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The real reason why the Democrats lost...again

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posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by DrHoracid
Hey I will buy the ticket and pay the $500 application fee. So please anyone who voted for Kerry and wants to get the hell out of here I will pay for the one-way to anywhere.

Hey, we have plenty of space. Plenty of Health Care but tonnes of snow. So it balances itself out.
I can joke about things because I don't have to live under Dubya.

I'm new to this board, but after reading some of these posts here, I know why Bush won! Because I can't understand a word half of you people are writing!!! GrndLkNatv I'm looking in your direction. Are you calling me a Republican? I'm a left wing Canadian...

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 09:47 AM
[edit on 5-11-2004 by genesiss]

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:01 AM
"u know your right,, lets stay,, so we have a choice then,, let things get worse and hand over everyting to the rich, corrupt and powerfull and have NO privacy or rights OR,, try to change this country which im sure u all must realise wont be acceptable to the powers that be,, so what happens? What this boils down to is a choice, we either accept this and stop fighting or we try to make changes and believe me there will be a fight if we try that, i personally will just have to accept this because me trying to join to fight this wont accomplish anything beneficial, its gone on for too long and its far to corrupt and powerfull to stop "

This reminds me of a former time in this country, when the English were here. Sounds like we need to fight. I never said give in, I said live with the president we have, but I didn't say we couldn't make his life a living hell
with filibusters, investigations, you know make his grey hair fall out from stress. It happened to Bill Clinton, the people who don't like Bush just need to return the favor, stand up and be counted.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:13 AM
Grand Lk Moron, Clinton was/is/always will be scum, Kerry was is scum. Those that would use my work and location for evil already know who I am and where I am. Your last posting shows your true colors anyway. Stay in CO, the heavy metals might help you. Bush is a good man. Ashcroft will be calling you soon. I will make sure he finds YOU and all you home grown terrorist. By the way did you know McVay? Tell him hello when you see him again.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:13 AM
that is your right ...

go for it.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:20 AM

Grand Lk Moron, Clinton was/is/always will be scum, Kerry was is scum. Those that would use my work and location for evil already know who I am and where I am. Your last posting shows your true colors anyway. Stay in CO, the heavy metals might help you. Bush is a good man. Ashcroft will be calling you soon. I will make sure he finds YOU and all you home grown terrorist. By the way did you know McVay? Tell him hello when you see him again. "

Have Asscrack call me, and since he is resigning this week, maybe we can go fishing together. I won't be seeing McVay you idiot and you just proved your lack of intellect and maturity. So the real question is , who did you vote for? Are you a typical member of that party?

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:23 AM
u both ought to be Very ashamed of yourselves.
if you continue this vemon i'll ignore u both

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:28 AM
I have made my points, though rather rough, and they have been more than factual, the other person in the debate has let his brain be over run by his .....

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by DrHoracid
Grand Lk Moron, Clinton was/is/always will be scum, Kerry was is scum. Those that would use my work and location for evil already know who I am and where I am. Your last posting shows your true colors anyway. Stay in CO, the heavy metals might help you. Bush is a good man. Ashcroft will be calling you soon. I will make sure he finds YOU and all you home grown terrorist. By the way did you know McVay? Tell him hello when you see him again.

Wow that was a little bit loopy dont ya think? Home grown terrorist, becasue they are democrats LOL, wow. And your working for our GOV?

Bottom line is our country (other than the spending of untold monies to see why the president got a blow job) was in a better place, everything , jobs, economy, foreign policy. these are FACTS. Look them up, if you are as smart as you say you are, you have no choice but to see that. and for GOD sakes take your meds

[edit on 4-11-2004 by ShiftTrio]

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:39 AM
"Wow that was a little bit loopy dont ya think? Home grown terrorist, becasue they are democrats LOL, wow. And your working for our GOV?

Bottom line is a country (other than the spending of untold monies to see why the president got a blow job) was in a better place, everything , jobs, economy, foreign policy. these a FACTS. Look them up, if you are as smart as you say you are, you have no choice but to see that. and for GOD sakes take your meds"

He almost sounds like a Nazi doesn't he? I mean if you are democrat or independent you need to be silenced.... Wow! This person has 2 Ph.D's and builds Bioweapons for the military according to his posts. Wonder if some of that weapons grade material hasn't rotted his brain. Wonder if his security clearance shouldnt' be revoked because he is mentally unstable. I think his posts would prove that to the DIS don't you.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:40 AM
1) Kerrys prime support was drawn on people who refused to live past the 2000 election ( see next Comment)

2) Kerry opened the door to his Veitnam days... Many vets still held vemon for his role in the Antiwar Movement
* Anger runs deep and clouds one thoughts. I believe these two issues produced much of the discord

3) Many people don't want to believe in a silent majority of america that is very moderate. Bush was closer to the center than Kerry.

4) Kerry didn't establish his 20 year history in the senate enough.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:41 AM
Your arrogance is typical of the "intellectual Left". McVay is dead.......get it. Liberalisim is dead...........get it. Also you need to do some research on the origin of corporations. You lost again. I voted with my own blood back in the 70's.........somewhere in the jungle. Newt is my hero by the way. So is Ollie North. I am not now nor will I ever be "ashamed" of fighting ignorance such as lives in CO.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:49 AM
"Grand Lk Moron

Your arrogance is typical of the "intellectual Left". McVay is dead.......get it. Liberalisim is dead...........get it. Also you need to do some research on the origin of corporations. You lost again. I voted with my own blood back in the 70's.........somewhere in the jungle. Newt is my hero by the way. So is Ollie North. I am not now nor will I ever be "ashamed" of fighting ignorance such as lives in CO."

You are a typical Texan, got your butt whooped, don't know when to shut your mouth. As for being a liberal, Registered republican here, my father was personal pals with Ronald Reagan. The only ignorance your fighting is your own which bears out in your childish rants above.

[edit on 4-11-2004 by GrndLkNatv]

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:49 AM
while i can't complain I did well ecomonically under Clinton
these were not glory days.

we suffered several terror attacks during his time some were prevented but more succeeded.

the only damning thing 'bout his oral sex thing was he lied under oath plain and simple. Hell if Hillary was MY wife i may have too.

we didn't give our troops live ammo in the start up to Somalia.

Let's not go down the road to revisiting the Clinton days

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by St Udio

Why not just let the Democrat Party die a quiet death?

all this analysis for discovering ways to revive a evolutionary dead-end

the 21st century deserves more Independent & Libertarian Stature !!
to vie with the Republican mindset


Its clear that the republicans are going to be in control for a long time, but that doesn't mean the death of the democrats (the oldest political party around is just simply going to roll over.) Every party struggles now and then, the republicans struggled during the FDR period, so in time the democrats will make a comeback.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:58 AM
Lets please refrain from calling fellow members idiots and morons, before little red flags start to appear, shall we? Thanks!

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 11:13 AM
hmmmm, i'll jump in here....let's see....

the white house 8 straight years

more gains in the house and senate

governerships in two states

refusal of gay marriage rights in 11 states

i have said in several other threads, and shall reiterate here. the liberals in the democratic party are the problem. all democrats aren't bad, just the left wingers who have no concept of the fact that the majority of americans are not in agreement with their liberal agenda. period. THAT, my friends, is why Bush won this election, pure and simple.

the democrats need to toss the far left liberal faction out of the party, get back to some semblance of representing family values, and then they will begin to recover.

hmmm, possibly that oral sex in the white house had a negative affect after all.

oh, one more thing, i am certain, as i have been in other threads, to be called a bible thumping, right wing christian. no problem, as i am not that extreme in my views, what i am, is a realist, and i call 'em like i see 'em.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 12:59 PM
This is the real reason why bush won . I warn you ,tho, that this is hard to accecpt.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by smokenmirrors
hmmmm, i'll jump in here....let's see....

the white house 8 straight years

more gains in the house and senate

governerships in two states

refusal of gay marriage rights in 11 states

i have said in several other threads, and shall reiterate here. the liberals in the democratic party are the problem. all democrats aren't bad, just the left wingers who have no concept of the fact that the majority of americans are not in agreement with their liberal agenda. period. THAT, my friends, is why Bush won this election, pure and simple.

the democrats need to toss the far left liberal faction out of the party, get back to some semblance of representing family values, and then they will begin to recover.

hmmm, possibly that oral sex in the white house had a negative affect after all.

oh, one more thing, i am certain, as i have been in other threads, to be called a bible thumping, right wing christian. no problem, as i am not that extreme in my views, what i am, is a realist, and i call 'em like i see 'em.

I agree with you the Dirty Hippies on the Far left, are just as bad as the Neo-Con Christian Right. What sucks is we have so many people on the far side of each, and they are the one on the TV pushing their agendas and putting the face on both parties. So now you say Democract you think dirty hippy and Rep. a crazy, war loving christian nut job. (thats how both sidse now see each other). But I would bet my life there are more of us normal middle people, Dem or Rep who can see things that work on both sides, We need a new party for us (the middle folk). What should we call it. How about the Real Americans =)

Just my 2 cents

[edit on 4-11-2004 by ShiftTrio]

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by ShiftTrio

Originally posted by smokenmirrors
hmmmm, i'll jump in here....let's see....

the white house 8 straight years

more gains in the house and senate

governerships in two states

refusal of gay marriage rights in 11 states

i have said in several other threads, and shall reiterate here. the liberals in the democratic party are the problem. all democrats aren't bad, just the left wingers who have no concept of the fact that the majority of americans are not in agreement with their liberal agenda. period. THAT, my friends, is why Bush won this election, pure and simple.

the democrats need to toss the far left liberal faction out of the party, get back to some semblance of representing family values, and then they will begin to recover.

hmmm, possibly that oral sex in the white house had a negative affect after all.

oh, one more thing, i am certain, as i have been in other threads, to be called a bible thumping, right wing christian. no problem, as i am not that extreme in my views, what i am, is a realist, and i call 'em like i see 'em.

I agree with you the Dirty Hippies on the Far left, are just as bad as the Neo-Con Christian Right. What sucks is we have so many people on the far side of each, and they are the one on the TV pushing their agendas and putting the face on both parties. So now you say Democract you think dirty hippy and Rep. a crazy, war loving christian nut job. (thats how both sidse now see each other). But I would bet my life there are more of us normal middle people, Dem or Rep who can see things that work on both sides, We need a new party for us (the middle folk). What should we call it. How about the Real Americans =)

Just my 2 cents

[edit on 4-11-2004 by ShiftTrio]

Now that's about the most sensible thing I've read for quite some time on this site.

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