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I freakin love this gun billboard (features Native Americans)

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posted on May, 1 2013 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by midnightstar
Ok so you all have your guns now what? So did the Indians (who won?) ((read these books buy William Johnstone Out of the Ashes there's a whole sears based on what America almost was (and may have acutely been for alest a little wile.
Your gun is just like a beer as long as you can hold it your happy.
Funny those kids at Berkeley didn't have any guns and yet changed things .Wile you have one and as long as you get to say so your happy .
I would just love to find people who put there money were there mouth is.

Difference being then, the military out numbered the native Americans nearly 10 to 1 because many of the factions were already Waring against each other. In today's world, gun owners outgun federal troops nearly 100 to 1 and yes, they have bigger and badder toys but as Isoroku Yamamoto once stated, "You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass."

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 07:58 AM
I'm Native American as well and I approve this message.

No hard working American, native or otherwise should have to turn in their best defense especially if that defense has been chiseled in stone.

The war isn't against people, it isn't against guns, it's against the Constitution, it's as simple as that.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by midnightstar
Ok so you all have your guns now what? So did the Indians (who won?) ((read these books buy William Johnstone Out of the Ashes there's a whole sears based on what America almost was (and may have acutely been for alest a little wile.
Your gun is just like a beer as long as you can hold it your happy.
Funny those kids at Berkeley didn't have any guns and yet changed things .Wile you have one and as long as you get to say so your happy .
I would just love to find people who put there money were there mouth is.

Just imagine if those students had the ability to defend themselves at Tiananmen Square. maybe there wouldn't have been over 2.500 casualties.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by Anonbeleiver77

Gun control has worked in every country in which it has been mandated. It has not led to the oppression of the people in those country's and it has more than halved the homicide rate and made for a safer and happier society.

You really haven't done much research into other countries laws have you? Much less look at the actual stats.

It's time to move on be more enlightened and trust that if you put your guns down so will your neighbors as the rest of us have.

Like all the criminals out there are peace-niks?
There is a saying here in the U.S. "A armed society is a polite society." (Of course, that presumes everybody is armed)

It's time to grow up for your children's sake.

And there is that tired old argument again.
It's always "What about the children!?" To that I reply,

What about them? I know how to raise my family and I would appreciate it if you minded your own business. Have a nice day.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 08:34 AM
This is only offensive to the libs that can't stand anyone violating their world view. Folks like Elizabeth Warren, glad to use the shadows of a liberal media to benefit her, but 'shocked' when someone might question her or her ilk.

Yes, this is a great statement, a true statement, and one that people better not forget.

The amendments are there for a reason, and while the left may try to twist and subvert them, our freedoms and way of life exists due to them. The 1st, 2nd and 4th are pretty darn important. Reading into them and trying to change or modify them will lead to destruction of our cherished nation.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by TDawgRex

Originally posted by Anonbeleiver77

Gun control has worked in every country in which it has been mandated. It has not led to the oppression of the people in those country's and it has more than halved the homicide rate and made for a safer and happier society.

You really haven't done much research into other countries laws have you? Much less look at the actual stats.

It's time to move on be more enlightened and trust that if you put your guns down so will your neighbors as the rest of us have.

Like all the criminals out there are peace-niks?
There is a saying here in the U.S. "A armed society is a polite society." (Of course, that presumes everybody is armed)

It's time to grow up for your children's sake.

And there is that tired old argument again.
It's always "What about the children!?" To that I reply,

What about them? I know how to raise my family and I would appreciate it if you minded your own business. Have a nice day.

Umm yes I have done research.
Heres one for you.
In my own country since gun control was introduced in 1996 the homicide rate has dropped 59%
Over half.
But you'd rather keep your gun and let that 59% die so you can keep your toys.
While the children in your own country shoot each other. That's "what about the children".
That's the maturity level I'd expect from a gun toting American."git her done bobby ray yeehaw!"
You don't think we have crims here too?
The crime rate has dropped along with the homicide rate.
And I suppose your idea of knowing how to raise your family is to put guns and ammo in their hands and fill them full of paranoia, mistrust and violent instincts.

A real man dosnt need a gun to feel like a man.
Just cowards hiding behind a shiny peice of metal at the expense of people's lives.

As I said grow up.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 09:02 AM
I am a member of the Oglala Lakota Nation. I do not find this billboard offensive. It is the truth! Russell Means even said on one of his youtube videos that America is becoming one big indian reservation. That billboard needs to go up in every state in my opinion. You know what happened to the natives when the government put there sights on them. Americans are the new Natives! Watch out!

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by Rezlooper

The logic used here sums up the conservative view pretty well.
"Don't let anything change because a bunch of other stuff will probably go bad too."

It's illogical, irrational, rubbish.

More Guns wouldn't and didn't help native Americans do anything except commit suicide with more flourish. Maybe that's a conservative thing too? How about reading history instead of indulging your sick fetishes?

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 09:13 AM

God help America.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by Anonbeleiver77

Originally posted by TDawgRex

Originally posted by Anonbeleiver77

Gun control has worked in every country in which it has been mandated. It has not led to the oppression of the people in those country's and it has more than halved the homicide rate and made for a safer and happier society.

You really haven't done much research into other countries laws have you? Much less look at the actual stats.

It's time to move on be more enlightened and trust that if you put your guns down so will your neighbors as the rest of us have.

Like all the criminals out there are peace-niks?
There is a saying here in the U.S. "A armed society is a polite society." (Of course, that presumes everybody is armed)

It's time to grow up for your children's sake.

And there is that tired old argument again.
It's always "What about the children!?" To that I reply,

What about them? I know how to raise my family and I would appreciate it if you minded your own business. Have a nice day.

Umm yes I have done research.
Heres one for you.
In my own country since gun control was introduced in 1996 the homicide rate has dropped 59%
Over half.
But you'd rather keep your gun and let that 59% die so you can keep your toys.
While the children in your own country shoot each other. That's "what about the children".
That's the maturity level I'd expect from a gun toting American."git her done bobby ray yeehaw!"
You don't think we have crims here too?
The crime rate has dropped along with the homicide rate.
And I suppose your idea of knowing how to raise your family is to put guns and ammo in their hands and fill them full of paranoia, mistrust and violent instincts.

A real man dosnt need a gun to feel like a man.
Just cowards hiding behind a shiny peice of metal at the expense of people's lives.

As I said grow up.

Your generalization of firearm owning Americans as backwards hicks is both insulting and ignorant. It suggests to me that you indeed drink the kool-aid. That is to say, you have convinced yourself of a solution to a problem that was presented to you by someone else when that problem requires you to think critically and suss it out yourself. There is a thing called a silent majority. Roughly half of the US population owns firearms. Would you say that half are backwards "git her done bobby ray yeehaw!"? If you look at socio-economic demographics of the US you will find it just isn't so. Your perception is way off base. Firearm ownership, for most, is treated with extreme maturity and respect. Re: the silent majority of firearm owners. Most legally owned firearms are owned out of a mature sense of risk management, not an emotional desire. It's very similar to wearing a seat belt in a car. You don't drive a car with the intent of crashing your car, but it just might happen. I don't own a home with the intent of it being broken into while I'm in it, but it just might happen.

The United States is, quite factually, the least homogenous society on the planet. As a result, violent crime is quite high. Look up homogeneity of societies and crime. It's staggering. The more homogenous, the less crime. It pains me to say it as I have many immigrant friends, but violent crime rates and diversity go hand in hand, they always have throughout human history, and for the foreseeable future, will continue to do so. According to our own department of justice and census bureau, there are at minimum (meaning only the incidents reported to police) ~800,000 violent crimes deterred by the presentation and not shooting of a firearm. That's a touch over 1.5 a minute. In the US violent crime is defined as Murder, non-negligent manslaughter, assault and battery, rape, robbery (not to be confused with burglary which is where the victim wasn't present).
This is a problem that is starting to show in the EU where you have massive influx of immigrants from 3rd world countries looking for work. Violent crime skyrockets, including homicides, and regardless of weapons. The UK and Greece are good examples.

I think you need to check your facts again. Homicide by firearm does indeed drop. But homicide rates, that is to say a ratio per sample size, actually stays about the same. There is actually very little correlation between legal firearm ownership and an increase in crime. Our own law enforcement agencies, the FBI, the department of justice, and even independent exterior studies have all publicly stated this. However, there is actually a lot of evidence to support the correlation between firearm restriction and an increase in crime. In the US, the places that restrict firearm ownership to the point that they can't legally be purchased easily have gigantic homicide rates by firearm.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by Rezlooper

S & F. Great post and great billboard. I fail to see why it's supposedly offensive. Could the truth behind it be hitting a little too close to home for the complainers? Personally I'd love to see more of these.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 09:30 AM
Something like 10 cities account for over 80% of firearm homicides in the US. What is interesting is that these cities are all very strict on firearm ownership.

The access to firearms has very very little to do with overall crime and violence compared to socioeconomic factors, demographics, education levels, employment and a host of other variables. There are way more important problems that, from a logic standpoint, would be more effective for a society to tackle than to have that society disarm itself. more mature, also.

I have traveled and fought all across this planet. I have seen what happens when a people don't have a means of protection or power projection. If they have enough money, they hire, quite rightly, someone like me. If they don't then their lives are literally at the whim of someone else. The modern small arm is the most effective way that an individual can project the most fundamental form of interaction, which is force. Wherever people have access, they have power. Look around the world. The whole point of this country, the US, was to give the ultimate power to the people, not the government, and not some religion. The most fundamental way to give people power is to give them the ability to project power in the form of force. Then and now, that is with small arms. Unlimited franchise through universal suffrage is great, but it is something that society agrees on, it doesn't transcend the box of society the way a people with the ability to project force can, however.

To put it another way. We have two modes of interaction (all forms of interaction fall into these two modes if you are familiar with psychology and society), coercion and force. Basically I can convince you with logic, emotion, or anything else intellectual and civilized, or I can physically make you do something. I am a pretty big guy at 6'4" or 1.93 meters. I weigh 230lbs or 104kg. I'm pretty fit and can handle myself well, I'm much faster than I look. Lets, for example, pretend that neither of us are armed. Without a societal agreement I could interact with you with coercion or force. If coercion failed, I would feel confident in physically making you do what I want you to do. Now lets pretend that we are both armed. We can ONLY engage in coercion, the intellectual, the civilized else risk our life. It forces us to be civil, mature, cool headed. Now lets say, you are armed and I am not. It forces me to be civil, mature, and intellectual with you. You, however, can do as you please.

If you read the book "On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society" which is a very comprehensive study on its title, you will find that the vast majority of people are incapable of killing unless their own life is at stake. I carry a firearm, I don't look for trouble, I don't want to use it. But if I find myself in a situation where someone wants to force me to do something, be it person or government, then I can immediately put the situation back on level ground..

edit on 1-5-2013 by Galvatron because: additional paragraph and spelling

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by Anonbeleiver77

Originally posted by TDawgRex

Originally posted by Anonbeleiver77

Gun control has worked in every country in which it has been mandated. It has not led to the oppression of the people in those country's and it has more than halved the homicide rate and made for a safer and happier society.

You really haven't done much research into other countries laws have you? Much less look at the actual stats.

It's time to move on be more enlightened and trust that if you put your guns down so will your neighbors as the rest of us have.

Like all the criminals out there are peace-niks?
There is a saying here in the U.S. "A armed society is a polite society." (Of course, that presumes everybody is armed)

It's time to grow up for your children's sake.

And there is that tired old argument again.
It's always "What about the children!?" To that I reply,

What about them? I know how to raise my family and I would appreciate it if you minded your own business. Have a nice day.

Umm yes I have done research.
Heres one for you.
In my own country since gun control was introduced in 1996 the homicide rate has dropped 59%
Over half.
But you'd rather keep your gun and let that 59% die so you can keep your toys.
While the children in your own country shoot each other. That's "what about the children".
That's the maturity level I'd expect from a gun toting American."git her done bobby ray yeehaw!"
You don't think we have crims here too?
The crime rate has dropped along with the homicide rate.
And I suppose your idea of knowing how to raise your family is to put guns and ammo in their hands and fill them full of paranoia, mistrust and violent instincts.

A real man dosnt need a gun to feel like a man.
Just cowards hiding behind a shiny peice of metal at the expense of people's lives.

As I said grow up.

Since you've neglected to indicate what country you're from, the 1996 date would indicate you are more then likely a resident of the illustrious UK and must attended the "Lack of statistical Knowledge of Piers Morgan Academy" in that the using stats unrelated to the conversation. Yes, gun deaths are down in the UK. Crime in general has SOARED and there is empirical evidence to prove that. Even your own nations (again assuming your form the UK) paper states this!

UK is violent crime capital of Europe
edit on 1-5-2013 by Bearack because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by InverseLookingGlass
reply to post by Rezlooper

The logic used here sums up the conservative view pretty well.
"Don't let anything change because a bunch of other stuff will probably go bad too."

It's illogical, irrational, rubbish.

More Guns wouldn't and didn't help native Americans do anything except commit suicide with more flourish. Maybe that's a conservative thing too? How about reading history instead of indulging your sick fetishes?

The lack of guns really had little to do with their demise but their lack of a unified nation is what caused them to lose. The Tribes that did work together as a unified force kicked the behind of the Federal troops.

Recall the battle of Little Big Horn? US troops were massacred by a unified force of the Lakota's, Cheyenne's and Arapaho's!
You should really educate yourself on the issue before commenting.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 09:54 AM
Let it be known, I am related to John Rolfe.

I support the message of this billboard!

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by Ghost375
See the problem I see is... the federal government hasn't tried to get anyone to turn in their guns...I've seen nothing that indicates they are trying to.

They weren't even able to pass laws strengthening background checks.

I feel like you guys keep doubling down, and it will hurt you in the long run. If guns are ever outlawed, I can nearly guarantee it'll be the hardcore gun owners' faults.

I've been right about everything involving the gun issue since Sandy Hook. I said they weren't going to outlaw assault rifles. I said they weren't going to go door to door collecting guns.
And if you all keep acting how you've been acting, something worse will happen.
edit on 1-5-2013 by Ghost375 because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-5-2013 by Ghost375 because: (no reason given)

In CT they repassed and renewed old gun laws. We can't buy or own an assult rifle unless we owned it from before 1994. In CT they still have AR15's up on the shelf of every gun store, yet no one can buy it unless they owned an assult rifle from before 1994. However we can buy any assult rilfe as long as it is single/burst shot, we can have any size magazine and fire any type of bullet. Far as I know CT has some of the strictest gun laws ever known to me.

I agree with what you said about anything in the future being passed will be the fault of crazy gun hoarders.

CT has had every town police station opt into a "buy back program".

There are also raids everyday by local and state police who take guns from people who do not have a license to carry..This is what gun control should be, leaving the Law abiding citizen alone by going after the actual gun criminals...Guess the government should raid themselves huh?

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by Rezlooper

This billboard is only in Greeley, CO, and a local professor/Native American, who heads the Ethics department at a local university came out complaining that it is offensive to her Native American heritage. How? Obviously, this professor is a liberal anti-gun Obama supporter who would rather see the guns taken away. She was only upset because the billboard speaks volumes of truth...

Seeing as you seem to be confused on this Professors area of don't appear to have actually read any of her concerns? And then you go on to explain what her beliefs are?

She is a Professor of Ethnic studies...not Ethics...BTW

And instead of telling us "Obviously, this professor is a liberal anti-gun Obama supporter "..

Why not read her concerns?

Irene Vernon, a Colorado State University professor and chairwoman of the ethnic studies department, said the message on the billboard is taking a narrow view of a much more complicated history of the Native American plight. She said it's not as if Native Americans just gave up their guns and wound up on reservations.

"It wasn't just about our guns," said Vernon, a Native American.

Greeley resident Maureen Brucker, who has worked with Native American organizations and who frequents the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota as an honorary family member, said she thinks the billboards are making light of atrocities the federal government committed against Native Americans.

She said the billboard brings to her mind one of the most horrendous examples of that, the Wounded Knee Massacre on the Pine Ridge Reservation in 1890. Historical accounts say the 7th Cavalry had detained a band of Native Americans and asked them to give up their weapons. Troops began firing after a shot rang out. Death toll estimates of Native American men, women and children range from 150 to 300.

Brucker said she thinks those who put up the billboards should come forward and to discuss their viewpoints.

"I thought it was pretty cowardly that someone would put something like that up and spend the money for a billboard but didn't have the courage to put their name on it," she said.

I agree...

The idea that the American Gov. confiscated guns CAUSE

American Indians oppressed and suffering EFFECT


It dismisses a noble resistance over the years...
And the number of weapons the American Indians had played no part in the result...

And the fact that thier heritage is used as a prop by people to cowardly to put thier name on the campaign compounds the insult.

No one can speak for the Native Americans, but them IMO..
edit on 1-5-2013 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 11:05 AM
Native Americans got screwed royally. It's not much consolation to have a few cassino's to compensate them. If I were Native American I would be really pissed.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by Rezlooper

I love that billboard.

The only way it is offensive, is if one is offended by the truth.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by muse7

Shall we repeat the statements of many Govt officials that have stated otherwise??

Maybe the Tyrant 0bama's comment about guns from his book???

Go put your head back in the sand. It seems like it is the best view for you.

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