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Key to Eternal Youth Found!!!

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posted on May, 4 2013 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by dominicus
I'll bet you my paid off truck, house, all my savings, all of my family members, and my very life itself ...basically, I'm all in on the poker table that we survive death.

Now are you also that sure that you will go "all in" the phsyical death is the end.

Pssshhhhh ...god luck with that one. You've been tricked!!!!

O.k. I'll take that bet and double it.... and when you come back from the dead to collect I'll agree you were right...

Why are people so illogical to the point of putting their own livelihood not to mention their actual lives on the line for an ideal that has zero true evidence for and tons of evidence against???

I'll tell you... it's fear... fear that death is the end and you can do nothing about it.

This is why humanity strives for a better future for ourselves... it is why we crave eternal youth and life.


posted on May, 4 2013 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by Korg Trinity

You mean if scientists were still alive, they could have invented something new, Gee i don't know bro, we already got Atomic bombs and weapons of mass destruction all i wish is Laser Swords like the star wars

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 05:30 AM
I dont understand the negativity. If somebody offers me the ability to live to 500 i'll take it (unless its as a brain floating in a jar like Futurama).

I doubt any of this will come fast enough for me but if it did I would want to see what comes next. I want to be around when we crack the fusion problem. I want to be around to see the dawn of strong AI, the advent of colonisation of the solar system. The list is endless.

Religious people have nothing to fear, you will remain free to choose to die of old age while others live on. Nobody will stop you.
edit on 4-5-2013 by justwokeup because: typo

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by MysterX

Interesting angle. I have a feeling, more would choose children than we might think.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 09:05 AM
I think this is just one of the pieces to the puzzle but honestly I dont know if my mind could handle 1000 years of sin. Seeing wars, death, greed, dishonesty, and technological irresponsibility. I couldnt handle it, but anyway they also need to improve on cloning organs because these will ultimately have to be replaced after years of use. If you want to live to 100 though, I would suggest moving to nothing but a whole foods vegetarian diet. Treat meat like its a dessert and only eat small amounts (maybe half a breast of chicken once a week.) Exercise! If your knees hurt..ride a bike...if they dont...jog and hike. (LOL that rhymed!) Our fathers from antiquity were much like nomads that constantly moved from place to place and the food was more natural in the form that God had created it. The oxygen was also very pure and this is why I think they lived so long. Try to eat organic. Find a local place in your town that sells nothing but organic and whole foods. I have done this recently and I feel like I am in the best shape of my life. It is really amazing how this works and ultimately I think that this will be the cure was certain cancers. I will say that I watched this documentary on netflix "Hungry for Change"

You are what you eat.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by HomoSapiensSapiens

See my response here.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by Korg Trinity

O.k. I'll take that bet and double it.... and when you come back from the dead to collect I'll agree you were right...

Who said anything about coming back? It was a hypothetical bet, but one with a point. Regardless you'll see for yourself when your shell comes to an end and the Non-Local Consciousness that you are, still exists on the other side. The look and confusion on your soul should be priceless!

Why are people so illogical to the point of putting their own livelihood not to mention their actual lives on the line for an ideal that has zero true evidence for and tons of evidence against???

Absence of evidence is not itself evidence of absence. It's not an "ideal" in my case because I clearly remember pre-existing prior to a body, so logically I know I will return to my bodiless state. That itself is not an ideal, or religion, or belief. Its a direct remembering.

Your question above is also illogical because paradoxically, you offered to double that bet based on your biased ideals that there is nothing after death.

Please do share the evidence that there is nothing after the death. I really can't wait to see the links considering I once thought like you and had every single argument and study in my arsenal, meaning it will be nothing new I can't counter. Looking forward to it.

I'll tell you... it's fear... fear that death is the end and you can do nothing about it.

Just had a beer with the grim reaper the other day. Good ol' chap, said he'll see me in a while. Considering this ol body of mine has been dealing with various chronic issues, I've been ready everyday. Just last night after I posted that reply to you, laid myself on the carpet and said, "Alright, if tonight is the night, let's do it."

I embrace death and am actually a little turned on by it

This is why humanity strives for a better future for ourselves... it is why we crave eternal youth and life.

We strive for a better future and crave eternal life and youth because we fear death? Maybe those are your motivating factors, but mine are based on love, empathy, family, and friendship. I quite enjoy enjoy scientific findings that have to do with anti-aging and also intuited that there is a genetic master switch that can allow the body 1000 year lifespans.

You might enjoy this thread I did on the first GMO Babies being born, though I'm sure you'll conclude some of the things in there differently:
Evolution, both Physical and Spiritual, is now in our hands. GMO Babies already Born

When you read that thread, you'll come to learn alot more about yourself and about the belief system you hold about there being nothing after death. Basically due to genetics, nurture, or nature, your brain is is completely over-emphasizing the regions that have to do with being too rigid mentally, like and engineer or mathematician, you've embraced Logic and reason to such a degree, that perhaps you blinded yourself from recognizing that logic and reason are limited.

With the over emphasis on those regions, your intuition, heart, and sub-conscious (the links to the after life and soul), have atrophied. Hence the reason for your current bias bubble belief system which you were willing to bet double on that there is nothing after all this.

Anyway, check out that link and it will make sense to you. Though I hardly doubt you'll budge from your beliefs.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by Korg Trinity

Back to the OP, what is the hormone? Have they named it, announced it, or is it even available for some medical use at the moment? When can we line up to take it.

And if we go all "True Blood" on living a long time, I want to be in the council, at least for a few decades. And learn how to play bridge (it looks too boring to play, so I've never learned it) and maybe play pro cricket/baseball/football/tennis/golf for a few years each. And by the time its on the market will the rest of the great apes have their "human" rights, and be taking it too?

I'll make you a friend if you don't mind, because you have the very right attitude and have your eye on some good prizes.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by Aleister

BHT & Curcumin both inhibit NF-kB which basically recreates the environment for a healthy hypothalamus.

Simple and easy enough to do.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by dominicus
reply to post by Aleister

BHT & Curcumin both inhibit NF-kB which basically recreates the environment for a healthy hypothalamus.

Simple and easy enough to do.

Thanks, I'll research those. How are they used, and to the OP, does this sound like what your are talking about (and since you've studied longevity, do these things overlap with the data presented in the op?). And dominicus, aren't you the Vitamin C guy? If so I've never thanked you properly, so thank you.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 10:56 PM
will read later

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 11:11 AM

All the bodys' cells which contain the information necessary for the body to operate, are totally replaced after a year...if the same information is passed on to the replacement cells (through the process of validation of 'we wear out like rusted old cars')...guess what?!...the new cells retain the old instruction...

Not true. Different parts of the body are replaced at different speeds.

I don't remember all of the different times, but, for example, the blood is entirely replaced @ every 90-120 days. And I seem to recall the bones take anywhere from 7 to 10 years, with the skin and internal organs somewhere in between, some very quickly (ie, the external skin in days), and ligaments and tendons much longer. Some internal organs can regenerate themselves almost spontaneously (ie, the liver), while others take considerably longer for all of their cells to be replaced.

The problem is that with each replication, there is deterioration of the genetic code (now thought to be caused by the degeneration of telomere length)...

I'm personally considering trying the TA-65 for a year or two... it isn't *that* expensive, and if it really works, to even extend quality of life for 5 or 15 years, it would be worth every penny.

Of course, as the OP has pointed out, you have to actually like your life and want to live for this to be desirable.

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by Malynn

Some people enjoy life and are not as negative as you are. In other words, you clearly see the glass as half empty - instead of half full.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by Korg Trinity

Well if you look at the bible before the flood humans were living extremely long lives until god (the elohim) said:

"My Spirit will not strive (abide) with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years." (Genesis 6:3)NKJV

ever since then we have been searching for a way to extend our lives, this was the goal of the alchemists of old to produce the "aurum potabile" which they believed would extend life to the max.

The ancient Indians realised that animals with slow heart beats lived long lives whilst animals with fast heart beats lived short lives.

An immortal cell in the human body is called cancer so we have to be careful!

Diet must be an important factor as is, exercise and hormone levels.

Some have tried injections of hormones with the same profile as a 25 year old and visually this works but it wont extend your lifespan, just make you look younger.

Antioxidants wont make you live longer, remember the experiment with earth worms!

Calorie restriction seams to work, I remember seeing a video of a guy on this diet and was impressed by how good he looked for his age.

Telomerase and cancer cells are closely related so we need to be careful when dealing with Telomerase inhibitors.

Inflammation is a big part of aging eg arthritis, hair loss, skin degeneration so a diet packed with anti-inflammatory foods/herbs might be good.

It has been proven that meditation actually alters brain chemistry and hormone levels.

Some people believe in Reincarnation so for them death is merely trading in an old worn out body in exchange for a new one however it is annoying how your memory gets reset and have to learn everything from scratch again!

edit on 6-5-2013 by LUXUS because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by justwokeup

I dont understand the negativity. If somebody offers me the ability to live to 500 i'll take it (unless its as a brain floating in a jar like Futurama).

I doubt any of this will come fast enough for me but if it did I would want to see what comes next. I want to be around when we crack the fusion problem. I want to be around to see the dawn of strong AI, the advent of colonisation of the solar system. The list is endless.

Religious people have nothing to fear, you will remain free to choose to die of old age while others live on. Nobody will stop you.

Easy. When life becomes as plentiful as water, people take it less seriously. Imagine what the world would be like if people started to take life for granted, even more than they do now. No one would care about someone's pain and suffering. Emotions would become like food, consumed and forgotten until the next course. Everything would fade away like so many books that have been read so many times you can practically feel it crumbling beneath your fingers, dying within your mind. Nothing lasts forever, but the closer we come, the more we want.

We're never satisfied. And if we attain immortality, we will only use it to immortalize our own vanity and cruelty.
edit on 6-5-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by Cobaltic1978

By then the retirement age will be 995 years of age.

posted on May, 7 2013 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by Jetman44
reply to post by Cobaltic1978

By then the retirement age will be 995 years of age.

I don't ever want to retire... why would you want to when you can be active in all things??



posted on May, 7 2013 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by Korg Trinity

As a mortal, ignorant, finite being, you couldn't ever hope to understand what eternal youth would do to you. Clearly, you don't understand the full implications of watching everything you love die again and again. It is possible to become tired of living, you know.

posted on May, 7 2013 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by Korg Trinity
It is possible to become tired of living, you know.
Only one way to find out...

posted on May, 7 2013 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by the_philth

Only one way to find out...

And many already have. Many, many, many. Why do you think the "Elixir of Life" hasn't been publicly released or even officially acknowledged? You think they can't concoct it? There's a very good chance the formula has already been perfected and locked away. But they won't make it available because they know what will happen, what risks they would be taking.

Eternal life is a burden with far-reaching consequences beyond anything we could anticipate. Of course, I wouldn't expect Korg Trinity to understand that. S/he is only thinking of themselves, and not the world around them. They have clearly not yet grasped the point of life, or they wouldn't be nearly so eager to have an infinite supply of it.
edit on 7-5-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

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