posted on May, 4 2013 @ 07:37 AM
a few questions, do clothes exist on the "other side" or were you both naked
Clothes, regular type clothes. We were wearing clothes. It was the same thing you would wear here on earth.
how is a park on the other side, wouldn’t trees and grass need air and water and such,
In the after-life, it's not like here. If the trees and grass needed water, they would be mortal and subject to dying. Same with people, we would
require food. We don't require anything of the sort to sustain life when we die. This is the illusion (earth) of what it could be like but times that
by 1,000. If you could create paradise on earth, never eat again, never grow old, never get sick, never need sleep, what and where would you live?
That is how it is.
these are the kind of things i simply don’t get, what rules do the other side operate on... wouldn’t this location be overpopulated by now
seeing as humans have been dying since the beginning of mankind.
Our Creator defies our ability to fully comprehend how sophisticated both life and the after life are. So, no, there was nobody there but his waiting
family members. I did get the feeling the location was infinite, endless, ongoing. Like a park the size of earth feeling.
I mean something has to give, wouldn’t it . and where do the other creatures go.
I've read that animals go to heaven as well. If you have a pet, or had a pet, they will greet you on the other side if they have crossed before
edit on 4-5-2013 by curiouswa because: (no reason given)
edit on 4-5-2013 by curiouswa because: (no reason