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Israeli Rockets? Explosions shake Syrian capital, Damascus.

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posted on May, 4 2013 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by GrantedBail

You will know more in time, the evidence you'll see with your own eyes will be even more convincing.

Good luck... Now back to the topic at hand, and enough with this pointless conversation.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 10:54 PM
Sky News: Syrian President Assad convoy moving toward the highway towards Homs. Heavy air cover convoy

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by GrantedBail

who cares what his personal ideology is? bickering like this derails threads. just focus on the topic. no one knows whats going to happen so no one can prove anything. most americans probably dont even know have an opinion on this topic right now. its breaking news on a saturday night
edit on 4-5-2013 by asher because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 11:00 PM
New view. Huge just huge, Bunker buster? MOAB...looks like

30 second earthquake before the last as well...
edit on 4-5-2013 by canucks555 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 11:12 PM



edit on 4-5-2013 by canucks555 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by canucks555

I searched skynews couldn't find your story.

Have a link?

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 11:17 PM
Well, If Hizbola is taking Assad's side
Israel should be scared
Last time Israel took on Hizbola
Even though it is rumored Israel used war crimes stuff like white phosphorus on civilians
Israel lost...
god was on Hizbola's side

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 11:21 PM
Looks like the saying is true " All roads lead to Damascus "

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 11:24 PM

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by ausername

You will know more in time, the evidence you'll see with your own eyes will be even more convincing

Of course most will side with Israel - those bad bad muslims just attacked us again at the Boston marathon.....things that make you go hmmmm.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by Sk8ergrl
Looks like the saying is true " All roads lead to Damascus "

Or the road to Tehran must first pass through Damascus.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by ausername

Gets you all giddy doesn't it?

Are your pants wet?

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by GrantedBail
reply to post by ausername

Gets you all giddy doesn't it?

Are your pants wet?

You really have a way with words, I'm impressed.

Of course, I just hung around here all day waiting for this all to happen, because I knew it would, and while I wouldn't describe myself as giddy or wet over it, I am somewhat relieved to know that a particular threat has been eliminated.

I am however a bit disturbed by your obsession with my posts here, but that thought dissipated before I finished writing this line.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by asher

Are you completely bonkers?

The Israeli state has nukes, for crying out loud! If they're going down, the entire ME is going down with them!

And for all of those who believe in Bible prophecy - this isn't how it's supposed to play out, is it?

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by ausername

Dude, don't flatter yourself. I am no stalker. Following this thread because I am a particpant, and just responding to your posts, which I find offensive. I have little tolerance for those that are ignorant.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by GrantedBail

I have little tolerance for those that are ignorant.

Excellent, we have at least one thing in common.

Now are we done here or do we need to file for divorce or something?

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by HomoSapiensSapiens

i dont think they would use them. you can't simply take out everyone with nukes. lets be realistic. the only thing that would do is turn people against israel. nukes may be the best weapon but but the politics involved with using them wouldn't help israel.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by AnimositisominA

That "EDIT" part sounds like complete hogwash. It is not even being reported anywhere. It just sounds like some game-playing, action-addicted, war-loving and film-junkie person weaving a fantasy together.

So far, all that's been confirmed is that an Israeli strike has hit the research center on the outskirts of the city. That's all we know for now.
edit on 5/4/2013 by HomoSapiensSapiens because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by ausername
reply to post by GrantedBail

You will know more in time, the evidence you'll see with your own eyes will be even more convincing.

Good luck... Now back to the topic at hand, and enough with this pointless conversation.

Your entirely right

without entering myself into the debate from a POV of right or wrong, Americans as a whole will support Israel to the 85% or so give or take 5%

Mexican Immigrants 33 Million.... primarily Catholics (will not raise a fight for Islamics)

Christian Americans 115 Million.... (most will not side with Islamics)

Jewish Americans by number 7 Million (lol come on)

Asian Americans 17 Million (Atheist, Buddhist Christian denominations) No the type to rabble rouse...despite whatever personal view they might take... mostly not damns of Islam

Atheist Agnostic Americans 45 Million.... The enemy of my enemy is my friend, overwhelmingly the siding here despite a strong liberal base in the end would be to tow the line with other Americans of religion, the state and The NON CONVERTING side in the argument

And lets face it... 90% of African Americans will see Barack Obamas logic on the subject...

There is no real side to Palestinian, Syrian or any other Islamic groups side in America aside from some rabble on the Internet, some Black Muslim activist types and handfuls of the ultra liberal

Actual Muslims in America are 2.6 Million. Let's be real here... Even Jews alone have nearly Triple their numbers.... and they have vast inroads in the Media, Asians at 17 Million dwarf them, Mexicans well there are more Mexicans here in America than there are Syrians in the world...

All that's BEFORE you enter in 115 Million Card Carrying Christians...

America will never by any remote % support any Islamic faction over Israel....

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by canucks555

Such has not been confirmed and is complete nonsense right now.

Why is there so much nonsense being posted in this thread that isn't even happening? So far, it's been confirmed that an Israeli strike has hit the outskirts of the Damascus - primarily, the research center. Anything else is just fantasy from excited saddos. What's next - some random "news site" will report - "there are rumours that Russian warships are massing on the Northern Arabian peninsula border amid reports of Russian jets over Israel"????

People need to stop getting excited - it'll probably die down like the last strikes a few days ago and the one in January and Israel will quieten down for a while until it smells some weapons being moved to Lebanon.

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