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Morals? Morals?!? Morals?

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posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
Used the search botton here in ATS you will fine pleanty of them. What? you wants me to do it for you heck no.

Just did a "most people believe muslims are evil" search.

Seems you are the only one to say that...

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 11:10 AM
Eliminating religion would put and end to many of these problems...

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by MoveToCanada

While 100 000+ Iraqi civilians and 1000+ American Military men and women have been killed by Bush,

This election gurantees another terroist attack.

I didn't know that President Bush was over in Iraq fighting... hmm pretty good too, he's only killed 1000 of our troops to 100k of thiers... not bad ...

This election does not guarantee another terrorist attack...

if another attack is going to happen it will, it doesn't matter who the President is...

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by ThatsJustWeird

Originally posted by marg6043
...and now religious fundamentalist wants to persecute anybody that does not agree with them, they want gays to dispear and all of us that agree with the rights of everybody with them, if you are not a christian you worship a false god and muslins are evil in the eyes of most people, very interesting.

Isn't the theme of this site to Deny Ignorance?

Seems to me religious people recieve more "persecution" and grief from non religious people than they dish out. Just look around this site.

Please provide links or some sort of proof to back up your other ridiculous statements.

Without Dubya dropping a nuclear bomb in downtown Baghdad, how do you possibly think this war in Iraq is going end? Bush will just stick to the course which means what?

Impossible to know now.

How would it end with Kerry in office?

What do you say to the millions and millions in the world who would benefit from stem cell research?

What part of 'Bush is the only president to allow stem cell research' is confusing to people?

Bush has destroyed your economy in his 1st 4 years, thats a fact.


I'm debating on whether or not I should wait until you have a clue before answering this...
Could be a while though

Well, honestly Kerry would be just as screwed regarding Iraq. The smartest thing to do is not to go into Iraq, but thats a whole other can of worms.

Bush let the existing stem cells be tested. Big whoop. Could he side step an issue any more then he did on this announcement?

ANd you didn't even answer the economy. So what? f+++ the economy?

Americans can be so blind. The rest of the world sees this but some American voters just don't have a clue...

There is supposed to be this huge seperation of church and state, but you put a president in based on religous beliefs! And as John Stewart said last night, the south is telling new yorkers how to live.

I don't have any links. These are things that conservatives believe in and this is what is going to happen when conservatives run the country

[edit on 4-11-2004 by MoveToCanada]

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by MoveToCanada
Americans can be so blind. The rest of the world sees this but some American voters just don't have a clue...

Americans see what America wants to see, namely through the "media". They trust a money making venture (and not even a money making venture that makes money off of selling papers), paid for by big business for their information.

But to think that you have a monopoly on free press and independant thought is beyond rediculous.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
now religious fundamentalist wants to persecute anybody that does not agree with them, they want gays to dispear and all of us that agree with the rights of everybody with them.

We don't want gays to disappear. The majority of people want to keep marriage sacred between a man and a woman. The majority has spoken so live with it.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 11:52 AM
You guys are acting like homosexuality is like some kind of contageous disease.

"oh my gawd Pa! i heard dem queers are gonna be getting married soon! we better stop dat windsurfing hippie from becoming president"

You want to discuss real moral issues? how about the enviroment and the condition it will be in when elections 2008 rolls around..

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by KillerD
We don't want gays to disappear. The majority of people want to keep marriage sacred between a man and a woman. The majority has spoken so live with it.

The problem is that one thing will lead to other and then crime hate will start going around.

You have to understand that in the name of god atrocities has been comited against humanity through the history of this world.

No, you are right gays will not disapear even when many will like it that way.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by MoveToCanada

From a previous post, I think we Canadians are more scared of than laughing at the U.S.. The U.S. and Canada could not be further apart. Ultra liberal to Ultra Conservative. Canadians are legalizing Marijuana and Americans are burning Libraries.

How could Americans possibly vote for Bush because of Culture and moral issues???

While 100 000+ Iraqi civilians and 1000+ American Military men and women have been killed by Bush, Americans are worried that men are humping men and a few cells are being destroyed for science. Even then, what is moral about turning away Stem Cell research and letting millions suffer with diseases. Nothing makes any sense.

Its pretty scary seeing the whole country Red. Reminds me of Communist USSR or Nazi Germany. Maybe thats too much, but America has definetly taken a 75-year-step backwards. Bye Bye Womens rights, Bye Bye minority rights and Gays will be burned at the stake.

There are going to be miliions of Laura Bushs running around, staying in the kitchen making dinner and birthing babies. HA

No more Rap music, No more Rock and Roll, no more Simpsons, no more Sopranos. No more Friends. Everything will be Inbred Country music and church hymms.

This election gurantees another terroist attack. Iraq will turn into another Vietnam. The best thing to happen for Canadians is that our dollar will continue to get stronger as more and more Americans lose their jobs and their economy goes down the toilet.

30 years from now, after the neo-conservative movement dies off, this period of time will definetly be looked upon as the new dark ages.

I agree with you 100%, and feel like I'm living in a nightmare. I hope I wake up soon, but this nightmare seems so real,
. My father is from Canada and I have alot of family up there, I am seriously considering the option of packing up my family and moving there. I wonder if since my father was born there, if I could move there more easily
. Or maybe we could claim refugee status, to escape reverse religious persecution. I just don't know if I could get used to the cold living in the desert all my life, but I'd take snow any day over living here with all these Jesus nazis.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
So how about me I am an american and I don't believe in religous propaganda

marg, I just don't understand where get this. No one says you have to believe in religous propaganda. I believe right now the truth is religious people must obey the law that says it is OK to kill un born babies.

Originally posted by marg6043

so, now I have to disapear to make the "religious" happy. Excuse me is all a whole bunch of crap.

Marg, Who told you that you had to disappear out of religious peoples way? Who said that you had to make them happy by disappearing?

So where is the crap you are talking agout?

Originally posted by marg6043

Now I have to appologize for having a brain and been an independant thinker,

This is America, we are guaranteed to be able to voice our opinion. You do not have to pass a test with your brain. You are entitled to your own opinion. No apology is necessary.

Originally posted by marg6043

well we really divide in thsi nation "the zombies" and " thinkers"

Again you are allowed to place yourself in whatever category you feel fits.

Originally posted by marg6043
...and now religious fundamentalist wants to persecute anybody that does not agree with them, they want gays to dispear and all of us that agree with the rights of everybody with them,.

Marg, what religious fundamentalist has been persecuting you? President Bush received the same percentage of gay votes this election as he did last election. It doesn't sound as though they think they have to disappear.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by syntaxer
You guys are acting like homosexuality is like some kind of contageous disease.

"oh my gawd Pa! i heard dem queers are gonna be getting married soon! we better stop dat windsurfing hippie from becoming president"

You want to discuss real moral issues? how about the enviroment and the condition it will be in when elections 2008 rolls around..

Thats my whole point. Sure Americans are worried about their marriage laws. I'm not sure where I stand on that myself. But where is the morality in bombing insurgent safe houses and killing 100s of innocent iraqi women and children? Which one weighs more? Human deaths or Gay Marriage?

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by MoveToCanada
Bush let the existing stem cells be tested. Big whoop. Could he side step an issue any more then he did on this announcement?

Get real. Any thing he decided would have been met with stiff opposition. He and any president after is in a no win situation regarding that.

ANd you didn't even answer the economy. So what? f+++ the economy?

Since you know so much, tell me...what did Bush do to make the economy go bad?
Forget the faux tech boom in which investors world investing a crap load of money into the lookmomihaveawebsite.coms, forget 9/11, forget all corrections, tell me what Bush specifically did to cause the econ. to go bad.

Just to note: It started sliding before Bush became pres.

Just another note:

And as John Stewart said last night, the south is telling new yorkers how to live.

So when Clinton won, it was New Yorkers telling the south how to live?

News Flash - 300mil people don't live in NY

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by Machine

There are going to be miliions of Laura Bushs running around, staying in the kitchen making dinner and birthing babies. HA

We could use more good women in this country. Raising our future is a tough and often thankless job. How do they raise up children in Canada, with test tubes perhaps? Or maybe they just plop them down in front of the television until they�re old enough to go to government run schools. Where they learn how to be good socialist.

Don't you know, in socialist Canada and Europe children are evil.

Going over his and others quotes, it's obvious Canda and Europe have no idea what the US is like. They think we're like them where everyone is bunched up in urban centers.

Guess what! The US has 294,678,786 people. Despite the great urban migration, not half live in the urban centers. So why vote for someone who has nothing to offer for the majority of Americans?

Americans see what America wants to see, namely through the "media".

I don't know...
If that was the case Kerry would have been elected.
People keep mentioning the media, but the media is so slated to the left it's not even funny.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 02:03 PM
I'm getting pretty tired of the inference that thinking people do not prescribe to Christian "morals".

There is nothing "stupid" about conservative political values either, so get of the high horse folks.

Socialism has the chance to be a good thing.

Free market Capitalism has the chance to be a good thing.

A choice has to be made, because what we have now is a corporate run government monopoly who could give two #s about what you think.

Perhaps it might be a better discussion to have about which system of thought is more applicable to our current situation.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 02:10 PM
what do these white christians know about morality! what do they know, (hmm) all the years of civil rights abuses1 what do they know about the suffering of iraqi citizens, they called that moral?! they are sick! I am a christian but not foolish. I will fight as an outsider to tell those 50 million plus dumb americans , white christians go to hell! you don't know GOD! the God I am serving and you are serving are not the same!

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 02:13 PM
I say America should just drop the act and show it's true colors. Nothing is more despicable than a hypocritical country.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by sweatmonicaIdo
I say America should just drop the act and show it's true colors. Nothing is more despicable than a hypocritical country.

You and others seem to think we had some intergral hand in hijacking the Rep and Dem party in order to create a big, fat, bloated, imperial powerhouse in order to be the big boys on the block.

Trust me, I don't think the people in China are idiots or hypocrits, but their government sure is shady.

Point: Our government is rediculous, wrong, too big, and heading to failure on a grand scale.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 03:37 PM

I was referring to the gov't, not the Americans themselves. I have heard nothing but lies and garbage from the gov't since the first months of 2001 and it's beginning to get ridiculous. Why doesn't the government just come out and tell us how it's really gonna be. I may not agree, but at least that'll show some balls in those bustards.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by sweatmonicaIdo

I was referring to the gov't, not the Americans themselves. I have heard nothing but lies and garbage from the gov't since the first months of 2001 and it's beginning to get ridiculous. Why doesn't the government just come out and tell us how it's really gonna be. I may not agree, but at least that'll show some balls in those bustards.

Very good. Agreed.

Now who's going to write the letter to GW?

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro
Very good. Agreed.

Now who's going to write the letter to GW?

I think everyone here should, and all sign it. Not that he'd read it, he's illiterate anyway.

I think it'd do the nation a whole lot of good and perhaps even lessen dissent if the government would tell us what they're REALLY trying to do.

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