posted on May, 7 2013 @ 09:16 AM
I've always found the studies on the way language influences us when very young fascinating. Some claim to have evidence that words and phrases heard
while one is still in the maternal womb can have a profound effect.
-Not that the fetus understands them or applies any meaning at the time, but that their subconscious records them- especially if they are delivered
with force of emotion happening at the same time by the mother. Hormonal secretions in her body (when in a argument with someone, for example)
strengthen the imprinting process in the new mind.
This is apparently just part of our wonderful automatic survival system in our body, which enables us to develop defense mechanisms to dangers in the
What I've read is that because these sounds become associated with emotion, and are recorded in the mind, the child learns the meaning of the word
later, and then can understand the words that play within them, and that served as the principle structure and base for their personality.
Like- a pregnant woman, (or one with a toddler in arms) says to her husband, 'you are always late everywhere!' in anger. This child will have those
words played and replayed inside for years, and as their conscious mind associates them with specific behaviors, they become someone who is habitually
The effects could be said to be damaging when the words are more insulting (stupid, worthless, a monster, etc.). Apparently it doesn't even matter
much if the words are accompanied with a 'you' or "I", since the subconscious makes no distinction- only the conscious awareness will project
things onto others or retain as self image, later.
But once the concept is embedded, it still a part of that persons psyche forever.
I mentioned L. Ron Hubbards "Dianetics' the other day- I am NOT into scientology, and did not et to the end of that book, as it began to get into
his ideas that people should undergo lengthy de-programming of these base ideas, in order to become some sort of Uberman of his own design..... but he
had some observations on this that I think had merit, and that spurred me to look for others findings on the idea from others.
Working with animals, I have been fascinated by the bodies ability to record and make associations with words, not only for animals but humans. It
doesn't seem to stop at infancy; our subconscious minds continue to make these associations. I have to pay attention, for example, to the effect
certain words have on an person hile they are handling a horse. If a word causes a physiological reaction in them, the horse reacts immediately. The
person may be unaware, or barely aware, of an internal reaction, but the animal can be moved into the hands of another, or the person moved to work
with another animal, and the experiment is repeated with the same results.
Certain animals are like bio-feedbck machines that way, which is why even psychotherapy is done with horses now.
So I think the effects of language upon us go beyond the conscious judgement- we don't totally control what they do to us. But I have noticed that
some people identify with the internal movements of emotion more than others- some people will not acknowledge consciously anything they are feeling
inside emotionally, others will be highly sensitive to it, but with each, the horse will get dangerous anyway. Meaning that, even if you cut yourself
off from your physiological reactions in uyour body stirred by subconscious associations, it will still effect your environment and others. Empathic
bodies around will feel it, and it will effect how others feel in your presence.
Sorry this is so long. It is one of my personal interests! (this is Bluesma, by the way, unable to log in with my more current account- no intent to
deceive anyone!)