions us exactly us about living by faith, and what "does not appear to be......"
This, in fact, is the definition, or explanation, at least, of faith, in this Christian text.
You know, it's a strange thing. Maybe many of us have found that we are the orphan, the widow, and the stranger....but as I have grown older,
despite my definitive faith, I have found increasingly, that by the strictest definitions of the bible, I qualify as one of the anti christs that
these times were predicted to be here.....and I never, ever would have defined myself as such, because the cornerstone of my life and surviving it has
been all about faith.
But I cannot believe the any God that created us wished us to remain in the garden with no knowledge, any more than I can conceive that he required
Abraham to take his first born son to the mountain and slay him as a proof of faith......and so many other things that do not make sense to me, that I
contemplate daily. And yet, I firmly belileve if this saves people from pain, gives them the will to go on, I would not question it.
And then the part of me that understands science, understands life in a totally different way, and sees that man has assumed what was not ours to
assume.....and turned creatiion into something it was never intended to be, and I truly believe this. I do not believe the world was originally
created to be a place where we had to exploit or consume another life to survive. I find this completely antithetical to every concept of a loving
God, I am at a loss to express it. But I must give thanks even for that, for it has made an artist of me, when I ran out of words to express that
simple antitheetical that made no sense to me, and watched the pain of people's lives that resulted from that.....
Thank you for making me think of all these things.....