posted on May, 14 2013 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by HomoSapiensSapiens
First of all, there is a writers forum on this site, and I am sure your inspirations would go down well in that area.
Also, loving this concept.
Upon realising the import of my discovery I would no doubt return home with the intention of equiping myself with documentary making gear. Camera,
notebooks, probably a laptop and an independant powersource, pen, torch, sample containers, sterile cotton swabs, a magifying glass, that kind of
I would then return to the new location, and set about investigating the place. I would be looking for signs of previous habitation, assessing the
level of decomposition in any hastily abandoned foodstuffs, the technological advancement level of the previous residents, trying to figure out from
the way thier architecture and furniture was arranged, what kind of physical characteristics the occupants of the buildings might have had.
I would also look for areas which were not urban, because the flora and fauna of the planet would likely give me a better read on the ecological
status of the planet, and therefore an understanding of what has been happening on it. I would probably have to have a radiation detector on me
somewhere, in order to ensure that the reason I havent met any other lifeforms has nothing to do with a possible fallout scenario. I would also be
looking for evidence of electrical flow around the city area, and tracing it back to hubs and substations, and attempting to work out where other
cities might be.
I would in short, be Indiana Jones-ing it up like a badass.