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A possible solution to quiet schizophrenic voices

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posted on May, 17 2013 @ 12:51 AM
Have you ever considered that the chips might be placed in your teeth by your dentist? The voices may be coming from your teeth which transmit the sound waves directly through the bone to your hearing system. Quite a few people hear radio stations through the teeth fillings in their mouth, you know.

What of the millions of people wanting to be psychic and really wanting to hear voices and those religious folk who want to hear God's voice too. Everyone wants to hear from their friendly guide or saviour and when they eventually get what they want, the medicos go and tell us all that it is really a mental condition and there is no-obne there at all. What a let-down.

Is it all based on Freud who started the whole modern mental health thing off with the understanding that sex was the basis for all mental problems?

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by this_is_who_we_are
reply to post by truthermantwo

"A possible solution to quiet schizophrenic voices"?

edit on 5/16/2013 by this_is_who_we_are because: yum

2nd line

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 02:39 AM

Originally posted by iunlimited491
reply to post by truthermantwo


Your thread title brings up an interesting subject, and question. But after reading what you posted, I believe it's evident that you're are in-fact losing touch with reality.

I must ask, are you using any type of stimulant medications? Any Amphetamines? Any kind of drugs, for that matter? What you describe sounds a lot like, drug induced psychosis. But if you're not, then that's ok too. Just some honest questions here.

But back to the issue. Schizophrenia, can be caused by a lot of things. What your first method of attack should be is identifying the source. When you hear these 'voices', what are they telling you? Who do you envision telling you these things? Why do you feel you were chosen by 'them'? Etc.

After that, I would suggest you put the 'chip' idea aside. Regardless of how true you think that is, forget about it... just for a moment.

Now, have you tried 'regaining' control of your thoughts? Have you attempted to 'control' the voices you hear? I would say, doing so is a very important step. But OP, you are the master of your own thoughts. Try communicating with what you hear, instead of trying to eliminate it. The problem now is that, you're confusing these voices with normal inner thoughts. Hence the reason, the 'voices' don't go away. Try to team up with them; (if you will.) Listen for what you want to hear. And when you hear the opposite, use rational thought, and/or just laugh it off. The worst you can do is fear this. The best way to prevent full blown psychosis is through reasoning with what's in your head, and using it to your advantage. The rest is up to you.

I am not in your situation. What you believe is what you believe. But the above may help you find balance, and regain your mental-stability. Before you completely lose touch, and are lost down the Rabbit Hole forever.

Best of Luck OP.

Maintain & Persevere.

I know it's some sort of chips in me, and i know it's an external thing causing the voices. Everytime they try to re-connect to me my ear hurts really bad, a quick sense of pain happens.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 02:41 AM
edit on 17-5-2013 by LoneCloudHopper2 because: thinking too fast, up too late, sick tonight, didn't write wisely.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by sylent6
Ok to the OP. Where did you come up with the idea of chips being implanted?

The thread sounds entertaining until I read about these chips.

Are you referring to yourself that has implants or all of us on ats?

Well fact is i used to hear people in cars yelling at me, saying things like official messages of how there going to arrest me to scare me. Yesterday as i was driving home, i heard really quiet voices from cars that had their windows up, as if their system couldnt sound properly. and heard the normal regular voice(s) through my vents sound. What im saying is they need a way to know someone else is there for that to happen or to route the sound through from another direction.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by Murgatroid

What about the people that had a little bit of niacin, but didn't get better? ... He started giving what at the time were preposterously high doses of niacin: 3,000 milligrams a day. And he was curing schizophrenia in 80 percent of the cases.

This is astonishing. The cure rate for schizophrenia with drug therapy is not particularly good. Dr. Hoffer saw again and again that niacin worked. Then he studied it, did the placebo-controlled, double-blind test, and started writing paper after paper on this. At that point, the American Psychiatric Association literally blacklisted him."

Standard Operating Procedure the medical industry uses for dealing with threats.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by truthermantwo

they need a way to know someone else is there for that to happen or to route the sound through from another direction.

We have been getting a lot of gun control messages aimed at the schizophrenic from the media lately. The recent threads page on ATS quickly fills with responses after each new event. We all know the strict rules governing gun ownership dictate that no signs of schizophrenia be present.

ATS as a whole is made up of people that have a lot of creative artistic resonance. Alternative thinking is not only allowed, in many cases it is nurtured. Schizophrenia to some degree is the human condition, so using that term to describe hearing voices could be misleading. If musicians didn't hear voices how would they write their lyrics. How does a Muse communicate? Who hasn't listened to a song on the radio and misinterpreted alternate lyrics that have nothing to do with those of the original artist? That is a form of schizophrenia where you are projecting your own internal thoughts into some artistic work in a way never intended. A completely schizophrenic interpretation of the artwork, like Charles Mansons diatribe over Beatles lyrics.

I disagree with you about using psychotropic drugs like Cannabis and Irish Whiskey in an attempt to improve the situation. Psychoactive substances often bring about subjective changes in consciousness and mood that the user may find pleasant and reinforcing but that can only increase the schizophrenia.

Look what happened to sober pilots flying the Lynard Skynard band to New Orleans in 1977.

According to the plane lease agreement the LESSEE was to hold harmless the LESSOR in the event any narcotics were brought aboard the plane for any purpose. They were flying a 1947 P&W Convair that did not have separate passenger/cockpit cabin pressurization. The plane ran out of fuel over Gillsburg Mississippi due to pilot error according to the accident report but, is there more to the story?

Talk about having a chip on your shoulder, we lost 3 members of a great band in all likelihood because a door was left open. According to this report the flight crew was autopsied and no signs of drugs or alcohol were found?

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by purplemer
reply to post by truthermantwo

Instead of medication why not try some meditation. If you controlled your internal dialogue (thought) would that not control the voices..?

I don't disagree but that just sounds way too easy. It took me years to get some grasp on the internal dialogue. It's easy to operate the physical body, see one's body moving when having certain thoughts, later in life learning about the brain and understanding that is how it all works. But that is just knowing by observing, one repeats reality without needing to truly understand, as long as it feels like understanding everyone can be reassured that is how it works. Then everybody repeats that same reality and it's all ok, it's mostly explained even though it might as well be something made up which everybody assumes is reality and they all agree. But the spirit is different and invisible at first to many at least, all the parts need to be known one by one until they fit and can be operated. Without knowing what to operate it won't be operated but it might still react to thoughts creating confusion in the thinker. It might also be one has a different thought than another which leads to the same idea or perspective to make things even more confusing but spirit isn't fixed like flesh and DNA, it's flexible especially for beings growing in a society which hasn't found the answer to everything yet.

I don't believe the voices should be controlled or the source of it which I believe is all in the same mind. Although I do believe the voices echo others which truly exist somewhere. It's the internal listening that needs to be controlled, one can only control oneself and shouldn't try to control others at all as it would only lead to more frustration. How to control the listening is difficult as it isn't something taught in society, it's pretty much up to the experiencer to make up a model for him or herself to reassure themselves and learn how to tune into themselves instead of projections of others, whether or not they have actual connections to real beings.
edit on 17/5/2013 by Dragonfly79 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by truthermantwo

Originally posted by sylent6
Ok to the OP. Where did you come up with the idea of chips being implanted?

The thread sounds entertaining until I read about these chips.

Are you referring to yourself that has implants or all of us on ats?

Well fact is i used to hear people in cars yelling at me, saying things like official messages of how there going to arrest me to scare me. Yesterday as i was driving home, i heard really quiet voices from cars that had their windows up, as if their system couldnt sound properly. and heard the normal regular voice(s) through my vents sound. What im saying is they need a way to know someone else is there for that to happen or to route the sound through from another direction.

What exactly are they wanting to arrest you for? And why wouldn't they just arrest you? Official messages? Again...all this implies you feel like you are important in some way, so...what is it that the imaginary bureau of investigations wants from you?

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 09:00 AM
I find it interesting that some schizophrenics state they just "came down" with schizophrenia like it is a virus. It makes me wonder, what caused the chemical imbalance to facilitate schizophrenia?

One question keeps coming to mind: Do you or did you own a cat at the time your schizophrenia started and were you exposed to its feces? An unclean litterbox, cat walking across counters/tables or pillows...

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 10:56 AM
Learn how they work, infiltrate the word matrix, reverse feed the paradox equation, respond to the voices with the systems own imprint, and - make them talk and confuse thier networks.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by truthermantwo

Probabilistically speaking, isn't what you're thinking - the idea of chips being implanted in your head - an idea placed in your mind by the paranoia?

I know how unlikely it sounds, being in the grip of such paranoid thoughts, everything anyone has to say must sound to you like an evil trick, or a misplaced notion which you know "better" than to trust. But you have to take command of yourself! Statistics are a great way to ground your mind in a logical and reasonable state; every psychiatric textbook, every psychological analysis of schizophrenia, describes the overwhelming prevalence of paranoia. Having voices swirl through your head that aren't voluntarily created must be nerve-wreaking! But the idea that a electric device has been implanted - that's simply the dysfunctional working of your brain! You have to understand this. You're mentally ill.

The most amazing thing about the human being is its ability to flourish in the most unpleasant psychological conditions. I know of people who deal with voices, who've experienced the pitfalls of institutionalization. Have at one point in their life believed what now appears to them to be the most amazingly implausible things. Your spiritual outlook is a great place to start, but in order for it to be truly healing, you need to abandon this unreasonable baggage the paranoia packs on; there are NO CHIPS IN YOUR HEAD.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by Phantasm
I find it interesting that some schizophrenics state they just "came down" with schizophrenia like it is a virus. It makes me wonder, what caused the chemical imbalance to facilitate schizophrenia?

One question keeps coming to mind: Do you or did you own a cat at the time your schizophrenia started and were you exposed to its feces? An unclean litterbox, cat walking across counters/tables or pillows...

That is a good point. There are a number of infections that can cross the blood brain barrier and mess with someones thinking. And there are theories that these same infections were tampered with by our government. Like the experiments on tick transmitted viruses done at Plum Island. Run a search, there's a bunch of threads on that.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 12:02 PM
This message is for the watchers, handlers ect....

I am done their is no reason to continue.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by Infi8nity

Good to know.....we will cross you off our list.

The implants will crawl out of you now.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by Murgatroid
...How ironic that the OP has far more sense than the average ATS poster.
...He KNOWS that psychiatry is a total complete FRAUD...

Thanks for your post, Murgatroid.
Can't contribute much to the discussion (yet) am marking your post, for all the references included.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 02:32 PM
OP, I've read through most of the comments, not all, and would like to suggest a few things, but before I do,

First of all, I am no way a psyche anything specialist, or expert, or doctor, or even a counselor. Advocate, yes, but that's all, and what I'm about to share with you is Strictly from my own experience and working through a lot of abuse, etc. I say all this Because, I would in no way want to give any harmful advice or anything that may cause you or any dealing with similar, harm. Because I don't think, we know really about even schizophrenia, or DID, etc., except what we've been told and well, it's ETHICS. So,

I do want to say, that as for Your experience, how you feel, what you struggle with, I believe you, I don't know the cause or can confirm but I believe your struggles are real and could possibly hold some truths. We simply do not Know everything possible, this however does not exclude Other factors like chemical imbalances, anxiety, trauma from early childhood, etc., or a combination of several. Again, I'm not a doctor and not an

JUST from what I know, there are some things that helped me with the triggers and anxiety, from horrendous abuse. I was fortunate Not to get DID, that's Only because however, at the age of six I was moved and family changes and there was environmental change in that I could not be further abused IN the ways I was prior to six without many knowing, the abuse continued but the methodology changed, and that I think is the Only thing that saved me there. I do have some of the other trauma related symptoms however, and I now know, some of the Not so healthy coping mechanisms and habits I learned was from the coping I did as a very small child, for example I have some severe food issues, from the forced starvings, being poisoned (several stomach pumps in hosp, this is ALL documented, btw and confirmed by witnesses so these things happened, I have memories of much, and then a lot it's amnesia like so...I also when we moved had a huge bald spot on top of head from the food withdrawals, being locked in empty room for days on end, then forced fed, food shoved down my throat violently, That abuse continued until I was about ten) but OK, anyhow, detachment via daydreaming a lot, to escape, things like that, and that harmed as I got older as I withdrew A Lot, there are some other things, acting out, etc., but so,

I learned, one, in dealing with what I call OCD/anxiety type triggers, first is diet and water, which for me, very hard, but it has a cycle effect that perpetuates the anxiety etc so, those things had to change. Then, cutting off from too many sensational things like t.v.s, loud music, noise, Lights, yea for some reason artificial light has effects, so I more rely natural light as much as possible and live on the natural time clock, it made HUGE impact so I know it has effects on brain. Third, Nature, I can't stress this one enough, Center, you said feet, that's True, even for anxiety, centering on EARTH, energies, get out and start weeding or planting garden, learn the trees, plants, herbs, but get centered in the earth energies and there is a lot of good energy from this and it's healing as well as it enables YOU to take control rather than Being controlled. Does that make sense? It's the connecting to the positive life forces, any negative forces, have to obey those fields. It's some law of physics, not sure what but I know it works.

Last but not least, prayer or meditation, which, with OCD anxiety type of PTSD is and can be hard to do as the mind, is like a wheel, so what you Speak about and Focus/dwell on, will spin, when I get into that frame will Speak to myself, out loud, or sing, singing helps too, and talk positive things to myself...this is YOU gaining empowerment and control and retraining your mind to submit to Your will, rather than it taking you and like a dog on leash dragging you everywhere...WE have to learn to control thoughts, not thoughts controlling us. Easier said than done and it takes practice. I don't Argue however or try to resist worry, that only makes it worse, the mind is funny like that, why I suggest singing.

I would, suggest talking to your doctor or support or who ever you trust, about all I suggested, as some may work, some may not, I think it differs for every person, and this way if something you try makes it worse, you have the support to be ok and try another alternative.

If you are anti Meds, I would suggest,, they have references to good alternative care, for schizophrenia, severe anxiety, depression, etc. as well as good support groups,

Reason I know about the support, is most dont believe that RA/occult child abuse etc, exists either, and there is a lot of denial and ridicule, so, there are supports,

But beware, there are also a lot of unethical types Exploiting these types of abuses or illnesses as well, just to warn. Support systems however, cannot be stressed enough.
edit on 17-5-2013 by ThreeBears because: Typos

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 03:00 PM
As for theory, hypothesis only, I cannot prove it,

I have wondered about if schizophrenia,

Is really more about something with the internal "hearing" pathways that work, kind of like radar, in a way where there literally IS other voices one could be hearing, but because other parts of brain may not be on the same wavelength, it causes havoc, etc.?

Reason I wondered about this, just a hypothesis now,

Is the studies they've been doing on animal communication and the frequencies that animal radar works. It got me to thinking one day, that maybe that's what's going on with schizophrenia too, neurologically that is. Kind of like telepathy but more about it being the frequencies in which our brains pick up and sort through sounds,

It's possible, I would think. I have a daughter who has a hearing disability, she hears ok but in early school, it's like dyslexia but it's inner hearing, how sounds are determined in the brain, she would get p and d mixed up or wouldnt be able to distinguish between them, etc. it's an auditorial disorder, anyway she had to learn a lot kinetic ally, etc.,

And that's what got me thinking about how our brains work, etc., why I don't think Meds is the cure all, I think we really limit ourselves, much from prejudices, about many other possible causes. So like, how elephants can hear very long distances,

I wonder if some people do that too, but it gets all muddled and of course, would be terrifying, etc., AGAIN

JUST a Hypothesis, question,

Not a finding, not an observation, just question. It would be interesting, the more the scientists study animal hearing, radar, etc., if they find that some humans have different hearing frequencies we may not be able to detect with normal hearing tests...I mean

If we have limited hearing, why then, could we also not have the reverse?

Just saying, maybe something connected to our evolution, etc. it's the same way with smell, that's another interesting sense, we don't use like the ancients did, because we don't rely on it as much for survival. Got that hypothesis, on watching bears, lol, yea I know weird...

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 03:41 PM
I found the problem just yesterday, but im keeping it to myself, for multiple reasons, main one being i care. They're 99% quiet, i need to figure out something else too. How much aloe vera compound to apply.
2nd line.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 03:45 PM
In my province, a man who stopped taking his meds for schizophrenia beheaded another man on a bus several years ago.

If not for yourself, then for the sake of everyone else, please seek help.
edit on 17-5-2013 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

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