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The real reason why the Democrats lost...again

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posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 08:07 AM
I found this article on Counterpunch that give some decent reasons why John Kerry clearly lost this election. The article is pretty extensive, but an interesting read. Actually, the first four paragraphs (what I've posted here) sums it up pretty well.

There are many reasons for what is an overwhelming Republican victory across the board. They range from the disastrous choice of John Edwards as Kerry's running mate to delusions about the potency of electronic organizing (that should have been demolished after Howard Dean's implosion last spring), to the fatal deficiencies of Kerry himself.

The strategy of the Democratic Party as formulated by DNC chairman Terry McAuliffe amounted to belief in the simple potency of corporate cash, plus hysterical demonization of Bush and Nader, represented at full stretch by Michael Moore, who began the year backing General Wesley Clarke and ended it as a pied piper for Kerry. They came to the Rubicon of November 2 replete with fantasies, about the unknown cell phone vote, the youth vote (which actually remained unchanged from 2000), the galvanizing potential of Bruce Springsteen and Eminem.

Week after week Kerry and his boosters displayed an unmatched deafness to political tone. The haughty elitist from Boston probably lost most of the Midwest forever when he said in the high summer that foreign leaders hoped he would win. The applause of the French in Cannes for Michael Moore's 9/11 was the sound of the cement drying over the corpse of Kerry's chances of carrying the Midwest. Soros's dollars were like flowers on the grave. After the billionairess Portuguese-American Teresa Heinz Kerry said in mid-October that Laura Bush had never held a job it was all over.

If there was a visual premonition of why George Bush would achieve a popular majority beyond challenge it was probably the photographs of gay couples celebrating their marriages outside San Francisco's city hall. America is a very Christian country. In the regular national survey conducted by the University of Chicago in 2002, 53 per cent of the adult population identified themselves as Protestant, 25 per cent as Catholic, 3 per cent as Christians of some other denomination, 3 per cent as adhering to "other religions", 2 per cent as Jewish and 14 per cent as having "no religion". That's a lot of Christians, and though many of them may have had a mature tolerance for the preference of Dick and Lynn Cheney's daughter Mary, a strong percentage felt very strongly that state sanction of same sex marriage was going way too far.

As much as I dislike President Bush, it just seems as if the Democrats are trying to find something, something to blame for their defeat this election year.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 08:20 AM
Just like in 2000. Back then it was Terry McAuliffe. He survived only to possibly become the sacrificial lamb this time around. This year the Dems had thousands of lawyers ready to challenge unfairness and illegalities at polling stations because they thought that would be the key. What will their strategy be in 2008? Latest surveys indicate nearly ALL Americans feel the voting was fair and conducted legally (CNN last night, Aaron Brown's show, 10PM hour).

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 08:45 AM

Why not just let the Democrat Party die a quiet death?

all this analysis for discovering ways to revive a evolutionary dead-end

the 21st century deserves more Independent & Libertarian Stature !!
to vie with the Republican mindset


posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 08:52 AM
Yes, Kerry won the election, Zogby International in its final polling, and exit polling says it is so. There are discrepencies where the auditing trail is absent, namely where electronic voting machines were used without hard copy.

Shame on America for eating so many Burgers, gobbling up Diet Coke, and suffocating in fluoride, so to have such diminished brain capacity as to accept at face value this fraudulant election. Shame!

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by St Udio

Why not just let the Democrat Party die a quiet death?

all this analysis for discovering ways to revive a evolutionary dead-end

the 21st century deserves more Independent & Libertarian Stature !!
to vie with the Republican mindset


That argument makes sense...but only in a Utopian manner...

The fact is that we live in a society where we get what we want or we keep trying...even if we continue to make asses out of ourselves - I don't think the Democratic party has gotten quite to that level yet, but with the obvious Evangelical and conservative support Americans have recently poured out, it may be a trend that party will continue to face with much stronger opposition over the years to come....

I think it is time for a new party to step forward to either replace or join...but it's clear that many Americans are either unaware of their existence or are too stubborn and/or tied to their party values to accept the change...

[edit on 11/4/2004 by EnronOutrunHomerun]

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 08:56 AM
I liked Kerry far more than Bush. Kerry could string sentences together that made some sense.

But Kerry and the Democrats are NOT the answer or alternative to the Republicans. Democrats never seemed to give that final knock out punch.

CNN also reported that the Wind surfing shot really made alot of Democrats grind their teeth.

[edit on 4-11-2004 by MoveToCanada]

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 09:02 AM
The president was re-elected but today it's official, he's a lame duck, will really have no power anywhere as the Democrats can filibuster until the cows come home and the members of the republican party also know he is powerless so they will do as they please as well.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 09:02 AM
Hey I will buy the ticket and pay the $500 application fee. So please anyone who voted for Kerry and wants to get the hell out of here I will pay for the one-way to anywhere.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 09:04 AM

Hey I will buy the ticket and pay the $500 application fee. So please anyone who voted for Kerry and wants to get the hell out of here I will pay for the one-way to anywhere. "

We have a rift in this country, and this person's quotes, really help to heal that. A typical Republican I am better than you when they are just working class slugs like the rest of us, unsatisfied with their lives to they try to drag everyone else down in the mud with them.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by DrHoracid
Hey I will buy the ticket and pay the $500 application fee. So please anyone who voted for Kerry and wants to get the hell out of here I will pay for the one-way to anywhere.

I'll take you up on that offer.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 09:10 AM
I am tired of all this "can't we all get alone" garbage. I am a working stiff......We have had 40 years of liberalizm stuffed down out throats and its time to take back our country from the communist "want-to-be's". Coming together to lib's means "see-it-my-way".

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 09:12 AM
"Heal the Rift?

I am tired of all this "can't we all get alone" garbage. I am a working stiff......We have had 40 years of liberalizm stuffed down out throats and its time to take back our country from the communist "want-to-be's". Coming together to lib's means "see-it-my-way". "

Did you call Rush before you wrote that crap???? Do you really believe the commies are coming?? You know that Sam Adams was a liberal? You ever think for yourself or do you just follow?

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 09:16 AM
Rush is too liberal for me. So I tell him what to say everyday. Are you aware that CO is the most poisioned place in the US. All those years of mining have put heavy metals into the water. You should move to save your health. See I am a compassionate conservative.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 09:17 AM

as mentioned by SkipShipman
Shame on America for eating so many Burgers, gobbling up Diet Coke, and suffocating in fluoride, so to have such diminished brain capacity as to accept at face value this fraudulant election. Shame!

Your a frequent reader of the Daily Mirror also?

As to a "fraudulant" election, two things:
Please feel free to present your factual evidences to such, and...
if Mr. Kerry had won, would you still consider the election to be fraudulant?


[edit on 4-11-2004 by Seekerof]

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 09:21 AM

Rush is too liberal for me. So I tell him what to say everyday. Are you aware that CO is the most poisioned place in the US. All those years of mining have put heavy metals into the water. You should move to save your health. See I am a compassionate conservative."

Considering that I am a 13th generation native Virginian who keeps houses all over the country, and will celebrate my families 400th of residence here in 3 years, I can honestly say that you need to go back to your measly day job.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 09:25 AM
Don't be so arrogant. My family's been here just as long. Ever heard of Willian Bradford? My "day job" is designing and building bio-labs for DoD. Two Phd's, MIT and Cornell. So now what.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 09:33 AM

Don't be so arrogant. My family's been here just as long. Ever heard of Willian Bradford? My "day job" is designing and building bio-labs for DoD. Two Phd's, MIT and Cornell. So now what. "

Just proved your an idiot, you just told everyone on the planet who you are and what you do for a living.

I didn't.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 09:34 AM
I can understand how you feel but go off to a blown right wing agenda would not satisfy the silent majority of this country. We need to remeber that. I don't wanna see the next four years found to abolish abortion so that Women can hate thier undesired children.
I don't wanna see our country pandering to corperations who legitimately need to step up to the plate to better this nation.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 09:41 AM
[edit on 5-11-2004 by genesiss]

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 09:46 AM
[edit on 5-11-2004 by genesiss]

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