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Anyone like me think theres nothing special about area-51?

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posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 11:48 AM
I just think it really is what it is a Aircraft and weapons R&D facility. Ok that is kinda cool but then I think most the R&D's done off site anyway and the aircraft are just manufacured and stored here and at Tonopah.

Now that doesnt mean I dont think there any very dodgy US bases that are up to no good.

I think the US most likey have dozens of bases dotted about some not even in the USA! Bases we have no idea about. Makes sense as they created alot of bases dureing the cold war and the best defence is secrecy.

Hell a number of people who have been detained by the CIA/MI6 have spoken about being detained in black sites totaly off the grid.

Off couse I dont think these bases are all up to no good most are most likely just storage and bunkers for top officials and "VIP's".

I honnestly think the USA is useing Area 51 as a distraction while they are doing there REAL secret stuff at a diffrent location.

Anyone else have this line of thought? That there are likely dozens or hundreds of bases and bunkers dotted about the USA and Europe and that Area 51 is most likely just a simple Aircraft R&D site?
edit on 23-4-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 12:06 PM
I wonder why military personnel with top secret security clearance ( able to handle nukes) are not high enough security level clearance to access Area 51?

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by crazyewok

I often wonder where areas 1 through 50 are. And did it stop at 51? Is there an area 52?

It keeps me awake sometimes....

But seriously, I have no idea what goes on at area51. It could very well be like you say, nothing special.

edit on 23-4-2013 by operation mindcrime because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by crazyewok

Like Fort Knox ?

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by micmerci

Im not sure how the security clearance works but I assumed that because you have top secret clearance for one thing it doesn't mean you have to have clearance for another.

My point is you authorised to handle nukes but why does that mean you need to know the latest Aircraft R&D?
The less people that know the less chance of espionage.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by operation mindcrime
reply to post by crazyewok

I often wonder where areas 1 through 50 are. And did it stop at 51? Is there an area 52?

It keeps me awake sometimes....

But seriously, I have no idea what goes on at area51. It could very well be like you say, nothing special.

edit on 23-4-2013 by operation mindcrime because: (no reason given)

I believe the areas were designated with numbers by the army a while back for various purposes.

Yes there areas designated with Area # same as the what Area 51 is, its just that in that bit of land there is a military base.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by operation mindcrime
reply to post by crazyewok

I often wonder where areas 1 through 50 are. And did it stop at 51? Is there an area 52?

It keeps me awake sometimes....

But seriously, I have no idea what goes on at area51. It could very well be like you say, nothing special.

edit on 23-4-2013 by operation mindcrime because: (no reason given)

Area 51 lies within the Nevada Test and Training Range. The name Area 51 is simply the designation of the parcel of land on which the base sits. As viewed on a map.

I agree with the OP to some extent, while I think the base at area 51 is an active testing bed for future and captured aircraft maybe the ultra secret stuff is elsewhere. While everyone has their eyes on Area 51 the government can get on with other projects with impunity.

However as no one has any hope of getting in for a snoop around they can realistically do what they like in there. Therefore it may hold some meaty tech after all?

edit on 23/4/2013 by Grifter81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by crazyewok

Is Area 51 all that is said about it? I doubt it, However I do think there is a hella lot more than just R&D for stealth planes going on there.

Groom Lake complex is HUGE! And look around the whole Area there are facilities dotted all across the map. Don't forget that just to the west of Homey Airbase is the testing of the World's first Nuclear weapons and the most Nuclear radiated place on the planet!

New Drone Airbase
Underground Bases

But sure there are many, many bases and I am betting that most of it is done Underground now but as far as other Countries they love Woomera or Pine Gap

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by micmerci
I wonder why military personnel with top secret security clearance ( able to handle nukes) are not high enough security level clearance to access Area 51?

A Top Secret Clearance gives you access to Top Secret material when you have a need to know. However the government also has lots of compartmented clearances. Special access, special catagory, code word etc. This is done to keep random dude with TS from haveing access to everything in particular things he has no need to know. Most of those special access programs have require to be in a certain job to be read into the program. Access is taken away as soon as you no longer in that position.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by crazyewok

Thanks for making this thread. Ive ALWAYS thought that area 51 was a massive red herring, in respect of it having et's and alien technology. I mean, they couldnt make it MORE mysterious if they tried, and while everyone is looking there, they are not looking elsewhere.
s and f.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by micmerci
I wonder why military personnel with top secret security clearance ( able to handle nukes) are not high enough security level clearance to access Area 51?

Maybe to make it look even more secret.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by crazyewok

I just think it really is what it is a Aircraft and weapons R&D facility. Ok that is kinda cool but then I think most the R&D's done off site anyway and the aircraft are just manufacured and stored here and at Tonopah.

Well, I can't really offer much because: A) I have never been to the area and B) Even if I were to go there, I wouldn't be allowed to see much,. lol.

So, I have to base my opinion on what I have watched, seen and read over the years, between TV, the web and old fashioned books. That opinion is that IF there was anything to hide (as far as flying machines) Area 51 would be a good place. On the flip... it's also almost a tourist attraction now so... I imagine that anything really good and secret has been moved.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:46 PM
If the US government which is under so much scrutiny world wide wanted to conduct illegal or unethical research which would be foolish to think they wouldn't, it would be in a small scale hidden location.

Things like this would be done in facility that would require as small number of personnel as possible.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 04:44 PM
I've been there. I had the clearance, albeit temporary to receive mission essential items.
It's a storage depot...'s the things being stored there that would blow your mind.
It has nothing to do with any kind of advanced technology.

Think "medical grade" narcotics.

Things like that.

This is all I'll say on the matter.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by AFewGoodWomen
I've been there. I had the clearance, albeit temporary to receive mission essential items.
It's a storage depot...'s the things being stored there that would blow your mind.
It has nothing to do with any kind of advanced technology.

Think "medical grade" narcotics.

Things like that.

This is all I'll say on the matter.

I think I get what your saying

Actually a advanced storage dump makes sense. I can imagine hangers and warehouses full of weapons of all varietys and stored expirmental aircraft some failed projects. No aliens or free engery.

As for "medical grade" narcotics. I have been to places that make and store such and undertsand they are kept pretty hush even in the private center for obvious reasons.

edit on 23-4-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-4-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-4-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 05:02 PM
There are probably 51 other areas like area 51, so.. nope, I don't think its that special

Its probably just a super secret decoy nowadays

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posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 05:09 PM
Thing is so much money going into black projects and so many US departments that dont seem to know what the other is doing couple with many currupt, unethical and dubius politicians and people in high places its a given some dodgy stuff is going to be going on.

But I doubt such research is being done in high profile places IE area 51.

Hell if for example I was some twisted politican who say wanted to conduct millitary research into the application of cloning and I had a billion doller budget I would use one of the thousands of uninhabbited pacific islands or a "small" facility that required minimal guards and personal.
edit on 23-4-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 06:37 PM
There is so much wrong in this thread, I don't know where to start.

I just think it really is what it is a Aircraft and weapons R&D facility. Ok that is kinda cool but then I think most the R&D's done off site anyway and the aircraft are just manufacured and stored here and at Tonopah.

The aircraft are manufactured elsewhere. They might do a bit of final assembly at Groom, but I think with current aircraft design, that may not be so easy. That is with most aircraft, you can take off the wings, which makes them easier to put on a cargo plane and haul to the base for testing. With modern composite aircraft or say blended wing design, that may not be possible.

But it is unlikely they are manufacturing aircraft at Groom Lake. Rather, they just test them there. You can't do that at the factory with any sort of expectation of privacy. Further, you need static and dynamic RCS testing of the final product.

The Tonopah Test Range doesn't have the same natural geographic security as Groom Lake. If you know the dirt roads out there, you could view the base with wheel chair access. The base can be seem from route 6 in a few places, though off in the distance. The only real security for the base is that is it in a remote area of Nevada. Case in point is nobody got a shot of the RQ-170, even though the USAF put out a press release about a new UAV squad to be based there. The press doesn't have the money to investigate facilities. You can't post some dude with a camera in a remote area of Nevada until they get a shot of the new bird. Plus they can test in darkness. By and large, the press just rewrites press releases. There are exceptions of course, but not many.

Hell a number of people who have been detained by the CIA/MI6 have spoken about being detained in black sites totaly off the grid.

The black sites weren't exactly off the grid. Plane spotters and radio monitors figured out the general area, then people on the ground found the black sites. The problem the CIA had was their planes could be tracked via the internet since they used civilian aircraft. Once the shell companies were discovered, this wasn't that hard, especially with the lousy programing these internet flight tracking sites implemented.

I honnestly think the USA is useing Area 51 as a distraction while they are doing there REAL secret stuff at a diffrent location.

You can think what you want, but perhaps investigating is a better plan. Groom Lake expands every year or two. The place is hardly in mothballs. Further, where exactly are you going to set up this new secret base and equip it with all the things needed in stealth aircraft development like RCS. They just built a hush house for engine testing, probably due to the few reports of people hearing jet noise by the front gate.

I believe the areas were designated with numbers by the army a while back for various purposes. Yes there areas designated with Area # same as the what Area 51 is, its just that in that bit of land there is a military base.

Close, but the DOE picked the area numbers. If you get to Control Point One, the map on the wall still has Area 51 on it. Most maps these days dropped it.

I've been there. I had the clearance, albeit temporary to receive mission essential items. It's a storage depot...'s the things being stored there that would blow your mind. It has nothing to do with any kind of advanced technology. Think "medical grade" narcotics. Things like that. This is all I'll say on the matter.

Uh, I don't think so. You really need to stop saying you have been there.

Thing is so much money going into black projects and so many US departments that dont seem to know what the other is doing couple with many currupt, unethical and dubius politicians and people in high places its a given some dodgy stuff is going to be going on. But I doubt such research is being done in high profile places IE area 51. Hell if for example I was some twisted politican who say wanted to conduct millitary research into the application of cloning and I had a billion doller budget I would use one of the thousands of uninhabbited pacific islands or a "small" facility that required minimal guards and personal.

Ah yes, the old secret facility in the middle of nowhere internet meme. OK, you can have a secret facility, but the middle of nowhere doesn't exactly work. While Groom Lake and the TTR are in remote areas, the workers fly in and out on jets. There is a limit to how much nonsense professionals will put up with in a job. OK, a daily flight of less than an hour is tolerable. A trip to some hell hole in the Pacific...not so much. In fact the Nevada Test Site was created just so the highly skilled personnel could live in a reasonable town (if you consider Sin City reasonable) and still work on bombs. Hanging out in the Atols got to be really old really quickly.

DUMBS yawn.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by gariac

Ah yes, the old secret facility in the middle of nowhere internet meme. OK, you can have a secret facility, but the middle of nowhere doesn't exactly work. While Groom Lake and the TTR are in remote areas, the workers fly in and out on jets. There is a limit to how much nonsense professionals will put up with in a job. OK, a daily flight of less than an hour is tolerable. A trip to some hell hole in the Pacific...not so much. In fact the Nevada Test Site was created just so the highly skilled personnel could live in a reasonable town (if you consider Sin City reasonable) and still work on bombs. Hanging out in the Atols got to

Depends what the facilitys used for. I got a job offer for a post in lab in the middle of the saudi arabian desert (private sector). Was 3 months and would pay a years wages. So any posting on a remote base would likely be like that. 3 months work then hand it over to another team.

Dont know why its hard to beleive in bunkers and bases off the grid. It makes perfect sense defence wise, well dureing the cold war anyway.

Im not talking aliens and lizzard people BS anyway.
edit on 23-4-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 08:13 PM

Depends what the facilitys used for. I got a job offer for a post in lab in the middle of the saudi arabian desert (private sector). Was 3 months and would pay a years wages. So any posting on a remote base would likely be like that. 3 months work then hand it over to another team. Dont know why its hard to beleive in bunkers and bases off the grid. It makes perfect sense defence wise, well dureing the cold war anyway.
reply to post by crazyewok

These aircraft projects take years to complete. You can't get much done in 3 month stints. Half your time would be training your replacement. Things will not work the first time, You need to design, build, fail, and redesign, hopefully without anyone getting hurt in the process.

Underground construction is still construction, just a hell of a lot more complicated. It doesn't occur in a vacuum. It starts with soil studies. They core/pit the area. If there is an earthquake fault in the area, they probably will trench to see where it is located. You just don't get a shovel and dig. Then you need to get rid of the dirt. The facility still needs power, so you need to run it there or use generators. Generations need fuel. Yada yada yada. This is way harder than it sounds on paper.

Even Groom Lake uses power generated outside the facility. They are in the process of adding power via a route to the east side of the base, perhaps for new equipment or redundancy.

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