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New report questions Israel's claim of "divine right"

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posted on May, 9 2013 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by SQUEALER

What is the other way? The Wagon wheel of Oprah ?

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by SimonPeter
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

I'm still waiting to find out what Jesus and the Christians have to do with anything over there. As a matter of fact, Israeli Christians are the one group in that area that seems to behave themselves and stay uninvolved.

Seriously though, no matter if Mohammed dreamed it or not, the Muslims now consider that their third most holy site. They pitch an absolute fit anytime the Israelis start excavating in the area, and start throwing out accusations that they are undermining the foundations of the Mosque. When Aerial Sharon showed up to worship at Mount Zion, they had a huge riot and bunch of renewed attacks.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by defcon5

In Revelations the 10 kings give their power to the one . That is the Antichrist and the NWO will rule the world > The dollar is trash as the Fed wants . Their will be a digital money that you can not handle thus you must subscribe to the AC Beast system to access your funds . The Dollar is done . China and others are calling for a global currency. I am afraid that you are about to see some real tribulation where you will see millions starve and die before the Global Elite step up and offer their plan and new global money .

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by defcon5

Our ancestors fought bitterly for small pieces of land because they did not know any better.

This does not have to continue forever.

Why a specific place must be given any special importance. The whole earth is a holy place. The entire earth should be protected by humans.

Temples and buildings are made by man. These do not last forever. However truth lasts forever. One should seek truth, not buildings. Truth is not to be found in ruins of cities.

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by SimonPeter
In Revelations the 10 kings give their power to the one.

Yes, this refers to Rome and has already happened.

Originally posted by SimonPeter
That is the Antichrist and the NWO will rule the world

There is no NWO in the bible, please show me a single verse in the bible that states there will be a “one world government”. What happened here was the writers like Hal Lindsey speculated that in order to have a mark you would need a one world government. Well, Hal Lindsey was wrong, and we in essence have a one world system without it being under one government.

We now have a uniform world wide ID system that is set by the UN ICAO. That ID uses facial recognition to break you down into a unique digital measurement (a.k.a. the unique “number of a man”). In order to be a “citizen” of the US and receive the rights of citizenship, you must show your allegiance to the US (“the beast from the land”) by presenting all your secured documents, your biometric data, and surrendering all your privacy.

Originally posted by SimonPeter
The dollar is trash as the Fed wants.

The dollar is the world currency that all other currency is based on. Yes, they want to devalue it, and this period in history is clearly mentioned in Revelation.

Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “Two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages, and six pounds of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!”

Which means that it will take a days work just to survive a day, but luxuries for the rich will not get more expensive. Right now the majority of folks are either not making their daily needs, or just barely scrapping by. This is going on now, not in some future time.

Originally posted by SimonPeter
Their will be a digital money that you can not handle

It already is “digital money”, its called Fiat money. There is nothing backing it other then what it says in their computer systems that its worth. That individual countries are allowed to issue a piece of paper, does not change that its ALL fiat currency, and ALL based on the US dollar.

Originally posted by SimonPeter
thus you must subscribe to the AC Beast system to access your funds .

Again, this is speculation by Hal Lindsey from the “Late Great Planet Earth”. Right now, if you refuse to get a Real ID, you will have a hard time getting medication, going to a doctor, you cannot open a new bank account, you will have difficulty getting a job, driving, flying, voting, etc... Believe me right now you can barely get by without a Real ID (and I know this because I have so far refused to get one), and they are making it tougher by the day. Right now there is another thread going where McCain is attempting to push through legislation that will require that you MUST have a national ID to have a job, or as far as he's concerned you can go find a hole in the ground and starve to death.

Originally posted by SimonPeter
China and others are calling for a global currency.

Already here, its the Dollar...
The US financial and Banking system runs the entire world.
Anyone who refused our "version" of democracy or capitalism (read: allowing our corporations and banks to exploit them), was brought in line under forced military intervention.

but it spoke like a dragon

and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast

Originally posted by SimonPeter
I am afraid that you are about to see some real tribulation where you will see millions starve and die

its already happening, and has been since the 2008 crash.

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by pstrron

i have been saying this for years now. I wonder how Rusia would feel if we pjt the khazars back?

posted on May, 10 2013 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by TheToastmanCometh

Simple, they would do to them as they did before, kill them.

The interesting part is that since 2001 this has been known and of course verified in Dec. 2012. Has this changed anything regarding the "Jews" and their Thus the only thing left is an agenda. The evangelical Christian movement desires to fulfill their version of End Time eschatology and backs Zionism. Biblical verses are taken out of context along with biblical historical presidents in order to fit their perceived scenario. Refer to what happened to Noah, Daniel and the three Hebrews as all the events required them to go through their tribulation. Jesus even said that it would be the same as in the days of Noah, so no magic carpet ride out of it but going through it.

The idea of divine right of the land by the Jews is a false claim due to God saying that it was His land and that Jerusalem was His. They lost all claims at Christs crucifixion and cemented it with the stoning of Steven. Then in AD70 Titus evicted them.

Their claim is further nullified by Jesus saying that their house was left unto them desolate (destroyed). He then informs John in Revelation that they call themselves Jews but do lie (DNA confirmed) but are of the synagogue of Satan. Once again nullifying the claim.

If the evangelical Christians would read the book, they would find out that the seed of Abraham is not the "Jews" but the true believers in Christ under the new covenant. Furthermore the Jews do not follow the Torah but the Babylonian Talmud which states that their god is the serpent and not the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. This reinforces His (Jesus) statement that they were of their father the devil which once again nullifies their claim due to breach of covenant.

In the end you have their claim nullified from two different directions, DNA and scripture. The state of Israel has continuously stolen, destroyed and murdered the rightful owners of the land. Now they are after the Bedouin and his land, despicable.

edit on 5/10/2013 by pstrron because: (add content)

edit on 5/10/2013 by pstrron because: add a little extra

posted on May, 10 2013 @ 05:11 AM
reply to post by pstrron

"Furthermore the Jews do not follow the Torah but the Babylonian Talmud which states that their god is the serpent and not the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. This reinforces His (Jesus) statement that they were of their father the devil which once again nullifies their claim due to breach of covenant. "

The serpent that they worship, is the seed that fertilize Eve, was this the apple and the forbidden fruit given by the serpent to Eve, was this the gift to know good and evil from this fruit Cain is born, and from the union of Adam and Eve the Elohim son is born, Abel.
edit on 10-5-2013 by user12345 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2013 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by pstrron

The Gifts of God are forever . God said that he has a remnant of Jews who have not bent their knees to Baal that will be in Jeruselam . So for their sake it is their land .
The killing over there will never stop no matter . There will be bitter wars between Arabs as well .

posted on May, 10 2013 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by defcon5

I am afraid that I do not agree . The Antichrist will come to power over the world . Every man free or bond will take the mark . This has not happened . The world encompasses far more than Israel . The Gospel was to be preached all over the world before the end . The Mark wsill control who buys , sells,and trades . With cash curriencies as we have now anyone can transact . There is a global reserve called the SDR look it up .It is digital .Yes the technology does exist at this time in history but never before .
Also Great Tribulation such as the world has never known doesn't
mean hard times like we have now or in 1929 . The Black Plague of Europe the 2nd World War were much worse than 1929 yet the Great Tribulation will be much worse .
Again if everything has happened to do with Jesus saving Israel and the thousand year reign , Armeggedon and the destruction of the world why are we still here ?

posted on May, 10 2013 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by defcon5

2000 years ago the Roman Empire removed the Jews from their land,

Correct. But there were many attempts to take it back, all of which were foiled by the governments which controlled that land.

There of course - as reported by Tertullian - was an attempt by Julian "the apostate" to rebuild the Jewish Holy Temple and grant them protected status in the 4th century.

Then there were attempts in the 13th century, 15th century, 16th, 17th, 18th centuries, all of which amounted to nothing, because who ever ruled the land forbade the Jews from returning.

All I am saying is there is a collective "debt" on our heads owed to the Jews. The sins of Christian Europe and the Muslim Middle East are heritable; to claim that the Native Indians are more deserving because they were treated even worse (by what standard? in terms of duration, numbers killed, and overall humiliation, I'd say the Jews have been treated pretty horribly) by "direct ancestors" (as if that changes the moral ground) doesn't make sense to me. Why should I be held culpable for what my great great great great great grand father did? If there is any basis for attributing moral accountability to a present generation for a historical offense, it is through kinship. The western world inherited the mantle of Christian civilization. Correspondingly, present-day Islamic peoples should acknowledge the abuses they subjected their Jewish citizens to (they were many, of course, not on the same scale as in Christian Europe, but being less evil doesn't make it good).

All I am saying is, there should be some continuity between the notion of "repairing" the evils done to women, gays, pagans, atheists, and what was done to the Jewish people over a 2000 year period.

One could argue that granting them equal status under the law is a form of "reparation", but it is not. Granting them equal status is something due to all human beings. But as Jews, an ethnic-religious identity, they would not have been "repaired" until their historical land had been restored to them.

Think on why this is...

I know why that is. It's because we've "established" ourselves here in North America. However, does that exculpate us of wrong doing? Are we in the moral right, because necessity compels us to ignore an injustice?

I am not advocating abdicating our land to the Native Americans and going back to Europe. However, I do think they are are owed more than what has so far been given them.

As for the Jews. The situation is different. Immigration to Palestine began in large numbers towards the 1870's. By the first Zionist congress (1897), western Palestine had over 100,000 Jews, and Jerusalem was a majority Jewish city (70% Jewish). In 2013, Israel is an established fact. Jews who've grown up there identify themselves more as "Israeli's" than as Jews. To uproot them - as some crassly suggest - would be as much an "ethnic cleansing" as others have accused the Jews of doing.

On another note, a distinct Palestine identity is a historical fiction. Prior to 1948, the notion of a Palestinian didn't exist. However, as many argue, post 1948, the Palestine identity has been forged, and therefore, it is an established fact. If one is forced to come to terms with a Palestinian identity - even though it was created in order to better oppose the Jewish claim to Israel - than likewise, I can't see how one could ignore the 300,000-500,000 Jews living in the West Bank, who have likewise become an "established fact".

That Mahmoud Abbas has gone on record saying a Palestinian state WOULD NOT let 1 Jew live in Palestine, for such a statement to go without being condemned, let alone acknowledged, is a pretty amazing example of a double standard.

While Israelis are expected to grant complete political equality to it's Arab citizens (something I absolutely support, and much work still needs to be done on this front) it's inexcusable to not expect the same from the Palestinians. And yet, they seem to be permitted to share these views.

posted on May, 10 2013 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by Astrocyte

Great post that you wrote.

I agree that all people should be treated fairly. Laws should protect the honest and the just. Every person should be judged by one's actions and thoughts and not by ancestry.

However we have had vicious and vile rulers for a very long time where connections and intrigues became prominent over fairness and justice.

Nobody questions that jews should have a country of their own. They have formed characteristics that are unique as a people. However that country does not necessarily has to be Palestine. They could have been given land in America, a much bigger piece of land than Palestine, where they could have created a peaceful and sustainable state.

Jews are in Palestine for wrong reasons. Just because their ancestors built a 'temple' there and lived for some centuries does not give them a birth-right to own that place.

Arabic people have always lived there - since before jews arrived and after that. So a pure jewish state in Palestine is simply not possible. It is against the natural laws of Creation and gives Palestinians (Arabs) a God-given right to evict jews from that land.

posted on May, 10 2013 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by GargIndia

The Muslim Bible said that Allah gave the land to the Jews in Quran 17:104 The Arabs do not deny that . And an awful lot of the land was purchased from the Arabs before 1948 . What about that ?

posted on May, 10 2013 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by SimonPeter

The Muslim Bible said that Allah gave the land to the Jews in Quran 17:104 The Arabs do not deny that

The Israelites were given that land, but their stay on the land was on the land was purely conditional.
In fact, even the Bible teaches the very same thing.

posted on May, 10 2013 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by pstrron

You are wrong ! Christians will not have an easy ride through the Great Tribulation . Nor does any Christian have anything to say or do to bring on the Tribulation . We are just looking to it .
The event that will bring about the Great Tribulations would be the Gog and Magog war that is about to happen in the Middle East .WE have no control over that . That war is described in Ezekiel 38.
The shutting down of the oil flow from the Middle East will decimate our economy with sky high gas and food prices and with our fragile Dollar could collapse the worlds currency.We rely so heavily on the foreign goods and they would stop quick .
You are no more scared than a Christian except that when the NWO brings back trade and a world currency . The Christian will not be able to subscribe to that Mark of the Beast System where all money is digital and would suffer the consequences .

This whole thing can not be blamed on the Christians .

posted on May, 10 2013 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by sk0rpi0n

All it takes is one Jew to be in Israel for it to all be his . You Muslims are trying to vacate your Allahs covenant with the Jews . I did not read any conditions in the Quran about the Jews living there in the end days or forever .

posted on May, 10 2013 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by SimonPeter

All it takes is one Jew to be in Israel for it to all be his . You Muslims are trying to vacate your Allahs covenant with the Jews . I did not read any conditions in the Quran about the Jews living there in the end days or forever .

The Bible says the Jews were to abide by certain conditions in order to live in that land. example : Leviticus

The Koran also refers to those conditions...

Then Allah said, "It is expected, (if you repent), that your Lord will have mercy upon you. But if you return to sin, We will return to punishment. And We have made Hell, for the disbelievers, a prison-bed." - Koran 17:8

Seeing how Israel is currently a cesspool of atheism, moral corruption, homosexuality, prostitution...a state that insults Jesus on national TV... its safe to say that they have "returned to sins".... so we can expect the punishments will return.

And no, special pleading for Israel won't help. Israel better get its act together before Jesus returns.

edit on 10-5-2013 by sk0rpi0n because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2013 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by sk0rpi0n

All in Israel is not Israel is the way Paul put it . The Khazars and Edomites who claim to be Jews are not Jews . The Real Jews are not to be subject to their sins . Jesus Christ is coming back alone to the MT of Olives and will deal with the Jews . Lets let him make the calls .

posted on May, 10 2013 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by SimonPeter

The Real Jews are not to be subject to their sins .

Why not?
You are special pleading for the Jews.

Even "real" Jews are not exempt from taking responsibility for their sins. They will be held accountable for their sins by the standards of their own holy books.

In fact Jesus himself called them out for their sins during his time.

posted on May, 10 2013 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by SimonPeter

Purchased land does not make a state.

A lot of foreigners own land and factories in the USA now. Does it means foreigners will take over USA by that fact.

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