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Shocking: CNN Anchors Pretend They’re Having A “Satellite Interview” Even Though They’re In

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posted on May, 9 2013 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000


I always love seeing the 'ridiculousness" on CNN.

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by PsykoOps

Ok, good link you provided. I see the sound stage is actually a built thing for the report. That's good to know.

But still...fake as heck. Fake air raid. Fake danger. Fake emotions that turn into laughing and mocking as soon as the channel switches off.

I DO thank you for showing me it wasn't a sound stage. THANK YOU, that made my day.


But if you think that the sound stage thing was even half of what is being called fake in the video...I'm sorry...its not.

But thanks bro. Well done. You fixed a broken logic in my head. If you got time to fix 40 million more, I may be functional soon! Hugs.

Sorry if this was off topic...lets put it on topic by saying-


Very possible with the clip in the OP as well.


edit on 9-5-2013 by Mr Mask because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-5-2013 by Mr Mask because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 12:51 AM
One thing about the CNN Middle East newscasts. It seems that even though the sets were probably real, and they were obviously shared sets. One of the reasons to do this would have been to have better control of what actually went on the air. And I'm not talking about what CNN controlled. But what kind of information would be allowed OUT of the country by our own government, and the government hosting the reporters.

Having everything piped through a limited number of sets, would have made the job easier.
And who's to say, it may or may not have been the correct decision to limit what was said over the air.
There was a war going on.

Overall though, media has become so full of hyperbole these days. there is so much competition and rush to be first. I think the move towards "enhancing" reports is going to grow and grow.

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by Mr Mask

I'm wouldn't be so quick to call the air raid fake either. It wasn't air raids to begin with. It was SCUD attacks SA was worried about. They may be the #tiest reporters doing the worst over dramatizations ever but that doesn't make them fake. It makes the crap reporters. And I need to apologize for my tone but this particular clip rubs me off in every wrong way possible. I'm being an a-hole. Sorry for that.

reply to post by spacedoubt

Saudis aren't exactly going to let the camera crews run amok
They even made rules that they cannot film outdoors scenes during SCUD attacks.
edit on 9/5/2013 by PsykoOps because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by PsykoOps
Then by all means explain the magical rule that a hotel in Saudi Arabia cannot have blue walls? And btw, I encourage you to look at the hotel they were actually staying in SA. See that blue on the photographs?

Again...I do thank you for showing me it wasn't a sound stage.

And again...I show you two men pretending they are under attack, then they are shown laughing and mocking the war in no fear or stance of worry.

They are fake.

All news reports on war and terror usually are. Things to make fear. Things to sell fear. Things to produce a need and desire for war.

ADDED- No need to apologize for your tone at all sir. I'm a fan of your work on ATS, and fully understand your feelings on bunk being spread. Hence why I am overjoyed we had this interaction, so I can stop thinking it was a sound stage. But...sadly, I still think they faked danger and a SCUD attack, and that yes, they over dramatized everything, and yes...that CNN is a evil network selling fear. And I thank you for setting me str8.
edit on 9-5-2013 by Mr Mask because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by dc4lifeskater

Haha, here it goes:

The examples in this thread are hilarious.

Mainstream media = corporate clowns.

Good job ATS

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by Mr Mask

Yes that laughing and joking part shows that they aren't in the war zone. The war wasn't in Saudi Arabia. Only real danger was a SCUD attack. On air they of course want to make it feel like the world is ending.
edit on 9/5/2013 by PsykoOps because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 01:24 AM
There's different types of reporters. Nancy Grace has a Green Screen behind her. She always does. She was covering the Jodi Arias trial all day today and when she's saying things like "We're outside the steps of the Maricopa County Courthouse here in..." she then has a backdrop of "Arizona" behind her. When she talks about other things, they put THAT corresponding backdrop behind her. It's standard. She's probably in the studio.

You can tell when there's a Green Screen behind her though --it's VERY easy to recognize.

When she says "we're waiting for this bus to go by," she doesn't mean her and the reporter next to her on the screen are at the same exact place. What she actually means is they're waiting for the bus to go by the other reporter (next to her on the split screen) and that noise is being heard in Nancy's earpiece and neither one can hear for a few seconds. Notice Nancy pushes her earpiece in, Banfield doesn't. Banfield is on scene, whereas Nancy is not --if she was really on scene she'd be covering her right ear and pushing in the left earpiece as she tries to squelch the noise. Also, Banfield's hair moves in the breeze while Nancy's remains still.

And when she says things like I just mentioned, things like, "We're here outside the steps of the Maricopa..." she's not saying SHE is there. she is saying that "we are outside," meaning the current story they're broadcasting is taking place outside the Maricopa Courthouse, etc.

It's misleading yes, but they have explained it many times. It's a broadcasting technique to make the viewers feel as they are there with the reporter and therefore trying to make the viewers part of the story --when you feel as though you are part of something, you then take a vested interest in it moreso then you would have.

The most important thing in conversation is to hear what ISN'T being said.

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 01:26 AM
Sad thing is that there will always be 51.9 % that still believes in CNN...

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 01:39 AM
shocking? we have to ask ourselves.. how are people, stations, networks.. etc.. still on the air? well if you're truthful to yourself you'll know, then you'll also come to realize just who it is that's at fault and it'll drain you of all the anger and turn it into submission and conformity then compliance.

when someone is urinating on you while telling you it's raining whose fault is it when you're thinking you should have watched the early morning weather report?

we're so quick to point fingers everywhere except for where it belongs, they take these stupid risks because we let them and there's absolutely no humiliation because they know they'll get away with whatever they want.

we created these monsters and what angers me is we'll complain about it every time one of their goof-ups gets caught so it's just another "feeling superior from judgement" thing that allows us to get through another day and avoiding taking a long walk off of a short peer.

every time you get mad at someone for making a major fopa remember my words.. "feeling superior from judgement" and see if it applies.

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 02:23 AM
In the real clip you can actually see that Nancy Grace is actually in a studio in front of a green screen while Ashley Banfield is live on the scene. They must have set up 2 cameras, one on the reporter, and one 5 feet to the right just shooting into traffic streaming to the studio. Nancy clearly has studio back lighting which is creating a while halo effect around her body.

HD recording of the footage:

Go to 2:05

edit on 9-5-2013 by ohiwastedmylif because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-5-2013 by ohiwastedmylif because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by PsykoOps

reply to post by WaterBottle

They weren't using green screen they were all in that area for the trial. There were four newscasters set up in that area (across from the courthouse) they had all been there for days. If they were using the same greenscreen it wouldn't have been different angles you know?
edit on 9-5-2013 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 03:04 AM
reply to post by ohiwastedmylif

Actually, that whole video you posted is worth watching.
Even though it's one news agency reporting on the exploits of others!
They all have their little niches they like to occupy, don't they?

It really shows that they are selling product, rather than reality.

edit on 9-5-2013 by spacedoubt because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 03:07 AM
The world today is filled with liars,fear,weakness,apathy. Our news is a reflection upon the very soul of this country and dare I say world.

As long as you are fat and comfortable and don't have to break a sweat everything is great. TV and the news is a reflection of what we have become. What a shame.

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 03:07 AM
The news will take every opportunity to take information as it's supposed to be presented to the masses and spin it to be some personal Hollywood objective.

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 04:56 AM
reply to post by ownbestenemy

reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

I think that is valid but the point being is the two reporters acted as if they were so far apart (the portion where they are "having trouble with their feed").

I don't think you got what I was trying to say.

They could have legitimately been far apart, what you see in the background (the parking lot feed) is not indicative of where they actually physically are.

Either Nancy is sitting in front of a green screen, or they both are. It appears Nancy is because of that halo affect around her.. The parking lot feed is then placed behind Nancy, or both of them. False backgrounds are common place in news casts. This has nothing to do with trying to fool's not a secret either.

edit on 9-5-2013 by WaterBottle because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by Mr Mask

Please just watch the video again without the pre- conceived notions that it is fake in front of a "blue screen". Confirmation bias is a real phenomenon.

ETA; I see you realize it isn't a set, but just going to leave this up here for anyone else still not convinced.

edit on 9-5-2013 by WaterBottle because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-5-2013 by WaterBottle because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 06:08 AM
We should call them "CNN Circus" or "Communist propaganda media".

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 06:16 AM

retarded CNN

what do you think about RT (Russia Today) fellow members? ..i really like and trust RT

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 06:18 AM

Originally posted by PsykoOps
Do you have any source for this claim? I don't care about the opinion posted in the original post. It's common place to have camera crew on site and then overlay the reporter with green screen.

c'mon you know there is only one way to look at this
....bringing in some type of logical explanation is, liberal and anti-American, yeah that's it.

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