By no doubt you are now fully aware of the bombing Israel has conducted against Syria. If you are not, see the video here.
Is this the first shot in WWIII?
It would seem the stage is now set, the actors are in place, and the performance is simply awaiting for the curtain to rise. Whether or not this
curtain rises depends on several things. I for one hope this does not take place, however, it seems to me that in only a few more missteps, that
curtain could indeed rise, and we could possibly be witness to the next World War.
The Key Players.
The key players in this scenario are the following:
and also, perhaps on another front
North Korea
The discussion that follows is simply one interpretation of events that could possible occur.
Israel and Syria
It is clear now that Israel and Syria will be pulled into a war. This is not the first time Syria has been attacked by Israel. However, this is the
first time Syria has been attacked while fighting to save its own identity. Syria is in the midst of a ruthless civil war, and the Assad led regime is
quickly being backed into a corner.
I foresee Assad possibly trying to use this Israeli attack and a battle cry to try and reunite the country to a common enemy. Assad could be seen
almost like a wild animal that has been backed into a corner. There simply is no telling what may happen when this backing occurs. Perhaps Assad will
even start to use chemical weapons. God willing he won't.
Iran and Syria
Syria and Iran have been strong allies, and it seems to me the Iran stage is ready to do something. Iran and Syria have been staunch allies for some
time now, with a common enemy in Israel. it seems to me now may be the time with Iran finally backing Syria and the Assad regime.
Syria and Russia
While admittedly, Russia and Syria's ties have been rocky at best over the past few decades, it is still a fact that Russia's main foothold into the
Middle East is via Syria. Putin, starting in 2005, with settling some 12-14 billion in debt owed by Syria, has been reaffirming its foothold in Syria
by having naval ports, and Oil ties in Syria. It would seem Russia, determined to keep it's presence in the Middle East, may come to the aid of
Assad's regime. Russia's standpoint is that it would rather have Assad in power in Syria, then the possibility of having a rebel regime take hold that
would be either democratic, or a radical Islamist regime, which would be equally anti-russian as it would be anti-western. Russia simply cannot afford
to lose its one foothold into the middle east.
Israel and USA
This section is so obvious, that it doesn't even really need more than a headline. The US has been being pushed more and more into the Syrian conflict
day by day. We have remained "silent" in this conflict up til now, probably because we are caught in a high noon showdown staring contest with Russia.
It is more of a "who will make the first move" type scenario here. I sincerely hope this move is never made, but it stands to reason someone will
screw up somewhere and make this move without even realizing it.
China, Japan, India, North Korea, Pakistan :: The second front
As you have no doubt heard, china has been making some pretty bold moves into India. It has also been lining up military assets at the border with
North Korea. And Pakistan's involvement is pretty clear. India and Pakistan have been fighting for decades. If India makes a move against the Chinese
interest within their borders, who knows what may happen there. In any case India would end up having a front against China, and a front against
Pakistan. North Korea is just another aspect. North Korea has become the red headed step child of China, and China seems to be getting more and more
impatient with them. As to what could happen between NK and China is anyone's guess. Japan will also most likely be pulled into this by China as well.
It is well known China and Japan are fighting over Gas Fields and the disputed islands. Japan however, after the Fukushima disaster, has its own
problems to deal with. Fukushima may be what destroys japan in the long run anyway. But that is for another thread.
So here is the player I see moving their chess pieces clearly onto the board.
"It's the Economy Stupid"
It also does not take a long stretch to say the economy of the world tends to benefit from a war time economy. With much of the European continent is
economic troubles do to the Euro Zone fallout, and the economy of the USA also reeling, it would seem the economy may be yet another reason to go into
a war.
Am I seeing something that is not there?
Am I seeing something that is not there? Is this scenario an impossibility? What say you ATS? Is this possibly the first shot in WWIII? Or will this
just go as many others have as simply a tit for tat one time exchange?
edit on 5-5-2013 by xmaddness because: typos, Japan's role, and the economic role.
Well if there was ever a good time for USA to be in a WW III it would probably be now because the West is in decline and China is rising. If there is
going to be a war the US may be right now in the best position technologicaly and size wise as it will ever be in to fight it out. Not that I ever
want there to be a WW III, but now would be better than later.
Im not so sure Russia under Putin would fully support the Chinease and Muslim side of such a war.
Don't forget, Israel has fairly limited objectives in this situation. I think it is specifically to keep biologicals and chemicals from falling into
the hands of "terrorists". Syria and Israel have had a kind of truce for many years.
This has involved Lebanon, Hezballah, as well as their own deterrants.
Israel is worried that certain capabilities will fall in the hands of radicals. It has a lot to gain by the civil war, mainly a weakening of a
formidable military power. If Israel had anything to gain by aiding the rebels it would have helped. It would only be worried if the rebels were
quickly gaining the upper hand or losing. It has perhaps inferred that Syria was getting desparate and willing to take chances with chemicals.
On the other hand Syria may bluster and try to save face, but will not draw Israel into a fight. It has nothing to gain there.
Dude. Breathe through your nose. It is gonna be OK. That is stuff we were talking about last night. You are late to the party. We saw all those
youtubes. There are 4 other threads on the subject. So unless you got something new, you should self-delete.
Israel and Syria: As you mentioned, these two have gone to war before or at least, Israel has with its neighbors. There will be countries picking
sides but its a regional conflict and won't spread out. Basically there is not a lot of interest for anything in this region by the worlds major
players so they will say their words and stay out of it.
Iran and Syria: Yes they do have ties but it appears Iran is going to get their nukes and they are not going to threaten that by siding against
Israel. They will of course condemn it but they will not risk giving Israel and the US a reason to bomb them. Israel still may but the US will not as
long as they don't enter into a conflict. Iran is simply too close to getting the weapon to risk it now, however that will change once they do
develop nuclear weapons but not now.
Syria and Russia: This is the most complicated because Russia needs that port in Syria so their main goal is to do whatever that will ensure their
access to that region. I believe Russia will step up arm shipments and try to end this civil war but they will not risk hitting Israel back simply
because there is no need to. It doesn't help them keep their base so why take the political fallout from it? Russia also is broke and cannot afford
to get into an expensive conflict at the moment and the final thing is that Putin does not have the political capital to spend trying to sell a war to
his people. They already are relatively upset with him so they will never support going into the Middle East to fight.
Israel and USA: Obama is in the same situation as Putin in a way. The American people are tired of war and will need a very good reason to send
soldiers to another conflict. Obama also seems very hesitant to put troops on the ground anywhere and prefers to hit with drones and sanctions. The
feeling in the US seems to actually be more anti-Israel now anyways which further complicates the issue of the US getting involved. Sure we can mostly
support sending them aid but we are not going to help them in their little bombing campaigns. Given the fact that its unlikely that the US or Russia
have any motivation to go there and fight I find little reason why a world war would develop.
China, Japan, India, North Korea, Pakistan :: China is actually a major player but here again, what they stand to lose compared to what they would
gain from a war is very unbalanced. China is actually investing very heavily in Israel so is not going to attack them. China seems to be playing all
sides because they are an economic powerhouse, not an expansionist nation at the moment. I can see them funding all sides in the way just to keep
profits up but their desire to help in conquests seems almost nothing. China also is heavily invested in Iran so that also limits the US options of
going to war over there since China may be forced into defending their access to oil which they need to keep their economy up and running.
It all depends on how specific you want to be about WW III.....It can be argued that the next world war started after WW II and resulted in a
generational stalemate during the "Cold War" (which is on the verge of going hot at any time). The first shot of WW II could have been a rubber
projectile shot with an air device used to kill anti-communist General G. S. Patton in post war Germany during a staged "wreck"....... (the projectile
used to break his neck and he died 12 days later in the hospital).
Assad has less ability than ever to take on Israel. This will be no different than the last time israel slapped Syria around. The world will watch and
do nothing.
Oil is running out in the Middle East, and soon those nations will be irrelevant.
Russia has no need for a presence in the Middle East. The new frontier is the Arctic Ocean.
Iran can not do anything.
Islam is at war with the world, and has been since the religion was conceived. It could be considered a world war, but is in general, called the War
on Terror.
Although I have nothing thought provoking to add, I still think your thread is an important one and laid out in a simple but accurate manner. Long
ago I got the hit that I should watch Syria, at that point it was not even a known name in the theater. Perhaps now that it is I sink into hopeful
ignorance and denial of that trusted hit I received so long ago, perhaps praying something came along to change the importance of my intuitive
This is what I think.. Its just my opinion, I am not going to debate over it with trolls or people that want to learn thru debate.. just an
I think North Korea, is going to attack South Korea, and when that happens and all United states resources start shifting over there, Syria/Iran maybe
even Russia, are going to start some stuff in the Middle East, If America, is in a war in Korea, and a war in the Middle east the odds are better for
the ones fighting America.
Now this is just my opinion, you can see that angle developing if you look closely at the current events..
I think its about timing now, North Korea, is going to attack South Korea, its just going to be timing, might still be working out alliances etc.
That is my opinion.
I am just guessing I have no inside information, I am no self proclaimed know it all, or pretending to USED to be type of spy or special intelligent
agent etc.
Last time I looked, there were no other threads linking so many different topics and talking about the start of a new global war.
So please stop trying to limit the thread others freedom of speech please, thanks.
P.S. I have recently seen you in other threads telling them to "delete" or "stop posting" because something isn't new news. I hope you realize
that this is a discussion board and that is what we are doing.
You are not a moderator, they will do their job if threads get to plentiful