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Aliens are taking over the Planet Earth

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posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 09:09 AM
If you'll pardon taking this into a different tangent . . .
There's no "US" and "THEM," it's all US!
The soul can incorporate into any body depending on it's growth curriculum.
The ETs are our kin, our brothers. We are just WAKING UP.
We are "re-membering" with our interdimensional families.
This is a GOOD thing!

Just like Earthlings, some are good and some are bad. You will meet yourself.

Many of the abductees report an affinity for, a longing to return to their space "home."

Funny - a recent news story illustrates this soul-travel idea.
A man wakes up from a coma and doesn't know who he is; he speaks Swedish only.
How can that happen if not for soul migration?

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by UncleVinnys

I've had a similar thought. That we are related to 'them' somehow & sometime in future we'll be... 'them'?
It's kind of a creepy thought that we could possibly look like a Gray, but I'm sure they think we're pretty funny looking too

Are you talking about something like the past life?

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 10:44 AM
So much fear of aliens taking over the earth. These theoretical aliens do horrible things, such as sadistic tortures and potentially baking our children. In every topic like this there is the fear that a new world order with aliens at the top of the totem will behave as our current system does. These aliens will behave in ways that are exactly like human beings. They will rape, destroy, abuse, abandon, ignore, and generally act the same as we do. If they act worse and blow up the planet then they are simply as human beings, who when presented with a great technology at first use it for immoral acts.

I don't believe that. I think if a population were to make it to the point of great technologies there would have to be a period of great growing up first. The first thing a species would have to do is get rid of the asinine concept of government and have rule based on exchange between entities. The second thing that a species that far advanced would have figured out is reproduction. Most likely they would either be hermaphrodites or asexual with the potential for insemination. They would also have this part down so manipulating the genes of any species they came into contact with could be changed in ways lucrative for survival.

I think it's possible aliens have had ongoing contact with humans but I believe it would be for observation on the species' development. Think of it as a large scale history and biology lesson to see how their own species came to make it to the point they did. If you notice during most important periods of human history there are sightings of some sort.

I think the greatest threat human beings have is themselves. As a species if we are going to survive we need to grow up. Stop accepting abuse by those above us and stop being abusive ourselves. Stop hitting our kids and focus on peaceful exchanges. As a species we need to be responsible for our own security and no longer give a group of people the invisible right to be above morality and have a monopoly on violence.

I am not scared of aliens. There is not a single thing they can do as leaders that we are not doing to ourselves. The old world order has continually been an oligarchy of people who continue to control and manipulate the masses. The future, if it is to be beautiful is one where trade rules the roost. The trade of ideas, of creations, the trade of information. The trade of reviews of people and their actions. The abolishing of governments, that invisible thing that just means we are accepting that one group of people are able to do what any human morally shouldn't be able to. The freedom to leave others alone if they aren't physically or mentally abusing other people. No more stealing from Peter to pay Paul, and calling it a moral act. If we don't successfully make this shift we will repeat history and with each edition it will be more brutal.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by AlienView

Aliens are taking over the Planet Earth
Your premiss is that Earth has never been controlled by "Aliens" in the past, or from the beginning of its history. So what makes you think this is something new?

From my point of view we "Humans" have never had control, of anything. We have been lead to believe we have control, and we do to a very small extent, but the larger, bigger, giant, picture, we are only garden ornaments allowed to sit around and watch all the controllers flutter around the sky, adjusting nature, implanting trains of controlling thought, and a million other things we can not comprehend.

Your point is that "Aliens" are using technology to manipulate and control humanity to a final end, and to this I agree, it was. Ted Kacznski, a genius in his own right saw exactly what you are pointing out, before he blew a fuse and took matters into his own hands. He saw what technology was doing to mankind and tried to take action. Sad really, he slipped through the cracks.

Do you think these "aliens" came her uninvited? Or do you think someone or thing asked them to intervene?

Bette Midler wrote a song, "From a Distance" in which she describes how God watches us from a distance.

"Aliens are taking over the Planet Earth " Maybe God decided it was time to come take, a closer look.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 06:31 PM
If I were a general in an army. I would take this approach. If I studied humans, ( which that is probably why people see so many ufos taking dirt samples and abducting us and cattle, and see them just hovering in the sky) I would know that they are basicly scared. They are like those sheep that when they hear a loud noise they just drop. I would know that they can be very violent when spooked, so I would have to creat something to calm them down.

I would probably start by keeping them busy, so there is no fear. Then I would placate them with warm sounds and pretty colors. Then after they get addicted, I make them depend on it, then not be able to live with out it. Then I would take it a step further and creat a chip that can link to your phone and have all your data stored there. The slowly faze out the phone/xbox/playstaion..ect. and start to put things inside of you that you can veiw just by closeing your eyes for a few hours a day. As time progresses and this tech. is implanted at younger and younger ages, I would then activate the part of the chip you didnt know about , when you went to sleep and not waking you up. It will seem that you are awake but arent really. Then while the world sleeps take over.

Or I would just intergrate my species into yours, gen after gen, until the right time to strike. I would put them in office, police officers, firemen and even the garbage men. Then one day when i have enough of a "Trojan" army, give the signal. Game over.
edit on 16-7-2013 by Tylerdurden1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye
reply to post by AlienView

Aliens are taking over the Planet Earth
Your premiss is that Earth has never been controlled by "Aliens" in the past, or from the beginning of its history. So what makes you think this is something new?

Bette Midler wrote a song, "From a Distance" in which she describes how God watches us from a distance.

"Aliens are taking over the Planet Earth " Maybe God decided it was time to come take, a closer look.

Excellent response: Thanks.
That is what The Urantia book says too. We have a long history of guidance from so-called aliens, but with a slight twist in language you might say they are a form of heavenly host.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by LadyofGlass

I think the greatest threat human beings have is themselves. As a species if we are going to survive we need to grow up. Stop accepting abuse by those above us and stop being abusive ourselves. Stop hitting our kids and focus on peaceful exchanges. As a species we need to be responsible for our own security and no longer give a group of people the invisible right to be above morality and have a monopoly on violence.

I am not scared of aliens. There is not a single thing they can do as leaders that we are not doing to ourselves. The old world order has continually been an oligarchy of people who continue to control and manipulate the masses. The future, if it is to be beautiful is one where trade rules the roost. The trade of ideas, of creations, the trade of information.

Very insightful, thanks for your comments.

I would only add that many in the UFO community are fascinated by the alien question because deep down they believe this interaction will "SAVE" us. The process of being saved has another word: "salvation."
So, I think you cannot separate this alien interaction from its spiritual significance.

While we're at it, stop using the Us-versus-Them idea. Maybe they are "us." They are the same as us, our kin.
We will be saved by another version, an expansive spiritual version, of ourselves.
No need to fear.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 09:58 PM
Unless they are future time travelers from our civilization or a civilization that we could encounter in the future. They would have to avoid us at all costs then if they wanted to save what they know of their reality if it has any consequence.

Make you wonder about the grand father clock paradox is possible, or would time just split in another direction or river flow?

Time travelers would have higher odds against them of being real, then E.T's .
edit on 16-7-2013 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by Specimen

I always thought that if that were to happen, that realities would split. Like a cell. Then one would keep going as if they never came back and a new one is created with them disrupting their reality. Just a thought though.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by UncleVinnys

We have a long history of guidance from so-called aliens, but with a slight twist in language you might say they are a form of heavenly host.
Slight twist? Over the millennium, its twisted like "DNA"

Two things of interest concerning this "Invasion" of Alien body snatchers. It seems they wrote "Back Door" into our DNA (junk dna), that can be used to manipulate our bodies and minds, so technology really isn't needed to control or guide us.

Non-coding sequences, originally known as "junk DNA", were discovered years ago, and their function remained a mystery. The overwhelming majority of Human DNA is "Off-world" in origin. - See more at:

Now I can see why, I could see certain things, comprehend the non obviousness.

The second thing is something I understood years ago

they are a form of heavenly host
Aliens, or maybe "Heavenly Baby Sitters" One way or another I have been a great fan of theirs. They have been called many things over the years, but by far my favorite "Twist of a Word" for them is:

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 01:37 PM
Why wouldn't the aliens just take a few hundred women and 10 men (hopefully me) to impregnate them over and over and just breed more little humans?

Once you raise a human from a baby you can teach them how to act the way you want and create the ultimate slave that does not even know it is a slave?

Wipe out all the current humans and introduce your newly trained humans to do your will.

I know they could use artificial insemenation but I was kind of hoping I could be the semen source via all natural method of reproduction.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 11:19 PM
Funny you should say that!

According to The Urantia Book, that is about what happened . . .

From Paper 66 of that Book, The Prince's Staff (Planetary Prince of Earth)

"Accordingly, fifty males and fifty females of the Andon and Fonta [first human families] posterity, representing the survival of the best strains of that unique race, were chosen by the Life Carriers. With one or two exceptions these Andonite contributors to the advancement of the race were strangers to one another. They were assembled from widely separated places by co-ordinated Thought Adjuster direction and seraphic guidance at the threshold of the planetary headquarters of the Prince."

"Here the one hundred human subjects were given into the hands of the highly skilled volunteer commission from Avalon [galactic government], who directed the material extraction of a portion of the life plasm of these Andon descendants. This living material was then transferred to the material bodies constructed for the use of the one hundred Jerusemite members of the Prince’s staff."

(1) The Urantia Book, Paper 66 The Prince’s Staff.

Sounds a lot like our modern abductions, doesn't it?!!

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 11:54 PM
Please remember that a complete takeover of the planet can conceivably be done without any 'physical' presence of
the beings seizing control. What is becoming obvious in the world of artificial intelligence and the internet is that this
artificial intelligence and the internet can be used to take complete control of the beings [Humans] who keep
relying more and more on machines to run world.

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 02:31 PM
I think they are creating the hybrids so that when civilization collapses they will seed the world with these hybrids to try to get a head start over humanity.
edit on 21-7-2013 by EnPassant because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by knowledgedesired

Once you raise a human from a baby you can teach them how to act the way you want and create the ultimate slave that does not even know it is a slave?


Um *gulp* you were serious.....

Do you not know you're a slave?

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 03:26 PM
You see now the're worried about the NSA spying on people - you can laugh at that one when for all of this Century
and a good part of the last one people continue to interact with intelligent machines [computers] which are ceaselessly harvesting data on them and these machines are all communicating with each other [the internet, etc]
and probably already know more about you than you know about yourself ! The NSA doesn't need to spy on you
by deceitful means - you give away your privacy every-time you log on to the internet. And who is in control of all this data, the NSA? - that might be bad enough, but what if is a group of aliens with an even more sinister agenda?

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