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Very strange, slow, loud, BIG mystery trucks late at night

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posted on May, 22 2013 @ 02:57 AM
I live near a highway. For the past two nights, I've been hearing a very loud droning sound on the highway. Today I looked out my window to see what the hell it was.

There were seven trucks, driving incredibly slowly, AGAINST highway traffic, on the SHOULDER. They were going so slow I could have outrun them. These were the biggest trucks I'd ever seen. Bigger than the semis that come through here, with very bright blinking lights on them. They were silver/grey in color.Unmarked.

They were enormous.I can't stress that enough. Like double the size of a fire engine, and taller. Much taller. So tall, in fact, that I could see them very clearly over the roof of the three story apartment across from me.

I filmed them. It's not a great video, but you'll get an idea. I'll upload the film or link to it asap.

There is a military base nearby. Did I mention these trucks were enormous? I'm at a loss to describe how big they were. One of them looked like a ship, with a tall 'mast' on it. Bigger than a double decker bus. Much bigger.

There were two different types of vehicles. They went west about an hour ago, and they just came back east, same side of the highway, with traffic this time.Very slow. Very, very slow. They were on the highway, where the speed limit is 65, they were going no faster than 5 mph. I'm at a loss here, people. Does anyone have any idea? Anyone see anything like this? Oh, and the first time I saw them, I definitely heard helicopters overhead.

I'll try and upload the video right away.

Seriously dudes. I'm spooked. And no, there is absolutely no construction going on here. Nor were these construction vehicles of any type.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 03:02 AM
sounds potentially intriguing. i await the video

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 03:04 AM
Oh, those are just double-wide land UFOs.

Seriously though, just sounds like wide load trucks used for moving cranes or larger equipment.

Waiting for vid.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 03:16 AM
reply to post by DaTroof

Took another video, more keep coming. This one looked like a tank. It stopped, the back of it elevated quite a bit, then it kept going. I am staying up to keep an eye out, and I'll get the videos up now.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 03:36 AM

Originally posted by DarwinVsJesus
And no, there is absolutely no construction going on here. Nor were these construction vehicles of any type.

Why does it need to be construction? Big things need to be moved for many reasons. And it could still be because of construction regardless of what you think.
Military base is a good reason too... They usually have big equipment.

Doing it late at night is obvious too.
edit on 22-5-2013 by Nevertheless because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 03:48 AM
I have to say im intrigued!!

I want to see the video, the way you described it, i thought of the mobile lab from the movie "universal soldier".

Driving that slow must mean volatile chemicals or precision equipment of some sort. Ammo like missiles and bombs is pretty safe to transport so i doubt its that sort of thing (i mean planes take off from air craft carriers with armed ones all day everyday).


posted on May, 22 2013 @ 03:49 AM
I'm sorry the quality sucks. I'm on a balcony, filming a highway, and there's a screen on my balcony. I got what I could, I think it's strange. These videos don't really do justice to what I've seen. The trucks are very slow.

and this one is really weird

if anyone wants a copy to mess with, if you think it's worth it, let me know.

I really can't stress strongly enough how enormous and bizarre these things were. They did not look like flat-bed type crane carrying cars. They looked like big, boxy armored trucks and the one looked like a TANK.

I didn't film all of them, I wasn't totally prepared for what I saw, and definitely didn't think they'd come back. I only filmed them coming back, not going against traffic. But go against traffic they did. I took a few photos but those are blurry and awful.

I should add that I've recently been put on amphetamines and I have been having a lot of trouble sleeping. I've lived here my whole life. I have NEVER, NOT EVER seen anything like this. NOT. ONCE.
edit on 22-5-2013 by DarwinVsJesus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by Nevertheless

If they were moving something, it was well hidden. There were no flat-bed trucks or anything. All boxy armored type.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 04:01 AM
Interesting. Well, with all the lights they don't appear to be in stealth mode, but then again it was in the middle of the night.

Do you have any ideas?

What part of the country are you in?

Are there any suspected "DUMBs" in your area? Missile silos?

Even heavy/oversize loads move faster than that, one of the main reasons for going so slow is carrying some kind of explosive or weapon.

If you have time, see if the activity continues during the day or tonight, and try to get a better shot if possible.


posted on May, 22 2013 @ 04:19 AM
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

It stopped around 4 am, when a lot of shift-workers in manufacturing start leaving for work. I've never seen these during the day. I heard them starting at 1 am last night. Here's what's weird, the spot where I'm filming them from, is about 500 feet from the exit of the highway. It doesn't have a 'get off here' exit, the highway just stops and turns into a main road. Then the highway picks up again on the other side. Why would they take this route if they didn't have to? Why would these massive vehicles be going against traffic? It's a one-way entrance to the highway, which converges with the other entrance a mile or so up. SO they are literally driving up the wrong side of the highway on the shoulder. WHY? I didn't see a single truck move faster than that one. I counted 12 in total. All looked like that except one or two. One looked like a semi cab without a trailer, but it was enormous. It looked like a portable radar tower. It was far, far bigger than a semi. The window like you can see is the third floor of the apartment, and the roof is probably another 15 feet up. It is directly in front of the highway. Like, the distance between that building and the highway is a parking lot for cars. 25 feet tops.

All of these trucks are bigger than buses and fire trucks. By a lot. They were easily as long as 'piggy-back' semis.

I'm reluctant to specify totally where this is, as it would easily give away where I live. Easily. BUT, I'll say that I live in the buffalo-niagara area.

If we see them again tomorrow, we're going to hop in the car and get over to the main road for a better look. I could walk there faster than they are moving. Also, notice that you can see semis and stuff in the first video. Look at how much bigger these vehicles are. and BRIGHTER.

There was a TON of smog/smoke visible on the highway when the trucks passed, but they didnt sound like diesel. The smog was white, they sounded like street sweepers almost.

as far as DUMBS go, I've always suspected our air reserve base was weird. I had a neighbor in the airforce, and all his kids joined. But this guy was weird. His name was [jim] (not actual name) but he would only answer to [george] (not his name)

He was very quiet, never spoke. never. Whenever he was home from work, he would walk up and down the block, over and over and over. He had way more money than an air force guy should have had. and once, he took us (me and his kids, who I was friends with) to the base for a picnic day, and we were only allowed in one area. EVERYTHING was off-limits.

Oh, and he used to disappear for weeks at a time.

BUt who knows.
edit on 22-5-2013 by DarwinVsJesus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 05:04 AM
It could be something totally normal...wide load trucks...military...but if you are on amphetimines and lack of sleep the mind plays tricks and makes it seem like something strange and secretive is happening when it really isn't...wide load vehicles and military vehicles travel at night due to less traffic so they dont congest the roads durning the day...try to get some rem sleep and dont worry about the weird trucks until you have some sleep....

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 05:08 AM

Originally posted by shells4u
It could be something totally normal...wide load trucks...military...but if you are on amphetimines and lack of sleep the mind plays tricks and makes it seem like something strange and secretive is happening when it really isn't...wide load vehicles and military vehicles travel at night due to less traffic so they dont congest the roads durning the day...try to get some rem sleep and dont worry about the weird trucks until you have some sleep....

I said I was having trouble sleeping. I never said I wasn't sleeping. Also, my spouse saw them too. She agreed, they were weird.

the whole mind plays tricks thing is bull#, I saw giant, slow, noisy trucks unlike anything ive ever seen before, going against traffic on a one-way highway, and I thought it was weird, the mind doesnt play tricks like that. Also, if I'm on uppers, I'm a better witness than most people.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 05:09 AM
I'm not sure if you've seen how they transported the A-12 to Groom Lake, but there's brief description here

This is how they transported the A380 as well, except that it doesn't need to be boxed because it's not top secret. Pic here:

Do you live near any military facilities?

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 05:21 AM

Originally posted by DarwinVsJesus
reply to post by Nevertheless

If they were moving something, it was well hidden. There were no flat-bed trucks or anything. All boxy armored type.

Well, if it's military equipment, then they probably use military vehicles designed to transport, well, military equipment. It's probably slightly easier to use the truck that is designed to move the vehicle/aircraft rather than calling around to try finding a flat-bed truck (for your pleasure?) that is big and safe enough for the task.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 05:26 AM

Originally posted by DarwinVsJesus
going against traffic on a one-way highway, and I thought it was weird,.

The going-against-traffic part is irrelevant. If it was a one-way highway, how could it go the other way?
If there were two ways, the reason to go against traffic is either that it's shorter/easier/wider or that the traffic the other direction would be worse at those hours.

I can't see anything weird with this whatsoever. In fact, your questions on how they should have made things more cumbersome for themselves are the ones that sound weird.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 05:49 AM
Given the description your giving " early hours of the morning ", " Moving very slowly " and " going against traffic ", it sounds to me they are repairing/laying new road surface or similar. If they are moving at 5mph and returning within an hour then they are not getting very far.

I believe then that they are repairing the road or similar. This could also explain the humming/droning noise.

Be safe be well


posted on May, 22 2013 @ 06:07 AM
I spent 20 years near those things.

The first one is a Fire Truck. Light bar blazing, lights on the back. Step side gear compartments well lit.

Your second mystery vehicle is an Ambulance. Light bar blazing, red flashers high on the back white lights inside and scene illumination lights on the back.

They are allowed to be going down the road, wrong side slow. Why some rookies would choose to sneak up on a scene with lights blazing is beyond me (may have had something to do with the direction they were traveling on the road).

They would be going slow if Po-Po hadn't secured the scene (in case of violent threat).

They don't look the least bit mysterious to me. Rather mundane, actually.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 06:09 AM

Originally posted by PlanetXisHERE
Interesting. Well, with all the lights they don't appear to be in stealth mode, but then again it was in the middle of the night.

Do you have any ideas?

What part of the country are you in?

Are there any suspected "DUMBs" in your area? Missile silos?

Even heavy/oversize loads move faster than that, one of the main reasons for going so slow is carrying some kind of explosive or weapon.

If you have time, see if the activity continues during the day or tonight, and try to get a better shot if possible.


Not always the case I have seen construction equipment move as slow as 1000' feet per hour.Either slower or faster depending on what they are carrying.

The vehicle above I have seen many times on construction sites over the years these vehicles are very slow and very precise. Moving large items at night is very common.

edit on 22-5-2013 by enament because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-5-2013 by enament because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 06:33 AM
If your laws are amything like ours in australia, any loads that are over a certain width, length and or tonnage, it can only be moved after 10pm and before 5am to avoid traffic problems. It's nothing un-usual to see 3 trucks pulling and 2 trucks pushing a single trailer. They have to take certain routes depending on the strength of the road surface, height and width of a load.
It's an awesome sight watching 5 trucks moving a transformer from a power station or a CAT 799 dump truck to the mines.
In australia it's un-usual to see a truck pulling only 1 trailer. Usually they use a 30ft trailer and a 40ft trailer. In rural areas, some operators pull 6 trailers fully loaded.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by DarwinVsJesus

You said you were "spooked." Why? Why not simply intrigued? Why does there seem to be so much fear in people on ATS?

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