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Very strange, slow, loud, BIG mystery trucks late at night

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posted on May, 22 2013 @ 06:52 AM
If they're moving something that takes up 2 lanes, they do it late at night/early morning to avoid tying up traffic. Can't really see anything in the videos, but that's my guess.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 09:35 AM
They werent taking up two lanes. they were on the shoulder. and the on-ramp that goes with traffic is literally a few hundred feet further north.

Why would there be seven or more fire trucks and ambulances moving so slowly? I live directly across from the highway. The vehicles were unmarked. Why would they be going back and forth?

Construction vehicles around here are bright yellow. Always. These weren't, They were gray.

Really, I'm not a paranoid lunatic. This was strange. I drive that highway every day, they aren't laying down new road. I was watching them come up on exit ramp and return on the same side.

Really, I thought about this every which way. None of those vehicles were ambulances, they were all far, far too big. The only thing I thought it might be is a mobile home being moved, but why so much back and forth?

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by Florasaurus

Yes I do. There's an air force installation out here.

furthermore, why would ambulances and firetrucks be driving like this on several nights in a row? nope.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 09:48 AM
Really, I hope it is mundane. It's loud as hell and it woke me up the other night. I thought there were street sweepers right in my parking lot.

Now, I'm on vacation and I have plenty of time to sit here and enjoy my balcony. I see the highway very well. Nothing so far. If it continues, I'll get a better look so we can settle this. If i'm wrong, i'm wrong. I'd rather be wrong and know what it is.

we'll see what happens tonight. and I know this probably doesn't count for much, but, I really got a strong 'feeling' that this was strange. I watched the trucks go back and forth three times. It was really unusual to see a line of massive trucks moving like that. Unfortunately, I might have to give away my position to show you guys a map of the highway so you can see what I mean about why it's weird to take the exit-ramp against traffic. They really, really, really, didn't have to. They were not coming from the highway, they were coming from one of the main roads and getting ON the highway. The way this highway works, is that it stops at the intersection of two busy streets, and it curves around, so they would have been coming around a curve in massive vehicles against traffic. now why would the fire department do that? The on-ramp that converges with the highway is a few hundred feet north, really.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by DarwinVsJesus
Really, I hope it is mundane.

It is.

I'd rather be wrong and know what it is.

Transportation by the sound of it, unless it wasn't road related work.

I watched the trucks go back and forth three times.

The same trucks without leaving the scene, or same [kind] of trucks on three occasions?

It was really unusual to see a line of massive trucks moving like that. Unfortunately, I might have to give away my position to show you guys a map of the highway so you can see what I mean about why it's weird to take the exit-ramp against traffic.

In order to convince it being weird, you probably would have to, unless you can explain it better.

They really, really, really, didn't have to. They were not coming from the highway, they were coming from one of the main roads and getting ON the highway. The way this highway works, is that it stops at the intersection of two busy streets, and it curves around, so they would have been coming around a curve in massive vehicles against traffic.

If it was road work, they had to be there where the work was.
If it was transportation, the reason for driving against traffic is either the issue of getting on or off in at least one of the ends, or that the traffic is more suitable in one of the directions.

now why would the fire department do that? The on-ramp that converges with the highway is a few hundred feet north, really.

It's sounds like you're almost intentionally focusing on the wrong things and questioning claims that most likely didn't happen. That will not lead you anywhere except creating a mystery that doesn't exist.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 11:52 AM
if they are as big as you say there are two possibilities as to why they're going the wrong way to usual.
firstly they could be too tall to go under a certain structure futher along the road - footbridge, or overpass, etc.
alternatively they could be too heavy to go over a long elevated section of road on the alternative route 'normal' route.

If there's a quary nearby they usually have large vehicles, or a highways maintenance depot?

was it exactly the same vehicles that came back an hour later? or just similar ones?
if it was exactly the same ones, then they can't have gone very far, which narrows down the destination, and the purpose of these vehicles.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by Nevertheless
It's sounds like you're almost intentionally focusing on the wrong things and questioning claims that most likely didn't happen. That will not lead you anywhere except creating a mystery that doesn't exist.

I wish I could star you twice for this quote

The OP is set in his/her own reality and wont accept counter arguments.


posted on May, 22 2013 @ 02:54 PM

Nothings impossible. Heres one of the Space Shuttle moving ON LAND thru the streets of LA.

In daytime yes...but a lot of thing move at night the way you describe. Unusual perhaps, but not unheard of.

And another here past apartment complexes and homes.

edit on 05/05/13 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 02:55 PM
Vibrator Truck and Vibroseis - In the old days, seismic lines were acquired using dynamite as the energy source. Today, most onshore seismic data is acquired using vibroseis, where the energy source is a giant vibrator truck in which a pad in the middle of the truck rests directly on the ground to raise the truck so that the pad supports the full weight of the vehicle. The truck then vibrates to put energy into the ground. If your computer can play shock wave files, then click here to see an animation of the process in action.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by DarwinVsJesus

Painting lines? We just had the road re done in front of my store. The trucks that paint the lines are very very slow but not really big as in unusually big.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by Nevertheless

Originally posted by DarwinVsJesus
And no, there is absolutely no construction going on here. Nor were these construction vehicles of any type.

Why does it need to be construction? Big things need to be moved for many reasons. And it could still be because of construction regardless of what you think.
Military base is a good reason too... They usually have big equipment.

Doing it late at night is obvious too.
edit on 22-5-2013 by Nevertheless because: (no reason given)

True but on the shoulder of the road going against traffic? Why pray tell ?

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

[Even heavy/oversize loads move faster than that, one of the main reasons for going so slow is carrying some kind of explosive or weapon]

This sentence makes no sense. Why would they have to travel slow if they had a weapon on board? What they were carrying nitro in an unstableized state? Silly. A missle wont explode from shaking it.
edit on 22-5-2013 by karen61560 because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-5-2013 by karen61560 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by DAVID64

I have never seen wide loads moving at night. I have seen many during daylight hours. They need to move these things in daylight so they can make sure they have the clearance they need to pass. I saw them take down overhead power lines once to get an old church through town. It was moved to a new location.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by DarwinVsJesus

See if anything happens tonight. If it was something super secret, it may not happen again. If it happens again, mabye it is something more mundane.

I'm sorry you have to be exposed to those who don't think you can tell the difference between an ambulance and a fire truck at 500ft, even if it is in the night.

EMS vehicles will have flashing red, blue or white lights, or a combination of all three. Only an orange flashing light, as I saw in the video, is definitely not EMS.

I'm just up the road from you on the other side of the border, and there have been many rumours in the past few years about mysterious goings-on near the border. For example, they had a huge tunnel boring machine working there for years, apparently its use was not for only extending a hydro tunnel. Many in Niagara Falls have reported strange rumblings in the city over the past few years, with no explanations forthcoming from public officials. The same rumblings have been reported at another relatively close US/Canada border point, the Detriot/Windsor are, again with no explanations. Are you guys pulling a North Korean on us?

Too bad about your neighbour, many in the clandestine service waste their lives believing they are being patriotic, when they are only tools of the globalists, who have no national allegiance, nor in fact any allegiance to mankind.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by karen61560
reply to post by DAVID64

I have never seen wide loads moving at night. I have seen many during daylight hours. They need to move these things in daylight so they can make sure they have the clearance they need to pass. I saw them take down overhead power lines once to get an old church through town. It was moved to a new location.

Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. They could very well move things at night because of the lack of flow of traffic. Makes a lot of sense!!


posted on May, 22 2013 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by karen61560
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

[Even heavy/oversize loads move faster than that, one of the main reasons for going so slow is carrying some kind of explosive or weapon]

This sentence makes no sense. Why would they have to travel slow if they had a weapon on board? What they were carrying nitro in an unstableized state? Silly. A missle wont explode from shaking it.
edit on 22-5-2013 by karen61560 because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-5-2013 by karen61560 because: (no reason given)

It's not silly. There are more than just missile weapons ya know. It could very well be something so sensitive that it needs to be transported in a slow and calm manner.

Think outside the box


posted on May, 22 2013 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by Spiro

Thanks for the back-up amigo, I no longer feel compelled to respond to posters who use the word "silly" on a conspiracy website.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by DarwinVsJesus

If your admittedly on uppers as you claim to be then NO,,,it does not make you a good witness...quite the opposite it makes any statement you present as unreliable.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by karen61560

Originally posted by Nevertheless

Originally posted by DarwinVsJesus
And no, there is absolutely no construction going on here. Nor were these construction vehicles of any type.

Why does it need to be construction? Big things need to be moved for many reasons. And it could still be because of construction regardless of what you think.
Military base is a good reason too... They usually have big equipment.

Doing it late at night is obvious too.
edit on 22-5-2013 by Nevertheless because: (no reason given)

True but on the shoulder of the road going against traffic? Why pray tell ?

If you were going against traffic, you would be on the shoulder to give the traffic some room, and so that it's obvious for the travelers that something's "up" ahead.
And since they were supposed to be huge.

Why against traffic I have already said.

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 01:11 AM
I haven't seen them again. just two nights. no road work.

and it's not 500 feet. It's more like 40 or 50 feet. I am literally right next to the highway.

They were unusual. Wide loads don't go at night. I just thought it was strange and I was wondering if anyone else had ever seen this? what I got was a bunch of replies about how I must be totally wrong and I am making # up.

Don't insult my intelligence please. unlike 98% of the population, I qualify for MENSA. I'm not stupid. (i'm also not paying dues to be in a snobby organization)

My wife and I drove up and down the highway and saw no roadwork. There's no good reason for anyone to be painting on the shoulder. Or moving on the shoulder then the 'ON ramp" is literally 100 yards or so to the north. If they had come from the highway (i-190) they would have stayed on the highway when it became the I-290. They came from the main road, from the direction of the military base.

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