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A possible solution to quiet schizophrenic voices

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posted on May, 16 2013 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by Vasa Croe

i do not know that siemans made it i read that they had and at the time none of this made seance to me and still does not and if any of the alphabet agencies are watching me they are going to be bored to death with my exciting life i am as puzzled as you on this but i do not dwell on it

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by Vasa Croe
science is based on equations and mathematics.

I suspect that most of us here know what science is SUPPOSED to be....

But what's that got to do with reality?

Absolutely NOTHING...

"Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health. Lawyers destroy justice. Universities destroy knowledge. Governments destroy freedom. the major media destroy information and religions destroy spirituality." ~ Michael Ellner

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by truthermantwo

im not here to talk to people who think schizophrenia is just some mental disorder where peoples own brains start saying things to them.

No one thinks that. That is a fact that psychiatrists labeled a mental disorder.

If its not schizo then you need come up another label, because If one accepts themselves as schizo then they have lost themselves to this disorder.

Trutherman, I am telling you I hear all sorts conversations and instructions and have for many years, through whats known in the medical field I have symptoms schizophrenia and a number of other disorders. However I choose not to label myself with these labels even thought the signs are there for me and those that might know well enough. I deal with my delusions by challenging them with a reality I believe more in than anything else.

If you have given in an labeled yourself a schizophrenic get the help available for schizophrenia, otherwise dont say you are when you think what you experience is some external force attacking you.

You do not think far enough and have an ego that hinders your progress in whatever you attempt.

I could post all that I have discovered through my torment of hearing that which is not there or not heard or seen by others, however its a personal journey I am taking and until my destination is in sight I cannot even think about trying to tell others what to do when I myself have no clue which will change once I get to that breakthrough.

And i dont want to be a med head.

You don't have to be, you don't have keep showing your symptoms are not residing either.

How many different approaches at understanding have you attempted?

Did you come across an idea maybe in these boards that seemed to resonate with you and your experiences, I mean the technology beaming this stuff into your head, I know about all the theories about the electromagnetic devices allegedly used by the KGB to make a number US embassy employees unwell a few decades back and other ideas surrounding this tech, what I am asking is this the only approach you have taken to understand whats happening to you because its sound right or have other avenues been explored?

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by truthermantwo

i believe all schizophrenics are experiencing the same thing as far as being monitored or chipped. And i think anyone abducted or with abduction memories have these implants, they get in you when your young and then they decide whether or not you will hear voices or be expiremented on.

Why do you believe this?

Can anyone describe what the experience might be when this is done to children, can you truth?

Pm me if you can describe and do not wish to share.

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by Murgatroid

Originally posted by Vasa Croe
science is based on equations and mathematics.

I suspect that most of us here know what science is SUPPOSED to be....

But what's that got to do with reality?

Absolutely NOTHING...

Seriously? Mathematics and Equation based sciences are not reality? are we in the Matrix? Should I follow the white rabbit? And what color pill should I take?

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by Vasa Croe
Seriously? Mathematics and Equation based sciences are not reality? are we in the Matrix? Should I follow the white rabbit? And what color pill should I take?

You are making JUST as much sense as the girl in this State Farm commercial:

(Substitute Science for "The Internet")

Where did you hear that?
The Internet.
And you believed it?
Yeah. They can't put anything on the Internet that isn't true.
Where did you hear that?
The Internet.

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

You realize you just discounted EVERYTHING you have posted with that right? Everything you have posted has come from THE INTERNET. Why would I replace it with "Science" when the commercial is CLEARLY pointed at those with a similar mindset as your own.

I am not the one trying to make people believe that implants are real, science is not science and basing it on YouTube videos and quacks trying to sell books.

I learned about mathematics and science in grade school and college. My degree is in Computer Science and I can assure you it is VERY real.

There is no proof on my end needed for outlandish claims of invisible or disappearing implants or that science isn't real, and I have yet to point you to a YouTube video, as you have done, for any evidence.

You referred to my avatar earlier....I feel the need to refer you to my signature line now.

The problem with some people today is they just blindly believe things and don't try it for themselves, but when confronted with the facts that deny the reality they have built in their own minds they can't handle it and resort to more childish methods of retort.
edit on 5/16/13 by Vasa Croe because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by Vasa Croe
reply to post by truthermantwo

I am getting a feeling of Deja Vu here. So again I will say a good doctor with the right medication will work wonders for the paranoia and delusions.

And to answer you from the last post I would ask again....why you? Is there something REALLY important about you that would make these claimed agencies spend that much time and money on you?

If you are so concerned about this then get a head scan and have the chip medically removed. If that can't be done then something as simple as having someone tazer you should do the trick....fry all the supposed chips you have in your body at once.

What you are saying is reality is complete insanity.

edit on 5/16/13 by Vasa Croe because: (no reason given)

I think what your saying is completely insane. Just give them a drug instead of working out the real physiological problems. Tazering your self sounds completely sain huh?
Cops use tazers often, you would think the Govt would make implants witch are protected against shock. Its the 21st century their are chips the size of blood cells, its far more complicated then getting them removed. If this thread wear made on any other site I would understand the judgment and criticism. I would not be surprised if they have gotten all of us threw some kind of air born agent.

Do you know about v2k technoligy? Voice to skull. Their are tons of threads on this site about it.
edit on 16-5-2013 by Infi8nity because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 05:10 PM
They make Farraday cage capable cloth.....
available to the public online.
You can make a hat or hood or even a full garment out of it....
Id just buy enough to make a hat first though....
Equally well is a cage made of ferrous metal screen which would be much cheaper to make and use.
You can use just about any type screen or chain mail type material wear like a bee keepers rig....
Maybe aluminium pop can tops could be saved up and fastened together by bending the tabs over the next one....get it?That could be woven into a farraday cage fore your head or a limb which contains an impant...
This will perhaps block any signals imcomming or outgoing from or to, your body....
A room lined with tin foil would be sufficient to cut any rays too maybe....certainly chain link all around the walls and cieling would block signals too....
Also maybe groundin one heel of a shoe may help....
good luck with that....s

edit on 16-5-2013 by stirling because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by truthermantwo

"A possible solution to quiet schizophrenic voices"?

edit on 5/16/2013 by this_is_who_we_are because: yum

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by Vasa Croe

Seriously? Mathematics and Equation based sciences are not reality?

No they are not reality. They are languages used to build up complex models of the universe. If you made a model of the universe out of lego bricks for example. It would be a model not reality...

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by truthermantwo

Instead of medication why not try some meditation. If you controlled your internal dialogue (thought) would that not control the voices..?

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by truthermantwo


Your thread title brings up an interesting subject, and question. But after reading what you posted, I believe it's evident that you're are in-fact losing touch with reality.

I must ask, are you using any type of stimulant medications? Any Amphetamines? Any kind of drugs, for that matter? What you describe sounds a lot like, drug induced psychosis. But if you're not, then that's ok too. Just some honest questions here.

But back to the issue. Schizophrenia, can be caused by a lot of things. What your first method of attack should be is identifying the source. When you hear these 'voices', what are they telling you? Who do you envision telling you these things? Why do you feel you were chosen by 'them'? Etc.

After that, I would suggest you put the 'chip' idea aside. Regardless of how true you think that is, forget about it... just for a moment.

Now, have you tried 'regaining' control of your thoughts? Have you attempted to 'control' the voices you hear? I would say, doing so is a very important step. But OP, you are the master of your own thoughts. Try communicating with what you hear, instead of trying to eliminate it. The problem now is that, you're confusing these voices with normal inner thoughts. Hence the reason, the 'voices' don't go away. Try to team up with them; (if you will.) Listen for what you want to hear. And when you hear the opposite, use rational thought, and/or just laugh it off. The worst you can do is fear this. The best way to prevent full blown psychosis is through reasoning with what's in your head, and using it to your advantage. The rest is up to you.

I am not in your situation. What you believe is what you believe. But the above may help you find balance, and regain your mental-stability. Before you completely lose touch, and are lost down the Rabbit Hole forever.

Best of Luck OP.

Maintain & Persevere.

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by truthermantwo

Um, except it is? There's nothing wrong with being schizophrenic, it's actually a universal disorder in that if effects people in all areas of the world.

Seriously, look into the research, it'll shed some light on things. Whether you choose to believe the research is up to you, of course, but Occam's Razor suggests people aren't going out of their way to plant chips inside of you.

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 10:15 PM
Seriously Vasa Croe....

In my closest to Chris Crocker's voice let me tell you : "Leave truthermantwo aloooooone!"

I mean, he obviously doesn't care about your view on schizophrenics and this thread wasn't directed for you, at all.
Stop wasting your time and move in a thread where you can contribute positively.

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by truthermantwo do I put this?

Let's see.

I'm not trying to be rude. I'm really not. But, I believe it's very irresponsible and by virtue of association, dangerous to suggest that schizophrenia can be controlled in this way. I would hate for someone to stumble upon this and decide to stop taking the meds that are helping them in favor of this approach. While you're certainly entitled to your opinion I think this is one that would be better left not shared on a conspiracy forum.

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 10:45 PM
Ok to the OP. Where did you come up with the idea of chips being implanted?

The thread sounds entertaining until I read about these chips.

Are you referring to yourself that has implants or all of us on ats?

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 10:58 PM
The first way to stop it is to change your mind. That means from the first moment of the struggle not identifying with an illness and not letting that identity as an ill person rule one's life. The S-word is a curse in society and nobody needs to live to culture its characteristics in life. That means correcting those who like to tell the world that so-and-so is an S-word. Psychology needs to go out of business for the way it empowers society to treat the diagnosed like inferiors.

I prefer an exorcist. Saves a lot of money on physical treatments, and I have experience that it actually works if you get someone with a gift of healing. I may not be called the S-word but there are people who would accuse quickly, but remember their accusations come from their own fouled minds, and most of the time it is unsolicited judgment.

If your brain is a computer then a voice is just data in a cloud. Sometimes a cloud needs to be deleted. Sometimes daily stimulation needs to be modified. Put your brain on a diet from petroleum products, which might be hidden in flavorings and colorings in food. Throw out the shampoos with petrolatum, dimethicone, carbomers, and all that stuff that leeches into your skin and your bloodstream whenever you use it. All the weak minds need to get rid of the aluminum in their deodorant, and remove the fluoride from your toothpaste. You want to restore your good senses, and it could take a couple months to filter that stuff out of the body before there is a subtle difference. This isn't medical advice, this is lifestyle I've lived to protect my mental health, and it reduces the disturbing influences.

Accept the holographic nature of the impressions. Chips may be of spiritual design, not physically tangible, or about as real as the apps on your tablet computers. Try a spiritual approach with visualization and flexing focus from now it's here, now it's not. That is a mental muscle, cultured into most people as kids ever since there were monsters under the bed. Seeing and hearing things, you have to believe it's optional.
edit on 16-5-2013 by Sandalphon because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by 35Foxtrot
I double-dog dare someone to flag this!

Apparently 18 have...

I pray that those 18 flags are for the eardrum advice alone. If they aren't, I will lose all faith in humanity.

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by DestroyDestroyDestroy
reply to post by truthermantwo

Um, except it is? There's nothing wrong with being schizophrenic, it's actually a universal disorder in that if effects people in all areas of the world.

Seriously, look into the research, it'll shed some light on things. Whether you choose to believe the research is up to you, of course, but Occam's Razor suggests people aren't going out of their way to plant chips inside of you.

No, it's a phenomenon of soul that humans share these things of thought among one another, some social engineers call them "memes", and sometimes a mind perceives it as a visualization. So you can actually pick up thought cooties, or memes, from other people about as easily as you can pick up germs from a public door handle. Most people's minds are strong enough to sort out, disbelieve, or believe in these memes, but some people can't figure a way to manage it.

Who is this Occam and why does he rule your decisions on what to believe?
Even Occam's Razor is a social meme, the idea that the simplest judgment is the right one, but you could argue something more complicated to wriggle out of that definition. Your assumptions motivate you to deny the chances it being truthful. Assuming people, for starters. This is ATS; there are reptilians out there in another dimension, and they, or another alien species, might have a motive regarding chip implanting, the details aren't there about what got the chip there in the first place. Maybe there's chips to implant on the mental case people. It would take some looking into about that theory that someone wouldn't be worth the time. It could be a random government study, maybe the US Navy is pulling experiments, there isn't enough there to judge yet.

To be honest, the rationale behind why the chips are there, that could take forever arguing. Maybe it's the term "chips" that is a put-off.

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