posted on May, 15 2013 @ 03:36 AM
reply to post by neo96
"The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine
itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.” ― Joseph Goebbels
Your quote is pretty funny in a sad, ironic sort of way, particularly from one who is a self-proclaimed "neo" whose own country has maimed and
killed hundreds of thousands during the process of starting illegal wars on several Middle Eastern fronts--and itching to embark on others. To this
end, America has adopted the Goebbels message and commandeered the media to serve as the vehicle for delivery.
I was gobsmacked over the propaganda that was foisted upon the American public leading up to the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. The media put on
a show second to none. And the show had a run that would make some of Broadway's best efforts pale by comparison. I knew they were spewing
official lies as the message lacked substance (proof) and sincerity--it was enough to make one blush at its transparency. Unfortunately, only the
Americans who regularly engage in independent thought caught on--and of course, the insiders knew the scoop. It was a theatrical production like no
other--a magnificent show for the gullible. And it worked like a tinker's dam. Now, me saying that does not make me anti-American. Anti-American
policy? You bet. Anti-American? Never. And there is a difference--a huge difference between the two.
Similarly, In the case of Israel, it is well documented that Israel is engaged in atrocious behaviour towards the Palestinians including women and
children. It is also true that many of the Israeli people themselves disagree with their leaders on the Palestinian issue. But because I don't
support Israeli policy does not make me anti-semitic. That's just a cheap shot in an attempt to muffle people from reacting in a most appropriate
way. Israel is just plain wrong and given THEIR history during WWII they should know better. Instead, it is now they who are doing the persecuting;
thus, the Israeli government should be brought to task. Wrong is wrong no matter the religious/ethnic affiliation of the perpetrator.