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Pope Francis urges global leaders to end 'tyranny' of money!!

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posted on May, 18 2013 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by MariaLida
Very powerful and true massage ..

Pope Francis urges global leaders to end 'tyranny' of money
3:25PM BST 16 May 2013

Pope Francis has attacked the “dictatorship” of the global financial system and warned that the “cult of money” was making life a misery for millions.

He said free-market capitalism had created a “tyranny” and that human beings were being judged purely by their ability to consume goods.

Money should be made to “serve” people, not to “rule” them, he said, calling for a more ethical financial system and curbs on financial speculation.

The gap between rich and poor was growing and the “joy of life” was diminishing in many developed countries, the Argentinian Pope said, two months after he was elected as the successor to Benedict XVI.

"The love of money is the root of all evil" as long as there are tyrants there will be tyranny no matter what the means of commerce is. This is all heading to the age of a cashless society and this will happen within the next 25 years. As soon as the international bankers have their methods of control in every country in the world (only three left at this time) then they will want to simplify their processes and the way to do this is to have a one world digital currency. This is all leading to the one world order headed by "the one who would be God." I'm so glad to see the pope is on board :-)

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
That's me putting on the breaks.
Up to this point ... everything he's done I have been applauding.
But I don't like this speech of his .. not one bit.
Makes me nervous ....

ETA .... I don't like it because he may say next that there needs to be a New World Order and a World Bank to take care of the entire planets money needs. It feels like that would be the next thing he'd say .... and that would be BAD.
edit on 5/16/2013 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

Ha ha this comment made me giggle, thanks. I'm lovin' the paranoia people. so what if he says there is a new world order or a new world currency or even if we all need to be implanted with a microchip! (WARNING: at the cost of your soul DO NOT accept any microchips on pain of death because it very well might be "the mark of the beast." That said please do NOT fear. The biggest weapon the enemy has in his toolbox is fear mongering! He wants us all running around confused and afraid and has succeeded for the most part but not me! I really don’t care what happens in this life as I have so little control over LARGE problems. THE END OF THE WORLD IS COMING sorry but it is inevitable. Don’t worry there is a plan and purpose to your life the glory of which will outshine all of the pain felt in our lifetimes. The pope is an agent of darkness (willing or unwilling) but who cares! Let him do what he wants to do! My responsibility is to LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE and give as much to people as possible with a genuine generous heart. THE NEW WORLD ORDER WILL COME! THE ANTI-CHRIST WILL COME! THE END OF THIS AGE WILL COME and I say let it! Contrary to popular belief, the NEW AGE does not belong to politicians and bankers but it belongs to us, the people!

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by cconn487

I'm with up the Vatican Library and archives and give the world enlightenment rather than riches. After all,
knowledge is the currency of the Universe.

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 08:10 PM
This cry to stop the enslavement of the masses is a noble one to be sure, but it will do no good. Think about this for a moment: Those who would take advantage of other people to begin with are not suddenly likely to be hit by moral pangs of conscience. They are going to continue their actions. I say the same thing about politicians who do not have the people's interests at heart. The non-moral people are not the ones we want running our country and our financial system, but those are the VERY SAME types of people who are drawn to those professions. There are exceptions, but I am willing to bet that there are not very many exceptions to the rule. I have long known that there is only one true way for change, and I have reached this conclusion based both on history and human nature. I suspect that the masses will come around eventually, but it will most likely take soldiers kicking in their doors before this occurs, which is sad.

I would like to add that I am not against America. I am against corruption. It is not my fault that the two have become so entertwined. Yet the government would have everyone believe that people like me are the enemy, when in truth we are the only ones who actually care about this country enough to point out what is wrong, and ways to fix these problems. But people like me at this point can only serve to open the eyes of others.

I should state that there are many things that I love about America as well. There are many systems that truly work. The problem is greedy people, corrupt people, in positions of power and control. And sometimes I think things can be fixed, even in a non-violent manner, but then I snap back to the reality of the situation. I think the ONLY hope for a peaceful resolution to the problems of this country is to implement a system proposed by a man named Gene Sharp. I believe that he is who I'm thinking of. Whoever it is, they have outlined a system of toppling governments in a non-violent manner. In fact, this book has been banned in a handful of countries, mainly those volatile countries where coups are more likely to take place. But he is not really outlining a coup.

We the people already own this country, the US, and therefore it is not a coup to take back the power for the people. The coup has taken place under our noses, over the decades since WWII, and it has been somewhat silent. But for any measures we implement to work, we are going to need to unite the citizens of this nation, by first waking them up to the problems, and then convincing them they have an obligation to helping fix the system. We OWE it to both those who have fought for this country before us, and we owe it to our children and those who will come after us, to do something about the theft of our democratic rights.
edit on 5/18/13 by JiggyPotamus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 08:17 PM
The Roman Catholic Church can't get their own priests to lay off the little boys . . . how are they going to get the rich folk to lay off the money?

Both have the same chance of happening.

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 10:12 PM

The Roman Catholic Church can't get their own priests to lay off the little boys . . . how are they going to get the rich folk to lay off the money? Both have the same chance of happening.

Well, we are already well on our way to a cashless, centralized financial system already. With the advent of online banking, credit and debit cards, few people carry cash anymore.

Worse yet, the banking industry has consolidated in the past few decades to the point where 4 banks in the U.S. alone already dominate the landscape of the entire banking industry. In a couple more decades, there will be more consolidation. All of this is orchestrated, of course. Merge these 4 banks, and you are well on your way to a single dominant bank in the U.S. alone.

This all falls in line with the papacy's complaints about the current financial system. He will continue to push for a global currency, and a global bank by appealing to the gullible and naive.

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by HD3DSURROUNDSOUND

Yes ! Buddy you said it ! The writting is on the wall for some to see . Others can not see or will not see no matter how it is presented .

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by BigBrotherDarkness

Maybe you should read the book, consider all of the variables involved, before you lambaste him as being a typical greedy capitalist..

All natural food stores have higher prices. Prices will remain high so long as the market favors easy, cheap and unhealthy alternatives.

In any case. The man doesn't take an annual salary. He only does business with environmentally conscious companies. Employees get a generous 20% off. They cultivate strong corporate-worker relationships.

I would assume he's trying to point out that true wealth does not come from the chase of material gain and excess.

Yes, but "true wealth" is not static and is not confined to mere spiritual things. We live in a physical world. Everyday we have to negotiate with our bodies, our environment and other human beings. The morality in capitalism is understanding - becoming conscious of - the wealth generating powers it wields. To employ capitalism in a constructive manner, environmentally conscious, maintaining business-customer, while remaining economically feasible, is paramount.

Whole foods will of course be more expensive than your non-organic grocery alternatives.

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 06:31 PM
how many would OPPOSE... living quarters Fit to the size specs. of per family. In short the home/quarters you have are only large enough to accommodate your immediate family size... Would any oppose
if so why? There IS logic in what the Pope is sharing.


posted on May, 21 2013 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

Who asked the Pope for his opinion ? Who is he ? That was a stupid request from some one like him . The Global leaders are Bankers and they love the power money exerts on people . They have created the problems to serve their purpose .

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by SimonPeter
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

Who asked the Pope for his opinion ? Who is he ? That was a stupid request from some one like him . The Global leaders are Bankers and they love the power money exerts on people . They have created the problems to serve their purpose .

I'm not sure what you mean by this. Does he need to be asked before venturing his opinion? Do you?

I'm sure that a reasonable amount of the world's Catholics are interested in hearing his opinion. My concern is not that there might be an advocacy towards a cashless banking system possibly described in some end time prophecies, but that I am unaware of the any background of the Pope's education in macro-economics.

As a Catholic, I want to hear what he has to say, but if it's not within given parameters, it's an intellectual curiosity as opposed to religious obligation. If he has no particular insights to sophisticated monetary policy, I'm as interested as I would be in any other intellectual pursuit.


posted on May, 22 2013 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by Eric

Well Good For You . But you do know the implications of such a system and the misery and control it will bring on the people ? When such a system comes it will be a totally cashless solution . Every transaction will be logged and become data to keep ever tightening control of people .
Any who oppose the Globalist Government who will issue that system of electronic money on any point will be cut off from using it .With no physical money floating around you will not be able to buy anything. Not food or anything . View the video on YouTube " Aaron Russo talks about the Rockefeller Elite "

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 11:21 PM
Please forgive me for unleashing a rant, something's gone wrong with my control mechanism.

The Pope is not calling for a centralized financial or governmental authority. He is specifically identified States as those with the responsibility. He is also not calling for a cashless society.

The Pope is not sitting on the greatest wealth in the world. There are individuals with more wealth than the Church has. (The Church sees the art it has been given as a treasure for all mankind and will not sell it) (tothetenthpower, I'm speaking to you, too.)

The Pope is supposed to address moral diseases affecting humanity. It doesn't take a Ph.D. in Economics to see that he's right.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by charles1952

The Pope doesn't understand that the Banksters are executing a plan for (UN ) Global domination and they are using money instead of bullets to subdue the enemy . They have no intention of ending the tyranny of money . In fact it's going to get much worse . They will use money for complete control of your life . That will be a system that you will have to exempt yourself from as a Christian .

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 07:13 PM

The Pope is not calling for a centralized financial or governmental authority. He is specifically identified States as those with the responsibility. He is also not calling for a cashless society. The Pope is not sitting on the greatest wealth in the world. There are individuals with more wealth than the Church has. (The Church sees the art it has been given as a treasure for all mankind and will not sell it) (tothetenthpower, I'm speaking to you, too.)

Charles, with all due respect, I could not disagree more. Global domination of the economy is of paramount importance to this papacy.

With what exactly do you think the Pope wants to replace the current financial system? Power to the people? More economic freedom for the masses? More wealth for the poor and homeless? I find this highly improbable, if not illogical.

I assure you that the papacy is a political institution, and the jabs at the current economic system are only a power grab. The Pope would like nothing more than even more centralized control of the world economy in the hands of the few.

Anyone that has gone to Catholic schools, or been involved in the Church in any respect whatsoever, knows full well that the Church is not a democracy. It is run from the top down.

Regardless of what the papacy wants, we already largely exist in a cashless society. In just a few more decades, if not sooner, with advances in technology, it is possible that cash could very well become largely obsolete. Certainly, the banking industry is aggressively pushing for a cashless system in order to cut down on the carrying costs of hard currency.

In terms of Church wealth, the Church of Rome is the wealthiest institution in the world, bar none. Interestingly enough, the Church of Rome is largely a cash-based business, as most offerings on Sundays are in hard currency, untraceable. No one really knows what their accounting books look like, because this is a private institution, with no accountability to the general public. Priests, nuns, and monks oftentimes take vows of poverty, which means that the Church has a workforce with few labor costs. Just the known wealth in terms of jewels and such in the Vatican alone is evidence of the vast wealth of the Church.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by VforVendettea

Sounds good now but still refuse the mark if he promotes oh say...Getting chipped in the hand or forehead in lieu of using money.

Just sayin'

Where do you even correlate the two? What he is saying isn't really all that hard to understand. He is referencing the entire financial structure. Chip in the hand or on the forehead does not even figure into this because he is not talking about the legal tender in your pocket. He is directly saying the global bankers have the rest of the world by the short and curlies.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by CookieMonster09

Dear CookieMonster09,

Thank you for your disagreement, it's very welcome.
You're giving me a chance to see where my thinking has gone wrong. I hope you'll be able to help me see more clearly.

Global domination of the economy is of paramount importance to this papacy. . . . The Pope would like nothing more than even more centralized control of the world economy in the hands of the few.
You might be right, I suppose, but I don't see any of that in his speech. He makes a point of supporting the decisions of the various States, based on their circumstances. What makes you think that's his concern? From his speech:

This imbalance results from ideologies which uphold the absolute autonomy of markets and financial speculation, and thus deny the right of control to States, which are themselves charged with providing for the common good. A new, invisible and at times virtual, tyranny is established, one which unilaterally and irremediably imposes its own laws and rules.

With what exactly do you think the Pope wants to replace the current financial system? Power to the people? More economic freedom for the masses? More wealth for the poor and homeless? I find this highly improbable, if not illogical.
Having no reason to doubt him, I accept the idea that he is encouraging the leaders of the world to install an ethics based economy. Again, from his speech:

Dear Ambassadors, there is a need for financial reform along ethical lines that would produce in its turn an economic reform to benefit everyone. This would nevertheless require a courageous change of attitude on the part of political leaders. I urge them to face this challenge with determination and farsightedness, taking account, naturally, of their particular situations. Money has to serve, not to rule! The Pope loves everyone, rich and poor alike, but the Pope has the duty, in Christ’s name, to remind the rich to help the poor, to respect them, to promote them. The Pope appeals for disinterested solidarity and for a return to person-centred ethics in the world of finance and economics.

I assure you that the papacy is a political institution, and the jabs at the current economic system are only a power grab.
I didn't see anything in his speech that indicates the Church is trying to take power from governments or people.

Anyone that has gone to Catholic schools, or been involved in the Church in any respect whatsoever, knows full well that the Church is not a democracy. It is run from the top down.

I didn't touch on all of your points, I left off those at the end, simply for reasons of space (I get awfully wordy). I'd be glad to discuss those, or any others, if you care to.

With respect,

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 07:40 PM

You might be right, I suppose, but I don't see any of that in his speech. He makes a point of supporting the decisions of the various States, based on their circumstances. What makes you think that's his concern? From his speech:This imbalance results from ideologies which uphold the absolute autonomy of markets and financial speculation, and thus deny the right of control to States, which are themselves charged with providing for the common good. A new, invisible and at times virtual, tyranny is established, one which unilaterally and irremediably imposes its own laws and rules.

The papacy is a political institution. It would be ill advisable to take the Pope's words at face value, but instead look closely at his actions and the historical actions of the papacy over the years. This article is a classic case of "doublespeak", as I will outline below.

The elite - and the papacy is the elite of the elite - want centralized control of the economic system. That is the ultimate goal. Centralized control means a world bank, a global currency, and advanced microchips for the population to buy and sell. This centralization agenda is not only clearly outlined in the Bible, but also by modern economic historians that study global politics.

The question is: With what does the current Pope want to replace the current economic system? All of the financial scandals in recent years are orchestrated and deliberate. These financial meltdowns are deliberate and intentional, and not random events.

These financial meltdowns are concerted attempts to usher in misery for the masses so that a new globalist economic system can emerge as the saving grace "for the people". Rising from the ash heaps of the old economic system, the new globalist economy will be technology-based, and governed by a centralized banking system.

The Pope steps in and says: We need to change the economic system. I offer you to consider: What kind of changes would be implemented?

This Pope in particular is of a liberal, globalist, populist, and modernist bent. He is not a traditionalist, and he is very much the New World Order Pope. The traditionalists in the Church cringe at his every word and action.

Since we are quoting the article, please read this statement carefully:

"Countries should impose more control over their economies and not allow “absolute autonomy”, in order to provide “for the common good”."

He is advocating "more control". What does that mean, exactly? It means more centralization of economic power into the hands of the few, not the many. It means a single global currency, advanced microchip technology, and a unified world banking system. Classic doublespeak.

Having no reason to doubt him, I accept the idea that he is encouraging the leaders of the world to install an ethics based economy.

The papacy has a long history, and that history is rife with a long-term globalist agenda. We see, for example, Pope John Paul II, in recent history countering Gorbachev and Reagan for global governance.

At the end of the day, the question is who will govern and dominate. The Pope, as a world political leader, is using populist rhetoric to help usher in the globalist agenda. He likes to use populist rhetoric to appeal to the masses.

As thoughtful, intelligent, and rational human beings, it is hard to take this populist rhetoric seriously. We will soon watch unfold --- with or without our consent --- a new economic system in the coming years that will be very different from what we have today. It will be dominated by technology and centralized control, so that one might not "buy nor sell" without being part of this new economic order.

I didn't see anything in his speech that indicates the Church is trying to take power from governments or people.

See above.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by CookieMonster09

Dear CookieMonster09,

I hear your claims, but I don't hear evidence to support them. I must be missing something. (Unless there's nothing to hear.)

You start with saying the Pope's words are lies to advance an agenda. Does he have a history of lying? If you judge the Pope's words so harshly, how are we do judge yours? You ask us to look closely at his actions. Ok, what action do you see, and what does it mean to you?

Pope Francis is "the elite of the elite?" His actions, which you ask us to look at, appear to be those of a genuinely humble man.

The Pope has indicated he doesn't want a centralized plan. Is he lying about what he wants, and you're telling the truth? That's a little hard to swallow. Where does your idea come from?

It seems that you are saying the Pope wants to create world-wide misery to further global economic control. Again, is there evidence for this?

What kind of changes would the Pope like? Systems run by each State for the benefit of all it's members and not allowing Socialism or Capitalism to run wild without restraint. Concern for the poor. The words "absolute autonomy" which you provide, refer to the unbridled control of any economic system, but especially those that cause the poor to suffer.

He is advocating "more control". What does that mean, exactly? It means more centralization of economic power into the hands of the few, not the many. It means a single global currency, advanced microchip technology, and a unified world banking system.
I disagree, and I think I have explained why I disagree.

The papacy has a long history, and that history is rife with a long-term globalist agenda. We see, for example, Pope John Paul II, in recent history countering Gorbachev and Reagan for global governance.
If anything, it was Reagan and the Pope attempting to prevent Russia's global dominance.

Please clarify, or, if we're too far apart, it may not be worth your time.

With respect,

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 12:36 AM

I hear your claims, but I don't hear evidence to support them. I must be missing something. (Unless there's nothing to hear.)

Look around you. What is the main trend right now in banking? Where are the big banks putting their money right now? Mobile banking. In one of the major big name brand banks alone, upwards of 10,000 people per day are signing up for mobile banking.

Now, let's look at the top 4 mega-banks in this country that dominate the current U.S. economy. Look historically at what has happened nationally with bank mergers just in the past 50 years alone. Centralization. Concentration of the banking system into the hands of a few major banks.

This is not conspiracy. These are facts, and evidence. If you follow the trends in banking right now, and look back historically, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the elitist push is towards a cashless, technocratic, global banking structure.

These are not new trends, by the way. The elite have been pushing the cashless technocratic global banking concept for quite some time now. The Pope is just their current spokesman.

You start with saying the Pope's words are lies to advance an agenda. Does he have a history of lying? If you judge the Pope's words so harshly, how are we do judge yours? You ask us to look closely at his actions. Ok, what action do you see, and what does it mean to you?

The papacy has an agenda. The question is: What is his agenda? Since his inauguration, this Pope has made one globalist political move after another, playing populist politics with his followers.

The Pope has indicated he doesn't want a centralized plan. Is he lying about what he wants, and you're telling the truth? That's a little hard to swallow. Where does your idea come from?

Read the quote I posted. He is advocating for more control. He specifically states, "Countries should impose more control...." There is that word again: impose. More control means more centralization.

It's his words, not mine. I just provided additional context and background. The globalists are already implementing this agenda - imposing it, if you will - regardless of whether you like it or not.

We are very, very close to the final stages of this implementation of the global banking structure, and it will likely be here within our lifetimes, if not sooner. Some would argue it's practically here already.

It seems that you are saying the Pope wants to create world-wide misery to further global economic control. Again, is there evidence for this?

Plenty. As noted above, just look historically at the long-term trajectory of the world economy and the banking system's centralization of power into the hands of fewer and fewer banks. The culmination of a global currency, global bank, and microchip technology is not far away.

What kind of changes would the Pope like? Systems run by each State for the benefit of all it's members and not allowing Socialism or Capitalism to run wild without restraint. Concern for the poor. The words "absolute autonomy" which you provide, refer to the unbridled control of any economic system, but especially those that cause the poor to suffer.

The system that the Pope is advocating is as I have described earlier. First, a single worldwide currency. This will be sold in populace rhetoric as well, in a condemnation of the evils of the capitalistic currency markets and currency traders.

Secondly, a single global bank - a world bank, if you would - which will be advocated for the purpose of eliminating capitalistic competition between the banks. Among other populist benefits, a world bank will promise to end discrimination in lending standards against the poor.

Lastly, technology. Specifically, microchip technology, whether via mobile devices initially, to eventually implantation of chips into one's own body. You will not be able to buy or sell without such a chip. This will be sold to the public for the sake of convenience, ease of use, etc.

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