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Here is what I have to say about my experience

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posted on May, 31 2013 @ 02:56 AM

Here is one document I found interesting. Its a bit lengthy but a good read for those interested

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 03:23 AM
Fireline Leadership in the Brave New World of Weather Modification and Modern Wildland Fire Behavior

Here is one more interesting read. A bit lengthy but very interesting. Check it out

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 05:17 AM

Originally posted by D3AD537

Here is one document I found interesting. Its a bit lengthy but a good read for those interested

It is obsolete.

Peterson no longer believes there is any evidence supporting the existence of "chemtrails"

YT video - for some reason it does not want to embed properly

Also in that document she asked for evidence that the number of large jet aircraft flights is increasing - I'm not sure if she has seen any such evidence since the document was made in 2007, but here you go:

You can find hte latest version of this on Boeing's site by googling for "boeing accident summary" - where you will find this link - and on page 13 of that document you will find the latest version, which goes to 2011.

edit on 31-5-2013 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 05:38 AM
reply to post by D3AD537

I started reading it but there's only so much bs I'm prepared to wade through, I very nearly stopped at the second paragraph when it talked about HAARP effecting the weather.

Maybe you could pick out a part that interested you most and comment on it.

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by D3AD537
Fireline Leadership in the Brave New World of Weather Modification and Modern Wildland Fire Behavior

Here is one more interesting read. A bit lengthy but very interesting. Check it out

Still waiting for you to show us proof that HAARP affects the weather, or somewhere that shows a government or HAARP administrator saying that it does.

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by flyswatter

You are going to be here a long time.
Hope you are comfy.

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by flyswatter

Just for one moment, say HAARP does affect the weather, Do you honestly think a government or HAARP administrator will say that it does, even if they don't know whats really going on?? Do you honestly think that any government agency will say what their plans are to the public?? I personally don't think so..why?? Because why would they want us to know their plans anyway?

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by D3AD537

Well in that case you can say just about anything you want, and say "Well the government won't tell us if it could!" You could say that the X-37 is servicing the secret antimatter powered, warp drive capable starship fleet that we have in orbit. Or just about anything else you want, and chalk it up to government secrecy.

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by D3AD537
reply to post by flyswatter

Just for one moment, say HAARP does affect the weather, Do you honestly think a government or HAARP administrator will say that it does, even if they don't know whats really going on?? Do you honestly think that any government agency will say what their plans are to the public?? I personally don't think so..why?? Because why would they want us to know their plans anyway?

But you said

Hmm i remember as well posting something about our own government admitting to using HAARP and chemtrailing somewhere. its documented proof just as well as yours is documented.

Weasel much?

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by D3AD537

Just for one moment, say HAARP does affect the weather, Do you honestly think a government or HAARP administrator will say that it does, even if they don't know whats really going on?? Do you honestly think that any government agency will say what their plans are to the public??

And yet you believe what chemtrail pushers have to say on youtube,...interesting..

What makes you believe they wouldn't let the world know they can stop droughts worldwide if that is what HAARP can do, but very unlikely they have to worry about that as that isn't what HAARP was built to do?

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by D3AD537
reply to post by flyswatter

Just for one moment, say HAARP does affect the weather, Do you honestly think a government or HAARP administrator will say that it does, even if they don't know whats really going on?? Do you honestly think that any government agency will say what their plans are to the public?? I personally don't think so..why?? Because why would they want us to know their plans anyway?

Sir, YOU are the one that said it is documented proof about the HAARP weather manipulation. You said it in this very thread. So did they say it, or did they not say it? Make up your mind.

I'm not going to sit here and pretend that HAARP can control the weather, simply because it cant. I provided a brief but accurate note about where it does and does not affect the atmosphere. My information is backed up by not only the stated abilities of HAARP, but also by science. You dont have to take my word for it though ... go investigate and look at the science for yourself. You will eventually develop (hopefully) a firm understanding of how the technology employed by HAARP does not have any measurable effect on the troposphere.

You cant provide proof that it affects the weather. You also cannot provide any proof that it has any possible way to interact with "chemtrails" or anything else put in the atmosphere by airplanes.

So my question now ... can you provide anything but theories and hypotheticals?
edit on 31-5-2013 by flyswatter because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 05:32 PM
Have you ever thought maybe your science may be inaccurate. How do you know your science is really science other than what the mainstream gov scientists are saying. have you ran samples yourselves?? other than do the same thing everyone is doing and getting data from articles online? Perhaps you're in on it or you're just foolish yourselves. how do you know that the science that has been taught to by many is probably wrong? maybe this is just a distraction to get you and myself away from whats really going on? Other than what your mainstream governments tell you, wheres your credibilty?

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by D3AD537

Have you ever thought maybe your science may be inaccurate. How do you know your science is really science other than what the mainstream gov scientists are saying.

As I've said before, ALL the supposed evidence put forward by believers, such as photos of chem plane interiors, misrepresented video footage, claims about the very nature of contrails etc are all PROVABLE lies, but they seem more acceptable to you than scientific data that cannot be factually disproven. Tell, me, where is the logic?

Regarding HAARP for instance, If all the info on HAARP on its own website is false and cannot be believed, and the real stuff is top secret, where have the chemmies got their figures from and how can they be believed? Its a non sequitur to dismiss data from an original source in favour of supposition from a blog, especially when you cannot show why the original data is wrong. Its nothing to do with accepting and believing everything tptb puts out, its about having a credible reason NOT to, and chemmies don't. One of them adds up 2+2, gets 400, and because that's not what the original data says all the other chemmies accept it as truth and to my mind that is simply a stupid way to go about things.

Several questions have been put to you in this thread that you have simply skipped over. The question could be turned right around on you, how do you know that the chemtrail pushers you are getting your info from are being honest with you and telling you accurate facts? You have performed several u turns in this thread. The HAARP reference above is one, another is you now questioning the validity of the science, whilst almost at the start you said you absolutely believe science will provide you with an answer. Questioning is good, however, so if you doubt the validity of the scientific explanations offered to you, what is it that gives you doubts? Any specific points?

If you really want to get to the bottom of things you might try answering some of the question I and others have put to you. Even if ultimately you cannot, the search should prove enlightening if your mind is open to the possibility that the chemtrail pushers have got it wrong. And as I said before, if you can focus on one point at a time it will help minimise confusion. If you are methodical things should appear much clearer.
edit on 31-5-2013 by waynos because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by D3AD537

Now you are just off in la-la land some place.

Really? Do you have enough synapses to comprehend the sheer amount of work it would be to skew all science? Think back, if you can, to the science you learned were present when taught. Each year, each experiment, people used what had been taught and experimented before. Every single year millions of kids blow up balloons and let them go flying to learn the basics of physics. Do you actually believe all of these people would not notice that what they learned by experimentation was not what they saw? Add in all the science used on a daily basis in every single industry, institution, and household...we have all been fooled and it's wrong just so some nameless, faceless, purposeless entity can make white lines behind planes and spoil your day?

That is the height of self-centric, egotistical, blatant stupidity.

How long does it take you to figure out ways to avoid learning something? That is all you have done through this entire thread. You ask. You are answered. You sidestep. You are questioned. You sidestep. You make claims. You are asked for proof. You sidestep. Then you come up with this delusion that all knowledge is wrong.

edit on 31-5-2013 by stars15k because: just cuz

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by D3AD537
reply to post by flyswatter

Just for one moment, say HAARP does affect the weather, Do you honestly think a government or HAARP administrator will say that it does, even if they don't know whats really going on?? Do you honestly think that any government agency will say what their plans are to the public?? I personally don't think so..why?? Because why would they want us to know their plans anyway?

Just suppose, for one moment, that you don't actually invent or imagine anything - where are the chemtrails and HAARP "death rays" (or whatever) then?

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 01:23 AM
Don't get me wrong again. I've asked questions no more no less. Even if its about anything I DO believe in. I question everything even if science and logic is right or wrong. Like I've said before I dont believe chemtrails are real or not. I know what contrails are. I THOUGHT that contrails were just contrails nothing more. Then i started noticing things happen that even science and reasoning will not explain or even any of you. Yes the science behind how jet engines work is there.Yes the science on how the atmosphere works is there. the science behind everything everyone claims on contrails are there BUT that is not what im seeing here. Ill clear it up again. I DID NOT HEAR ABOUT CHEMTRAILS ANYWHERE ON THE NET.

Simply, I just looked up, started to do research from there on contrails. Geo-engineering was always there. We talked about that in science class in school. but i never really thought much about it till a few years ago. Then on the other side of things mentioned something about government aircrafts spraying aerosols in the air. I started noticing more and more on the subject of contrails being chemically altered. Started noticing the days the weather news said itll be sunny and there wouldnt be a single plane in the sky. the days they said it would be partly cloudy or rainy or stromy..low and behold unmarked aircraft were flying everywhere those days. high and low. Coincidence?? Everything happens for a reason whether its good or bad.. A few times a day you'd see passenger planes preparing to land or leave and they did not have anything following behind them till they were gone but the unmarked planes flying the same altitude or little higher did.
Like i've stated. You will smell it, you will feel it, you can taste it. Then i said okay there is more to this then even credible scientists are saying. Perhaps they themselves don't even know the whole story. Nowadays people are saying chemtrails to distinguish whats happening. I've only used what i posted as references not what i actually believe. if i believed any of it i already wouldve said that i believe in chemtrails. but i havent now have i?
how many of you stayed believing that its just normal your entire life and how many have switched from either side? Just so its a clearer picture for all? Me personally I was on it just being normal..but what im seeing and noticing is far beyond "normal".

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 05:07 AM
reply to post by D3AD537

Maybe you could give us a sneak preview of that video you're working on so we can see what you're talking about.

BTW, I've asked you before and I don't think I got an answer. Do you understand what peer review is?

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by D3AD537
Like I've said before I dont believe chemtrails are real or not.

OK, but you are coming across as one who is already convinced.

I know what contrails are. I THOUGHT that contrails were just contrails nothing more. Then i started noticing things happen that even science and reasoning will not explain or even any of you.

Yes, there is that bit about you seeing low trails that turned into storms, this is why we are waiting for your video because in all the time this has supposed to be happening, nobody else has ever captured anything similar. Now, we can all surmise that what you saw were normal trails that appeared ahead of an approaching weatherfront and then a storm occurred. Science and reasoning have had that covered for decades, so what makes you certain that what you saw was not that? There seems to be a belief that the contrails and storm clouds were one and the same, or at the same height, to prove that you would need to show what height the trails you observed were. In all my time observing aircraft I have never seen a plane flying at heights that storm clouds inhabit leave a trail. Simple as.

Simply, I just looked up, started to do research from there on contrails. Geo-engineering was always there.

Can you show where geo-engineering is said to leave thick visible trails in the sky? I have asked this question many times of others with no response. You see, lots of people who believe in chemtrails talk of GE as a source for them as if it is accepted fact, but nobody has ever shown a link, it is one more of those elements that chemtrail promoters have thrown into the mix and everyone else has accepted unquestioningly. I dont buy that at all.

Then on the other side of things mentioned something about government aircrafts spraying aerosols in the air.

Lots of people say it, but they always seem to believe that contrails cannot persist and spread, which rather defeats what they say.

Started noticing the days the weather news said itll be sunny and there wouldnt be a single plane in the sky. the days they said it would be partly cloudy or rainy or stromy..low and behold unmarked aircraft were flying everywhere those days. high and low. Coincidence??

Again with the unmarked planes, what markings do you expect to see on an airliner from below? The reason you see all these planes when its been predicted to be partly cloudy or stormy is precisely BECAUSE those conditions make the trails linger for ages in the sky so you see more of them when you look up, when the weather is not like that their trails have dispersed and gone and you haven't seen them, the air traffic is generally constant. Just stop and think about that for a minute, you DO see the logic, yes?

A few times a day you'd see passenger planes preparing to land or leave and they did not have anything following behind them till they were gone but the unmarked planes flying the same altitude or little higher did.

Once again, you are going to need to support that assertion. The reason planes landing and taking off dont leave trails is BECAUSE they are too low to do so, as soon as they are high enough, around 28,000ft, they do. How did you ascertain the heights of the planes you say were flying lower than this?

Did you read my thread and look at those photos?

Like i've stated. You will smell it, you will feel it, you can taste it.

I can smell it and taste it when it is going to rain, I said as much yesterday when driving home from Flamborough Head and ten minutes later it was chucking it down, this is perfectly normal and has been my whole life. However, when you say you can taste and smell it, how come a spraying opersation since the 1990's all over the world has left no tangible trace? That alone makes the whole thing nonsense.

Then i said okay there is more to this then even credible scientists are saying. Perhaps they themselves don't even know the whole story.

You are more aware than all the worlds scientists? Nope.

how many of you stayed believing that its just normal your entire life and how many have switched from either side? Just so its a clearer picture for all? .

I heard of the theory, and as a member of this site decided, aviation being my field of special interest, I would see what I could find out. That's the reason for my own personal research. What I found was lies, misrepresentations, money making scams and not one single shred of evidence or information that stood upto any critical thinking whatsoever. I stay here because being scared of clouds belongs in the middle ages.
edit on 1-6-2013 by waynos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 06:09 AM
I see we arent doing the one thing at a time suggestion. Please do try to answer specific points?

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by D3AD537

I question everything even if science and logic is right or wrong.

And yet you still believe chemtrails exist even when the science and logic for them do not exist.


And where was it you heard about chemtrails, because there isn't a real meteorologist that admits they are real. At least not unless their name is Scott Stephens.

Simply, I just looked up, started to do research from there on contrails.

And that research brought you around to conclude that contrails are chemtrails?

We talked about that in science class in school. but i never really thought much about it till a few years ago.

And what year was that, because in the eighties and as far as I know they don't teach anything about geoengineering in school, at least not the ones I know but I could be wrong. I say this because there are no tests being done that can give a definitive answer to what happens with geoengineering and in school they teach you the science of things which is hard to do here when there is no definitive scientific answer to geoengineering.

So what exactly did they teach you about it?

Started noticing the days the weather news said itll be sunny and there wouldnt be a single plane in the sky. the days they said it would be partly cloudy or rainy or stromy..low and behold unmarked aircraft were flying everywhere those days. high and low. Coincidence??

The only coincidence is that you didn't pay much attention in science class, or to what the scientist tell you about weather and contrails. I am pretty sure I posted this link before in this thread, but in case you missed it here you go...

Now please read this thread as it is from one of our meteorological professionals that is also a member that knows what he is talking about, unlike yourself.

And as I have stated before...

Weather causes contrails...Contrails do not cause weather...

A few times a day you'd see passenger planes preparing to land or leave and they did not have anything following behind them till they were gone but the unmarked planes flying the same altitude or little higher did.

And they won't produce those white lines unless your living at the South Pole..

Do you just block out what others tell you in favor of your own bad research?

And how did you gauge the altitude those other planes were flying at as that is impossible to do from the ground?

You will smell it, you will feel it, you can taste it.

And how exactly does that happen from 35000 ft above with upper level winds blowing things around?

if i believed any of it i already wouldve said that i believe in chemtrails. but i havent now have i?

The problem here is that you do believe in chemtrails or you wouldn't be making a thread that is primarily about those so called chemtrails now would you?

You don't have to come out and say it as the proof is in your thread...

how many of you stayed believing that its just normal your entire life and how many have switched from either side? Just so its a clearer picture for all? Me personally I was on it just being normal..but what im seeing and noticing is far beyond "normal".

And what makes things far beyond normal as you put it?

You don't seem to grasp the science and research as to why you see those lines in the sky, but you do seem to grasp at straws as to the realization that chemtrails exist, which btw they do not.

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