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I freakin love this gun billboard (features Native Americans)

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posted on Apr, 30 2013 @ 10:42 PM
This billboard needs to be bumper stickers and t shirts!

More than that though For all of you out there who are anti civilian gun ownership... I have a question for you.

Do you acknowledge that in the business world it is universally a bad thing when there is one company that holds a monopoly on a product or service?

In the days before linux when apple was a very niche product did most of us not suffer horrendously from Microsoft putting out more and more inferior products that cost more and more? Were we not witnesses to Microsoft time and again using it's staggering financial and legal resources to gobble up rivals and competitors, or barring that, using dirty tricks legal wrangling and outright price fixing to drive those that refused to fold out of business? Did many people and even some businesses face the choice of paying extortionate prices for MS software OR risking severe legal and financial penalties by acquiring pirated software? Do you think piracy would have taken off like it did if microsoft had not gouged the American consumer so hard? (As an interesting side note, in china MS products cost 10% or less of what they cost on the US market because they found that if they charged any more than that people would just pirate their software and use it anyway! Which brings up a very interesting parallel to where this conversation is going and what we are already seeing playing out)

So... it's pretty plain to see that monopolies pretty much GUARANTEE abuses of power by the power structure in control of the monopoly!

Now let's apply this to the firearms argument... By banning modern sporting rifles (diane feinstein wrongly calls these assault weapons) or severely limiting access to them the US government is by default giving itself a MONOPOLY on the effective use of force!

And just like with the microsoft situation they are working to keep and even FURTHER EXPAND their monopoly using coercive tactics and outright bribery of key sectors of the populace!

And just like with the microsoft situation those that are already denied the ability to acquire firearms within the existing legal framework (aka background checks and etc) just go another route and acquire the firearms anyway!

Not only are more gun laws not the answer, but we must also seriously question why those in power who already know that monopolies breed abuse and inferior performance by the monopoly holder would seek so hard to gain a monopoly on something so dangerous as DEADLY FORCE!

It behooves all of us to look at this situation in a rational and sober manner! Part of that is realizing that Prohibition has NOT ONCE EVER worked on a societal level! Violence cannot and will not even be slowed down by limiting civilian access to modern sporting armaments!

posted on Apr, 30 2013 @ 11:16 PM
Here's a What If.
Why if slaves were allowed to carry back in the day?
They would have free way before Lincoln.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 12:09 AM
See the problem I see is... the federal government hasn't tried to get anyone to turn in their guns...I've seen nothing that indicates they are trying to.

They weren't even able to pass laws strengthening background checks.

I feel like you guys keep doubling down, and it will hurt you in the long run. If guns are ever outlawed, I can nearly guarantee it'll be the hardcore gun owners' faults.

I've been right about everything involving the gun issue since Sandy Hook. I said they weren't going to outlaw assault rifles. I said they weren't going to go door to door collecting guns.
And if you all keep acting how you've been acting, something worse will happen.
edit on 1-5-2013 by Ghost375 because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-5-2013 by Ghost375 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by Rezlooper

I would say the billboard is offensive because it points out colonizer nostalgia by envisioning Native Americans as a culture frozen in time.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by Larry L

I Greet You!
Prove that we came from Asia, only a theory. We know, and we also know where we are going, do you?

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 01:43 AM
The United Nations wants to do to the world nations ,what the United States did to the Indian Nations ,take their land their animals,your freedom ,your weapons, your rights ,language ,customs,heritage ,national pride and identity ,put you on a Reservation[FEMA Camp] where you will be ''SAFE'' ,poor ,starving and genocided into extinction because you don't FIT IN to their personal BIGOTED idea of how the World should be

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by Rezlooper

I think it was small pox and starvation that did the American Indians in, not so much the lack of guns. The colonizers dropped a cultural bomb on the previous inhabitants of North America and I don't think it would have mattered if the Indians were allowed to keep their rifles or not. The natives were going to be exterminated one way or another. It's how occupation works.

Also, by the end of the 1800's the Maxim machine gun was making its entrance in the west and a few smooth bore rifles wouldn't make any difference against the amount of rounds the new weapons could put down range. The important thing to understand is that the oppressed\colonized\proletariat don't stand much of a chance against the military, regardless of whether they let you keep your guns or not. When the government decides a group of people is no longer serving their purpose then they're eliminated through whatever means it takes.

The breech-loading rifles the Native Americans had could never stand up to the disease, environmental devastation, or purposeful cultural alienation carried out by the settlers.

So what good are your sport rifles against stealth bombers and chemical weapons?

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 02:40 AM
I have been lurking on here for a few months now, but I just had to comment on this thread.
Thank you for the post OP! I am 1/4 Cherokee and I am not offended at all. I think it is a great reminder
of our past mistakes. The past should never be forgotten, for if it is how can we learn from it?

I would also love to see one or more of those around here. Or maybe someone making shirts with this image.
I'm not sure if there are copyright issues with that, or if anyone can make them and sell them. But I am
considering the possibility.


posted on May, 1 2013 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by muse7
Your view/post is the absolute CLASSIC sheeple line, bleeding of naivete. At this LATE stage in the deterioration of THE once greatest proud democratic republic, EVEN (any/all) background check and other gun control measures will ultimately favor the forces of tyranny.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 03:10 AM
WOW. Obviously to any educated person this will do the complete opposite of what it was intended to do. Or was it a joke? Surely it was a joke, lol, since no one could be that uninformed, and it really does hit home as far as the message is concerned...Which is the government does not have a good track record of keeping promises, and that they DO NOT care about YOUR rights. They just don't. If they can get away with trampling on a person's rights and liberties, they will do it, plain and simple. The only reason it does not happen to the extent that we will see in the future is because not enough people have been dumbed down enough. Those who support the banning of guns are eating right out of the hands of these terrorists in the government.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 03:46 AM
I really pity you Americans.
Your kids slaughter each other in your schools and what's the typical reaction when your government finally see rationally that there's way too many guns sitting around?

"you can have my gun when you pry it out of my cold dead hands"

Your falling behind the rest of the world in morality, enlightenedment, ethics, rationality and just plain common sense!
If your so scared of your government that you feel the need to arm yourselves against them you live in a democracy! Do something about it! Go and vote at the next election for someone who has your rights in mind someone you feel you can trust!

You've let the terrorists win by sowing mistrust, making you feel unsafe, living in fear behind your doors with a loaded gun...that's no way to live
That's what they wanted and you gave it to them. Blood in the water and the sharks will come.

Don't live in fear you don't need a gun to be free.
use your voice, use your vote, create a better life for your children.
One where they don't have to walk through a metal detector to get into school.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 04:40 AM
I'm offended on behalf of Native Americans for that poster. There is an underlying suggestion that highly engineered complex industrial era technology is somehow benign and natural? The reason those Native Americans have those guns in their hands is because Europeans put them there. The Europeans had these highly engineered weapons because they'd spent the last several hundred years killing each other with them and invading and oppressing people worldwide.

The Europeans brought industrialised warfare to the Americas. That is no fing gift.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 05:46 AM
I don't understand the criticism of this billboard, on the grounds that it insults Indians/Native Americans, either. It doesn't belittle the people pictured, but rather addresses how the Indians were done wrong by the US government, which they made treaties with, and which broke them. As others have said, this just seems to be a lame gripe by some gun-control advocates. And I'm for some level of gun control, i.e. more than we have now, and I generally come down on Native Americans' side in most political issues, but I have no problem with the picture.

I've seen a t-shirt in a very left-wing bookstore in Seattle that shows some armed Indians and the words below are "Homeland Defense for the last 500 years" (or some such thing). So complaints about this are just from groussing gun-control zealots.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 06:02 AM
reply to post by muse7

76,000 criminals tried to buy a gun last year and were turned away via the IBC.
The Attorney General only referred 44 of them for prosecution.
Of those only 13 were convicted/

It is currently a felony carring 10 years for a felon to attempt to buy a gun, and for anyone who lies on the form 4473 it is also 10 year felony.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 06:30 AM
reply to post by Anonbeleiver77

Your falling behind the rest of the world in morality, enlightenedment, ethics, rationality and just plain common sense! If your so scared of your government that you feel the need to arm yourselves against them you live in a democracy! Do something about it! Go and vote at the next election for someone who has your rights in mind someone you feel you can trust!

I'm not even going to reply to the "We're better than you" attitude.
When a candidate comes along we want to vote for, someone who actually does show some concern for our rights, they're driven out of the race or made to look like a loon for their beliefs. The game is rigged and we are the marks.
edit on 1-5-2013 by DAVID64 because: typo

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by DAVID64
reply to post by Anonbeleiver77

Your falling behind the rest of the world in morality, enlightenedment, ethics, rationality and just plain common sense! If your so scared of your government that you feel the need to arm yourselves against them you live in a democracy! Do something about it! Go and vote at the next election for someone who has your rights in mind someone you feel you can trust!

I'm not even going to reply to the "We're better than you" attitude.
When a candidate comes along we want to vote for, someone who actually does show some concern for our rights, they're driven out of the race or made to look like a loon for their beliefs. The game is rigged and we are the marks.
edit on 1-5-2013 by DAVID64 because: typo

It wasn't a "were better than you" comment.
I'm just trying to point out that a lot of us in the rest of the developed world are scratching our heads wondering why your guns are so much more important to you than the safety of your children and the future stability of your society as a whole.
It's just baffling that you can't see it.
Times change there was good reason at the time when your founders gave the right to bear arms as you where just out of a war on your own soil fought by regular citizens and there wasn't enough police to keep the peace. The arms they had at the time consisted of muskets, dueling pistols which where both fire once stop pour powder shot stoke and then fire again and swords none of witch you could walk into a room and kill ten or twenty people as you can with a modern assault rifle, an Uzi, a semi automatic pistol or a pump action shotgun.
Things have changed technology has made your founders intentions a liability.
How many of the kids who went on murder sprees where felons?
I don't know of any other country in the world where you can buy weapons and ammo in a department store?
You think they're taking your rights by gun control but white men in your country used to have the right to own someone as property because they had different colored skin and the right to lynch them if they tried to escape!
But that was changed because it was wrong why not this?
Gun control has worked in every country in which it has been mandated. It has not led to the oppression of the people in those country's and it has more than halved the homicide rate and made for a safer and happier society.

It's time to move on be more enlightened and trust that if you put your guns down so will your neighbors as the rest of us have.

I've watched doomsday preppers etc on tv and yes thats the far end of the scale but it makes me feel very sorry for all these gun toting Americans living in fear and kids growing up with all these weapons around reminding them of death and giving them the power to take it in arms reach.

The "guns are good" culture is just insanity.

You say "guns don't kill people people kill people"
But the truth is "people with guns kill people" it's a lot harder for a kid to kill a room full of people with a kitchen knife.

A former prime minister of my country not one I was very fond of for something's but this one time I felt proud when he stood and spoke in your senate and said one of his greatest achievements in office was the passing of our gun control laws and the drop in murder and violent crime since.
His words where met with shun, scowls and silent hostility.
Like a bunch of bully children being told their toys might get taken away.

It's time to grow up for your children's sake.
edit on 1-5-2013 by Anonbeleiver77 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by muse7
Pointless billboard as no one is even asking anyone to turn in their guns.

And yes I am pro-background check
Pro-only letting law abiding citizens be able to buy guns
And pro-closing any loopholes that enable criminals to bypass a background check in order to buy a gun.
edit on 4/30/2013 by muse7 because: (no reason given)

Wow you are so proud of your self !!!! Look at you "and yes I am pro bull &%$#" So tell me MUSE7 what if any research have you done to come up with your proud view???

You see its people like you that have totally ruined our once great nation . You have no opinion of your own.
Don't you think its time you pulled your head out of your social group and came to your own opinion .

Fact ever sense the Brady bill violent crime has gone up.....Their is no this are that ......
Fact I am just wasting my time.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by muse7

Originally posted by Berzerked
reply to post by muse7

BS...Not only are some cities asking people to turn in their guns, some are even paying people to turn in their guns.


Oh you mean the same gun buyback programs that have been going on for decades across thousands of communities? Which is not mandatory and provides a good way of disposing of guns.

You mean to tell me that the Obama death squads, which the Republicans and Conservatives have promised us ever since Obama took office, aren't going from door to door breaking in demanding everyone to turn in their guns?

Are you not paying attention to the trade winds? It's happening everywhere. Colorado just passed a law that is technically unenforceable but allows for every citizen who owns a semi auto gun to be in violation of the law.

In Commifornia, they've already passed laws to confiscate weapons!

NY, well, that is already obvious! It's happening and it's happening fast and furious (pun intended).

Oh, and forgot this little gem!
edit on 1-5-2013 by Bearack because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by Ghost375
See the problem I see is... the federal government hasn't tried to get anyone to turn in their guns...I've seen nothing that indicates they are trying to.

I've been right about everything involving the gun issue since Sandy Hook. I said they weren't going to outlaw assault rifles. I said they weren't going to go door to door collecting guns.
And if you all keep acting how you've been acting, something worse will happen.

Something worse is already happening. The gun-grabbers are not giving up (and doubling down on stupid as well in the process).

The large quantity of ammo purchases are just one tactic to take away our 2nd Amendment right...all the while saying that you can have your guns, but just try finding ammo for them.

If they are successful, this will end up just like the prohibition era and the war on drugs/terror. Just another failed policy.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 07:52 AM
Ok so you all have your guns now what? So did the Indians (who won?) ((read these books buy William Johnstone Out of the Ashes there's a whole sears based on what America almost was (and may have acutely been for alest a little wile.
Your gun is just like a beer as long as you can hold it your happy.
Funny those kids at Berkeley didn't have any guns and yet changed things .Wile you have one and as long as you get to say so your happy .
I would just love to find people who put there money were there mouth is.

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