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Morals? Morals?!? Morals?

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posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 08:36 AM
From a previous post, I think we Canadians are more scared of than laughing at the U.S.. The U.S. and Canada could not be further apart. Ultra liberal to Ultra Conservative. Canadians are legalizing Marijuana and Americans are burning Libraries.

How could Americans possibly vote for Bush because of Culture and moral issues???

While 100 000+ Iraqi civilians and 1000+ American Military men and women have been killed by Bush, Americans are worried that men are humping men and a few cells are being destroyed for science. Even then, what is moral about turning away Stem Cell research and letting millions suffer with diseases. Nothing makes any sense.

Its pretty scary seeing the whole country Red. Reminds me of Communist USSR or Nazi Germany. Maybe thats too much, but America has definetly taken a 75-year-step backwards. Bye Bye Womens rights, Bye Bye minority rights and Gays will be burned at the stake.

There are going to be miliions of Laura Bushs running around, staying in the kitchen making dinner and birthing babies. HA

No more Rap music, No more Rock and Roll, no more Simpsons, no more Sopranos. No more Friends. Everything will be Inbred Country music and church hymms.

This election gurantees another terroist attack. Iraq will turn into another Vietnam. The best thing to happen for Canadians is that our dollar will continue to get stronger as more and more Americans lose their jobs and their economy goes down the toilet.

30 years from now, after the neo-conservative movement dies off, this period of time will definetly be looked upon as the new dark ages.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 08:59 AM
It all started when people stopped being independant thinkers.

It's much easier for people to believe everything they hear. To be a tool for the hand that feeds them.

If American started thinking for themselves and stopped trying to force their morals on the rest of the public, a lot of these problems would go away.

Freedom is about esaping the corral and not staying with the flock. The shepard is coming with the shears, and before we know it, the fleece will all be gone.

Fear the Shear. Deny Ignorance.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by thirddensity
It all started when people stopped being independant thinkers.

It's much easier for people to believe everything they hear. To be a tool for the hand that feeds them.

If American started thinking for themselves and stopped trying to force their morals on the rest of the public, a lot of these problems would go away.

Freedom is about esaping the corral and not staying with the flock. The shepard is coming with the shears, and before we know it, the fleece will all be gone.

Fear the Shear. Deny Ignorance.

Well I don't know about the flock or the Sheppard or fleece. But it wouldn't surprise me if the church had a huge impact in this election. In the deep south, the church urging church goers to vote republican. Something the Democrats could never compete with.

America is Flocked, now!

[edit on 4-11-2004 by MoveToCanada]

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by MoveToCanada

From a previous post, I think we Canadians are more scared of than laughing at the U.S.. The U.S. and Canada could not be further apart. Ultra liberal to Ultra Conservative. Canadians are legalizing Marijuana and Americans are burning Libraries.

How could Americans possibly vote for Bush because of Culture and moral issues???

While 100 000+ Iraqi civilians and 1000+ American Military men and women have been killed by Bush, Americans are worried that men are humping men and a few cells are being destroyed for science. Even then, what is moral about turning away Stem Cell research and letting millions suffer with diseases. Nothing makes any sense.

Its pretty scary seeing the whole country Red. Reminds me of Communist USSR or Nazi Germany. Maybe thats too much, but America has definetly taken a 75-year-step backwards. Bye Bye Womens rights, Bye Bye minority rights and Gays will be burned at the stake.

There are going to be miliions of Laura Bushs running around, staying in the kitchen making dinner and birthing babies. HA

No more Rap music, No more Rock and Roll, no more Simpsons, no more Sopranos. No more Friends. Everything will be Inbred Country music and church hymms.

This election gurantees another terroist attack. Iraq will turn into another Vietnam. The best thing to happen for Canadians is that our dollar will continue to get stronger as more and more Americans lose their jobs and their economy goes down the toilet.

30 years from now, after the neo-conservative movement dies off, this period of time will definetly be looked upon as the new dark ages.

It's a good thing for us we live in the real world and not in your fantasy world.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 09:40 AM

From a previous post, I think we Canadians are more scared of than laughing at the U.S.. The U.S. and Canada could not be further apart. Ultra liberal to Ultra Conservative.

A scared liberal socialist, say it isn�t so.

Canadians are legalizing Marijuana and Americans are burning Libraries.

And by the looks of all the grammatical and spelling errors in your post it seems you may indeed be smoking your dope right now. We don�t burn books in America that�s primarily a Socialistic endeavor.

How could Americans possibly vote for Bush because of Culture and moral issues???

We don�t want our country to end up like Canada. We want to remain a super power and continue to enjoy living in a free Republic. You keep smoking your dope, that�s all you�re good for.

While 100 000+ Iraqi civilians and 1000+ American Military men and women have been killed by Bush, Americans are worried that men are humping men and a few cells are being destroyed for science.

President Bush did not kill our military men and women they were killed by Iraq insurgents and terrorists. Our men hump each other all the time here, we don�t like it but they are free to do so as they wish. Those, �cells� are human embryos and they are the foundation of human life. If you understood science better you would have known that.

Even then, what is moral about turning away Stem Cell research and letting millions suffer with diseases. Nothing makes any sense.

You don�t make any sense just keep smoking your dope and leave the thinking to others.

Its pretty scary seeing the whole country Red. Reminds me of Communist USSR or Nazi Germany. Maybe thats too much, but America has definetly taken a 75-year-step backwards.

You liberals live in a state of fear and panic. Anytime we choose morality over political correctness we take a step in the right direction as a country. If your Socialistic country is so great why do you lag behind in every field of science and are considered a non-issue on the global scene?

Bye Bye Womens rights, Bye Bye minority rights and Gays will be burned at the stake.

Our women, minorities and homosexuals continue to do as they please nothing has changed.

There are going to be miliions of Laura Bushs running around, staying in the kitchen making dinner and birthing babies. HA

We could use more good women in this country. Raising our future is a tough and often thankless job. How do they raise up children in Canada, with test tubes perhaps? Or maybe they just plop them down in front of the television until they�re old enough to go to government run schools. Where they learn how to be good socialist.

No more Rap music, No more Rock and Roll, no more Simpsons, no more Sopranos. No more Friends. Everything will be Inbred Country music and church hymms.

Most rap music is mindless garbage wrapped in violence and foul lyrics. The rest of your, �fine� selections for personal entertainment help me to understand that I�m dealing with a true, �mental giant�.

This election gurantees another terroist attack. Iraq will turn into another Vietnam.

The fact that terrorists are alive and well guarantees another attack. Surely you�re not na�ve enough to think that they would stop hating us if we took your head in the sand approach to fighting terrorism?

The best thing to happen for Canadians is that our dollar will continue to get stronger as more and more Americans lose their jobs and their economy goes down the toilet.

The Canadian dollar getting stronger, oh man that�s a riot. Your dollar is barely worth the paper it�s written on. Our dollar is the world standard of exchange and will continue to be so for a long time. I love making purchases in Canada everything cost one-third the price.

You backwards Canadians can keep your third world country and economy. Oh by the way, I heard Canada purchased a new submarine for its three boat Navy. You guys are truly a world-class country!

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by Machine
The Canadian dollar getting stronger, oh man that�s a riot. Your dollar is barely worth the paper it�s written on. Our dollar is the world standard of exchange and will continue to be so for a long time. I love making purchases in Canada everything cost one-third the price.

Is it really a riot?
The US dollar is at a 12 year low against the Canadian dollar.
It's lost almost 7% of it's value against the Canadian dollar just this year.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 09:54 AM

Very good reply

Here is my reply to this crap of blaming everything on the church and Christianity -

If people would just take the time and research humanity from past to future they would see that there has to be some kind of moral standards. Humans are sinful by nature - THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RELIGION PEOPLE SO GET OVER IT!

I am sick and tired of people blaming the "church" or "religion" on everything that they want to do but can't because of morality getting in the way.

Do your research people! Stop complaining and blaming the church for everything until you yourselves have really researched human beings and the nature of human beings. Talk about puppets, being controlled???? Take a look at your arguments.

Whenever people want to do things that serve themselves and they don't want to disturb their "comfortable" way of life they blame the church and Christianity. Dispite what they are trying to teach in schools and trying to throw-up at the public, the United States of America was based on moral outlines - Don't like it???? LEAVE. Yes, the US was based on freedom, but with freedom there is responsibility - which humans do not have if there are no guidelines for morality. RESEARCH HUMAN HISTORY!!!

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:20 AM

There are going to be miliions of Laura Bushs running around, staying in the kitchen making dinner and birthing babies. HA

So? How is that a bad thing? Some of us CHOOSE to be stay at home Moms. I have a Masters degree and was working as a Marriage, Family and Child Counselor. I always knew that when I started a family I would actually RAISE my children and not pay others to do it for me.

There is nothing wrong with believing that if you have children it is your responsibility to raise them. There is nothing wrong with devoting your life to raising productive members of society. I worked with children who were neglected and who suffered because their parents didn't make them a priority. I have seen what a struggle those children will have their entire lives because nobody cared enough about them to raise them. Daycare and schools cannot replace the love of a Mother or Father. Why bother having children if you don't even plan on raising them yourselves? I understand that some people HAVE to have 2 incomes to support their family, but for those that have a choice in the matter I think it is admirable for Moms (or Dads) to put their career on hold while they raise their children.

Maybe you don't know this ... but most of the women that are like Laura Bush who stay at home and bake cookies and raise their children, don't just take child raising seriously, they also take charity seriously and are very involved in the community.

No more Rap music, No more Rock and Roll, no more Simpsons, no more Sopranos. No more Friends. Everything will be Inbred Country music and church hymms.

ROFL. Are you serious? Where are you getting that? I am a Republican and I have no intention of listening to country music or church hymns (unless of course I'm in church). I not only listen to an assortment of alternative music, but because of my husbands friendships with well known artists, I also have a good time going to dinner and hanging out with the musicians that I listen to. And you know what? You might be surprised to learn that a lot of them voted for Bush!

Personally I think people are fed up with the 'me' generation and the Jerry Springer shows, Rosie O'Donnell feeling compelled to tell the world she is gay, that sort of thing. People want to get back to basic values, neighbor helping neighbor, Moms staying home with the children, taking personal reponsibility rather than expecting the Government to always bail you out, etc.

It has less to do with religion and more to do with old fashioned values. The airing of dirty laundry and public announcements of sexual preference has gone too far and I think people are starting to realize that and want to make changes.


posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:23 AM
So how about me I am an american and I don't believe in religous propaganda so, now I have to disapear to make the "religious" happy. Excuse me is all a whole bunch of crap.

Now I have to appologize for having a brain and been an independant thinker, well we really divide in thsi nation "the zombies" and " thinkers"

[edit on 103030p://444 by marg6043]

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:29 AM
"It" may be all crap, but consider this: This nation was founded on moral and ethical principle's. It's not going to change no time soon. It is no surprise at all that the election boiled down to (a) moral and ethical issue(s)...none at all.


[edit on 4-11-2004 by Seekerof]

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
So how about me I am an american and I don't believe in religous propaganda so, now I have to disapear to make the "religious" happy. Excuse me is all a whole bunch of crap.

Now I have to appologize for having a brain and been an independant thinker, well we really divide in thsi nation "the zombies" and " thinkers"

[edit on 103030p://444 by marg6043]

There ya go - I state my case. Let's all blame the Christians/Religion/Church - You do what you want now don't you? Man

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:29 AM
You stamp your foot and declare your opinions. Is that enough?

And this is your idea, what "independent thinking" consists of?

You put up your opinions, as if they constitute truth, and we are supposed to label your preferences as "sacred"?

Oooookay. But, I doubt that opinions themselves have any merit.

Just facts have merit.

[edit on 4-11-2004 by Emily_Cragg]

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:34 AM

So how about me I am an american and I don't believe in religous propaganda so, now I have to disapear to make the "religious" happy. Excuse me is all a whole bunch of crap. Now I have to appologize for having a brain and been an independant thinker, well we really divide in thsi nation "the zombies" and " thinkers"

You consider yourself to be one of the thinkers? I don�t think I have yet read one of your posts without having to translate all the broken English, grammatical errors and poor spelling. Your thoughts spew out on screen like someone having a fit or seizure. Please educate yourself first before claiming the high position of being a, �thinker�. I laugh every time you put others down and claim yourself to be an intellectual.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by Seekerof
It is no surprise at all that the election boiled down to (a) moral and ethical issue(s)...none at all.


[edit on 4-11-2004 by Seekerof]

Guess what people came to this country almost decimated the original population because they had the right to escape religious percecution, but they did not have to respect nobody else but themseves, and now religious fundamentalist wants to persecute anybody that does not agree with them, they want gays to dispear and all of us that agree with the rights of everybody with them, if you are not a christian you worship a false god and muslins are evil in the eyes of most people, very interesting.

yes this nation morals are very high and you right I think it was founded on hatred.
With a sticker that read "freedom for all" but does not apply to none christians.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:38 AM
Machine, HA!

This wasn't supposed to be a Canada Vs. U.S. thing. Go on and on about socialistic Canada blah blah blah. I could care less. That is so typical. Instead of answering anything you go on the offensive. Blah blah gov't run schools, socialistic health care... At least I don't have to take out a loan if I break my arm.

Canada is 1/10th the size of the US in population and not nearly as aggressive. I travel the US, I like the country and Americans have been nothing but very welcoming and polite.

And, Sure Canada buys 40 year old subs that can't keep water out. Sure we have helicopters that crash into landing pads. And our dollar is crap. But we also keep the peace in the world and not make up a war.

I just simply said I don't understand the reasoning behind putting this man back in power. Thats all. Everything against the Republican party, nothing against the American people.

And my grammar and spelling does suck because I'm uneducated.

So educate me, Machine. Don't give me the same crap that Bush has been feeding the world and don't bash Canada, just tell me what you think,

Without Dubya dropping a nuclear bomb in downtown Baghdad, how do you possibly think this war in Iraq is going end? Bush will just stick to the course which means what?

What do you say to the millions and millions in the world who would benefit from stem cell research? I'm sure every american would be backing this thing if every american had cancer or broke their neck.

Bush has destroyed your economy in his 1st 4 years, thats a fact. Do you really think he will help the situation in the next 4 years? Add to the deficit maybe? And don't give me the crap he was saying on how he added jobs.

Don't live up to your American stereotype. Just tell me what you think, Machine.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by ThatsJustWeird
It's a good thing for us we live in the real world and not in your fantasy world.

Reality is relative....

Live... and let live...

[edit on 4-11-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
...and now religious fundamentalist wants to persecute anybody that does not agree with them, they want gays to dispear and all of us that agree with the rights of everybody with them, if you are not a christian you worship a false god and muslins are evil in the eyes of most people, very interesting.

Isn't the theme of this site to Deny Ignorance?

Seems to me religious people recieve more "persecution" and grief from non religious people than they dish out. Just look around this site.

Please provide links or some sort of proof to back up your other ridiculous statements.

Without Dubya dropping a nuclear bomb in downtown Baghdad, how do you possibly think this war in Iraq is going end? Bush will just stick to the course which means what?

Impossible to know now.

How would it end with Kerry in office?

What do you say to the millions and millions in the world who would benefit from stem cell research?

What part of 'Bush is the only president to allow stem cell research' is confusing to people?

Bush has destroyed your economy in his 1st 4 years, thats a fact.


I'm debating on whether or not I should wait until you have a clue before answering this...
Could be a while though

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:57 AM

No, I wasn't all that serious. Truthfully, I don't think Rock and Roll and The Simpsons are going anywhere. And truthfully I wouldn't care if 3/4 of the states turned Amish.

I didn't mean to put the emphasis as much on the birthing babies part. I meant Laura Bush being the subservient 'yes sir' to Dubya. You have strong women in Hillary Clinton and Teresa Heinz-Kerry, yet you go for the waif for First Women.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:57 AM

The Canadian dollar getting stronger, oh man that’s a riot. Your dollar is barely worth the paper it’s written on. Our dollar is the world standard of exchange and will continue to be so for a long time. I love making purchases in Canada everything cost one-third the price.

Slightly off topic, but it seems US dollar is coming down fast. It just hit the all time low ever against euro.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by ThatsJustWeird

Please provide links or some sort of proof to back up your other ridiculous statements.

Used the search botton here in ATS you will fine pleanty of them. What? you wants me to do it for you heck no.

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