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The Hundredth Monkey Effect (and/or Group Global Consciousness)

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posted on May, 17 2013 @ 10:48 AM
This has briefly been brought up in the past, but never really discussed.
And the one or two threads that tried to discuss it failed quickly and miserably.
So lets see if we can have a good thread on the subject.

The Hundredth Monkey Effect is a social change that ALLEGEDLY happens when a sudden spontaneous and mysterious leap of group consciousness is achieved. This leap of consciousness ALLEGEDLY spreads from directly effected people to those who aren't directly effected. Those not directly effected by the group change, change anyways because of an unknown metaphysical element.

The Hundredth Monkey Effect

The hundredth monkey effect is a supposed phenomenon in which a behavior or thought spreads rapidly from one group to all related groups once a critical number of initiates is reached. By generalization it means the instantaneous spreading of an idea or ability to the remainder of a population once a certain portion of that population has heard of the new idea or learned the new ability by some unknown process currently beyond the scope of science. The story behind this supposed phenomenon originated with Lawrence Blair and Lyall Watson in the mid-to-late 1970s, who claimed that it was the observation of Japanese scientists.

The early information on this alleged effect has been widely discredited.
Science doesn't seem to be able to prove it exists.
However, DOES IT?? (I don't know ... I'm asking .... )

Is there a 'global mind' that all of humanity is a part of, but that we are unaware of?

Do people who resonate at the same frequency of consciousness become part of a 100th monkey effect .. 'tuning' in to what others of the same frequency are becoming aware of or doing and thus they make the social/spiritual changes with them?

Isnt' this 'Hundredth Monkey Effect' kind of like Jung’s 'Collective Unconscious'? or a bit like Freud's "archaic remnants'?? Not exactly the same, but a bit on the same line?

If there is a 'Hundredth Monkey Effect' or 'Collective Unconscious' does that mean humanity will reach a critical mass ... either for the better or for the worse .. and all humanity will move in the same direction? Critical mass for the better would mean enlightenment and a possible dimensional shift. Critical mass for the worse would mean backtracking to the primal.

If there is a 'Hundredth Monkey Effect', would it split humanity in opposite directions? Some of humanity growing and evolving spiritually together and others in humanity sinking together? Polarized. Making different groups of humanity occupying the same planet??

Do we see any evidence of the Hundredth Monkey Effect other than what allegedly was observed by Watson in 'Lifetide' ??

I see peoples behaviors rubbing off on those who are in direct contact with them .. either in person or via electronic communication etc. But I don't know if the metaphysical 'Hundredth Monkey Effect' can explain tides in society changes.

What do you think? Hundredth Monkey Effect ... yes or no??
Group Global Consciousness? Yes or no?
And I guess shared Karmic debt would enter into this as well.
Does it exist? What do you think and why?

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 10:54 AM
I do believe that the hundredth monkey effect exists to an extent. The reason I believe this is have you ever just known something that you are completely unfamiliar with? I have. Example: Have you ever just walked up to something that you have never used before, but is fairly common, and you just know how to use it? How about something simple such as preparing a simple food that you are completely unfamiliar with, yet you know how to prepare it. I have had situations like this throughout my life, and have always wondered how I just know certain things that I am completely unfamiliar with.

edit on 5/17/2013 by SpaDe_ because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Awesome post, SnF~

Maybe I can break this down layman style with a example.

Conspiracy Theorist/Ancient Aliens/Metaphysics/Spirituality(Not Religion)/Supernatural(Not the TV but loved it)

For many years the above topic was very taboo. Meaning that most who "believed" or talked about any said subject was looked at like a CooCoo Bird and far from "Reality"

Over the years the tension of the said subjects has become less taboo and more and more individuals are becoming open to the idea(s), not only open but "several" TV Shows in essence have helped usher in the acceptance by bring fact and fiction to the table and helping the "Reality" that we know to be questioned and re-evaluated.

Please Note: I'm am not claiming that TV has helped dissinform but to a extent it has helped open the doors for skeptics to see the evidence that most of us dug to find through books and literature.

100th Monkey Effect? I would say "Yes"

I would also go as far as saying the people on ATS are part of the 99 Monkeys that are helping other's by informing and exposing Fact and Fictiion through scrutinous analysis and evaluations of said subjects.

So collectively we inform 1 individual who then informs 3 (awakens?) who then inform 9 and so forth... The pay it forward theory~

I hope I didn't sound too off the wall...

thinktank out~


posted on May, 17 2013 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
The early information on this alleged effect has been widely discredited.

For obvious reasons.

Science doesn't seem to be able to prove it exists.

Yes, because it doesn't.

However, DOES IT?? (I don't know ... I'm asking .... )

No, it does not.

Is there a 'global mind' that all of humanity is a part of, but that we are unaware of?

No, there isn't.

Do people who resonate at the same frequency of consciousness

That doesn't even mean anything. Please explain?

I see peoples behaviors rubbing off on those who are in direct contact with them .. either in person or via electronic communication etc.

Of course, that's humanity.

What do you think? Hundredth Monkey Effect ... yes or no??


posted on May, 17 2013 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by SpaDe_
The reason I believe this is have you ever just known something that you are completely unfamiliar with? I have. Example: Have you ever just walked up to something that you have never used before, but is fairly common, and you just know how to use it?
I have had situations like this throughout my life, and have always wondered how I just know certain things that I am completely unfamiliar with.

edit on 5/17/2013 by SpaDe_ because: (no reason given)

That is because of your intelligence and the intelligence behind those who designed the device.
That's almost the definition of intelligent beings.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by Nevertheless

Do people who resonate at the same frequency of consciousness

That doesn't even mean anything. Please explain?

Everything vibrates at a frequency. The earth. People. Trees. Everything. Everything is energy. (If you use google you can listen to the frequency the earth resonates at.) So I'm asking if people who resonate at the same frequency will pick up on others who are resonating at the same frequency as well and connect.

Or perhaps those at different frequencies have their frequencies interact and change each others frequency.

That kind of thing is what I was getting at.

Again .. it's a thought .. a question ... I don't know ...

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 11:33 AM
imo it's more of a percentage rather a 100 individuals. There is also the marashi affect. its said if 1% of humans become meditative the whole population will transcend

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by Nevertheless

Do people who resonate at the same frequency of consciousness

That doesn't even mean anything. Please explain?

Everything vibrates at a frequency. The earth. People. Trees. Everything. Everything is energy. (If you use google you can listen to the frequency the earth resonates at.) So I'm asking if people who resonate at the same frequency will pick up on others who are resonating at the same frequency as well and connect.

Or perhaps those at different frequencies have their frequencies interact and change each others frequency.

That kind of thing is what I was getting at.

Again .. it's a thought .. a question ... I don't know ...

..... right.

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 08:11 AM
Awareness is divisible by zero - all sums will equal no difference.

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 10:05 AM
Global consciousness rises in accordance with how much information one can access with others.

A guy who lives in the rainforest, with no youtube, no access to the same information as anyone else, will not experience "global consciousness", because he is unable to access the same information—namely the internet—as everyone else.

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by Nevertheless

Hey bud .. that's just basic proven science.
Even NASA will tell you that planets, stars, quasars, etc .. all have their own frequencies.

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by LesMisanthrope

The Hundredth Monkey Effect has something metaphysical associated with it.
That the global consciousness is transferred to each person in a metaphysical
manner .. not necessarily via TV or Internet. It has an element that we don't

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 10:37 AM
I do believe in a certain type of group think. I can't tell you how many times I have decided that I need to run to the grocery store for just a couple of items, and when I get there, the parking lot is packed with cars. I stand in long lines with my two items. I get to the parking lot, and it's now practically empty. I feel like everyone else decided at the exact same time as I did to go get their couple of items. This has happened to me many times, at various times of the day, various days of the week. It's weird.

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

The Hundredth Monkey Effect has something metaphysical associated with it.
That the global consciousness is transferred to each person in a metaphysical
manner .. not necessarily via TV or Internet. It has an element that we don't

I understand, but what I am saying is there is nothing metaphysical associated with it, that it is simply transferred via physical mediums of communication and interaction. Where there is no mediums of communication, there is no global consciousness.

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 11:03 AM
I think there is something to that theory.

Look at the rise of our major religions today, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism....they all emerged in a fairly short amount of time at different places in the world upsetting the previous held notions of God.

Also look at the enlightenment period....the entire world began thinking in a completely different way almost in unison. Yes the ideas must be spread by contact but the people need to be ready to accept new ideas en masse and this does happen on occasion.

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I think this is an interesting idea - but I don't think it has to be metaphysical to still be interesting

People are social creatures - and we pass information on to each other in so many different ways. Who knows that we aren't picking up cues we're not even aware of. Advertising is one of the first things that comes to mind - understanding how to lead people to an idea - and have them think it was theirs to begin with

I think this is just as interesting -
Tipping Point

In sociology, a tipping point is a point in time when a group–-or a large number of group members--rapidly and dramatically changes its behavior by widely adopting a previously rare practice.

The whole Gay Marriage debate is just one example - acceptance has been building momentum in our country for a while now - suddenly there's been a major shift. It's not a complete turn about and I don't mean to say that we got to that 100th monkey and now everyone is on board - but if we compare where we are to where were just 5 years ago it's not hard to see how a population can change it's views - it's behavior - all of it

Sometimes we don't consider things because we don't have to - but once you begin to hear things, see things, experience things - we're in a place to decide how we feel about it - it becomes much easier to adopt a behavior if we feel things are going in that direction

How many other things throughout history have been all one way, then all another? Politics, race relations, gender, technology. Even if we're just talking about fads - music, clothes - food

Monkey see, monkey do :-)

I know this isn't as much fun as mystically/magically everyone begins singing the same song at the same time...

I'd love to see some more examples of that though - seriously. Behavior that mysteriously appears out of nowhere - and is adopted by everyone
edit on 5/18/2013 by Spiramirabilis because: not enough monkeys

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
reply to post by Nevertheless

Hey bud .. that's just basic proven science.
Even NASA will tell you that planets, stars, quasars, etc .. all have their own frequencies.

Tell me, what exactly does Nasa or science tell us about the frequency you or your consciousness vibrate in?

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by Spiramirabilis
I think this is an interesting idea - but I don't think it has to be metaphysical to still be interesting]

I see it in the physical reality ... for sure.
As for the metaphysical ... that's up for discussion.
I don't see evidence of it. But In theory it makes sense ....

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by Nevertheless
Tell me, what exactly does Nasa or science tell us about the frequency you or your consciousness vibrate in?

NASA is dealing with planets and space .. not humans.

Pretty much everything has energy in some form. Energy resonates.

Schumann Resonances
The earth Earth resonates at 7.83 Hertz

Rhythms of the Braiin

After reading "Rhythms of the Brain," it's easy to understand why there's so much demand for working in this laboratory. There's potentially an entirely new field of neuroscience lurking in here: Buzsáki discusses distinct oscillations with frequencies spanning 4 orders of magnitude, from the ultra-slow ("slow 4": .02 Hz) to the ultra-fast ("high gamma": 600 Hz) and everything in between.

Physics Forum discussing human Hz levels

The body itself in total Body resonates a frequency when healthy between 62-72 Hz.

So to those who aren't being SNARKY and want to discuss this ...
could the Hundredth Monkey Effect (or metaphysical Group Global Consciousness)
have to do with frequencies interacting? Maybe ...
Or maybe Hundredth Monkey Effect is a bunch of hoooooey. I don't know ...

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 02:09 PM
I fully believe that the 100th Monkey effect is a true phenomenon. Once a behavior becomes 'ingrained' into a species, this behavior becomes what we scientifically label as 'instinct'.

What does the scientific world have to say on species' instinctive responses?

What missing piece of the evolutionary theorem acts as a catalyst for species change?

I would say the 100th monkey effect and a collective subconscious is a very reasonable explanation for what we deem "instinct".

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