As one of the three guys who helped create the roots I usually avoid these threads but it's been a while...
Topics like this (Identical to this) have been popping up since 2002 (search it), that's right 11 years ago.
ATS is a User Generated Content Site. Whatever YOU, the Members are thinking about is going to be the content of the day.
I remember back in 2004 we had a string of threads decrying the loss in "quality of ATS threads/content"...
Looking back to there from now with a non-biased eye you have no choice but to agree it's much more diverse and much better
It happens, you join up and think you've found your personal nirvana, then, usually after a year or two (shorter for some) some hootenanny actually
has the temerity to disagree with you and prove his/her point!
That pretty much ends the honeymoon and thus begins one of two mind sets, "I
better get my stuff straight or these guys and gals will eat my lunch" or, sadly, the more common, "ATS is going down the tubes".
The choice is yours to make as to which camp you want to reside in but I've learned over the last 10+ years that ATS has nothing to do with it, it's
100% our minds and belief systems coexisting and collaborating or clashing that causes it. I would add that clashing is not a bad thing when done
I'll say it again...
ATS has no opinion, ATS has no stance on any subject. ATS is a direct reflection of what humanity is thinking about. ATs is nothing more
than a portal for our members to share what they see, think, feel, and experience in this interestingly jacked up world. ATS holds no sway over
anything and all we ask is that you interact with your fellow human in a decent and civil way. Easy Peasy.
Keeps it real when you look at it through that prism.
edit on 5-10-2013 by Springer because: (no reason given)